Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1904, p. 1

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-.4 IWhitliy >NîTARIOOÂ1ix&DAITI18BDÂY, FEBRUAýRY 4. 1904. ) ~ ~ Mr. Wl,~Âke fManitobû,ý- W., iare glad te see M r. A-rnoË E À Af ast sd4~f ae oky - býas *4 caliç wfionda bore ne- lis:, ut, after bi lness. Aithougù wspae if ~enBog a Ilie -~ c~iUy. f not a~s yt in bis usual strength, yet a dtehoetàm u lte wn asd W.Sttig 'News 'Sth, claughton,, of Dakota, afc.ashr oidaylie wffl ne l in in y1 ' .'ic~r esfo aa :)Ur OUtý_of_ 'beeft viiting bhis brotheri John Clan- old positionUlu-theeor.'iat.thepl5YWg., Brugam'pn t criobeee. uniiheaam Wh~ ~ry ~11ite pininCOS FlornceLukeof bisplae, bve e- lst'yéar -1 - I - evicerer, R1..Birrel; fdr- thIe Coi tund om tter àpendiiig a couple. Quite a number f rom liere attend- wardrs, If. St e»o1IQnA.Bl, ? W-e- eir's of '. Wekswft~h Toronto -a d tiava cd tUicoyster supper and concert gîsen i. f rm Nw froni. omc~ < t iQi curch lat Moniday ali Caemlt- >T. Adair;Anot. &. ben vist~ing Died At ast o teWc were ail pieased ta .qee. our old pint .Gr4vr .Had o. e h - village,'on Wednediay, mirs. Joseph frienda, Miss Hbar and .. Iavyw 11 1 c5~ diB Nt. sa t»Too- 3rat;r, gc ytns Ms ByIit oar, on the Programme. Thi - Rfre . ~ LMpIre,.mmb ~turnebore. wae ta;e iko oday with Pneu- 'lections we re. hea rtily. encoréd. Siesi,\~.$nhm fe rien oua wic nd to pIeiy.The .Meers. Stone-and À. IHéron tcka James Bowet is Yccovurinsa trbis advise' îpnigssetm uneral.,took place to. tlio 1Prince AI- journey teoSaintfîeld 'on Satturday recenit illness. R OUX bert cemetèry. witli one of their ' thoroutghbrtds. .EatVdiý,hjaving biis prelises report roier visited Mrs. MLsfl£olly watSo soain l Uxbridgc Mr. Tcrliu-me, .the -organiizer oftheictlioxouglîl y ove eiitited, 'paiated and erectic n, wbo i18 stayiflg wtihlier sse.woi.tnder the doc- Home ,Cirrle socie ,y;is bcwgipprd.~hicl i -With usnefor a short tine. -Ur. Ter- 'Mrs. JBray %1V *t Ã"rtuigeville at- savedz1 atP':cOoe. trshume. made many f riends and' ac- téadino e flic faae*àIÃ"£lier mnoffher, iso tn SU SDERLAND. qanafc5wiile here, and cue r.falp cd iaet Nweek to Mcsr.Jh a ae olxc tctyw arc. ver -glad to.sec himi Mr. 'ibeaker bals takea up rei had be essrs Joh anrad-esDoblee:c eir removal f roinSunierland ,wjho werc acting trust- btLCik laÃŽfain onIgst us -donce at c alled, Meoesrs. 13.ù4Lt and'R. Heron wfe r e Mrs T. Cma,,tett<-1-4l -wili be fett a-% a eeO te, the lave George Doýbiti, .-ppeir- nMnhB.. a'twek.frdt vsî Zrisba.Chis '%Iiby, i a2cheerll st enr e ,t- iv. an2is 1 Chimpoving comn y hàve long been adi before Àudge Smithi, of. Mi ~ r..Arimour Els gnýt li .Meablsn om ad kind. ueighboxe. té pettlê .up the kstate of thie, de-hm i.Gen ie o es fb..Ham ~a ec nWib -ccai§eà man.- A trustée decd hadbcei made lu 1878, iii %viich -they' agred er oscins » nai -Wfatedfg h eaî terne- i ~1-ZtQN, . tel keep .