tôt as unas uurowsn' water Çoln5a 4xr>wuudrat-." Dow. ex "This yre Sâôrt (Jreek was'allers OPiraL apeshul obatinate that a-way," said old Ta Sdotty, th. driver of the. Tmoon , stage ; hse sund ho geta thein 1imode frequent w<ld a wPhen ho jeite.wont stay whar h. is, nor mak i e.nywhïi' -else. -I don't wondsr you èU do't do cuthin, witb bità *" viil i 66Well,» said ÈBeeewood -Jim, ether- envr wise -Jamet Uosewoeýd, tEsqý ' iire " a reckon Short Creek-knows hi uiaoes. WBS 10 1 ain't myse'f noue, autnished muoli by «01"du these yerie news. rve knowed hhn bgaio do migh*y flighty thinge, sMeh las brek.- PM0E in' agoildpa#todraw to athree.lsA , and 'it would seem line he'eb jest a-pn At8 O Boomn of hie uuald system in " uà yer Up the. reliions break. Howevèr, he-1U be in anaà innabar tomezrry,, and then we'flIim ; tI knçow a mighty sightmrore about it ; '>- uièden' whicb, lofss ioker. fr. Bar --PU th' tieppleue inqur.ont thé. Mes.paintsAd -for eband."* "' .ae The people of Cinnabar theue present "iTu saw Do reasou tO puhmsusthe.discussion camp," se pleasantly onded, m'a drew nr lt.e?<d6y I bar. The disenasson tock plaee ii thein ' do Goldý Mine saloon, o, asone observeil ak a on th. issuance of Rosewoodes invita. tion, t'they ver. nttfar 1 bram ânters." by Bceewoqd bimselwu a sueave courtier note, n of for-tune vite pveaed bohWIKdbs W e" ' mil- farog aqid vWho, 1 ng et 0and 0 pouses a atrUgbt deal-boôx, b.Id I igh Ibi a~ place in te (Munabar brqast. Iamnci The next day came, and Oiun m u ch.~ began -tosuier lncrsed exoiiemept. , This feeling grew » the lime for the know o ooming of.te Tumen stage approscli W10 ed. An outsider anight neot bave detee- In 83 ted-this warmtii. Iftouiits eviden play Do ces in theé unana i itv of monte.P4n n muüt sudl dity1 _of tw thelh ifnso 1At lasI out on 1t3e gmy -8ma plain- a lond cf doit.-annn coming cf thie stage. BlSa*as rà ] ed au aes cleaned up ; and; ly the ueap.pulatiofOipuw mu te treet 1 to b as ewy a as inigbt b. of the newly coava .I do't riiokon now hels look sob a whole'lot diEfreui or,'said ElPaso BeU,ýas b. i front eft1h. dance hall, of W atitution ah. wma aprononno. ment da onder would it do for Daie todrink V' nid Tntt,in a vague inquiry. t'shore,,,,oaid eld sôotty, "m "'Oh, anthin', vh 'Pntîo au b. wat;e Iz4 "only he'. a m-nan that a-v&,.a nov bws entù there ataaa 1' p - Ã