-when lie ses a94 to-the seu- priod. WJARD, r Jno. FerrguWhtbi, %who lias undred bchhPelsoelgacstI Thousandsof dollars in stihscrptlons fe.11-due us ou Monday* we always have aud would, ,oeu upon ail to psy up at once. Au&ctios aujO nResCbTow"sblp M.J Real, lot l i i.het'&à con- cesicof Reschi, tnovGieetbank, intends to -hoW a gieat suctiouisake of live stock, on or about hPeb emp& Iarticulars vil be given neit-week.ý tiS. ami HartArt fon . One bandred. Mutbe soldat once at seineprice. ,Cai and trv themn on. Cazi -iany -inan or boy- jo. Feirgu.'on,- Whltby. Who ôwn$buneih f The findçer of a buwcl of, keys left thein in thi& office yest.rday. W. have nu"e reudfom ootodorto se where hey uli fit. Mr. -Louis P. Kribe -la outith the pro- spcu f bIs new Jourpallatlcvent=r lCThe Advocate" to b. deioted -to tii. Uliuorinterest-generalty sndtiho cau- S-of aoti-pro'hIbitIon tin partIclr. ýFebrasry Sdi là th.day m ~for the,,firat mue. Ti.followlng artist to jgive rad oc 4lloci4Unesof a- i. Iks <Iowu tbe tlnasy prises mwetin bé cnlose a t It lr. Ho î-- pu W- w t Aýr1 -d CLc port - t i.eLind In ibis yosr, fori mmvmm for 7 OflE 1J.-s