Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1904, p. 7

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iY rLRT, Contiary tp the cnerâl opinion. EPON > LOES QWET1 - fINWN W at srn orwoes as Dr. Rosenbach ascrWaned, iOI-w u Why didholes wear so soon ? i ai>1y thes Uosult - of 'ticW~' sound 18 not higher thaxi the -Bouquets for: e, Ltte re-, "toèIk," but 1oweë. ln., some -lu- J oniOy1 Jupan. II U 's la.LL ouusea common soap. or W*PeakNeve. stances, particularly ia Vhs -case o! raneet !foers in J a- is iuipalred ina ny large dlocks, the- interv4d ià& nea-rly a 1 slgh, iiaaricaquart. The Illusionwihm atepnii rL li aph azard o I oThere areNmeOSWtes o ~ou~~ ~j<> ti tck" appear1 td be of a hjgher tone Mr..o, ut eertin aou 1 1 îll you. :thS.V«Most of'.than the *'tock" is pro7iuced by >the gov&u.l.by -artîsUe a. hre 3rs ÂanS. 'c ýo :whch meni and tact thoat the former le sharper and.ae etan iwes crtanore sda ue presen1, day suifer- are mâïre a<etat*.d than, the latter. for loVee-daY sol; etinohr R.01CYs Nat rybiood, or dis'rh-e imlpa-ct ij are Intensive and. of which.' abfoiutely prohibit0 S sY ierve forces.,. la yoitr shorter -dutrat1on lu producbg the itenccu m.Awrtrtel so SeSuey edryg WSÙses e MWa only be maling "tick'» than.i n the "tock" wtich iltesf-we> cuatms:luitsVey Wrs ing it Veel in a tlred cauied bythe vibration of a larger -hr r eea tlso rag- -St.ages. ~ agemnent of the diîges- part o! the-co*g. struck atan oblÃŽ- imente.c !whli 4 l r-a noiréeanm n occinal nlicadache .Que angle. 1t-ilsa r ofarally t-Lù.rh rachOrrect: _________________________ nervousness.- Tiiese '1" PRECEDES 4d-" ly ereguls. a.iy Vaih toCh o!Anputtas délow onpltes-- too oltji the- flowrs or tige ar o! ininite y Cured by, Docd's Kidney WihWsalwdto aidw i tootnfolloweil by NoV Sàtisfied with having a-t lastte ' ning. orVa< ie 0f inhihVopt back. Wherever we traversedla -track nv iUs.w oui, scout disclosed spear pits ý6 ft. akdown o! the health. ascertamned 'the !causes of the differ- vnriety, and haraony en.tthenpins. tlie s no medieine ence in the acoustic, properties o! the vase.-and tefoe 8on ! h 8dpt the- mouths cuning cn-wl ýrig back. h0alth sand'tiek" an 'the "tôk," Dr, Rosen- first conditions to be observed. Feb-cc aled, with, a -<èvCring of twigs, kcklya Dr. Willialns bac h desred . o find out why jhe Triere is a» flower. for. each mointh Burl 's Fits, Oi. o> earth, and leaves, urîîîshed with ~tousands o! weak a-adsounds' ccompanying the beats, o! and forac irumtnc & iPpyo -r. hisA anîso Coliùg- v iid woùien owe their thepenimby oimnusage .are otherwise.. >Special bouquets are* a---wod, whose alfioSt 11r sear d thth pitsuppeînst peiiulu conmon for covey Irn, lrigh's iosen s a . to transfix the stranger who br hoath and increased c-id tc-.c n o oktc.r.gdfor birthdays, deaths. forighrtfroa Br'.