Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1894, p. 4

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W. a Rd He 'asa mnd of' hit 'u 1in cabinet -Meeting.. -Mo. s. -. ..e in the agricultural de- pafrit ,,uring Mr. Dr ylen's four years than 5t"'.rty.formner Period. -Mr, Dryden in more ,calhed for to address meetings throughout the Province thari any other minister. He trusted that the hon, gen- tlemen would be returned by an over- whelmlng imajority. Mr. Hardy dlscussed the proposai to- abolish the government.house, to which he would ï-not le opposed at the Proper time. He opposed the Meredith plank of bien. niai sessions. It isan old Liberai (Char- tlst) princliple that pariament miust meet once a year. One Engiish king lost bhis head and another bis crown for violating this principhe. We must. maintain kt. As ion g ascwe have sucb an immense Cousinr and(uc great resoursmes tC> develop weé can find ample work for a yearly session. The opposition comp7iained because the receipts fromn crown lands and licanses were mere it the general funds of the Province, but he could say in answer to that that direct taxation had been avoided in Canada. Evary state in the Americani Union was burdened with direct taxes, but Canada wouhd bave none to pay for many a year t0 come. As to the ballot in separate -schoeULjie explained that the Opposition was in favor of the ballot being used in any pub- lic separate schooh lection when a rate- payer demnanded it. The Liberals sup- ported a billniaking it optionai witb the trustees whether or flot they woui erq4ýr the elections to be beld by ballot, 'jU was useiess to attachc the separate scho)19, as they were a part oT the constltutio< Jf the country, as passed upon by the itl.eriàl par1iament, after a long aud painfkds cussion of the terme ef confederation. In corlgion hie said there would be a. general eTection soon, snd the -p ~is had a good man in ii . Dryden. "su ort him strongly. He will repay you. After passiug some. motions dec1â-r1hg for Liberai p kts, the meeting. ad- jourued. Tie.a«» sgi in luOutàfl.. Four joint stock compalues bave been vecently Qrgauized. in the Province of Ontario for thé purpose of iutroducingz the gtpw th of -badges «a $a btkute for7 the wreîchad -stile af feue, usuiaily found upon thé fain,and durlugthe lait twelyîve months contracta baveé beau entered for piantiug .bedges to théetett -ofbetwteen two and .eeaa hundîed talles, The companies are ,oed at Wbhitby, Brantf'r-' Stratford and ingai-1 iand have a- t. en Cad Liver Olf prepared from fresh Livers and is nearly tasteless. We "gýrantee it pure Norwegian oit ùd superior to any in the 1rket. <I EWILLIS, Chem)st c& Dru ggist, lMedical Hall, 'BokStreet, -Whftby. FRIDAY, MAY 41 1894.1 Poitioul Pointe. The duty on coal oil has been reduced to 6 cents per gallon. Several memberg of the House of Comi- mens are advocating the deepening of Canadian canais go as te enable ocean steamers to run to Port Arthur. The Postm aster- General of the Domin. ion says it is impossible tu reduce the let- trrate of postage to' wo cents this year. Heas etreghs reimposing post- The new insolvency bill now before the Senate bas been changed so as to enab le a farmer's creditors Io force him to assign the same as in any other business. This is fair enough. There are times in the yar which are worse than others for farmers, but it is the same wvith other business men. The bill to abolish taxaiion on electric light wires and gas pipes, and which we condemned hast week, was withdrawn from the local legishature after it had really -been passed and o-nly required the endorsation of the Lieut.