**,,o. Doble dulriftg lis life - Armour. .bw 4n and -Mr diIir- iin or eosrs. F. Harris and (Q.. et M aeE'>~hda.dLa thé um p ctr .eat lhe diedinWhitby durIng tu.past nfi îewl Q ave lier a report euae NihA.1-become bliud and i .ncairible o! hieipiiig «êe k. e__ -- hobt U QG hJ.sefbefoe ~ngreovd o i~.U!r. Vill Bryant visited in .bawa,:An interestii vent toolc Place atouIt.. - ~nuaged to ssyîom. Atrisdithtlehis Mes8rs. (G. Davidaoi, 1B. Nott. and the rleiieice c ohiReid,. - Ë-thie al. on the 7tb con-wno adsrbtino IcsrlsC. Vhite visited in- Ciaremnont fast place, jit eing t hc oè(iii of tne mna -- u ~near ilrooklin. o lamoey hîamounted to some CDk iag o isý . 1 e, î Mr Yg peflob ç trste s resn M.Dan Parrott vi;4ted, ln: Ux- Louise Shel I » M r. Rober Bo e cu : ýqnpulwcreen- r00iThe ted their oopen1Iý 7esidMen of J. XV. cou's liug na balance cf $1029.bi L t icmod {il- o hà ben send-Catrch ýort.a a ost- pleaaflt JO pid flienifor, their care -and MXL. L-Wilson, wobsbensed atrl nUcv",Casmto, attnti.u ! Gorg Dolether n Ig the laet few weeks l inteCity, is- D enth'.s fate! i trity f bey are of- sta d- harsl, purg- i.,adth aanereniin a home again. --jten ld Cc r-ai hora f mdDr.pai, blane ~mailifg ~as . issCrossmnaa is, at present visit-.stage,.pneumnbIonjtote ololws, 'and mt iv dably fn .then distributed.-..a' 1minfai eKat h'Fo ofMandrate ,and Ms Go wteiag at Mr. A. Varco&s. . - onsumaptio l uyjxct h u cfAt the -homle ofut subscwite idest cure for con- et Valientyne, M iss EttaSwif zer w.is Oigt h nlmfC f ilcpeat.'letnalh vre y Fr k headlaclie. Nogri- married to Mr. 1D. Supwdoi, 0 cf Èh Nvalerteatt.endance at bujrcih-has.,usinghaig istfi aarooe o -ice 25 ets.* net been very large, *but at Sunday an -a,.ntiseùtiC iki~t péer.tratesth cure, Prl i5ct.af.. ,al 6ecn emtsar-et fteIU,.ct Fro nltoni3PUIlS. Among our visitors were M.Açbigabatfldy ag cn cmts i el !tclns af- o _McPhdenof -Richar d gregatiQil was présent. arnho.zonc reaGli s the entire mnucous sO - opadno!VrdnMa.UMr. \Vm.Cassady and, fauîy lasf surfareofut ttirozt and .bicatling F CEV ALE. . Purvis, uf Souris, sd,M r. and Mrs.t tt t 1- o r~ieat r li G.B. oroncf 1îen .-?li , -tih eek ntoved ftetheir new ýrplace un apaausi cres -et Ji-oro!pe. ctemdtsOC hs B.Gro, f-ibetPan t wi heir farm njiar Balsaw .e ver if goS .biaýt i nstant relief andban. dian Moore, o! bt-lsprns Mrs. Reid lau moved teo.Bnooklin, lis absolutely ce .'lan '-L cure..'Da)n't F ~r-a Icag ! 4 A famuly accessit yls e remedy ca- Picke y its the deasdpb o!ffrd 8i4eit eie oa n liswl cupy thé bouse delay, .get CtrhfZ1 to-da v Ji C ork, Lrhe.lan sd pbut l e h,, 1red sud ng i e am e lif oa n d M.fl s il c la fely occupied by ler. - -M ea is L ,ialtb, crt ht cure. w o p ns CoIrlso U r, u t aise, h may be a cold r d iu ickaby vas up. bere m >i>ftIs'treatni t:$tra i l cum îubad am e ùtaps futir hnuagll anl a fcw dayS s f week bepiilg -in fthe-Catarrhzoneis grtantecd- m usadadfareîly, _ smoestore. g la n d . T ie y è m i- f e - ib a c r , - u s e N e r i i n ,\tVmo ee a r fa t M .a n d - M r ' . L e k , !p o n 43 years ago, ,* et- pene -ratîlig i a n s b u i n o - W Lg fowfshp troenfuI'titan any olien ligniment. ŽNr- 1r aebe il r . u o S~W.am lie iîî«~~t l t-vîline in. at lesst'rivefinies stroug- tIc paist few years, -will be-wifh ~t Mr . I'jieciltfl--clrgtils F wi- lber -son"John er titan ordinary remedia n .Ieo ortecmn er alb ýOu.a.1-a .oc ,etore tty