Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1893, p. 3

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-"'i cR!S SarsapariIjaý Is superior to ail other prepa- tionsclaiming to bebIood-purifiers. First of ail, because the principal ingredient used it is the extract. ,of genuine Honduras sa rsaparillal root, the variety ichest in medi- cinal properties. Also,. be cause Cures Catarrh t'e yellow raised expre ssly for the Company, is always fresh a.nd of. the very best kind. With equal.discrimina- tion and care, each of the çther, ingredients are selected a ,dcom pounded. It is THÉ Superior Medicine because it 'as always the same in apipearance, fiavor, and eet an\., being highly concentrated, only small doses' are needed. "I't i, i hrefore, the most economical biood-purifier in existence. It Cures s food nour- 'QPDflEIII A pleaàsant, sieep 5D~IU IIPIrefreshing, ana life enjoyable. It searches out àll ~n~uiisin the system and expels thern harmlessly by the natural channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla gIves elasticity to the step, and impurts 'to the aged'and infirmn, re..cwed health, -strength, and Sm.arsa pari lia rehe y Di. J. C. Ar lo., Lowefl Mass. o ldbva Druggists; six otes, ~ Cures others, wiII1 cure yeti - Oaght il, His.Owu Trap, Two ministers were once couVeraiugi ou extemporanoons preaeising., "Weli, " saidlise, eider aof the two,c wsuing irarnu, yon are, ruining yonr- self by writing yonr sermons and- read-, ilig lhem off. Yanr ebagregslio C'an-1 uaL bêcome inlerested' iu your. preacis-t ing, sud if you were called .upan le preach unexpectediy, nules you could * get bols of an aId -sermon, yan would be oompletely confnaed."' Tise yonng divine used -ah hie eloqu- suce, but ail in vain, 10o conyince isis brother tisat the wrilleu sermons. ex- presaed hie own thongistesud feelings, anad, if calied upon, hé could preacis. éxtemporaneousliY. -"As we are of tise samne faith" said -. p' "suppase yau lry me next..Suuday t'au'Su sea atest froua e.ny part -o tise Bibs, sud I will cauvince you tisaI I eau prescis witisout having looked aI tise tout before 1 slood up.- Likowise I muet be alleowed lisesjam..e p riviiege with yau, sud we mli -theënse wis' -wili make lise boal of il" Thse idesa senedto bdeligisl lie eider preaciser, and ii mas imnitedistely sgreed upon. Tiefaiilowing Suuday,1 on m ouuling tise pulpit, the aoi'rbrother.,isanded, tise yaung minister a slip ounmisicis as writteu : "And the asuaopeued ie mentis and ispake," from wiich the, -yaurng divine preacised a gloriously- good sermon, claimiug tise, attention of his delighted isearera aand cisarmiug hie old friend wi2 bhis eloqueuce. For thse aflernoonth ie yonnger miiiter isanded a slip ta tise eider. After risiDg qnd *opening ise Bible tise aid -mnuglanted altishe slip, aud Iion in a doieful 'vo ice hoe reati aiond: '"'m I altishino e s Pausing'a few moments ise rau ii fiugens lisrough bis isair, sîraiglisened h is cllar, blew his .nase- in.,'a nervo 1 u jorking may, andi rbat again, "Am 1 nol liine as V" Anoîther pause, dur- iug whicis doadly .ailence ,reigneti. sud again tise aid, divine resd in slemu * f.n>s, "Am noultiineasa ?".Thon, giaucing aI his fieuti, wmisa at directly. beisint him, ho saiti, iu asisd voice, '"I. tisink 1 -arn, brotier."