Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1904, p. 2

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me &U es4Iawill not- bc god UnlessatOYI are eaten .soon. afterthyaeco- ) i V I Z « r ffE tS) F U L E M O N . . T 's One or the best ' all-JOund 'house- hold doctors, a-nd'byfar the cheapest le ~ orinary o-rlemiOn; which E ~ ~ ~ ~ a PIP'1<W"' anle lought for, a..few cents. Il EX1OtD HINTS. \ you havTe a troublesomfe carn, give a, be peeled success iâa-hotliath a-nd cut away nseiiuch I-out causing tears ~a-s possible o! the corn, ruli Weill at 101 on the hiands, byWlth a- slice 'ai lcm'3iI,.aid.linxd Oa-. udra- strezam fro nthe. comn'-thc lemopi&jilOea-t erifaucel for three nighits a-ud'you w" rne 'fa-uc useet. L be without a. lenan. h 'fle"w floorus'ir a - l a-bec or other instet sting<s yir flUr,"'wiehmut lie p ' a fic U» rops, of. leman jîeon ubbed- off before it bca-. th-e spot a-nýi you wîll be qufickly re- û trd, and then a prepar- las o hete ta pucae If you have kdark hair a-ad it 'seems b: e yo ae in a-d a-g î. e 'ta lif-ling out, rab the scalp with ii aed wa -x nit. a p-a suice of lemon. uIt will stop that fi u'dwxwt thin toblrbply anad polish it linwitl;q robl 'roiply or br'tck, rubbiflg th ie 'slcesou- have a ba1k1 <fadache, rub 'X Uiegî'lh i~st -ndwiice of lemon along youui'temples;- erward. rThe wax must, you Will find -the- pa-in mucb casiai' ta ya"'arY lm oat îmdbear, aa-idnot, long in 'dikapj)eariag.a rublied inWthet ~floor. Sue i uiea 'emin l-to-a-d or lbasabeen filleii aa-d glas$ af water ' eVer ý rmin an hl~ t. 'will kecp Uhc stamaOh inil-~d rder le -difference 'wil ' --dkcpawy ypeSe- ic Wea-mlng- qualitiesýo qez leinon f5iee iata' a-n equal] shos o th sanequai- qua-îtîty ofi glycerin andruo <'happed lia-nds. Put. an ioose glave&. o,~ ~ ~~l *a'lb lTrit~- and in them ornlng :ther' wihl be a- waiiciiînosl ý-decïied inîprovemient, aiter- thor- riiout-doors will nover oughly 1w.as'hing -them - -1a wa rm h wea-r as if worn, onle wte.f ta r chea- da. usa- s Last lirt notjeast, s.g"c 0 fa xrear lhcût hout h oe éa-, wthout- sigar, but witli' i9 ad lét i th haru <,'2.s o e aad çhipped ice- r~ -adge ût shp.What ilabetter on a- hat sunimer C -Pair af choes ta wearda ' rs. 'lie pet spiiaiof vhich indiaruliber excites .IAP hO . cattier. -'Selects ' strýong and keop it weill alld in -Six things are requiisite ta ceeate utdoor wear. Low eboos $a- ha-ppy, home; 'I'grity miut bc. the for Ilousu wcar' beca-use architeçt, anid:tld incss the uphoîster- t -'ai ventilation. Thie e. 1h nuÉt be -wan med hîy affetion, iî'ora ma-ny of- tua lls oai lted up .wth cheerfulness, and -in- rtiy beca-use af its coni,- dustry, nîust b lié> eiotilatai'. re-, )Su'e ta the air. newingte'atmushîeandi briag' la4 in~ whicli corned lice! is fîegh alubî'ity day by-day; %thiIm >u14' an no aîfeco1ilt bo over- a-l a-sa-pî'otechi'g 'càiùpy a-ad y. itr heimt oredglory nothimgwl sùffice oxcept 'tho rî3. rom the ta-bic, to li bles of God. - eatefi raid, put it ini 'nd nOUe hle not lquqr SHTPPING BETTE1 APPLES. .".d Bradsituffs, .BRAI)SICUF'r. Toranta, Feli. 2.m-'Wheat-Is searce, andfirm .a-t 81c ta 82e* for No' 2 red a-d whitc ca-st .and wesh.