aking in the fo'fi lirbusbatid prede- Iwortlf in any .lisehold can't be over- M. ;nni Rr gv u8 outî naît oj. lti uildir1g, for miany . Fn lier ~ ~ ~ ~ a dthsi !. n 'aaaicelfor aI, aitn er Qufea tîbe fomliratok » '~by Mrs. \\,itiley. nowl -the hockematch sen.tn hiewr ên Brook vsiting an litvle ichrd et i 9 a or nly2eu Mote o e-1aîFia ili f~ .Aî.nii lixvebenen cles, Wic, atClapemotebefor fallloal ane I lnetody.relaitveà .ana antds d parficip:ît- sistý lage, lenry, o! the vln ody ions and rugal. - 1n, an. excîf MLs Ikrs. s.M-- - n ae 4the locals& won by - * 1f0te .. ȔejasaWGeiitnIg-d-fa Annie, o! Newma- B\VIN ILE BniNtt play d night. wîng fort Af1a îîd ii a f oe o se s onsistent - TIc Statesian says - %Ve be-g to fli Nocalc.fre Audia bic ihe' esid hoeeoaw e omncatbolie annouace fIat on Jaiiuary l:t, 1904, -tTe hopeif t, otfécGSsr or Art t rent ;ar 5 mnd £esa3-sidcjf F %va w aditted our secondison, Normaitet leave 'us, as lis' smiling Counten-mtt e StuiartBray Ja&mçs, i» butsiness with anre ill be missed fromtheli village. M .aiMtsGae eir l!tbn JGHA~M u,- ad promoted hlm tf0-thfli postion M .Wntr Mm.a ee n.ti; o aonhlk wbre flia lpend appr dlspused of -OAtoreanan o!f te mechatileal départ- aick 1sf. -a!wmn.~w nraie aohrmeflt. The business %will continue te,'--Voe ue ! uuîts i-a kuowu a, th pies James' Publishing bouse. -MMissSATON fiet. u , of Clumbus, - - os.] rdou pblc clocutting clown -expenditure*?, bega by Tco o f o discussion around Mn.\ iu ~j, btb, h ting oui' obildre-u neducing thfe audit ors' salaries [rom»lerie, as indeed nround most Places,: .ittiy un4deriN-.i; Ivcat uPeratioa per m w q: hr fni~B ~ ~ I~ia <hol.12 i Picoply y- r',_ e offf-. pii ~~~~v weca-,; a- - busin55. - fee deep, W. -thet aeg p1td s arMn.W HbT -s1Sr, aslid Do bifi. le e via W.i fneudTltr.- aywalvemoniswilou cainand lg. lc ia ee cnind »tle i ri adorge Msmmoate l3rt-pa f f 'S'bity, i % eh lofftr 'ngt eaifs pree- bu!se-_ e-sîn--i.... - I xalt, atie li ollow- beenCi, X.i.ng ier s-ite, Mu-e. Jso, mcee muecity The eJn ary lIeworkof oosnitii h 10 o r-'.ue r.-aadd- le- T WOshorne. -r a tri.intethé - le, igel fae owea tur ad icfl lad latlltg mii and ab fact onyoras_ &com, Ie t -nsu rs oesSern eleanepdorls are en naoid, s a rl Mr.Jo NV. z ke. & Son -i&r.be iurpidy pu aitan;d Miss l{,lts; bna&î tha sTod fli aunicsty o! ten ir gfpu nismelmel Daate- r'o te de anwitlssptout flricse- fée eaOftheg eo. -"%Vt,membr fi 'fahe y estit er mOf ficeefc odrtsbt e blit u tcAite u fbe ol ne t oui the lar, aud . Vbf , rs SewrtBncc ?rt rr.ouse i e.ottvc si~e en lad.TIc el!Y rae Lok o Bete. Braàghtof Sid.Tbi su!- Jl would ae tbea tgadlitse e bif namr ovnetadu-o 10t wrouudth Arlw orrfro er seha Xticessa erod itat earaLction Bof haese. - lifcte builin - tre, Ui j ookaitu flierkside oftbins.dinflY.dfg cterndngo d v-liisrnJpeaarotasi. u ey weae analyardlcoiott-taiS<Hsiu. w, sads t r-. Moen htbuk filahed oil nd flic oufsic itb1 - fIca KJLE isaiy.Ai -tislachng4byflc !fI peuoiaflcr wudtavhed o Mta- ofigendae ai&d-h Cotd e f 31t',bavimoed prsistnt us c Dr Clas& NrvebeeJo-h n8a. - q is eig. aiyp, * rkidît sd rvialiti -tIcwafedou tht oadrule aa ril lon Ko !o m appendih, ic