-h.'StheSOSC ' ca.nexigîÉt faandt into--ictheanepit.II.otion this medloine. Thes As there > isnoi-noticelable diffe rence the tiret day, o! the eîghth mon1101th,' worst stages has Causeda fltjl i "Tee Rivs nrovr ae aï , ricli red .blooa.,- and i h eghfti et !tépn -dfrtehnrd d n ite h xoùaîworld, is weClI knioxvl hscmroer ae nth lnth-e hyet tha esn adefremtne hich e a- n& intrai in ,Faits She resided ltrick of Idanting sinail foot spoars 111g ed nervea. This. s hh-aeanitglmo ecret of the wonde for bgufnwUCh the "tirk" jnstea-d.part. of Japlanlese IfadfrwIVhfor ca rs before roinovjflg t Contang-e that- ftheaves OU 'Wlliams' Pink Pi 'o! the " 'tück." > it would -be ýa serionS mlstaketto useWood, and it was WIIeliving srie heoto!th pserryaTeil o! strong proof. MNre.~ The lavestigator, came to Cie the wrong flower. that she iças stikiwihte4r natives hore. wero6 of good staturc and tra, k. r.., B o ston, t, conclusion thiat the w ord combina- The place wh c alk . L s * n ev d c o st l er-,a great "deai fromi tion'- tick-tock is 'simply an imita-- occupy in 'CL, Ëooui is alw o important, to i e gave.formdabs of troubles-, rhlema- tive, o'nomatopoeticaî1,expression- al ': it ile usua]ly plut before r.Aaithesnalytiits tj r uble anad iains - a-bouCicond alter ' the iannet' of Ilany aeol rp-îtn hc ra-living i Buks FaIt1s, ad hehwl ;Q o! Dr. Williamns Pink Re on ht anary every case Ja-panese bouse. - iTiere should al- ; id,,*ho bin the helplesS, sltCriig 1ENGISHas.LQADS T a and now at e th he sybd'-lable:cntnann Uc"l asbe lTarony between thxe pic- yîd îoJMrdj ~ a~-o Ialches a.nd pairls have. on reelstal;' containing the ture and thbe bouquet. Thus, before '.hronyrtwflyh eath itseîf2000. To dad Tirty'sy. tmsT amn enjoylng the bust ""~ o n~ptapl ~ pinting by the fLmu.artist,,1 ords- 22,00 .?Iies. rail ', afor-usdThOys cnnprecait howffw-e'7#v Pacl<-lt Wds -uor Thi8 ithe relict o! titfor tat, tiptop, - iffra-ffknici- Toeemmei, who. tôved chrqvsantiheflumlfle OneBright.sor teroîn raiidv - iarôtrnds tint Mrs. AilNa )Ise f thèse'1of Ainexican industr-ies arid tlie xe- u you Inust.get the gein-Is<ng. -twr. r îie snerepc1s h hapes an5 tfull i nme <lDr. VVd- RAJREFC1VNS .1t ils not conlsiderc6d good tas-steto sealed,-htse-o!d O ic- te lo dg-~sai!e iitansiio Pe . fr tn to nera ae-FIQWr. rmthe- bed o! suffei-iiigPli1. Whielh Ilt ats n his s i (e oï- tl e'o ~ilsfor lal pole" As tere l FFEl~CIV ENESo ri waum Tet xpîsenesuo stan aroimn.davas(box.9er1th cid direcnthe oxs. 11 Acingthe s n'lýal * rîvlt-h the r Thi-e feet 18 a respectfol distance she la-y. -They cca-n el atnd theirivn6s ý1d ict'C., o ckhe lDre, fflo ng t e iilt c h le fr rn whi i to.ad i e.,it. A pp o y pah e t ont to te IU li- thî~e thez, s , toidon O utl.ok. eille Col . maikild .ollfliflt, a -t heorera.s a'O'f'.t~ihat Il.n- soula be_ expressed i la 1wdren who iwould sooli be ç 4Plotherleaias. yseiistoa 50 cets wa. box no ix b OpiindeîatiOthe of r a- hyi logîcalad uety, -t.ecolor WEIAT CAUSE]) TIIII URi1F. only 22,0<0 miles.. Yetthis .coi- 50. cena-ds a boxlgîcr- n1t1e..fiebthe fioWers *beiflg first toucbod ¶lIeîî while they waited -n-l.watch- parat.ivelN sinail .1nileaige <cpo i 50vsta.tesytbewt U upon, anddifleetepe '5ben dfrteend, a gradua-I ilinprov- e t !2d opne.mxo~ann aound I s pla-ced first, because tesiedt ilra tns etcm rthesuflrerer. u wis itfoî c av h-h*emart d ~ r~ubuïicombination in that re is èeasier .harl oiea-ble at firet, buit as rnn-< to ai xoui iTee C> - e grow stronger an 'ka t legt otheî& are "osdand worlked ~prOflOUIICO1fldpOSSe5SCSgreatee - sh leave