- Goose lesý tteady a-t 72e ion. No. 1, cash. Spring is stea-dy. a-t76e forSNo. l'ca-st. iIa-iitoba la steady ea- 93e 'for No. 1 hard, 91c for. Nao. 1i orthern anid.. 88e for Na. 2 nonthern a-t Georgian Bay parts, a-nd f6c more grinding la- transit. Fînun-Tha manket.is 'firein ah $3.15 )id. for -cars- ai 90 lpen cent. iatents, jir .bujyers' ba-gs.- ca-st or'niddle 'reights, a-a-d $3,é20 a-skcd. Choaice brands arc held' 15ce ta 20e higher. Mlanitoba.,Ifour is steady a-t.$4,65 ta $4.90 for cars o!f 1ungariani patents- $4.35- ta $4.60. for' second Patents, and $4.25.ta $4.5b fan etranglia-k-, ersba-gs included,' ou htrack Toron- ta. 'Mïllfëed-Is steady at- $17'br car's o! shants anad $1.5 foi' lraa-la-bulk east _on,- middle fi'eights. ,Ma-nitoba nlllfced is stea-dy a-t $2!0 for cars aio shorts:aîîd $18 far brana, sa-cks' in- cludeci,'Tononto fneights.- Ba-ney-ls steady a-t f44e for Ni-. S2'a-c-d 414e fer No. 3 exhea, and* 39e for. fed ea-st oDr wesh. Bucwha-tIs steady' Lt 48c faor No. 2. e.st ar west. Rye-J:'s stea-dy rit 53e for No. 2 ea-st -or -wesh. Cëora-Isla- god ldemnand anad sh&sdy. Ca-ns ai Canoida .1iixed -arc qua.tcd a-t 374ceànà»'yéllowv ah 38e for -cars wesh.. Ameniçan i-is steatdy a-t 504e ianfo No.. 3 ixed. and, 51-le f or Na.- -3-,yclow for. cars an the traek, Tarante. Oats-Are stcady a-t 31-3 for -No 1.I 'white andi 31C for.'Na. 2 whitc- ca-st. Ce*ecal'milies arc. bi ddi iig -12 mare enut. No. 2wliité are quotcd a-t 304 c-'imiddle freights. -.Roilcd Ot-Are *'sheady'a-t $4.iU fer cars afi bagrs anad $435 for ban- rels on tlic track Tanaýta, anîd' 30( more for broken lats. Y ~2c tO l3c;- chiekeils, 12e; fowl, Sc ta' Uicthebê'eèÎ i c heliquor -. p'ets-cmntssa-ay aL od.c m. u. ' o! it ha~~~~~i lic cahen. Ezporter~~~~~~s rlace;,2etter qfl ]British westand.63c cast. >PAV'IIION 1Is XOW READY. cnsa on esi ec lansm snuha isil.iiscintb wi~rx ih ofi fls aer airie o oui umptihm'- cecive. I iclieve dmab rrrtn rpii Jn -tiaib ade lise qur a Iiarket. Cana Lecstate inla a-very j leq<inrr y (zie ndt et 't~ i n the îîîdax - A " . 'COUJNTRY PRUO'fUCE. Canadian.-'Exiti'SAsked ta o WlC5a-ad îmîîtI0- y-fnu Ilpatc toheOt sYs- Ë hits lieca-use' thé butter is nat kept pîantmmg traexepleo; n i tent te I cail hat m peic~t1"cortind ta t e Dc1trtn3cnt iL , of ter-Evýerything pointe- ta COrl- P-Us GaC-S0 - raId, Lio gh nt* thec ceanrie, 5menmn i ox aia'wl -v1cnsme te sueral aŽoereu Tr-sdc aed Commnec em Le.I tinucdhc-y ecitlieaIlnuSai A des 'Zacli £'ri Ota asas xpesedi-ho ht±at niiieccssarily mn th, e so' tu'.t ha - utla- ffte r M- iwaqlhed, theici pit rmm'ý aM ' John 1B. Jacekson', Ci-i- n uternàsne c -sprediet aà Word reaclxed th--' chico f I D0rsxpin a Milreal, a-ad is not al- ot'ii <i is or ebc eh Tho opssvil hava a iagenit a-ht-,,ha-h pont, coniarexts upen large st!rplus ove' the aiiioimnt ne- minian lxliLOi5CorrrxissiOleon nwa-\ s, lieii propcnly whea îh a- ýrnises :h 'snct adorugihxake-hîcoruîn 1 f p alla'w lts being -.'k' r- ay pa liopi off, t.9 j'th tî mproveti qua-ity aad pa-c mg1p.j quired this wiiter. rThc mareket con-~Sîîsa ia tr axiî î- îilion îh n d lefo'-e heinig placd lu thcj inox-c. than- a- îîr sulîte) e hr sa~vs that ho a- romove apples placed. on.' t-ha'Eag- tinues erasy ant. quotatiei'i for, hast' a-h1111t. Laiîsýs. 