Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 3

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TJ~ bs*vguefor is tliy who have, proved its value. It briugs them leu labor, greater conrfort. 0rl 'SMO0KING PLUOS A e1~be a~ooj~e r- -a min-jeter. Of Courop a briglit girl oughlte have a spark of humgr. 1Lit tie g14i, (ooking &t impreesonis. tic landsope)-Mamma, whaî macle bim thluk it looketi liii. that ? T Mcer.We d0eeslb. wintr sea. son begin?1 boerving by-ljt gener. ally begi& bout spring1. ht is au indieputable faot that every xDsu wboE cares bhi# wateh in hie veet pocket la tehindtilie. Ju.lien pay& he hasnotiod liai uhen a disorsetmim goes 10the pawnbrek. erlasbho getôrallypute up mauduite up. bIfar" sathet .postfge stamps Who# it founn4 %$elfbteï.d te a loie- iaerq, "Ihàt lpanoet sipking b faco."$ jàson ms>'is nenghbor'.daughter, -Who àsleanmgi',the P4an, Dnot b. sounseid of fraudaientpaIo-i' aul ~it cm estroy àtola"0u 0 inl ~' Yo~,fspw~sald vial- dia hesý baef lu tir knw Ilm a lie $ioirabla, k Jw 1bs* bhd, My litétolive ¶ l9 d, do=b1 ab& tI~ Y- Ita Only as each man or woma~ forme hie or her pereonaldtyi any departmeut of lite* can that'de. partmrit be lit ted te a highe.ie .%Été. A groatlieja likea8 great ihok dry land ; it may fret -aud igad make a flrighttul bobIner, but yen have only te keep stil i ud lb il1 die 0061, next suminer. " ý'What lein àr'p "Hýe'e going, 10 have Boston girls for waiters. I Officer-Your honor, 1 have- arrested this man for singing 'Aller. the Bal', on bhe streot. Magistrats (facetiouly)- Prisener, I Wii. hold you for court for' producing bad notes. Editor-What can I do for you, miss? "O, pions., may I examine your wasto- paper basketf I know a man who ,sonde you pooese, and whose feelings- towards me I should like to ancertain.', Faniily doclor . (to the îquire)- Thauke for yonr check, squire. But, my dear sir, it's far tee much-far in eXces cf wvitl1should have charged., I cau ouly hope I shahl have an oppor. unity of working it off. "I find my leisons ln bread.ntaklng have saved tumany dollars." '-But r hought yeu oouldÙ't ýeat it, yeu said 1" "W. don't, buti inake pisythinge foer th. baby ont of i~ u hyner break or, Vear eut."$. c&h atO&altmore gouaip and scan- dai tItan an>' itler vomen iu the Couan. tr:E.; antoi ow h e eau rake over the faffi-ngs <f.ber neÏbbom 1" "4Doesah. toteseving, ecrle V? ,NO ng :zý ohaahity club." No ztWbaIin bat dog good for, auy- how Pi ash-01Cymouspointh. te fer? V tortedQa"ls tWad gis 6, peri oct gentleman; h.ntp1 jPOso b6 b. goi fer.suyin tt aàîd our , r 'ti ietan copo*ton ef Ibeoyage, jii»i wôd dthnk thO8a prtty girls pdso Io , frtheïr: generally coonod.d that a lover 1W theý rra d is triotW- alusyt, implieé tumbled curlé i. &d colara. f do you Onp-.1 O l h y m a a g P l Dowhott0iilover.,, "By no tueaus. They just slip tbeîr. hands under, their cob&lansd turn-ý them up lik. a hedge about their ears.~ The ctousm as been -handed clown. froua mother to daugliter until the most uneophistioated young girl of fif-' teen kuove how 10 flP up her collar and keep it amooth as well asth wiest' Gema of Thought. the. it se ou vil th: Nothing raises the price of a 1 [ke its removal ; whereaus it ontinuance which should have Muoli ostentation and mnch learning,ý eldom go together. The Run rieing; md deolining, niakes long abadows; aU aidday, wben he àe highest, none at al, Every act of life-ýal our word, and Ludy and .njoyinnîour temptationst ilr sine, our repeilante, Our fslth, bu rIno, arepreparing us--whet4ir*e billit ilor-not-.