Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1894, p. 5

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Knows a, good -thinig -whon he ees, it. ,HR coid ta.rt 1894 to the Sec- ond with one of our vatches, 1udn ifî yen want to keep step with hîm during the new year lyon had better, try one. -They are handoome, ae- aurate and low priced. -J. S Jeweler, BARI NZARD, ErockBt.,WlÙtbY.ý BEDROOM SUITES WSIi~Oa~,cheu", Âsloh * A" mm W. 4. M*TT. M'gr. Pose rE$EY YJAN. 19Y 1894. Toný huudPr nWhgtby, whr> bus wrreJlO flb o s effering at. cost Tbey mpuet go. -Sterohe of Paralyuls. Mi. eo. McGiliva-y. sr. --Was stricken with paratysis on Wedesday last wbicb ettcted the wbote of bis r$gbt- ai..-We are pteused t.o hear as WC go ta press that he 19 improvlng. The 'PomeuaComert. 1ri concert on Wednesdy was firly woll attended asud tuned onUt to be'a most sutilfactoryz programme. Absence froni- towm prevented us front being present, but froin reports Mr., Baker a a humorist ,was fuliy boyond the 'expectatIois of the many who ..ttended. Tit rt t aughtering. bas mast begun at the new shoe store.,Ait that magnifi- cent stock to ho aacrifieed. lTe greatest chance ever offred--, The poor p0o.. il receive- speCial offers and -greatbar-. gains. We aré in need and vill ot los. a chance to *make a cent to dlear oursetrves. Don't forget to'tait a4 your humble ser- vant wiii do ail he can fer yon. -.. W. Collins, the- new shoe store, east side of Broci St., Whitby. Mi"s Witei RecitaL Dan't forget the e locutionary rectgl to, be givea by Miss White, of New YYork,, on Friday evenlng, Jan. 26th, ln the Music Hall, under the. auspices of the Outarto Ladies' Colege. Miss White -dollgted a Whitby audience some wéeks ago, and' many witbeunxîous to bave unother :op-, ,porunityc>f bearlng-ber. --Muscal ùm- br Mbe.& furldby'"laesotb.e college. The plan ofhalwHIlbeopenat Willis' drug store Qu Satarday nlorulg*It 9 a. m. KAdms,5 cen. Sos Ta - sevedithout'eutra chasrge. ..pro- grammes and notices. A Ham Pare. 'Rangacepadun tvitation froutthe Kimle Epwth Le aofChrlatlauEu- deavor *bout twenty4ve oftwe Y.P.S.C . of the Metbodls tabermace drove out to tbitaubîrb of Wltbi couWednud asat and ipstamcisi enjeoyte eng Aft«er ashrt bot "very lnteresldt gPro- plie made ua& havoc aaoog lemtnPie% M e oo, t. u ain e ,away mwak- ~L tii. wqgon, belug unable testn ulcra ing welgbt etrfauet sudgood hunuor, 4x>llped abot itam Ue west OC 7onadtenty4fvOeutiritilnebàppy ;@owwhoe. mmt tei7ns. Parties wishihg bis services wilt find bis booksaut Quee's hoisianz CURONICLE Office. Secu4rç dates ery ternus moderate.--ef 16 W«Wî s aïr Photos for One Dme. lte Ciiro, Mitwazkçe & Si. lPaul Rallway bas inade anMarangement with a- firstclass pubUèbshmg bouse tu f.ruisit a series of beautiful Wodts Fair pictures, of alarge site, at t bennilna cost tothel purchaser of only ten centà for a, part- folio f, siteen iltustrations. Notblng s30 bandsogne ireferonce to, the IWor1d>s Fuir Las. before 'been pÙblisbed. 1-hè series wauld be worth ut least twelve dol-, lars if 'the pictures wmr not publlsbed in sncb large, quantities, üudý we ar e therell ~foeable to furniuit thèse works of an for anly ton cents. Remtit your mony ,.te George13. Heasford, G2=oraPssenger Agent,. Chicago, -Milwaukee & St. Punil Railmway, at Chicago, 111., and thé. pictures *lIt bo sent promptly t - any spec ified ad-, drous. They wil make a handsone holi- day gf.8an Daugittesu of Bagland. 1Princess May -Lodge, No. 2o, et thé, ?>augt of Englând' beld itsreuta meetn thté, Sons Of Engtand=o~ roomu on Jan. z2th.- After ite regular týusness mas ever-Bro. WJ fIaUett, ptT presl4çnt tben roceded ta listait theoffi- cors= éect for tii.urrent ;yosr.to their re-, respectve .oMmcs afollws4: sister C F, e e1sidint;-SMster, L Bateman, vice, Wku reusror;SIster A CoIdge~ 1Chapu; -Sistet Stanllck, MKCoolidge HCesb, E Hourd, Ml Bell, sud'BroJ -,omn ssix cammiatte; Sister L-Duam kinInnr Suàrd -Slster M Draper, outst iýýî Br. D. ýWarren, sorgeool; Sb- ter Cremsiâeil, sud Bros. Rowland anid Hfett w-e M- . lected - ,atditais. Tbi& odebas aly bom -instituted mnea âzostbs aàd>hua nom ov«ea umbere and "yurulpropositons for. meimbersblp an Re »Mo. hows bib ud. Mr. W. 8. ?rlule dld not, reqire tebe lonet tbe to ucowadi. bord before -b« shomedlits aud- j4,faqrt .-Ig tu B. Fringie &aCm, çora 1elyth i"mb, ~mu~vout lu *for I r ~EKYO1

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