Siti.o the afe 1 sears & mordbs .The '4peniing a feiCweks %ith f ricads ilu cd their consciences.30-1 weat. knowit as Du--tou advciity.Mn. A. Ellis, -manager at bolliday is»10000, .O!fhci-$900 -frc un4 flic 151)> acre f.rti r. *aonecy iaves Sûr St.. uois, Bros.,Asîbura, ws arnc ife en ecwAtoéer- nt;4900 fr sfnibufion. o ed a aseful lite fortM.,t isf1c aghfer, -Miss River on Mouday -te Miss Jess IeNigs ioelrttsmas~58 per ,y Ycýar8. sud nioflier- uci1 voi 1,wne, u h ap opepo nit»for tonty years, te be provided . ýamily of rcspected Sils ib P as a-wetatop- eeeded lomeWards to Asîbtra. Tliey for byreÉvenue [rot» wator aud fax-- di W4 w~oaeeattered iu exafi9ii for the removal of. a 1lajrge wcrc, arIc-owevcr, fied up at Mnte tafion. - --f of thc country. bler tumo o le-s tad.tien and staycd the niglit- at fthc The nominato<e te f til the vctd cceaeed lier some The-'r exécutive, cf North- Outario Myrfie House. Thaf was "ýticd up'1 ift -Uic town co ul5ci excited very* lit tlc gi til rocenttly 8c118 lis Couaty Sablafis clAsoiton twiee iu tIc first day. if wae rafler aterest,_ ouIy itboUït a .doxeni golug te A, tIc houmest.ail, but fteheit ic pe rcsby.fenian durcI suld early for squalis, but tIc trst samnple fIe town hall. Carpus Frenchl-%vas se en~all site weitf te ellcefe yllwngo ficn or fhe %wais o! a meteorolgcintr. feeils candidate nominated, sud ne- lî] dwoll witli ler dauili- esi rs, .F Vii The Jaauary. tlaw vwas but à. an-teruiig officer Thos. Morris declar-* o: -îun gyear cd hlmelccfcdby.acclmation mat- 8 i ig in laux*uidae ; vîce-prea., Rer. K C . uary tiongit. hn -ia a-ih'eèce clnai emigrated blter un Xihr, Daeto'sc-tes W. -'Tle Man Beuitd -flic W-%eather la fthc Much isorroW -was eauscd-by flic x hoodi. -Ber healf I las j Tudnoo, xridge; orset-whoie push fbem days-. --deatfl ! rs. Arthur Farcwciil, of alog wf hlie f eui- tive frt» owuhipassclaionU~ Mn. T. W. Rosm.lias two carloads cot Ffarmlony, at oeegetthec'City hosp-~ or paffling away beiag bridge-aud S-cott, 8. F. Chapin, - . x- coalt tlsda can ut - - - ngotaa urge sî e badtio. ejnd- md peaceful. Tbe mniy bridge * abadSuo 0ihr ol mtln as hn ie s oi oudn reatomber lier Eferiing, Craig, Grecnbank; r lk ames 1 leetigo lcSul tai Cunnie - 'fhàul5 - Iu Oî3haNýa, by t] te mônaf lini,~ h tLeask,:Wick; Titrai, 11 Logani, Boa- Fariera', institute af MyntIe On tfl iRvFa C OaiyMsMy-c xl cf al fiat makes thc e, fn MraudRm, .Rcid, Satuzday, waa frot» cvery point of Thoma»s, 'o! CedaIr Dale, te Mn. F. Cur- country truly greaf. Upfergr>vehome dpitt8l s-vie-w a. Bucceffi event. ier ie, cGf Motreuji e honie-life, lier bicssed prenatndeut, Mu;rS 1. Baldin' Sun- a, record attendance ot larmers aund mothenliood, antd tcir derlnni! Normal deparfinent..Bnp- fir familles,.aad the addrcsscs by u gbg enis andisympathly for erntuendent, Rev. T. Cowan, tjxbridge; -Mesers. L'ick ' and Elford were warma- lE L UR e IL deep iipr,-sa upou primary - dcprtment au perlnftcI tly sppreeiatcd. UL L li I'D r conewtha I crceMri. C. Grogan, Caniugton;r e etemnpsigtruh Myr-il ace Sud -ives, fbQugh sctativet poicilasca iôP, feon lis way. trom t» ishla Col uni- i TU ES berne,'Bhed upon tic na- Rer. T. Cou-San. neassociaitionJI Dx bis aay htfepopcsfrfi l * ~iia beedieion- whdlipeët te bae a oere f convenfions future, ta.king flic record of*lesNseT-E ! liters arc left tuamuatwshpsdea ts er onhWsailangcly o! -Mani;- Mr. JObfl Clark, coachuna Port Mrs. Bray,>,- Uereniont, rroersxyy-asMa.