-Buffalo Ex- press. * Aye' Hein Vigor keepaIbo hecslp ire froni dantiruf, prevente theha bainfrom be- tuuming'dny sud barei, sud makea iL flexible and gley. Al the elesnts Ibet, nature ne- * quireas, tl make tbe bain sbundant~x-ba- tiful, are suppbed by this admirable prepara- YéungyThg. item from ise laesoietynoe- And Gustavus 'AdoipisUs digeutiy preused his suit-" - * No man eau tell how muahisti wouhd. take la mako iîmuriais. Tise king eau do na wrong-if tie other feihow bas tise aces. - -It doee't ahwyg follow tiâsaM a~ng lon -ie eput on a pretty girl'sa "'How eau I become a ready .con- verationaiat?" ,Persuade yourself- 'that you have a chronie disease of somÉe .kind." ,, .6 & Il be awful glad when 'paw swears on amokini again," aaid Tommny. This. is the fourth- lieki' IVve gaI in three- Ljayman-Io it true.that, aUl lawyers are liars? Lawyer Brow-It may be. but il does not follo0,,W thàt al liane are Mother-Do you knoW'how your pa_ ealdMr. Blowhard:a liar, Tommy?2 TomnyYeam;he's a émailer imn thnpa *There are too ni.uly singera inthe choir who do not knuw àauy more about the gospel they sing than the town, pump doesabout thé~ taste of thé wkat-_ "I 1nebbah pays no 'tention ter a 6Oaeip," s*aid* Aunt Huldais. "Er gda- qîp aiu't gaI time ter git aI de facto, no- îow, iý,n' ou gin'ly fin's dat hier true nows ain' new an' hber new news ain' "Papa," said a littie 6 year-old girl il au' np-town dinner, table. "I've fouud out thse difÉerenèe botween two holidays:; The one 'in November was rhanksgiving ;thse one, in December' Tiiugagiving." "'1Snppiy sund*Demand -Produce- Mfarkets.' ". aid'iSmarteiiick, lookiug ower tise headings. of -thse *commffercial .oiumn in hie xuorning piper.- "Why, of courise' they. do!I Anybady ougist-ta enow tisaI" Thee Bîg Sister- Tomimy, whst, do au - mean*by asniffirig.at.Mr. Slopoy's overcost ?,Tise Little, Brother - l'th tryiu',ta tismeli tiseoke. -Wheu pa. thaw il ho tisaid tise' mutht a been a1, ire thornewiere. .1 l ook tise pledge. against awearing last New Yesr'a D.ay." "lndeed!l And Liow« do you geL alc ng V1" "Yery well, but tise'crucial test - is approaehing.", 69How ?" "I am- going Wa take a par- ont plaster off my baek to-nigsti. ".-1 Misa Aùnz'Gulw-I wieh you wdnld- tell mne how you keep YOU - dresses lu qucis pretîy sh *ape ? .Misa lumpctte- Simply by wearing them,1 dear. eira. Youngwifé.-Tom hbas a dreaa-* fui disposition I flud. Mother-*<hat, does *he do?2' Mrs. Yugie-o wby ho nover getsead when I do. * 'With ail respect, tuliste proverb il may bc s5aled tiaIil is ual necessary la tgivo the devil flis due. 1He îje qm.te competent ta colleet il with intereat. Tise Widow Joues has' ontered suit againat us ' S%000 for b ach of pro:- mise. If ase getsiL twe'll xarry hier ou lise spot andi enlarge the p per.. *1 ilte. Cure aU 5 ki \DSeasèB."