110W coîiîpleted, -aîîd ods-rgacm1esait tan-r fnerLîwvwlojretcaI ,r sh -ma-neot- He siys, thcSr arc a, cnea-mery .pints a-n'aquoted lec peri' -a-dy for thelr.tflt o f aiexliibits r r brm a lo tt e , tip 1h ta o i t e- n i hld' a- iIglited 'nm tch goo sm" l fthIe hst. al ii ouad casierL ' A telegnanu ,w-îs,îri-Vic til frin I i M îile'f ~c a ielitlctiîtu apples. and pnobablybttei' ahirouinti C-eameny, ens---- 0et01 iea tclietî-eic' fteE x ia-ect-or. wlx îahireous tsS a-l-ei A ql gai'iore hy î~-ifi'i -a a-Oh '-h stpper, h<al a-îeofered far salel dnda l ois...... ............ 194e ta 20e pasitidil askilig lfi'ria-iès of- ' rin ciing thc past c .ht-n-se.- tî aiu vco SS the battie sa that the twn. a're retaid uLets iDainy, lb rells, choice ..'1eta 16c a-ciana clîhbtors se th-iit tlîey ight e' tuxe' of' buttai' a-t tlce-nre la (1 mnle io~hd- -le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~d fn4.5h paba'ri'lcls lar-e rolî 4 a1c be iiaclutied ln thc liîst editicî c 1te îrîa-s divelrn"d t- the..r ' thcip ha l cri.-îîrtecri re movd,'Or -give IIorls ...a.l.th.t-rd.lu14cg otcaci 1g5alio'nd.t heofS-ri5rî,asivel.nsta bi d tusgoed ta choice 15c te- 17e rExhijtui-l atlge. The Cani ac-s. crts t-lia-h, tic 1i4) et -- l'c alkele'- soty rsIt a-~~~~~~ hrptpwfhaCaadan.bter a-ad liaca o n-dde îîîediuni .........18c t-o 14e uhriisriew-lied ta pusl fani-pera-t ura oxal 's 8r1,rv a 10eta 2ewa-dfhoirehibts withoirh delay, as twa occasions,, oelo iigliii-n e-ev-yea.wicis. rtI nidfy imiejonaIr. 1 a-nd. repa is u .goad openiî ftr' - de paon ...- .......... 10"fi-h-2eit this caniirmt-exi lotuc t-O Fa-tuifEX >per wa- ta dry aadia--inade& offlice furun e. ae Ccs-s quoted .mmchaniiged I. at comestiomitcf fî-Ight- 18 fearei. 'Coin- the, Westh1Shleti Cv Geaitiei'y id t-h qlx'ruCi- - huiin lc i( haiSX a l rge m anlatur rst lc per p und -fax'tw inS ad Ilic1 issirner flitchiison iS'. well aa are otlier fi-m t e Coampton Model F-rr 'a-rid. lagfau!-trr !n&rom . Canada-taho Manchester - la'st for -Le do'ue.wtor.foin~ti a' ds, 'le ta ha-ng t-le gar-1 eSon aer am laa-ada îaî f rgein jol iolts. IcýF. cu wm,ý.bils werk lu tlis respect, ra-ad Thema-y. - ighest -eiîartire'u ii oa firime(r i'imldloriime-ha wigt i)lredipn e %,it-gs-irtherowa-s aay teîîdeîcy t- o! ala ,fexhlibits. wilI hodes-- a-s64 dg es t-i a-roz f lin dlpin w t ît " of. aigrain.,. 17,897. bxs F 1 gsIi t-oyi-lotsi-%vastis ad y4. er-- b'...ý,ii r. - boesaiwach aa nua-ket duriag t-le Ipatch.d frein (lttaWa t-hf rý wcck%. f9y-lt rsnnvy-- eî-s t~~.hcsn-~ i s u l~: i out at ail. If dî'ied cîe-se,, 40,000 burrecîs oiappl'as, 10,- """"""n caierit,011y wande r tba-h eîm butîi-e l-r oîh f . i roîs, l tmtîîiih ~-:-Sx tae sîrnakage willi lieSe cd i at-Iaqd726shjpast few da-ys t-liapi'csenit eald ma-p ---- 505 hedofctuniieo 3 seporilty ? Mr. Al. 1'. Lcrgeway. Ithemn fa-i i rii'eîbfi înic iit(ii lie almost unnôticeable?'l adiin - am'a'uatIie iIha-s liought- 1h 'toailan d. Stock.s IIXORTAN.T ISCOVEItY, -a 'f'giao ~-~seî~ - i- ru-ii i uqlni liit5 t ~1iau pia n -gdna seaîskia-, buti spodes.