Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1894, p. 2

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Mor Youtna eii lu w. hn ,idaf U Vil-of $2. for the. piat hotok i'theds ,ifort and lmprovIèetmi% Mute. Âécording t he hir.1 iu' heo K ersooal ewhaueuitoworktee long heurs, bat accord'.ilJ Tii. na ny h lv bbigte the employer the h.'Su was slow bh \.dnjoy'lie more, w atndsd Iznttkiga net uime. ,si i~ue, y mreproirpti, work to get it, doue ilu good im. woqrd'b otrdoi AnywayMU1iokéd hlm sundtruck IE C wd8 or1d'uial besng, ,,iu st11» i buasd theÈ.- n.'îtvuck for town Wtot ià3e vleoibho! t)ii. pre Uuid et the protectiou ofthé blaw. H. laid l ,0 ale tihalt onth b rse iquidts complaifit beforo .3. E . Gould, J. in l"aftivO p1rnO1plesebau8i 0P with the aboyé resuit. aud Madui remedy, Syrup of Fige. 1sereed to pay hin iiiî wagos and lot elts excellence is due te Ita preueutlng humi go. n the. forin most scoePtable and pleas- ramons chiolaen cati' ant. te the teste, the. refreshing and tI!uly Mr. Thomas Galleway -bau been both- bojueficiâl properties of a porfoot lax- orod by his neighbor?& chiokens, and ative ; effectually cleansig the syitOil, wort te law about it;., but ho did netf dispelling colda, headaches and fevers think he could -get justice", u Uxbridgo and perrnanently curing constipatibfl. so he tock the. case to Port-Perry be- Ît hbu given satisfaction te millions a.nd fore Justice of the Peaceq, John Nott. met Wth the. approval of the. medical The Justice thore, however, wus jusi profesion, because it acta on thle Kid- as hard aud inexorable a ksiot Us env neys, Liver and Bowels wffthont weak- Uxbridge J. P., and Mr. Oalloway bue eriung thern and it je perfectly free froin les mraison now te' ho satisflod than hé *veryobetIlOsbtc. had before, for the case wentasiunst Sy ru.p of Figs je for e«,*. by al drug- him. Ro charged Ordustou MbGrattaný gats lI 75c. bott1'ýi;, b it is nianu- with being the owner of heu. thai -tres-' eaturea by t"1o C a:mFi yi:.p~d on hus propei.ty, smrtcW-: upî ý Ceo dwo~nuc : n~ nec peartreo, scratoheda atund-tii. rooteof pcgalo iie tho 1uýý s? rp of Figis, his berry bushos* lad *ail1,andl,.Wft and ng well jf y-". yti wîllt iuet "footpri4t& on the safds'oK ýîn &çoépt nugy $o .U bd 1pdoubt this was, ail ver y - ~. WLLL AGET A WHIBY ying but Mr. «ahoway *U zýObd. srng luhuaMIethdefor be made 5cm. __________________ sieus mintakes. Thé law uuder whioh that au owner of poultry. ôau bé- iuiâ if ho ref uses or aegleots to s'but theni upTor EtSanthem aft.rb ii orved MÈ ýàl1WaVdidwntteu .onsa are e, K4îion as presented . -by W. P. icLeéiï' te-tbe Ministe& or Justice ai bawlst week for- t'he, pardon of ýam townhip 'and ex - héidet-f .the ast YoTk o0nsotvativé, aaooiatioin4 hfo wus sentencedtW seven -iars in Çingstofl Peiitenti&rY in -thae spring of S9for forginginQrge-Gon bla ,rotheris farin. Thoreatare abQubt 200 gueers to the petitioÏ1n iultdÏÜg the, ames Of W, F. MOeLoIida à r. Ryokman. The. etition ý oints ont bb a 't th e ju ry w h. o co n si te a i m - - ion stronglY tmommeiided hlm W tii nercy and tii. oleO àf fthe ecourt. The neWsmafl hie a nO*W mattD M iss Bie ot,of W hutb, l b i 7 - week with trionds. ' ý M1any of the. farinera erosbonu40<4115 fiish seedingtbifl weike Shorliff Paxton sud familyi~'i'owib ,vere bore on-Sunday. 4football*matoh took pià6i bere' -on _aturday afterpôeù bUtweethe e0 and Greenwod oalub@s, wblÙch ieWb in a draw.Thrtrnm h U# place, we aie jtfrnd,'hg{rl#±" evening at 'renwood* The xea"iestmin au~i~ ~oO~ The other *dlay, wfilo ap pie d th g re st c h u ênk "t « " - stopie' ste t_11 's'o 0" .lodging for ihpre ay rc Wfi notie Win, P *To Ion J~ ~t Leader t ickg more, men sud Of n .<Iiwioh uheyi &Ûl.be ver oty alyr,_1fun a t v' those who .e iýýh 1 a m* hJumaii natres, de __0 -t> i#,aiî aMou ta àw .anid le. . e an 'ampleseO aud, -bIeWngPs ud opporiunitloi.,.-o al t i. go, fou eau and get mU 2pos.' ible -oonifoi't Osit,.1 ,tiipreeut..,Who' bsaproýmise of to ulorrOw? Do wh 76YU &i. dciug, while you& Ai.. about it, au&1é1tbtheï.thingis wj*,at.- Thùilc on whât yen aare tÙinkihgIý ýnd- utlyouh-ave tiioiight it out-o ped the subjêoti bar tIx. miu& again6t F~irmne» 5and, ntlenées work toge- thrftmore e g 21 ha ihr ooutd alone.. -The strnigtb that 18 ali- to t ees0 hae a fat. dooper anid *.der inufa1tie thau Wéuld, be po"slble ~it ooonpanied, by bittëter cWt SWlhoevr i.*ses himieoif te à. ighÏi tturGI -aaceini tigeUanÙIE lk »4!Ë i t5I.ry, W heàlW 6fbody",in Qwes 1 -Pains In1he Joits Caus.d hy, lntiammatOrY Swotlng A paet,i m'. by ood'esBaisa' $dit aifords me mnuch plessure tài rocomnid Kee~ssriP8IfA. y onwui sMIted wtl, çgie ýpain. la tue pint, -accepaiedwith 1 e â m g s b a d tb 0 t ho d l O Pg t *gt OntiEdSfldE rad. sdgot a sasft~1 t~h.nsws roen dowi Fr elght ms, tien, kId.ney trolu t' ho complatoly iii. 1oeiand kl4ne*y eition, and, lu. &R' I»~egSli taklng Ayý Weirffai ouly 22w bgo! 5Çpnn8 fore and stter' ustu ume for a ti'SVOUi I believe ihlispii to b. the bit ln tht 4-.

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