Çîsowlefos w blle supplied practieally trot» pe Ot.. statu: op, Greenwood, dwellIng Sthing Syïup b1sbftnuit b~yi- ..now on w ,%itI applesgrown ila British ~~ ifrI'ais a iha- hpTi. fiode lielins e mot iniera for their ebildren Columbia., -Tic'western, province, lie sy,~pthy e tî: rei- wuib eeh fI; dksturbed et Wght saYs, -wîîî juve sue a -surplus q- >Cold.that ico1 fo sek1bv4a csuuIw ,renter.d a ad brkenoffl'o re&ot t y' a scktify every ycar ilutUic future tîtat Whispet an& a netpms iiithe j L*wn eiiieoryCtre child anffng and eryiug wit Vpaiu pli.- wîii po4t -only cent roi liche appie'es>jt.A gtIfmekwoltr- OfrQaevil.- e cuttug t.eth, ent oneer busin1ess Q! Wetern Canada, but- theé.lop into L.t oceuMM>l~ adi.nd bottle cf Mrs Vuao' Soothlig 13yo- largue -suPPty o! flis fruit wili have yj,-'oSD.Ctt&sspSrup of rup io elW e thIng. It Wqil Ire-.fthce ffeet et keeping onf a ,great p ro- vind 0 upnio n n 11ev.the roon tile su!feter !Mme -prin Oiflihe lOreignu fruit, u LS bfl. <g.d ycodwihIble- - ately. Depend upos lt, unothers, orangee, -etc., f rom -Californalwhich tliýRIJcodwïhIbHv thr t ômistale about lt. It-Vuïres xioW ind9- s market tiero . Mostlof would halé ptOVCfl V*f7 i&ious if bowels. cures wind co!--.softe;3 _y -fo' a endhei t e G nuf 0te? isth ppndtegr way e on:rhilacu; adno u_ hi mic '91 maandrédceslnfamiatLn, nd ldeountry markets, but titis_ item YU fy~1s or '>'dr ntootifruite tu est, %vIh tED -A93 oluiê.twt roseipUa-e epectation or- lati &u t te'tnt, a" he ri-futhrdeveooping:.that;manket. - I K N UN don floneet rq. W R en êt out a' liv-cny -.T R 4r1QÏ hniw a Mm l ft bs teanu t.takc Mr. Eliner LicpktoCan.--2 ~5 mt t*ll mi thumlms be4# rk b*? U» unui teoS & Prim . «y-tivets nient on Monday, sud thlic rqads wenej) OcuiUf4 &-S.. ainià Or s. * 1ati. seii ~y dJ r 4gglOs, é.o'bêdiy blOccked 'wiUî snowdi4a fiat ,ame &CA.'1 *1brougot'tb.u Vodi..ne sure andthé- horfflaw)ien, withina o<f ypbIOmgnulaIlosl.pr sak for "t8. r a ajJ~g f hf atiainwr i a mi, tq gks LA .Ca. I -" troceedJ1 - . a.lqibok utbDr -A. . ui17-b OOMDTTI!!5,000. Fon eftioh ianl ord Befue -lent equiredl. We - -osld eruou i l icth B ig E d dy B ridge.- -nl 'to h tl I i o f lie, u t ier1 Frot» Robent Cadcrwood, - comm iis- ogl rn cadi; fu ne 'îs onen NrruwsBridge, as fo expen- a<i teenwadlcigcpse as it u r c f l e r c o n a n d t - l e c o n d i t i o n 1 o ! - . : , v , y o l d - l o r e o i i tîe;ý sne - doa. rwe iv ôuud s e p- ncc iommnd Fnom fe Clerk o!f, te Coun-iy o!El- jýi z a row o!Thecs le pl nt d Nweud 1» nclo siu g pet ito s'g ai st<. theuch, and ill b tlu ify 4,4Jdm i £et prÈov 1ding. for flic diangie lin repre- I û1d-c-ctsicla e~ rtcin o ,tntaf ion lu Counfy Co neils... e -"T hart nuici pleasure in iîi!onrnhugi'. o t h ke fnom..fthé Cicrk uýt flicCount Yyoutt re lt -aen erf Jo!sfopped j nt'ef --- tc a a c --d- u nn fle i tu-1l hanging Fru t fic Clerk ofthi e un of tion la la s highly satisf .