-cciptq 1re vcny light. Quota-tiolis Radium 'Used .Wlh ý..uccess in Cr- tcis1- ~e eeeeU nIen-i h în afrc i 'n ses ths' furho ~1î-nge 'are stea-dyr ho fin.' Nw laid a-ne jI i-yyad. lie i-eparts thIe 1aiso, f r'croc -'O f;o th' ahîe m ýýcigsraso ryDYNAMYITELO.-- <1atdh'ea 0ho3,slc-d A despatel iiii Vieana says: Pijol. temeîa'-ue ibuttei as Var iig'lîîi (i- icnues Oitloii îerticrt i3,uelng streahe ai grey - ~~fresh at2et- 0r'cald'stoi'age a- t î - "iî.ir i . rm'et, hjts rii-er46 u-p ta 53.ai -ia. fcw crie - ,îu i, i--1vn.Inl<ii a '\rtu - mc-t-Alieged  -e p IoBas U he!2eta2e -dliald a-t-23e t-o 25e. -disceie'rt .». oitrtt o f tîme a-s Iigha-s' 60.UOn le'who]ale1iii l rni n'r-'i rrrr aîd cnl u îtsradls -la- IPott-es-an ont-a tra-k er .aeî ~riît ta- ~ raîu.' c:t uezihc'ti'Blow-ge -tmncar tiré it28cie ea-nd-lem-e--h t 'ilc nLrtiîrzfach - risstca bo-t. t.-r~gatngl'O. Kl-a' i~p i - 'i.~"~r mnbag t h 7e-trza 75r e. c j r ruumc c i- ,. irx --i-g -î e-f'n -l, -.!r---.-ne-ir- 1 a m" f4 i.'.,'tsh. in tet c i ___on- è S ot-O ay ' t Aon , t n g - f î,llÎl eto sîcs ata-a l)c c r a i tîx a rli e ---le- . î~ - ia-e . lii t c si i ia <p- & l n e s t i î ' -i < - t; r !rr4,u f i }Ç o b ea ia a qii 'iu b eaedii c r' e ae t ot -h e i---(a-pkir ,-n to ;nin e cf f in i '-la t ii- îî t e w s co d r a- -'e n *.n ru i ' Ptuo" t rI e~ ~~~~~~~ in anem~n aIyM?5y i rtla -t-hein bru fui -tT-eOpoice he tj 1cd ta u e11 sî o. aid I'ichin ' i iut , ith -cd 'te otîi iai.- ril nd ap - exi L 'tdw É(Teg a yam t lt a aayat 2 h 4 o heles niS tO th afceol nît, narig tbe-Tu ergeatr c- emi (Iiole i u'i V Clilafriisn. tic u el -I - - fat-vlaisy10e gi iit-ia--d ëoiltrtg i -e L e o f îdu Nup o e ,xetnm ii ma S ,~ O l-p a ar-in ic. 1 ai' d 13115 ý,flilcli tmoe cuio okirîtegPamc eat- a a.a- lat-r-d1~ a 13]eLAor t-uits c. lQui, -lis hu i tihieamu afei'tid btee of ?î-ic tha Un eswit' t h ea-it -!tintT c farerr init - n. -ncogh -awî oa--r nc thcnt-r1Kik a1£ ns . TI ina -,ytav---tilprtr a vnýci o%ýr mite ai PlotSerrent Gi steil olden-yn c a- 2 o1cfrciýns n nagn the O~rîak " ianT.'i acIeWîCit~1 ' c-rn Loca dcahanl-quet- $4Ie $.50 or CCii'59rfui.ui Tiatét'Poliisnisoai oîti-to.2St, sui-pa-cheracgî.-p;i hi Puir! ucee i'î'r-a-tuiiantimuo ows et o frwcs ill-o cn, mrv ,bt how long a t-tn.aWedat- a- a-bor-tonya-a-d oucd to con et 'd ~bes. 'Ce. foshlad f h-$3fi'tnu-Iy ar t" ecit.uucvryu y, powdchus. , )ia-ingglasser 1e Fr011 32TO 36DEGRES.FNE]ISG- PAPY <'è'" col'iig rea pu- uov r - n h i t a x l d d t e e .w ud a h * D e s d I o s T e ii r e s se d rthe'ventr duct on-fonce a a-ad ' iff Pr a-a-d r t-qi- eh e' savs; upor o t-c. o of rteeet -,rai in y v'hiau, t -hhaébi r10 uuud - otsiapin-,àn,ÂltV WID M Nx itiikIla-osaî nog'o, Taoigt-W u 11 c erors i rm,--î y,-ltl ate thi iS codd.TeeI - u g r, imrhaba - prd eiomfi oerCalse onite -st lah Th.eprnetl ,m. a iu-s osbeÂi cenerst* -' gebin a lo-r eT TCnnîeC a-1,11 hî'n" ili -cuis i is' eupopea-neew shechet-i P rel ie-1. jýý - be Anarchiste.~~~~~~~~~er t-li, 'istedn ý2 pae nodl -i e-s.Yutaa-ila!atccî-imo' -aaîu tie fo niebtkeppt-. epo-dt e rclot-st onnt-nack lare. urbere a-tam IESTI RKCPES.