ý Simply. apply "SWAkNE'S' OINTMENT." N5intern&l anedicine required., C*ures tatter. ezemna, itcb, al etuptions ou tbe face, bande nase,, &clieavuxg, the skin clear, whbite andi heslthy. lia1 groeat 'bsaling and cu-arative powere are possaset by na other remedy. Aak yanr drnggist for SWAY14E'S OINTxPNT. "ýDon'l you lhiuk,'.2 lise motiseÉ said proudl,,"tisat her playing ahowoaa e- markabefinish V1" "Yea,"- repiied lise ou ýman ý àseù1y "but ¶ei as a ýL9"Ui, trn . A"-. "E1ow t. CuLre Ail Skias ieauea.n aimply apply 'SWÂ'I e Ont uurrIU." NO internai medidine roqtered Garesetter, eceeas, itchi, iii eruptionis on ia*s Isce, h&nde, nos, &c., lesving thé' sldb dean-, wite- and tuemtby. Ite grest heallug and curative powerà,Fàaeposésesec . 1by no ther rroedy., Aik your dmxuggila for S'wàÂvNs>s 1tiss enrious isow mci fater a street ea.r isumpe along misen you are runnuing aI ber il Iban when you are, ndiug on itl. Hollowsy's Corn ,Cnrs desîrnys aIl kintis af corne anti marte, r2oôt anti branch. Who thon monîti endure theûn witb snuch a cbeap and. effectuaI remiedy within reacb?1 Tommy 'Say paw '.'Mr. Figg* Weii? -When s< isole in lise ground is filed up ils dirt-misaI becopes of tiseisole? rules Ifites Ictciag. 'iles. - SvxToasMoaeure-intense itcbing u stinging; most et uip't; morse-by scratch- iu.If allowedtotacontinuüe tumors form, mhgicia le ied "nd uleerats becômuug veny sors.- ýwÂYN's OINTMENT stops tise tcing anti bleeding, beals ulcenation, sud lu mnoat caos nemoves tho lumona. At tmug- giste or by mail for 50 centsi. -Dr. Swsyno & Son, Phiiladeiphis. Hie Maon - Wiiliel, you miii mear tlie ile o a me 1 Wisy .cs't you be a. goodti lhoboy, like, Hanny Glnsspy ? Willie ' I 'xpecL he's becu bùnug up a gotid*,d lbetter'n I'vëe n. 4 ve Them A ChanceI Thal î ta sy, yonr inugs, Aiea al your brethins rahi n. ery moôndonfulma- cbinory .il s . e. ynul y lise langer air-pas- ,sages,, but the biousauti of luttle tubessu Cailie eding ironsIbenu. When ieeàeeciogged7anti eboketi mils malter 'mhiqh >onghllta- ho tebethere, youn lunge cannaI bal do their-mark. Anti miat they do, lhey cannaI do weli. Oeil lt.: cold, colqgh, croup, pheumnanî. catarris, canaumpîm'on or 2uy ai the. famÀily of tiroat anti noie sud heansd lung ais- struclione, ail asbtir a. AU ongistblaie got id Of. - Thons la juet ans ,surs *&y te gel id of tiseru. .-TâisaI le ta tesBo@chee'a Genmuen Syrup, mhich any tiuggist iii ssIi You et 75 cents a bottin. Even if; eV 'ry- thiug else isd atisiiotiyu, -you may dspoud upon Ibis for certain. ll iits e Bitisis Army is taebe recr- ganized. - Sale Aned Sure. g, ti fi an .t1uaubsus ratleshlm.Not ,onlyesfety fIrons mineraipoiso (a tiGilie tise devil bis due" is ah]i msii B. B.