- 0 W ýtlrtni m hatles South (rom lý cýUne l re yngthe main leula~isar the beet, cheapeet andi MUogest pin athe marketi.*W.H.Wr ren'ls new drygod store. Have J. Melntyre repaît- your stovés à b4 fürnce and cernent thern tn pre- ".4fl gas escaping. *W. G. Walters la showing finest range of dreas ïode ever brougbt into Whitby. Pives. lir were 50 low. e!l4tarlo Ladies' College closed yes- teda I> th* casier holidays. Study wil be resumed Tuiesday next. t ust opened up a choice line of embroid.,, eries at W. H. Warren's new dry goods store. An Oshawa firm je now copying after a Toronto house which attracts attention te itâ advertlsements by writing a sensation- 41 beading to the effeci that the. fit-m is bUruted financialiy A large namber or peeple from here went eut te C. Lynde' l,4e on Tuesday. Megsts. Farewell sud.-Westlake are said to have captured a number of therobredIs ai thc rlgbt pries. Baster cornes very early ibis year, but the seaen and the ben are both ready for it, A milder lenten pet-led one could net aS te' see, and eggs have seldom been less thap a York shilling ai Easîer during. t-e- cent years, at which price tbey are selling now. To Let, Two Brick Houses with seven rooms I&i, each. Good cellar, bard aud sot wter, and ail conveniencesý Low rent- and fre. cf tares. Appiy at Cellin's neW shoe store. The White la Kilng oi them aiL. aNo bouse conlpletely fuj-nislied without ~vîng a White Scwing Machine. It is King of ail famîly sewing machines. Over oue milion in use. Ovçr 300 inuseOV lu this county. many over 17 years and uo: eut et order. No wear eut te thein. L Patrbanks, agt. ai Whitby, Çburçt Nçfe, Mr. É;ti1wlil, o? MctMaster hall, Toronte, wilI preach ln the baptlsi church nexi Sun- day, mornîug andi evening. Owing te the illneas of the Rev. Mr. Sycamere, the pulpit of the Baptist church was fihîcti last Suuday by Rev. Mr. Carneron, student from McMaster hall, Toronto. Rev. Dr. Galbraith, of Berkteley street mthedlst chut-ch, Toronto, preached Morniug and evening on Sunday lant lu t. Mehodist tabernacle ber., te large congrgations. His discouses were dir- etedte catvancement of missionary u'ork, sud from every standpolnt were Most inupressive and instructive. He showed b e ii isslonary werk-ofthls centuryr had far exceetied d*1,tatad On UIgI:ast ".Chas.èn- nor wstkn a wlwth yotusg lady arouadi towzî when tçy obsitved that a tià med Melvlle Hl aAîwn pami occasionallycrawling under wýealkto hear their converiation as Mteit- it, te pstt of home Conners waiîcd for "*.hum wiere eh. acibeen ,Itbù.and gave hlm s -chà frgewaslaid be- 14'aaion-Tuesday or, owledged, d board 'edvicatioo helti a Wed4h h Pm-, l5UW lIVEIUJi4WIOU1I5 in C *Ini,ewblch, it Is umecbsmaary t k tii:fit pertcormers dld thenilves Jttictk' Ail the iternia were, encored, anm.i boie siatent was-th, encore after Miss ' atrc Tamblyn had given a vocal solo, that the usual custom I- achool çoncprts wav de- parted from and sh. waS alowed to r.- spond. The. second part of the p'ro$ram- me cousisted of. a tht-me t Coredy ln which tbe following younj lýadies took part, vis: Misses Lawler, 0owe, Bértha Tamblyn, Beatrice Tamblyn, 'Yates, Hen- derson. Saunders, Meen, Arnold, Green. wood and Nicholson. The parts calling for special efforts were the farmer's wife, Aunt Matilda, andi the Italian waif, whlch ,were taken respectiveiy by Misses Lawler, Rowe andi Bertha Taniblyn. AiU the p arts throughout were unusutaliy weil sustaineti and the iuterest of the *udllence was beld te the. very last. The CamW'1n the. Woods scene was weli representeti. Tii. third part ef the programme consisteti entlrely et tableaux, some of which were capitally weil breught eut. Miss H. King made an excellent joan of Arc, as did ber aisier a Litte Match Girl. The tableaux