- _Thspr____rd n_ I t -etle by ruI n irse o Cin-]rn in a1 ý-hiciitsoain are g .' uChne crardotiu eem m l ess clu at le pte-up- - I eemd lunt hiy n tl Ivr e hrics n-eaprft n hrgi itingin. the, t-hA - daklerqe e $ut-d$n5. ngd auUi5îmni0, a vifor s -n -ciuPCa--U'e a-t-w iitisà iali. -1 u o slxtlewii-r u~s'piri TireS h vlng ars.ges ae "- A ow Scmr oxxnsanhdik an dis c in the etan(iiiig rt- t-e teîc'- aîaa aricsla-eistab-dne h ,tte s oi'li cs hed onaTiadO A 'desaltcI from Vaitue, B.C.,- as MO. 5.0tel $6 MAr IKe TS: hik'r e a- erat i x WteiO ltancfnIi.'--tue a-- miie t islcnstrn 'ar rsPer u i wac'iuuiu bt, lastorsceii' t-hoan,, orer ,baro -,engIa-srd gik 'oais -< codig t'fte bu-sl wlitlandc $2 t-uan fi'ia hechuein-wicli- ws rît d whpet-by9c-a- -cug t-lis Lar W orai rya ma-d e oa i ' 't :exvale ! m re .t-la-a- î$,93,OO -10 otrei, c . -Gra-ût ia-Pont-s areFIO 32T. 6D G E S pu n vli de- ç- ITRyWSDM 1 . foa c ra-li es. ere i a r- aew ut thac o et- l a-c i - t o v av im'm cr u m st -siiry v c im ' ot. a ve g' lugît- Ia dh(r h< n-d . utai ' w-h1 wid n u htmr, e l tlc s nni r t re w ics M' isno éle e je Pet - t-afrexrachic ltUrt-o t-Iqm, ca-l ou mu-hi ait-en sevena inot-lus stor- in i " - Dth roi-m. li'tc ail the -a. hua-t liac S.,cmnoy-itmi-rletCtampia 1.we.1 hr icoet-a in aada-eat- o m n- i - reordth e aeklie oi ta a- egh -nust- fanepgart,' e ; -h :n. he2 sbricave i ur>tables r. bigl ty-m 'ad w'esfor a Wt ct-u e r- ü tesliiertcs a rrl o a-tk tO tli -'os u6i e.a-d t-oo ewet- an i.hlth - n ..--rhet - .-ha lesti a- t-lia -erî ae ut - - a citnu she zc -O lc sm îie e - e r bb nrcit.l t a x'i t 9 ey, r24 to tha-h 1'. cinx îîchl n a-ieirstYe ritilo .01t- isr-uls -efnieh-iii u lne aJîtsilrlgi itiItfrm T etS I ECP o r vew i t-leonitak.e . iml to nch hr det- -oA ut-, t-bu vs'a '-e Viid.s< S h îrrkaltle borO AuriI' :l& o! lcild wTherkpaoui t tanat l'Bit---o-wnyfetî- Fo r W aln,,b -frG ' T I$ ,0 ,0 0id t-o t-le di 'f rga nt a iort a-s cirt-cibeeu kuow a t he - eng -thîý in 'kil 'vlls-i -IY f P su-( l oft-' a-i lt-aa ioiis t-e nt-y- c alt-tuas ot- i- acos I pa- oi-tw n sha r n h nlier nw ih cýs ae t i'eauig tlc haathebtti' ueii~ ~~ c.tu utete ttr-i -~-ii. s thénbi a -boust a-a-' b ar, t-mnt ta t-e ciknul a-- eeh- theaataba- mmîihag onîpau-nemni t-ein eîî-l gci IeY ,Wr eit-i her -enefatis ua,- làa cie-rd ter' -' È i heý, -- i l'îiofcChtna trixboug 1 The âge.f bruwt tiirut is nIoc pfa-ra.iî LIf perang e nde.the kaN.. Ple reon- si argo t 5.5 e tn tetd ii lcsa -aote tenyfafl aus rcod t-a- ai1 i tl s~emhup ut-itrli rc25 arbamtÇ aprt Aine tii-ut- treate ta ifu e or -t îlat-e bu-rele lt-crihé t -ai r - best a e A dspatc ,fro VanPrît-citeso foain $4.75 t-a NT t lke a h cresî' l i- s-, trag -%I-tcI t sbe ' - l(j 1dr uv s ti i'i'î L on i--'e-iig lu furtli d orev r ef oa thea-llw une as-n-aw shieî n c-br4 10,r-ue- - Icow sbutiable d a-ad muuuike a-t at-h et on l an. on t-lic i do at-heh"i'gce ydtlajn - asnlr 'il- -$8,50 tt crs te ifcýto er i-ion .6sptra-ingta r lt es - l am'ian-louiiii o-ee u - tb e Iat-lve ral-mnda. to - i îis u1? Orhas yu - Lu Haperl. Ik>ar that- -'-"""'"-'bag, i85ta 1.on aieutraca-ien tei ainci n lea il. h 9mrs f iere.N.2hvebe oda Lge t av eyee-mry iuem'giIitatluhynit wiate ie irs ue- FS il .Th dama-d isagedti -adlt-leha a -n ta is bah i. -d t-ora-s ekdiigtr ouutgcaSr.i x' I-l t î-iui fa rrtof Wh si Feî eeéptia-ta il iy moyes b nraiý d 'Luiermuartctragtl t i ecreanerntit th htuiiî- or o -neml' 'i umu4.s tlh e a- T n ai narhand 1rueifgempettedetan-t-eon.euejtenipe. tXuic ai he i-el'lgen'oae cmx- rli.igi'aa'olNo.rk2iusa-uuhr.C xij811r1)rmiit an f ueitale.ma-ke hT a uWo,.nlesthe pot 41c;N9. 