Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1894, p. 7

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& ~ muof Towa4uda, Pa.' whM econstitution waa completeîy broken down, 16 cured by &yeg' 18amaparina, -Rewrltes: p or elght yeans,1 vwas, most oftb l#Me, a gretat Sffforer from ýonstipa.. tiOn, kIGaer trouble, and indiges., U0i4n o tint my constitution *seemed obe t. 6MP1eely broken down. 1Ivus Iflduôed te try Ayer's Sarsparllla, and4 took learlY seven bottles, wlth such xcioîresuits that rny 8tomach, bowels," a4d kidneys are la perfect con- dition, and, , l ail their tunùdtona, as reguler àS8S-iOCk.WOrIk. A tilme Iý4 be 1ntacngAyr' arsaparilla, my WegllW00 o11Y22MPOunda; 1 now can brag4ot 1Mg pouade, and wau noverin go good: eiti f 7011could »0eemehb.- fore and aflet- using, yon would wanl M"e *r 9a traveUng adverlsement. JIbJýetiis preparatlon of Sareaparfilla le b. ii beat in the. markeîto-day.", Aee's Sarsaparifla PM" a~sby Di. J. C. Apur ho,>., Low,jw mts. CuresotheralwIiI curo you à TERRIhLE EXPERRIENCI. BIGEIT LONG YEARS 0F AND SUFFERING. PAIN1 À Well Ruowu Goderioli Lady Rester- .d toeHaiîh and Strength Afler Physiciaus Had Failed---Gives Hier Uxperieuce for tie Public Good. From the Goderich Signai. Thie arvellous change whioh lias taken place lu the. plysical condition of Mir&. lloden Frasr, Britaunia streel, dytring lie pust tweeWe mots imnabeen *4it chi ef tepic of Cenversation atùong -hr= findsansd acquaintances et '~'~.eknto* pfthebcter- ib e sannq, wb o#Ibusbeen ai- ~ I~.r ~ te bve yearî-evor sine ber huaband, -vb.e wua s iecant lu- Bayfield--, rellred frein business sud iocated hors. IIv- ingeard of the wonderful change ýIi.. hdbeon brought-about in lierË hysic4y cotidition, a repieseutaîive of 0iesiï_- n al >aled upon Mrs. Fraser aI ber pleasant home lu congratulate hér on lie improved state of ber healti, sud te fiud eut ein vhaiýmannes, the happy change lad beon effecteti. Re'vas gractoualy rcie' and the followfng statement vas volunlarily,,given'b Idra., Frser; "Il leanow ovorelgit years siiie oe morning as I1vas performng ablubibus, and wien passiS my,,band ôver t face, I experienoeaê'Pain on lie cie similar te liat vichinla tit *heu. a them vhlci bas peielrated the fles i i toucloti. The pain,~ continusd aft,- àaan p'ared ,te move &aIl es, oey face sud iead. Prom lie, cheek il vent te lupper Ilptien t l à es iÎp, te e e réesd and.head and to tieh' 0iis~newsb gonesy vic uffered Ihal I vas. a lle e bnci my l*ulr sud 9syshi' anmLeyes feih like. vertable balle rna~ouit àuffJ aIy m laiik tut mpiybesl friende fl ul& rdly 4»fglt» mes andt1e, osiIy reW iouÉI' get wusfrom "lrd Md the, m éfl >Ilp .tnuàîU h.o qia1m fý,,eifofr nme. aasui bn'"ifas ýdugdt$ ýtwu leariid4 tui Dr* We] lIIaisPh'lk PMla ve a very large ua enGdei4el4 ad thot rmanecoaa tstijý te, tiefrgrot v alies ab duid si!,u4 ie touie; . Ge . Fear drugs, ealéospeake, highlyo ethle re- aulàt auiqd' by the use et Pnk Pulls 4MO~Ig is ottomoe, sMd maya ho finds them lie..b.st seliig remody luin i Suci remarkabîo cures as that of Mra. Braser have been but too'few in the put. Thaukgbt the botter knowlodge thal tie p ere obtaîning of Dr. Williamrin PiukPille lie7 are now be- comisg more. numorousi. Dr. Williamns Pink Pilla may b. ha<l of ail druggists or direct by mail froni Dr. Williams' Medicine Company froni sither addr eus. The price. t which pilla ae sold make a course of. treat- mIot oomparatively inexpensive s cern pared with other reinediee or medi- cal troatment. Theee pille are manofactured by the Dr Williams' Medicine Oompany Brook-. ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm!s Irade mark and wrapper, at ôo Cents a box or six boxes for 82 50. They may be had from any deaier, or wil b. sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pillearen sold oniy' in boxes, bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, (priutcd in red ink). Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are nover sold in balk qr* by the dozon or hnndred, and any dealer who offers substibistes in this form le lrying to defraud y'ou aud shonld b. avoided. The public are aiso cautioned againet ail othor 80 ealled blood builders and nerve touics, put Up in similar formu in- teuded te, deceive. They are ail imita- tions whoee malers hope te reap a peCuniary advaÛtage from the wouder. fui reputation acbieved by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Bale Peo>- ple and refuse al imitations aud sub. While attending a meeting of the county commissioners iu Toronto lut week, Reeve Slat.er, of Markham Town- ahip, as usual put np at th. Clyde hotel, and as usual alo ung hie $30 overcoat Up in the itti. room behindj tie bar when ho went into tea, Thuro- day, and wu5 surprised te -find it gone b.fouad. A diserlptiox, o2 fil irsleft iug the coat* U-gaui shop wiere il at ezijegt for *.60., lu emeatime anotiidé ever- ceaI blongiug te auetxergui- Ilih (3lydead disappeàreda and vwas 11k.- vise found i s "oak." Tic police traod tho theft to Wm. H. Ls±enby forînerly of Markhamu vIe wasabégng aronnd the hotel, sud ho vas psi pîi atSted, tried,. couvicbed on -boti charges and seutencd te 30 dys- ln gaoi vihi ard labos,. A correspondent whe signe himiel! "B. B." bas sent tle Econ'om4.at a com- munication ciargivg Ithe majority of tise deÎlers and apeculalors tu dairy cattle #ith istarving Ileir miidli ces for two or liredaysrviýonte esale, lien overfeeding le animale viti ha7 sud sit, tie latter te give tIf. poor ores ,$,ores aan'j>borwal hiral, ollît tiiey vIl appear ini gond condition on day of sale. Aise etf-là e lIsitiiQmgouiul. .d foï 1 vionty-four "heus# o. tliaI bis, udders sMay givo them th4 appearsso ,f ug extra good, mile,,Wdo' 4#Jslktiat the nsjority 4f dealers in-, düIe n nylechpralos tie mes mu aterthefimul saeaor tva no Pu"or vould attend., Beeldes. îha ëew iffedin this mne, oL, '% a to aleken à 4probably die on lise 4ôlr'. baimsbefore cIao ctUldb. sold W.e bate hiard e ofs dolersM- üsbtil- *ü ppoaasoe e puf.hiOikand le Oôsp abeemaa us tn p' ad hreon thé 0 lcRasla cal- Yr ing much &noae tei the resideuts cf r ii lh t ocality. -ti. sityInpce 9- wiil in due lime investigate neodoubt. li Ri'. Barrete sold a havy horne te M4r. ý> Harkness, of Whitby, lie ethor day *8 f6r a gepd figure. S9. Linten disposed of a lune animal toe ieme purciaser.- 1-Tiese with other horso« will be slip- edil te eld ountry. o i e. W. Docker had a labo ride on Monday nigit lutI. A traveller hired a livery rig from him to, go to Dun . barten, butdid not relura at the appointed lime. George bocameaiarm- 2t su ad gave chue. Ho oveahaured the 2stranger at Highland Oreek, where h. 2had put up for tle night. The quest- ion Wa wae il a case of herse otealing or wau the feilow on a sprea. The latter la the more probable.