Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1894, p. 4

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WILL ST[ OURE A GOLDO 25 Catsperboulie -J.I E. WILLIS, 'heis8i Druggi8t, M&edical Hall, Brook Street, Whitby.1 - FRID Y, FE . , 1894b, There ame hQndredsý ofarneus lu South d tarlo who tbs winter are either sittlng di. or elip, what Ja worse, worklug Idie. die ls eliher belng bot doing nothing, or- e doing work mm mor than 1'doubtfu pro Cattie were tied up laiil la' rathe r ,khin condition Ott the dried upi grass, anud kt will take until Jnat tI> get. such animais red for the Brltsh araket, for bear in mind-there-wilI be 'no- dcnand fur olupem that are mo of prime quallity., A Iea ing exporter of 7QUtie Informo us' that heidues not belev al!teanmi land, and that-those w*o mzespeudlng tai -winter fçediug tbem 1 *li flid thbaye only the local market and loclal <utcbei Thfte îihn are iauahterint 110 Sdý A Dy SUQbiU ~IngA uuUU8 y.U5LIaa couid be forced lato annoatou. At a meetthgOf the P!esbyterian couu- cil, of Torotq.ý which was held ln Knox cburch on Moutd#y emeulu Mr. m.A Patterson reada paMe on t «PubHc wonblip in-tdirohe - Among other tblup advo- - catcd'b y hl wu aborter prayers, a point on whicb he vil bave unlimited support., people have a custom< of auubga beit1 over andcramiped oiondlgthee long prayera, wbicb -in moce Cases provee seuppftBsive(the pittonnot the prayers)1 that thcy becoane dizz frour disSimfort.1 Some preachemez1mot the Lord almMo as lnand, fat nîorecarnty, thanlhey d!tLsiner We reently -lstned to a1 Toroato tnetbodisteegmnat port Perry who'prcachecdthe lUmighty a me- i mou of twenty ýmlnut« dêratlon durlng wbicbbeic ited ail the antecedents of both the Lord sud the pcople up to -date,1 thieà sumead Up inicpin w=s pussent condition of tbg earthly, au:d procecdedateatlnghto make aCou- tratwîhiGoto the. cifeetbtat If liei wouild"betow this, that and "b.other besig pnthcnwouldOur sola Course thi.e ltation of Our ?Maker va aaecnigent upoU bda paylug lu a 4& vance. li bam branched out sud nemcd mii the nations of lb. -eut, -ad ouo*n eqpeçlaly, es sujects for Godo sympathy,1 the àburcli aud il deonuton of tbe- ileervoe'mhed '; for blcsslug, the. licatheaivas pa %c r sd dear kuovi whtat ciel t was m alnticet -unendiug- lag, implorW ansd pomising. -One vouldi Sot, for a mon=ct sugijiose "t rvo to that orayer the Loiéd e4verdo. erdto ty paymennr-or 0o AT W&otb ORAWMl. aoemded b, COun. ut thé, Stet ouziays - Co=lI Smilth dsclalwed ail sucIl ideas. He Èys the represeutvesof the, -wr4 camootiad out at. prScnt how much tbetr wards get. -Coun. Robsônoin gtc.clu iu' ion. There vas wotk cuoug bout ýMan-j ageaient oi strecta withont takibu - t triouble to note what -ward each pmymcsxt te mxade lu. 1He proceeddto Iay .ouzt con w*wt'n»» iads"- grmu, a&&-mde sYtnes, baus. ýsoP- abbveLIojri smrke-etc., etc. 7 160bei ,pair ofgeese andà iot of otber articles too ünett u6 etion. Mr. -Ibompson bas giren Up faming suaýd wMl dispSocf evethlng unrewervely_ M. mSharp. TERMS4-$Ëeand undea,, cash ; offr tImt, aiount S8loqtt redt wilI lbe-gives 10 par. c.es I unWshng approed >ont,- om&s. tctereo chargedfroin day of sale if not paiWbêo du,~ L. FAIRB3ANKS. Eut Wbiltby'. Februry 5th, 11894- AUCTýION SALE. 1ot 140COU,10 rGenak Reach, 'O' The followimgvaube b "Uomd it~itg-. cmaie cattw, Fa-caaHomos, Cotmwoldý Sbeep, Pueb4 w = y àfaruti chinesý CA-rL-siuoaT-{oàms.-1 Sw. Ro, W9. co, lmma z owLoulu, z1eom» si.ir Sfe, An. ising 2 a ess1z elfe SUi, Mary, i boUlMilc. GIÂLÀaDt&-6 0ov" id Slf 10, horoghbted buIl, 4. h&les% la omf to UxoegObbed bull, 8 bead YOung cittle, 3 tu o-ood pe HORSEbS.-ri mrq1 s Yem 0o1& good drWv twf zar, 7 YuI I d. 01, lieUIU2 Yeam5 Dlbogk Chlef, z colisbs, b K. Always on-, hand,-a QC of' Groeèisc ~oaI~ ryonie. They are otrate -ud là J. S. BAF jew.Iet, Brook-. A- prioed., ST,, OLO:o fEA Gùodg. of Whitby. BEDROOM stJI1 AX]~D SIDEjBOÂRD Wslnut, OaiýOherry, Â,h, flirCli PABLORSITB W. ie bel o aMe1 lidu %vas a iw t 0 are te a 1 seniorc lot h

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