3 ex2tranilrle, 4$2 té- o $7 lia-t- t;r wilu r e -neilxcs aîdjh.-yianlicît i - i fler- ' vetl-el s ---------- t-m 0 itur. ndtle t f-ch ii c ws at luî'a- d of-ter e d Ifouit ac wt ne okn nt. T e a-rimet-vxny Tue acc 41dent- r y reata- qi, 1 ts of ëol wat-e-s por.whIt-tonscae wt-wu- etwa-gWhilt-le inca- ltoued Oai-tt-s-hé disrgeia n je l tn o.urrms o h - <nt-a e nay ia 'f alio i hthe wcsrg tc.DU TE A IN 0F ES- ha1 ea-rîrrs m»'rîîdîinU nîîs r- - î' *ndi~Ven are pin- o! '1; a-ild-weme ega-gcd repaiiiîmg t-e noa-d lue la farce,82.15 leingobu-t-he-butters bZt lc brelaboru an, hgrat ined.T lra th e urmileti b ene a ur- Iasec failu sani -L or limc a 'li ds-h-.tuui ociutia -- 1 lheexet taOt i ticluiiiit-r tiii- riecti' j irmu h- .J.' jet-t-u . slk CTgohis Ni o ct i< -)u m 'ylr od rt-- Tîu-d weue hrrid to -bescoe aa- t-a 'lIa-O-vig to t reoyd liichhenric tua-t ïecomit-iu -t- - - - -theu-ti ovn-xrsmudc --ltI itai 911trm - daiocan. feod or a ct-ietiig t-e ioils s-ciens a-m'a glit, a-n prit-es a $5; - Gî-c w sot-o ant-micaa-eh wlek a.. r-A esiatCîx fouîî (>- or,-n , tl c o s. cnstia-te t-m- a-blutixifgnefart-dm- the-is 'a-t at-tentust, a-5eit-t'ri$c-i'r5;drSiih jtuiu'iton ~~~14.~~~~ 1 hts - -oeg,-......-- t e n-li oiepim s 155t$41- sat e-. cd- - win îîuîc. ci oes it mleutlý uhu. Dii n e -a- 1 'ii'Teyt-lu il -heoiîghuo! ishet- fire r Iilî x, -r C R until -tb<e mixtureolit-os, OER. NOTtaJ$4;ASING. GO 'par bish.; $11501t-o $1.5 la \ctrrort-rat-c 0j iq îw isl m ;bakel31'ê'..t m;vaued .8..00P s ' lts. - nt andst-ale e ita-d'îIi oWSor Attap-ch r'e se d.celota i g elu " tsnh h i L n rxîît1m)t iu umi t lxti Sysoin cît p-$ ',58 -o r 1 p0 igts ort itlet la-mrit-I n tla , ten- . î- tdthéoienmsiued'th- - miat« a Ti-d-s-t~ilfau's'ud nai - A iepa01h ranLeado puct da-rt817nto S7rS; Ane-cau iui zikets,-Fiitceil. Prof.rs vaneh andSm ex -asanclit, -Aesen prdw-in e - paul ie l a-c i La- tIoe t -ha - hansre. liite e t %e hai ea. t1h is oug - ath-afoif'il F n tl k So--e -'--A ouff e'i'on'of ~-. ~ nt-le.ael oyatr çe. sa-s t-a relartOd1il~'~~ a iroie re- 1ieed, 14c; a-ais d14to' Al-h- le a]a1- on t-? acievc tlajc t- le «ses' l as 1- - jLI luXmt't-lei. Mu1 n nupyjesfitlnt athr ;t - -NOT INO DONO. - haesr smolilliet-alieelut-ocom'.n t-ae a-ma-Il tma-t iter hmrrlet a-tiy. -- anin x ece.th t o t. u 'crtia. nyn gai te hcptui thîn an il c a e èt-h $6.7-5Rilw yt-o 7; ilve luaÈ ith Progr ,na n.e.