-.B. doasa u ontain the eligit- wrong. Qive lin your"44don't" audeset trace), but prompt'sud certain, action iM -tise cure af iWeaae May hoé confideutly rolied you'll b. haP~pier. ou Iroinsthlise oof unnivalledti nalrapeci- It wua a reincismau misti reftied - 10 ic IonDyepepeia,'Constipatiion, Badi Bloati, fighti a duel tecause as ho said,' hoe Hoaache, ýBiligunesa sund ali disrssos of didnl't waut to live., iesoeilvn oesadba She-You 'mlvisve ta mWord baril if Western -Pennsylvanii,..fr in danger-ofaa a 'yc> - in ber. Tise Fot-Ill have - t> flood. maôrk isard if I don't. m IIuaUU Cured Glar,-Mszn& dea, isa bt bani- GzrTLEumE,-I bave useti Burdock Biood é,jaa-Mamadn'l kn bat myil.Bittons for biliausuese sud Sud il tisebot fUMammaie-1 o'tkb, n, hl e nsedy. Ion Ibiicomlaint. I usedseovensl ,Ask ionr ftler, tisra.. other nremodies 'but they- ail fàiled ta do me S ome men are se eouscieiitiois tisat any gec<L Hoveven, lb requinoti- only bwo theyneve putoff atnytbing tilt tla -mon-- baIlles oIB. B. B., to cure mis compiloly, they neyerdputesud aerecomiusnd ilta ailH. row but tiseblli coilector. -y In spite of modern improve 1mente it iW.RGnU;sour, Iltili takes tise average younig -Mana Wafllburg. Xow in The TIMe. In thia the smaon cf eoughm, celde, aaîhmýa, brnnchitis and other throat and lung, com- plainte,' it la well bbe provided with a bottle of Dr. Wood's Nor*ay Pine Syrnp wbich effectùal1ly cures al eûch dispaeca, and that very promptly and plsasntly. Prive 25 and 50c.- Soid by ail druggiqts Croslaud, Conservative, was el'ctteI to-the British, coinions in, Hudderfield, S*.ttirday. The.c%nst ituency returned a Libers: in 1885, inu 1886 and--lun18W2. PALE, WEÀK WOMEM need a toanie,. etrugthgivag, eah'builing enedicine Shee Milburh'a Beef, mron andi Wine. It ie report ed that tUited Staese Senator- Geolge Gr.*uy ce De'awara has declined- the eecn.tarysnîp of tate under Preuident Cleve- land.. WORMS CAUSESE RI SSICK. N4ESS. Dr.-Lrew'a Worm. Svrip deetneys a&nt expelB ilkinde of vorm. quiekly anud Tbree men weîe killed by the -explosion of aboilen ai the Waugb steel works in Belle- ville, Ill., Saturday, Dr. Butler'& Golden Pis-have ëarmed a great reputation wberever -employeti. As a nerve tonic and b looti buildier they'are unrivalied. The increase the appetîte and. promote a bealthy performance, of alî the funcions 'of the body. A- tharoughly scientific p reparatiôn, they- neyer fail 't effect a cure if diréctions are faithfülly carried 'ont. Nothing barmfii n uthein composition. The, most delicate system' will -be benefitted. Aslç for Dr.. ButlWrs Grolden Pis and take no other. -At Buffalo on Sstunday the Buffalo enrlers defeated: the Toronto club by four ebots in- the annal maatch for bbc ThumpontSeovilie* raedal. Rebecca Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley, Ind., says: "I hatibeen lu a distresset condition for, tbree yeans 'froue Nervous-' nes«, Weakness Of the Stornach, Dyspep-- sis anti Indigestion until muy health.was gone.. I bought' oône botle. of South', American Nervine, wbich diti me mor goad than-any, $50 worth of doctorireg I ever diti in my life. -I1 wonld advise every weakiy persan ta- use tiis valuable 'and lovely remiedy. 1- conisider it thée grandest me.dicine in the World." A trial bottle wileauvince.you. Warranted-.by W. R- Howse. 'The French ministry bas approveti-of tbe proposition ta i ay'a cable froue the French, eolony of New Caledonis ta Australia. Conitmptle. Burely Cured.. To TaZ EnîITOas.