î lb Bxug 20c. lOc. aoRRESPcmDENOE. POUT PRay.'~~ Twenty-six new lawYera mer. awoa,nbaidhave in andýenrolled at Oagoode ai, Tor- "r& omalotc onto, on- Tueaay lust. Thank good. fal day t th nees there are eMMlia few t.ft mi t e tyhe Cocuftry uhe are noityet lawlers. NOu bptt vuc.iniiP tiietthe. gentlemen ame xuming short I the ladies ha"e b aunto pour in. Wre~ 'he Reach counoil-have -taken the. taxhbulhby the horne in'the most im- iluthbow M pressive manner, theylia"v isuedu-heir the syutsm la mandate.in tle shape ef a by-law, à ye' SW@ B gN !rdrin that aII rat.er. i h m i.h municipu w ô hohave n»b paï id ie. ti -taxes for tii.proct year -b.for.'the eâd frb firet day cf Domenext vil b. fln' "" b twepr et.o 0 efaeof the &Moiunt- of Z,t«-«~tae. Bit if Mid taxe Are -net paid befere the. fourtoenth day of _ Ker_ - - Decembier the, fine ahaHleb.four par r o <th >u cent. ciontth. face of the. &Mount o teo tbe *taxes. Two 'per cent for fourteo b ef u days ie equal b flft7-two per catit. for rat ô X jý year. Such ije mterest vith a -o of December, hf cent on the. $0,1 'he Win have te r zt*er sharp ned wlil hatobe a figur e wt 4he ôol graminael s in -township are p taxes on Nov. 2 per cent if ne 0 oqthât day or if i où~ Dec. 13, Vil cent. if ne one 0 efter the. 14h. daye b. fined 2- should a deinqu Th Chronicle ruLe~t uà ehom doua te comuon ment. Lait weel two sensible artiol truthf al reforecoe 4