-Gov. So wefl end so secret- ly had the lobbying been doue ibat ail the persuasions of the leaders of botb aides of the house could flot stop the mad rush the" ruembers made to pass it. The leaders spent a cou ple of days poundlng sense into the heads of tbeir folowers, iud then the proinoter of the bill meved tcadropit. Ontario a"eegbW>d* iÈ0iton of vôteasn lùé8.ltitll 4- troub e toe 'anhodfacievoters, te, whoôm the present measure a pplies, and, that it -would be unfair to make thees au corne in and go throngh the procmosa cre- gistration. It wouid robabiy. be- muêh, better not teo-4»pasug a bill ast w-afew wee ka befrês u electio)n, but we b*leve, a systenu of, reglstratWü ishould prévaIti i cities, terni snd v!ais We raidagtiJeai about COxey's army, whichÛ is composed'of idles smen from various parts o-f -the United- States vwbo have marched.,, to Washington, To> read -the papers one,,Inight supposetia ed.« The following rýepresentativa 'nen frot» diflteant par-ts cf the ridlng were called to the plat brm:. T P White, p 'R Hoover. R R Mowbray, -J 1I tàvidson, Geo Parker,,. C nipheil, S Mackey,?MGeesn, Dr W FEastwocid,,Joà:,Monkhiouse and B Buni- ing ; Chaà King, A A Post, j H Long Rev M Goid, Rev R Cade, and G Y Sm.ith, Whitby town ; D 'Brlggs, M MIc- Taggart, Dr Stârr, Whitby township ;j O Guy, R McLaùghlin, G H Grierson, A WV Farewell, F L Fowke, E Mundy, j FP Taniblyn, Dr Ray andâ Father Jeffcotb, Oshawa; A Mm4er, E Williams, L Burnett andJos Watson, Èkeacb ; A. Ross, Port, Perry. MOTTONs The first was moved by Messrs T. P. Whitç, Piclkering, and R. McLaughlin, Oshawa, expressing the unbourtded sgt- isfacion of the Liberals of the riding iu regard to Mr. Drydenle course as the representative of this constituency, and aiso as a cabinet minister, and &eciaring the opinion that the interresîs of the people of tbis county and the Province at large wouhd be safe if again entrusted to bis keeeing.second resolution proposed by. Messrs F. L. Fawke, Oshawa, aud Chas. King, Whitby, deciared Mr. Dryden the unanimous nomnince cil the convention, and was carried by a standing vote. 4 -il ~1 M-RDRYDES'5Si2 Mr. Dryden k sad ha wouldl opreciation dld- be sÙ« fnlh i j Tapestrsean'd' .five-edul Frns ,beg1nrinaslovv'as.25C. yard. Also a tuli range of Hemp and Union, and an endless var'lety: of CURTAINS. ..son. when 'partular attention is paid-to taking- /djJ~I5~pulling.docwn Curtains, and general house in- spection; many articles to b e replaced by new. -1-feretore n0 better place to make sélection can be found than in o, -Carpet your ur and Lace Curtai, D.EPAR TM EN Te We can show you AN p er Dont'. fail 'to inspeet',(-4û,xf'" D.R E W botl 'I ~1 NewDr Gowls Store' .1 - MOST F-TASRfONABLEI~é IN TOWN. hsc ay sur, 'ly iot if ýyS, with trefaU bc c We have ;thig ment Of vDressCG und now ha~ve afil ate8t1t rll:nwngs- ndbemdL~~ eceivçd a.largeco nsigu- xtent of Gen. Coxey, as ha la 'caliad, was -a Mud- pr man or a ruffian, and re ally he may ttra tlmot out to be ene or the other or both - but un- wou the course of timne îil1#41i bcaoman evidant seci to peopLe's caï,ttat Cùxey'gi ideasaare *0! far iniadvancz.of -bis qaçelu man yjaspects, -out- and are worthîý of *boîlfg actéeýUpon at woi] once. We shaiUnda(ýr tex .ans a policy in a tew wotds. à~~a. He wants the natîi O millions of stilil paper ,neney on ils own cýî,dit, sand pay it w e out te givee ampiyment n-road-makîug to e U the many Pe eWho r oidafegm tllAV value Silvar wgï,. day the cents and i were ué wlth *likh aa e ne wei.wo .~fl - ma fn tha a Ud t ýl seventv-five desians i n C ;i rn P t,,- L %ý ý

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