- Piesses inforni your roadors that 1 have a positive roeindy for tise aboye-amsuis- dis- oes. By its timely use thousantis af hope- loe caueseeha-v obçan permanontly cured, I S'hall be glati to aend;tiro bottlea af my ne- *medy TEES tàa auv of your.readetswhbo have ejonumpntian if they mvli Sea iMetheix Ex- presud' P. O. -addrest. R eepectf ally, DR T. A. SLOC0UM,. 164 West Adelaide e., roronto, Ont. An Indien outbreak is reot.ed a F inie Ridge, Nob. Four cowboyshb.ve be i eti by Strikes' banti. When Baby was sick, 'e gv brp stna When as waa a Child, she cried for Castorili. Whea eh. becamne Miss,-she elung to CýsstO>iiE Wbeex ie bail Chfiliran, sue gave tesCaBliS fatally înjured by a .entrai Hîîtd1,n tiein tir Syracuse, N.Y., Saturday. Zn BErief, And To The golm:. nature. Trhe lhumau d 4etv~ pp Çtns ip.ts'ilSof the most Comùpliateci isa w4nderfuî siingS In existence. it la eeilüy tOut of order. Greaey:food, Iilugh food ý 'Ppý cod a habite, and miny other things which ought not to , bhave mae i he ms.L .al austion of .dyspepl*s Buit Green'e Aunt Plower bas doue' a wonderful 'work- in ref orm in g .tbi tE ad businege and makiixg the Amee'iOan People sohbealthy thastb ey eau enJoy hieieale atd b. happy. 1 Remeraber:-No bmfppinese ,without health. But Green'sAugueot Flowerbringe besltb am a bappineus to the dyspeptie. Ask your dru ggist for a bottle. ieventy-live Bath the methodl and results when Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and iefreshing to the tasteand. acts gently yet promptly en thekrneys, ,Livêr and Bowels,* cleanses the sys- tem effeCtuially, dispeiscoids, head- aches and* fevers. and cures hiabituai constipation. Syrup of Figa is the only remedy of its, kind ever pro- duiced, pleasink to tha taste and %c_ ceptable to the stomach,prompt in itî action and truly beneficial ini its effeots, prepýared oily from the most, healthy and agreebe subàan5il m anyex oeilentq.iï litie* fl e l i toaliand have bnadç it- t he moàt popular remedy known. $Yrup of. Figa '18 for, sale in 75o botties by eli -1ýading* druggists. Any rehiable drnggxst who Iily-Unot ha it on«hand wfflroure it promptly fora a newhowishes to try it, anh9trd only by the CALIDRWAfuiSTRUP: Cil J. E. WIfIS AGENT' AT. XHITBY. - / ~11a. WM. I3OWES, 6 Red' U,. LnuWi ayf s n fLadcjet ansd jinB.le us 'ns will. Plrve1ori ;results. FBeforj thii ecoI but: .wes c À< e pain -icft lin. ]ieisen. EUR L ~A nsiNM ÇlIi, Barrie Pland, Ont.,March 4, 1 S89, r: n~ r" "z rezly 1 c- ft&. ts :vrcf wi:ccfor O'l." SCIATICAu-U. F. A. J2; kit F. 8:88. 11>1 ýllffereQleiLrb, iras permanent1ý C-ured." . JACOB 1 i. I~~~ IRR*N n1LR LlTseralsure, Ë. C., London, Lng. toivitýn Stheaoba pain yielded like magie '111 s <Cv Mi. J, INGC-TL,-ND Xincnid St. con fipd to bcd by su.vere lumbasgo A 'part of a bottie of St. Ou 011enabled me w o ùabou.t'inady IT MAS. No EQuAL I I 'i for n atts and Cblidrene' ~omxendita ~prio to ny resripion Sour §&omach, Diarrhoee..Erxfouaion, dom t i." 1 or k. az mru, M. D., Kis aWorms,, gives sleepl and promotes di. 1uures io mecti lii! Sa. Oord St., BrookiN'. -Y. Wit.ioutijrin ndiai bThe