-forhappiný«ý, r ereafter. Constant application t keaaw&y frcm- the éujo 5ry burdnsom e anfd làbôrî ~boaing was is- e reýxreeejy-' b eutr tr d ~ jm oe y t. e"il- t'm a ouînty town, a 4dd , #retly to Al muccgffià Of thé rosenttnon. The <iamtse ork couied, ad_ Puýrumetit was made _ te the Queen'sý lToasta, ' song e, sud addreuses weOe ma de gé - A tit ng,:Peterboro; A le lit;rntinal 'Bridge.:41QaVe, iIeavorwý ~ton; LyiMI aGrégb ,lini say iarrtt, Whitby; 4 "dthe Dep- uty <and lagtier - W.à H-. Hoyle. ýThe om, 'dMa"ster, Bro.~. Olivsor,.-Toroo -forlw de,,1 - hie regret be g un let )b resent. through a previons ngage- ALL-![N' 9on, old or middle âged, who Sund them- selr% nrou.weak aqnd exbausted, Who are brok4n'down from excese or overwork, re- llffu" g inu1 miiof thej followhrg SymO ptomse M! m",tal depresion, preunatifre üld âgé, los of vita&jl4ý.ooucf niemoiy, bad- dresses, dise. DMe' of sight. palitation - of tlçh eairt, omis. slbns, " ot f energy. pain ln thekiddueys, headaces, pireplei oit the fate and body, iîcbing or peculiar sensation- about the crO- tutu, wasting of the osgan, 4dessis, speck belot -the eyes, îwitchtg of tpe ,ipecles, 'eeig and elsewhere, bashfunees,- depoits le the urine, lo"e Of wil po . ienernees c thée scup and epine, weak, md fabvms cles, desire to sleep. failure te oeMted by sieep, constipation, dullness cf "'hen, lorâs- cf voice, desire for sohitm1ds-,excitliety .of iemper. sunken -eyes sturronnded- wl*th îIlsynptos oz nervous debdity tleadto, ineautysulesscured. The spring o-r Itàl force baàving 1bastitiiitension every funcieni ses lu consequence. Th" broi aÉbuseiommitted in igno ce. , s le per- lnhn -eqndy cured. Send yeur.address sud ic lu -àtampa ýfor book on disses pécu 'liar te inu, sent~ sbebedi. Addirets M. -V. LUBGO,24 M idielAve., '1lro= go.' Ont., Cainada. Oxford wonthe.boat raSe on, Sttudoby,l S' fing Oambridgilthree aud a, hal sngdw The imaginative understanding f a the nature of eth or 1n4ti. pp e -of'putting oureelvea lu, -hhoir 1Jplaces, le 1hhe faculty lu which the. virfine <of sympathy. depends. 4 It is asteniÏhîtng bow àsoù th., hleconscienSce begins- t6 uzivel if e single stitch dropu i Jeil' s n indulge m ke a h 'l' yoi put paur headtJrgh The divorce cf ýex.Kugqu u x doal foui & I. k: il Ct' t, Be The secret of a succesa ie constanoY to purposo. Patience in the. rope of advancemont 'irmm ;?Me dock ;. cri- hwgf Ling tinwe ~1 WODERF Woeon BE uAil unes of 11e.mnde nth opnos obtnaIs man doeenoth Cultivat. not only the cornfields of your lives, but the flower gardens alo; Energy , ngs succees, but there's nothing like success to bring about eneTgy. A cheerful spirit je a great blessing; t makes the yoke of our emp]oyments easy, and the burdens of our aillctions liglit. Buy a man's good wiil and you wil md each lime you bave occasion to sk it liaI the price has gone Up. The race of mankind wbuld perieh id they cease t aid, eacl other. -We É&

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