-News COB3ouR. Mrs. Mary Aun Drinkwater- Hil-. Juby sud William Juby, were piaced ini the oriminal box at the County Judges Orimninai Court on Wedneeday, each charged with bigamy. Lt la alleg- ed that the fair Mary lia loved and won thrice aud that Williamn thua be- came a Benediot twice. The cases wii b. tried on the 28th imat. Rev. Mr. HunIer, the qvangeiist, in speaking of the daesesa oru by women lu the bail room, suid that a friend told him that when h. was a boy the wo- mon wore gioveis with oniy one button sud dresses buttoued up te the Ihroat. but nov-a-day. the gioves wero bistton- eci up te Ibe throat and the dresses had only one button. Lt vas proved in a Hamilton police court lb.e other day that poker in W gamo of skill. And se it is, when you corne te look aI il- But so is the ganse Of three-card monte, and the ganse of lhe thimble rigger, and varioes other akÎliful devices by which the fool aud: his money are parted. Walkera McWhirrel's% alleged partuer in the Port Credit murder, wu arrest- ed aI Cobourg lu November 1892, for stealing a walch sud $W0 fom Dr. Walaon'a father, in the township of Haidimauti. He wae convicted byý Judge Benson, and served a lerm e!f six mentis. A ceusiderable quan titïy ofpins ber varying from 25 te 40 foot lôsgý 3 to 5 feet-in dia'lneter -~r th. beach ;inçar Port pes YGuid f i a se " . r ait breke looàe at I o'fe -t lustfalland froze upij River near the Bala andia cPs over ibinlo -lieàlake assoon ast broke -Up, tie soutivesî vinde cftli past few days driving ilte Ibiséiot je the. lake.. One pies. when hIii34. ashore wus found te have nearly 100 foot of! dam attached te Il. A des. Patch in tie Toronto pap ueso day says a tug liaq been sent te pick ip WaITECVALE. Anulmberoet our farierasa farming operationu this veek. Ialeut. W. 1B. Ha".zas of etZpi la viui"tIng ieparents hao Ibis vosi Bdwartd Thornton, oet -Tooùtob,, opendiug a few weeksWith ie'brôb' 'Trsomas Saill, Who, bu as o4d b tor the. fasut egblmen ,ba licd werêabsent frein home lut week 01 't. b.mou'. la eu inalhble remsuy -for ôdtg~ lafrm ta ldwounda, Soreanard Uioer& 1*1b Lamons for Goal Îâd- Rhenmatjm. FO018J)OROER8 OF THE, OIE8To 8ORE TIROATS, BRONOUITIS, OOU8HS, 00108, Glandular,Sweffingm, aud a&l 9kIu Dfsei a&~ a noequsil; for oontracted a.nd ',tiff joint. it sots 11k. a chani. Rmnifacturod ouly et 78, NEW OXFORD STRUET QtO 588, OXFORD OTREn ODOan)o bY&U MdcieVsun orm ughout the WorM. ,LODNad o 4V Prchm duldIooktu he abe onthe Pot.and Boxe&. U tls sddrsss la È S. 68,Oxfordôtrot, London, they are spcrloi ISREFUSN TOAX~E ITS poco USTLESS A MBU I'T W L HELP WONDERPULLY ST P. B. WARAM Brock~SI., WbItby 4WIN0lTG0f th Zr Js1L 2;Zab- 2; ar.ý;, June 2;July a-;- fe . 8so 0 O0KzAD, O. 1ct -1 Fô vAriteun4 Crsesarê n.ow reognzç to e he tada rd Corset or ASIC lage asola- ctiols n by snd j4heu Sav Sb or n da "' " oDCV, ta to udwill 1suit~- ýc, or tents n t. iîtby. acrf S Y9 Ist road. and 2 frogi main -laved fari &bout rerma into. uuiier ùuk~,g ilty, Sxam- large. orner acu$e es m- weak. Dn re- nat, xj

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