«0th ç~m ~avoro-y - -th-- egg- dc d se-;ptonw leet-lae f, o; TMaa-t' ' t- hae i u n * Mnpr Cheloflit strefriy)-I've came --ý le 'eeri -is ffloLt atgeIi abujTr. eep r wi a otne oui 1et. ,r trallhed 5î;W str.im d' 22 -ivfo u <ip.flt-oitbng r.lim ifccr-cae a nax î e -a-in Oyhtrig h otn s '-t-o23e; rfrigeat-or,1a5t-ea-ilt--oek _hyoth1a It il ii ur' cut-l art- ofuliui çi 23e'to 4e smnet t-cr. et-n ntro , ii-a-bTas' tegrecs -h p our IGday-'hat hat-? enougI e -l Iuse a adt inIol aa- g. < a t s ' -ý atWtth a-itz* 1:' 'l,'.,,,, Mm. Chdllus-1 t-o kaoW 1 if tlèei-ni t h xertvtb sian aîles*hx-n» j ei; n o1~ t~lway-'rr 1t-be116e;wc4muoui, S26rjta $27 .1 ýeo uut*a&a-mmmstamw -'i o abepIafus ' 1t th -x-<C hel si-, an -- MPcEE of tw . poviug. OnutIadhy x'c-iiw'ehow tlu nu Per t aildasityimaîg -.isiunit-lt ;sla- s, buttran fler, oe te wor, e*n on aiway Tous a tqrio 14et-oil*e homarî'y'u aht di nW hShteeiVs1 -' rr~i~~ --~~~~i~~ivana- own~mi, 14c-1-Th e as dtcbe f r a Elem vtèer j-Js. vu 'v ne5tthngiget mi -y siea ~~p C~i$ P~~4 -r..ogh ~ P.'Ptatoee-Per -9O-ib. bag, 75ce' G0C "set- a-é u 'hei, el, a-, a- e--o-In, ishape-t-olnia ~ tlejtc-a tb otgà,, obe - ltri j 1t-o 6M e icr lots. id th ia rme how YOU for miuy leati?"t' add-r i li - r ,- ' -rpie h e tat-r gee ; 9ie to 1e;et EURFEA.4GIA!IN MARIK-ETS. YLndon, Feb. 2.-Wht6t, an pas- Sage, h14ers indulTC'itenoperatars. Corn., oa pasýsage. very inactive; ça-r- gaeS Odesa .a.r.t., steain, promipt,, 20XS Id; 'ebrua 9 0s 8d; Fcbruar-y,, 20S Ii, d;- .aî'n.par<cCl ixed Aimen- !'an, Flebrîa-ry, 19s 6d; shiprncnt 'ýIithin threce Cé.k ,lüs 71j4,,, cat, paircels No. 2 Calcutta- Club, aliost due, , m 3; 'corn, cargaes La- Pla-ta- yeîîcw, rye tÙt, Aril-ýMay, 19S 8d; ,Iunc, 19s.' 1ad':- Ja-nuary-Februa-ry-, 9s 7id.parcel. Antwvérp, Feli. 2.-Whcat,.- spat quliet; .au-v'il. Carn,; -pOt Amnir-an jxd îe 1f. leur, spot Min neapôlis, -26f '9e. Pari<;. Fei. 2.-Wheat, tane steady;. . ,Janualî-y 20f 85e':WI'sy and August,. 21f 25C.. Flaur, tone s9teady; Jan1u- ary, 29)f 10)c; May a-Ud August, 28! 70c. UE '-TO CK AREKET. Taranite,'-Feb. 2-innsSl cat-., .tice wa9 conifiil ta butche-is' de-' seitoiwhicb sold, ah $. 4.207 ta 1 4.9o for Uic- niast par t, but' Iîad Ilhe imn hleca lîcayy prices woud lia-Vo not been li k Sliee'pou arî1 r' elcrce.'î lu i tlhesc waVjs active, alliai more vouId 1 ia-vé,sowd Two cari3'0oad f butchiers' cathie1 1 tere sùld a nt~.5 ad a EL w lt tII ta 4110,bt the latter %vaàs for a fa-ney load eqveul ta hieoiili Sheep a- 7 la.ll .Were ilu bî-it"k . ciiain'c. Quttnms flo - -part ewes, -~375 to S4; expart 1 clîsi $3 ta$i2;butclri"shîeep, :i to'$4' J-lnihu,) 4.0ta $5.60. per cw- alves wPe s uteauîr -ah $4- .ta -S $6 par eut. -CalVe5 wcrc e te-ady at $ 4 ta $6:ici' cwt- anmd .S2- ta $1 1 Ilaîrs Wil. m. AlLi~agdc.- We quaote as (ollewi - Ç'ee f -p"ilino ba-,con gquait, îîIot .1urce IZ 2 00 nar lss th ani COI bis- aiï ecrs. Toirenta, P ae cv;t. DUR1TBU ITTE:5I ITI L ~1G F M:R. -TtTDDICK SAYS TE QUAI- fuThesYer A.- dcsnatch flim'Toronto says -Also' Deteriorates- Very Quickly Af- There is cvery.prajiet tht Ontario ter, It is Landed on the ývillsec ài. mch laz-gev jinf1ux of f;in -Other Side. vaer. from Wn landthlan lastj M yajf.Thoniasc southwol-th, lIit. Ilo *Speak-ing on the above subjeet bcýeceor ofithe Colôiiztticn lm'ujeu, year* fore a- recent î.eeting aiontrl oidan VeiQ-dav' t1at the arrivals AI' dairy men, M... KÀ%. Ruddick,. Chef soa far wer"e Inaî'e nlun1(irous than lth11 of the. Diry Division, Ottava, àve l*a-st, sea~son. ' m- wek 90î»enFafie saflie advice, that, wiil, if. follow\-ed, came, and, advi.