îcfory &l-i anf eent, as- petifiouing Legisisture 71te à t ion nad f luit flic uafo n-ttcf eo fi ca îake provisions for -tle poor compul- pi l ieh - oarc mnainla-ined fixent are weiî la ve fth ;ory, upon municipalifts. adkindle c ncd for. .1 ai esarIOnc Frt»fleclnko ficConty- !ne'7ie, John Viponid, Commis-ýsioiners wil~eSo' Bue,asking tht-coucil tePcf ilion, eue ! efge - - at lie Legisiatne WLu propescd Sý ,ha-nges in flic Assessment Acf. - Ni otions WiIilas-. - -eg Fremt»htIcSecrctany o!fithe Veait- Mni. BWneconuicd oy Mr. Bon~ danger %verth Fanniers'.Instituf- e, ,enclosing I fi eid, moved: tiat flic -,ron-dS -- und stoni pefiin àas 10 imm .igration etfanl-bridgesd otnmitteeb tal- cno ccs e ase ste uunirs - nlio flc dvisahulify o! c-unstruèýLiuug - iii fitne Pro tt- outyClerk !lnli-big oer a. it'reek, on tlic lis beau mand, enxicIoÉing petit ioný as te grant- counfy line- bcfwcen Ota-île tuadi flicuaj ic (', zUn 1ties Capeopleg ng> power te exigineers te decide -as Vitria ý mutiL ranied' h i to iexigfb of bridges to e e uilf. rBomiedscodt yr. shîli Prom fthc Clenk o!' Victoria, on- Pouch, m d f_\Nti W rdet,11, tloingcop o!peifin a te flc- Cliinnan Mowýlmay of thue commiýtee oflier o: ontifutioti o! Couxity C uutil. - on LegLl litotin -fi a>as n. 1 -. Fnom Jndgc M eCnimmon, for ,tusual Milisrd and thte lerk We-utppoiiiicd an l "fi enant for postage. a tlçdcpuf-atlon Lto p r sn t-fo thc Gev- nuanent From Doard o! Educatio,Town of. crament flic recommenda flua o!f lie Golden 'Wbitby, enciosiug daim lfor educ- -above conitatitte - Uiheill n-s te enstfli ti n o! ceunI ypupilisait)xhe Coliegiate chani ficthepiesent colnîy coun. fecI dig [nsftuf. - cis Ac. -- -$3,01 Froni Geo. Gcrow, Inspcter bIouse M-.- oncer, sconded liy 7Mr. Wold's et Ref uge, eéi igreport. ad m3e 0ïfe u»o wef-%Pî Fret» Ceunty Clrk, Stormont, Dun- tire dolas be gmasted t erucît pll- vidul d s aad Glcagarry, encio ing cupy o!- lic, lib ar n - tfle -ouut y ftu1(illing flue 1and ais petition. o! said countie.t te tht Legfis-gornnet trequirenients. -C-ne.montai lafura te larnend tIe',Jurlî Acf - hi3t - Ir arc cor rcdudiug. thc nunben e jrof n 1Mrd,.11r, eonded by Nlr Mi- theirge àf moved ft f lic question et "at~Ia j-ury pancla aidaskiag.f-teco-opena».- grn ftndlasbxnaet h vie tioti f e t 'fIla council linfixe mater. Ngr h nt ! ftarioul-'n e's ng it f -fic w iîs Fre thtIc Board et Eduen-fien, 'IOwn N1t slhon Sif aO W owt' nstut u s taIevt o1 lixbnidge,, caelosiag cdaim for cdu- tsoon as a s , til li sb w ith suc-li rch catin o!couxif y pupils Nwlth - preof stue i-- oipic 4f8li ax w9. li6 in support o! sane; aise sking' i Ii ihile n-em d t lc L ~ d~ grant for cadet-orp!s te qual the- - - govraientgrat. - --Mr. Droti,,Sccondcd by Mr. Brooni- Beiie: gol-PrmeA. Grant ., . ;as cficld, imuvcd taithflicroadsand brifl- 'lot takl Fr -alusint o! HugMIPBeatoitlics ei ommittee fakc - into consî 1ders- DÉ. P o! Refuge. - - - tion sud report te titis conil a-t ifonec Houso toms aen From 8.