iff or., Castoria' is go universal and F'or Beýeraji years 1 bave recommended 'Itsmeitrso wefl knouvn thatnit eseins a work y our'Castoria,'akd shal alwhâys ontinie to ofsprr~ation to endorse it. Few are the doso as iti asinvariably produced:beneficial iiý:uigûtg'iewho donot keep Castoria rsla v 4Un easyrh." nx .PmS t. CAnnes t Wlntbrop," '125th Street and 7th Ave., Ne okNew York City.l < .1 ... L: .3paotor -Bioomingdale BfforSbd Cl-hurewYokh.iy Tas CExvaUa CoxUPAnv-, 77M e STUÉET, NEW Yoaa. Phosphates; or ay - ~ -BE A Pi rif~ thé BIoti correct ail Disondeu-s cf thse "îv" A -&~{restore tbu health Debilitateti Constitutions, aud siuin\i ilabie in al - sjiaiî5icîi'oeut al to Feiaieo ofail ageas. eForn ohildneîei ~i a ged they are pnceleas ___ tu: ~ only- a t78, NEW OXFORD STREET (14e 53. OXFORD STREET), LON PON, anti sold bydal Medicine Vendonrs thrc'glsnot tion Worlci. - - hasere shoulti look ho the Label on ths Boxesand Pots. U the lb.adda-eaIs us ntilS.xfond Street, London, tbey ai-e spur!ousý "UDOCK B-LOOD:.eITTEWFýS THE GUIDIN' STAR TO HEALTH. and aul dise-aseis ansisng fuom a disorder-d- condition of the STOMIACI-!, LIVER-7 BO3WELS AtVo' BLOOD. t.ÉB. acts on- all thse organs of thse bod to produce regàular action, to, strengthen, -purify and tone, .anid ta remove ail impure a.tccumiulations of morbid maltter from a Comamoni Pimple ta thse worst Sýcrofulcuus Sore. -Tisousa:nds'of reliable men and'women testify to its g od effeets in -,he abose diseases. I it 1 nl worthcat least.a trial in your caèe? Price i. p er b énie, 6 for o5'r 1essthan,: ic. a dos*. Ho EUAL~F Il For LOST oï ÏkILÏIri 116H Gîwer4 s andî - ýi ýâi ýY A,, 1îî . 1i ies J;ty il4j lio, expl-anaaî on ýArid 1; 0 ~~î'--Fr. 'm samd E.Address s d ED-!CAL CC 'I BUFFALO7 FURE L use . A en ùeq'ullse poufinus o.s' ave SoU ldby kU Grocene an4 Dx1>'l BURS &HOWDEN AGENTS IFOR.S IO ' _MASSEY.HýA-RRIs'Go. CONSU MPT Dealers in all.Machiner-y- made b the Massey-Harris,CU E Patterson and'ýW igner:Companies. Also. al -Farn Ma- C .E chillery and Iiplements,- from a Steai ThhsurmsohisngeatCo Machne.do-w. t. Crn he 'Ile,. ithout a paraliel lu the bustory Allýi tyg.-.tsare,-p athorizedt taseE Farmers arc requested to cail ad see itheir stock, .which -la tise 1.argoast in. South 'Ontaria, s1 nd everything of tlhe best m afa' rniee& right.> MISO agents for the FHRNUX andQUFEN Firo In- surance ompranies, ofEngland., -Also ManufacturerS Accident Insur,- s"ce Company. Rates as low as the lowcst. Qplana' see Our stock no-w filllng uqp. iWhitby, Feb. -25, 1892. ( JOHN BURINS (HUGU HOWDEN. otv gurutee, a test tisat no o cessfuliy, stand. TisaI ilxMay the ]opnietors, at an enormo piacin à Saimple Bottie Free. lui tise unite.1 States sud Canas aConyh, Sore Throat, or Bron lb 'iii cure you. If lyuiur chil or Whooping Caugis, use i r * ss-are. If you 'dreati thati Ca6nsumption, Use il. Asic y SHU.0115ýS CURE, Pnice 10 $i.oo. If your Luxugs àre sui use Sbiioh's Poraus 111aster, i . - -' "y '~ ý 1 1 ý 1 ý - 1 Il à âîâ" ý -, - - ýl . -.1 - -i 1-- x ke

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