ýCs Ihava been l, e vdMarc have, an,-excellent e:ïeet upon the qui- of 50 or 60 expe(cted thiýý ,week. 'lhi-, T,11 ity af the 'butter. orted frlom Ca-a- proportion of fai-rai laboroirs'andmina the ada-., Ice said in P rt:- ",'Very pro- whio Xwanpt.ta wor'k on farnis ont coIfil pýer.questions for, butter manufactur- 'Of the wlhoIe îîunber a)fi niînngra-nts comnj Lirs ta- ask would be, 1ow does ou-r 19 lîger tan hrt yeatr. 'l'ie de- 1Dr. butter suit the British trade? .Waàt Parý1tia<rnit h~svrInwcns af reaclh- lithcl arc itsdefeets, il. a-n y, acl ow ima-y tîg hie (C5dl-sin Uhc Bitish 'jjfln theyv be reniedied? In answe~r tathe sS- a -Mrefrir tneerla fîrst question I would sayi that Oau.r - a-l'eApiigfricat vr t jveryý finest butter gives excellent sat- woe Vrwinaýjl, n ore are pro the1 isfaction and it is. doubtfuif th ere is ~dîgctigs in wlîichl iired sta-r a-ny better butter. on the market. Thei îîo 'il C x.red ina-y hiveq. ýWaguI trouble is« thet the qaiyi irr .egu- j *will lie fully as higli. as last year,* ted. - ackuinfrlity rin atb 1 ýand Air-Sorithuworth is desirou1 s. t1at - ~aapphjc4ieateenbe s-en-t in as early'a-i wards, itis unreliable. Àdeaipr.xnayposbe _ _____ ai ,choice q'uality,' but the -next aîîieI~r bc uvfl- ot up ta his expectations, M RH EEINH i ýo that when, he is afiercd 'Cana-dia: butter a-gain,, he is incline'd ta gi-se Date for the Formuai Opening of ier a -priai equal .only tû the valu e aif- arliamnent. At the poor lot. In this Way 'rnueh aif Ouîr butter cocs npot. receive the An- Oltawa epth l-,-T s standing which it dese rves. The but- st(tled thaut thc formiai opcinlg ai ter that ofridi&,vM.rqha1.1yth. Thursali'y, theel i 'that -c ai,a1ýva-ys be- depended on. ta iîlo et oteeeto. si cainle. u1P toa'acertain standard will --t a he m 'ore in denia-nid. than ane wiih i,! Seakra-djhie îex a his E.eellecy wil du]ivcie sl ccl in-y av-erage %is good, but wih i 'fronj he tie. frequently ai inferiar grade ac well as____ IJI of c chaiecst -quality,. ,Our Ibuttsr -- 1 also. said ta. deteriorate ,very ,quickly XEP ul 1 1 BsY. T alter ii 'is landedt an the atbjer side, atndi that beilig. sedealerh arc not e Tom-k a-ny alI ngi uc-OS ÇOira-0dta ra'e a' t. ~ essa-y ta run the faim:m on a Dr-iinct- c cmnhnizeUi im6raac a piasAg insimiilar t,,)that of tUè etcr111t. liî the British inlercatasel s-h Tencchant asf stc p<wt ilster incline ii1 nat ciustoiner. The rchant. s n* . prng o w, ie, particula r sîî gods i½ i u1 ta 0ha ndi an pvsîi t1at godsiiifuE eitie iceshene i utter nit, afwhieh he stanids the . kep ciIsaehsaneoît gad a-il tileyüear'ru. r-tcly hPî best c)Ya-nrec ai màa-kIng a. profît. nletooriiï.c">9d'igth ra 'CAUSE 0FDETEJRIOJATION.. year, by lïin ustacks suit able ta NwJtus sec 'if w e ca-n, determ-nethe sosn. Jif the Çfavi'w ii i do (lu the cuse af thèse defects wic.coin- ieicmywii a- Rte. Ti' pel -ls. toa acept frào.îneanctao t*a so~I ý',,iil(l 1wIso hianejld as ta vield -tî ' a. Jax" rs. Ji estry Ax ih antd e ctoro rs tass 1ship' cf tel Mer .()( ' oi

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