formeti during the reading of the story of Litte Gretchen by Mies Berta Henderson were exceptiouaily good, although the delay in preparing them detracted somewhat from their succeas. These delays were made lestq tedious by the boys in the gallery singîing some et the college sougs. W.0.L notes. One's self-satisfaction is an untaied kinti of property whjch it la very unpieasant te eue depriciateti. Miss Addie Mowbray, uew the presiding geniub of Sinclair's school, spent Sunday wiîh ber friend Miss Lawler. A true critic ought rather te dwell upen excellencies than imperfections ; te dis- cern the. concealed beauties of a writer and cemmunicate te the world sucb things as are worth their observation. John W4 Gerrie, peent aporting editer of the Mai], snd formneriy editor-in-chief of the W.C.I. O11e, waa renewiug acquaint- ances-in town on Monday. Fellowing the. inclination, of hia boyhoed be is rapiclly malcing a name for hiniseif lu tie Qiteen city. It is thus eut- beys succeeti. A yEhl fer the cellegiate was a happy thougit. W. are surpriseti that tbis im- portant atatter was neglecteti in days agene. If noist- la any sign of the inten- sity of feeling for the goed old school, ail who beard the boys on Wednesday night iul agree that love fort heir Aima Mater is not quit. extinct. A splendid feeligg ef ccmradesbip la blooming among the pupils of eut- acheel. Tii. fact that every boy lu the acheol se- cured a ticket fer the glrl's concert, shows that the, boys are gallant if nothing met-e. There vas more enthusiasm showncon- ceraiitii. reserving of seats- fbr the boys than We, ver saw la the. W.C.I. before. 'Sý'etime 'a tilecamse.a spatbetween, tWs>byï. They broed over their fanciedj, 5igt. TIi. evil efecets of the. "scrap> lu-1 creases tlîUntien. Thcy botb"ý leavel schôl; ,oue,i to go as fat- soutb, as the! otiier goea north. They carry away thekji mutual tiilike. Howilethe mattei toead<?i *If it-iver dieu eut, a few words at ibe b.-! glnnlng would bave made useleas theý, thouuda at thc enti. In ths connectionl we are reminded. that it won't do any got te pray for- the South Se&s lander, as long aton~e wo't speak te the man who ives, lu the neat bouse. An interestng discussion la going 0 1 among the train.boys. - Commutation tickts itaVe lex ni~eIse!tjp of tue sc44t~*~whô ca. nroùce the neemé AT VW ~ i The fthe MÂA5TIFr PLUCi CUT ha ecome the .5tandard 5moirng tobacco1 even in competition with Ioný brandi of recog - 'nized merit. B. . PAOHE Tobacco Co., Richmond., Va., and Montreal, C&nada,, Down Wt Mh Prices For 886,026,*.70 ; formerpce 6P SI&. Qualty romins the sm~6dt foreut styles; dry battery aud:eiliet -.mild or strong ourrent. Lma thmnhl hom Ù tioaath"n ailum t gether. Pull flAI ireKetnli. New b o 1r3ebm.%are wleue.GoQ oit1y bon Frat*J Soutb Ward,. Âpply tB. BWORFOK- en the adonn oo :the' CHxeOlzxý~, Farm aned Wane~ttoRnt Smil arm of fifteen,'ý oweyfive=crS'withbousý onl 'U~ear, Go. NOTE aEDUCED w I Ai UI.NES 0'Fý INý We buy for CASH only, and have made very I Zhases for the coming season, and must.: have mô-,ný-- for them by April ist. We, intendmangthsa the 'greatest money saving sales on rcr.Rn No old stock io or 12 years old,- and everythingp to money saving prices. Below we giv ei a feW Oi Bargains whîch will convince'you --t-hat we- rwber our BuSIES 2000o yds. Dressi Good8s, regular prices vere 20c., 25c., 30c., 35e., redueed now 10.0 -1000 yde. double width, Dres Goods, eg«ular prices- were 40c., 45c., 50c., 6Go. oeceènow to 25 Think of 400 prs. of Wôinen'e Pla in 3Iaok Oashmere Hoise, regular prie. -26o ,eduoed iow to i 2C.P "Think of best six cord 200 yd. Spools, eduod to2e ah dif9, wMt We are beginning, tô and ho W-we'll serve th.91 morlrow. BUT 'COMER-I #inks wiEnà t - -hà LWî 50e. now to GOODS ARE ALL