- S. -Flumerfeif, askhi epect, tn~~ t~ stamps e peinfcd a. counfy v,inator. ceuni y la1iàblte fr damages - isd 5 -Prom Tloman Tdd, as te being ap..b i etuuainodifwo a-Âde c hrnic2 nôt dé ýpaid. )UNT Y COUNCIL DOINGýS. point cd sa couuitY Vahliation. - -- Taibof river, -- - ReprtsAclot~d - ouifndany lîne ioflhlty couiîcil ad.journed las-t Re -- o! Mura amid' 1y a ften oonu tiil n ex t M o-f n n e, p e o ut i - - D p -eU7ýicï*ft wor(ki ('lO011motionc caf~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~7c d-i ffneia ae.i~ per copy. Thàttheflic dè iîd f rom.inllny ideing ai applicti on! loeîave t -e5Pon1FerryeDari o! - e<îcîorpsChair fo enabu, mi1nfy .asumc -thebridge. affor .a. grant- cf ~0fj ucue ~rscmitef pondnea Uxridg. :o ~ be - gnanfed. YO*un coit til ee - have -leonsli i~as arnîed ai. -C.onsidered tIic- ruilfor 1'lie - ick tebidn-o lier maffer deb-afed ,hie- C udcr' isuta, ard rcuncd ciip at ort e present counîy couneil sy-sfemthi iUi.u!no 1'cgaar'b - ulabe s li Ã"d ot. 'ii tt ~'euaio!f 1 b-'rItcd 0 A dcrutat'tii suiit Il-ieOilsr theifl Asd oîtiOf'Elle hai f of eacih auJ' anfd 'h flc governumirni- viii .U t - u ie]O M xCln, -id id acbordingly. --Wa »i -1Y liii> for t; i Ill te cou a > rs ivere spaint ln -delhax.t itlie' ne-ou .coitiion tluaffdie szii4 o-G)_tic a! fli conimissionors ne flc lth e Ë ..-ttii fua icen- grat f un o! f lt-3 G anieb idge brid ge, hii _>- .. T t t~ e e p a t' tt n iag - M tý,k in,, L sfaedIl ut-t>m cihdlcuthe pu aal elections lediii i clie 1akngt 41 ted'Coutiléy ('hm'nailbbe IOloio!()fRelui by -ifs const.rutioan by, f lie coui- 7 Ile E. âfr wll. 'fClui - 10 wJy tt' i- ners -%beit c .omuartrd ,by flic fen- granfe& Pa. Friowell.'I'id A- 1 hei-g10é As ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d mor ti sean:lea eren lc - buinIA!s-e en us d titan 1-flic spec ýiic tiiýons o tMti ti - - -- for, Dr. Kie h-lwta i cd on fIe tender7er, but Me is nfenl ic h erection O! a big will IflOVC- tiW le and Brooi£eid, two o-f fli- Gamebridge, prented iy Cliirnilluit ideoth isaloners, héld tîtat .jus-t. as goncld Bnoomfi6ld - Your coin inisinrs ibe Towvnship liad -bee'nsocurcd. Affe7 al- u4-omtfed aftba igJatlli" 1 , t3, rigbtwe scussion Dr. Kaise r canrih<y' t .0 f superintndtaerto cf>îkri,.-u un-t by ont vote. atq~ i brdeover flic fer 223 on.S.O ionne.o! Refuge ýco1Ênisý,îd'ner bndr y acbcwcn the fowslIp- ced fh; lntheflicbrs was tf00 6m ii f- Ibm-lu 41-i- Ma ra i4- tareport. ty hà council tlircw tîLs cl a use uaLflue naidî bridg(c ias b(ea comi- :plctl a satuisfctory min ller1 .4t- Cic e rai: Commualcafltis- ibid-gupon ftle 1autlionitY o-! flicchlr- 2,<( o 2 ý d too- ofnthé ip. _sýuant -to; a.repolIii£otu cf.the t esand fli -udo.Ino furep oe! uýèrimil R il, t1ie Aevcread Vernion-LEl013 ryorr omhsioner5 niade n-fthe i-2lsf ng-the proceing W ti e'o sion, -%e hava carrid o ffi ok O e n-h Neff ami S.,- 1 exercisos. -- o uldn lccernn-t n-hubitmieflis 'tîios -,foiio ig communications th w fou le aid 0o! any contracter. n -ai oi ýa i rei4erred to.-Lhe proper cornU- The columilte c V t iat ýleho tut -nu-te Muicipl W'old, -s ~brijdge écouid lue, uilf for mu1cli ls a;Ohu riptions for 1904. acptny-ene r-stcudt E.uii.- an tht 'Secrcfary, Pi, sone j5' Ai îi lcnlumn- fic bnid-,e. liie lai ion, askimg for grant. ý utëfactoriy to our e lluileer for tIlle uni fthe secrtary 'Oîîatiu Bifle mo!$IO.U-thstftcin- 'IL - -tLon, asking for grant. lagsangfficcny. -It ml \V.1f(. lclhe as ' fo refunti centract f r flue ue l bridge -Wa1C - - tI bide,-buildinig a toipoi; rrY Mca 20 nm flhe enk o!fliheiTownship eo rigforu: ub~n ti tifilil -g cemfu:f, CR1 ~nnasking. nef und df ex- o! tIc prescrit bid-,ard reinoXinf Mîuysu es lnclurcd in flicconimittîii aîd f~oaybrildge, w-illd itIotif lic a 'yan te f a lunatLý :ie t e a y- Sunm o! rimlàing- tic ot l sun:a 1u i u - f lt he b id ge , $2 3 7 0 U 0 . l n v iu w LÀ f li e, t r u - w aim John McGregen, asking ap- uVf~ !etd in bidn bs3O cUF Iment as- counly, vainaftor. brid'ge 3your comCpnrsaeo i- un Thomas Hunt, àpiyinrfor inio - tint in co s u tig rd es n- op n slnto tflibuse oet Ref-uge. biu us-wlicza bîfefi onc-al-,il ys roi J. RosRo-bertson 1, as tegra nt cspIef uu sOl !ii wr naaoiýi' ti ti Sick Childnen's IHospifa. leofici sfo tvshete ]et sne oin- ,in m-Es.,M ~, ack-eont etfor the, making o'tOF Ii,- tl Iedgzug ic rccii o!~fhi cou-fbutinent s. Your oîisoit !a~sbtf menionial taste crossrngsfe. m od- forige -lcl-.'do naiiway ~ ~ er ý a sui ffeoI rde --r ngî xpesing lusi iliagiess ft> as- ceiving- forflmaeil544.oî lar fatbcnheing fi-te oljeef s imca- ti sionrineeve aaddition te tii flhercin. - the f iMber, tullber Ioic evalie -of tom _A. P. We;sferveif, secret-ry1, iliî wsPlCl irepairing~ hc i ninion.Fat Stock Show, as toe' flcbidge at fi muuo!flteicIiot cibn nrd o!tfIe connty Cup. - Rv. Then-boNre surr o! 51310.70 ~~rom Messs. A. Hînds a di R.- S. i ,,n de-S the charges O!f on tsiO c ~ M i bsfer,. Udons,* F. \Vein, Prince AI- Brootnfilctdfor sttritedi e W MaBei t, Joîn Blandhard, lScott, asking wrW- tac >!$1l a ~f ln~. Real uifltiùeuifas CouufYValufor. bccpSud and your dmrissioaOrs r lpwrlu nomi Mm. Broom"field, xWadn omn amn 4tecre b cneto toe - ayment o! judgmcnt linCuIt Large fcf otnmiu4siolor (Christ lhîwî tirs. Davey vs. Couaty o! Onitario. n-o If 2.Oad .mn til is ro T -.Broi,.te s re ot anluifis Icrcby rcomnueaded. D v M -ry ligli Sebool, ne.grant f o-Plf-BePUo. I ouursenr ! lctndtto -v 1igli Scluool CaeteiCorps. ý' Gé'uCo. Stone, aUrihLaouî fue uu'-na -lîusnul -j niàe- tý ?rom T. If. Widden, ato apo)intù pco' epr in unil o iii_-tAt~.~ ~-D8t-1I'or - îuthooItîsie %idred uiformaton. As y'ti-axe urdt- !rot»- Robert Spien, Secretalry - o! am.are, -.b rn home for thcej>orr, -tt -c )ard o! Edtic afion, Lindsay,., tns te ponor p. fIe ceuni y, us istillii litIs iii- MýisC -s f li- dlangd no-reidob - ît-itiaistage, md if vit ii requité cane iîi re -- fui man agvement and soln,_ ienuital -ex- F roni, W 1. arris, SentryTo etî.diltniii ord'er f0 pince il u.pen the ato Junefton Board o! Educafioui rprhss'dfi oii-xi ifo feee outnor-resident 111gb Scutool ifa e ub i-e nly-leçu. ia G ipjjjý. [- - -cil -w-hem tt, iv on'ko! :enccftingl-, tht iof 'forenit no-n T.W. Rbbis, a teteeset-bous- ias first, underltaken. ---YoîUn utl l FromT.iaas' Itistfute- nN -d cain ebv ifi pe r n brui Toma Widen -cacosig ~n-lflie-ing ii oren- e reiy coi :n-d, n-a

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