ber fe u ie t 1~s Atilottinig ail 1 aC 'c cgtbc hie te. ~~dîî octox s a.icO to otho U 2 FTUE DIFÈ'ERENCE. o E"l !AVI1 FRADIUND -he'cblre xobe'C-lV, eo-fconane, te Enliht in fa- moýreexplosive character. ieshidë.a ohrrC-11,,te RE SOUNDS. - stroniger for thel'" or "o"'a-ad for wonderingly asked -te.catl-- And1 atV: suPr 10,dieuÉeE - eeDistinct Types Lmna-tading toMtetrti aneot- Ad- alVý upr ,0 iotre tUa-V reasoâ is selecti.d &the vow el Frm te amashad -on he adic50 !in woefOcunta.l clestanin <3igitrnd hrëote a ceTitresed 1ntereet laa1>Ie.baile e. rené-y, - SI ,250of'yens. - - ý01 fr ilathiicat n )roî.liniig te ionbiia-Th inersltintUle straril po O-placed hier trust inte idreliathh.e 'The ra-ilrokids of! Tdia covera -pa -Beating. - tien the ,"tic-k" 'is 'givea aahiher[ oeest osicuoisly _by such iidnodT ])od(l-'5gell,.ý7Pi hlls.Tomsiortoteeptwlob tone than he *"tock," lalouigh. a-c-. substances a suraîlln, thor'iumia-nd sîîwy buA ' nlaeo!aot200 Yt -Mrv h.,It that faseilla-r somn-d ac- crding t U u. !thOtc'sr~i !g~ iT ffspontaitecu-slY strength caie back Vil she wasgo- hbas roenrtly i-eotdtth >ÃŽi!ra lie swftiging o! the Peli- renditiacfwlic te or1rpot1 t Uc rIilic i. lc. asbennad piiaimon, i hl horUe ils-an' radiations tUa-t penetra-te sclid b-dz- hag àbaut as if Ilriglit's Disease md ovrnietariicla ry'lchsbe iitaii, tsol cteopposîite aa îec hotogrnî>hlc Plates never held lier ini its CutCh<fl. Stit iîstaic. astitt0v1-ta f a-n interet neti ai ccouited for. in Dr'. tose- is ep at - i*i ih by fréen ixitthe skeptics rîefîîsed to 'be' ve. ýT "'Sigivsi ýýl.sà w-lsadafctcount- ;iiiisry iiigt1.t safoYs ho,. iîir st'toan RJosenbaclh, a-Berlin bach's opi, i tn-0ot oniý hy the gol- inew observations. a-ad d(iscovetnes.; le o1ly one o! tho v gairies of-the dis- . badc hîeqyi~d on-h Whil -stuying be pe 7ýtoc,1 f therda nfuabeta'. c iteft ' iîd* t6le sounide pioduced bY jendnluin ile reaIty higlier than -theVUe nîvelsityý, Montreal has enum#riitd ýs o! the huma har, took," but also by thie'desiî-, oe te jwxm il- , çete Btrsualrad dt lre.ýeprtw ty o!fte heart bae aetUe first sylla-ble acoustit-ally entrce distinct-tye -usto adcestiInd terwint Ano2ýthe 7IuOLer)a-ad.an- i alitors T-hrceOxiil t whth nouaced rhytUhic echar- as effective and incisive as'possible. eanti Flg frn VUe -sbanes m îe itrpss it oîa rs.sLelsal iecnhee t ivldth hs toob'sertve-r-aha- rays, which 'conistats o! flîglts o!f reur clt VouUU)IQsirîce Doddls uties o!- about tUe: sanie character ,vthth.clckstik Iaterial pa.irticlc5 a-i'hn a 1ps'Kidnev ' ills -rouiglit ne Uack fx'ouil a-, lho-e foi- which i, iglnd are tire electiic- char-oa txg a - Irnkcfte rae bot-ea-sccî'Vahn Vthe - BA YDANGER. - tlieb'n !tearv. iulyd103)aaei iw O-il !Ifeeîc ate i,8o!- -te sart-oapa-etN tU aîo Anîd 110w al1Bux'k's FaIs. il thloEra iwith torsc-ea eExu itu spbut eliiithe intse cl , tats-ctidsotlig -stli cthd rrao oda v -h khiam-.A -a i icains cceai sat-iirtits -aîUtc- aîe- siriedttota e îit clei-ks, ic-enestc. neihe coc-ma~eS ~O. edicines put -ciilidren Vo sleep ls, no vacuual tubebu rvelng4ser d. healtidneytif tlisura -of $,2S , 3cks were able Vo give sLgn tUat they ,arIe liipful. On tUe -and VUe tUlî'd tle gam' a xsi)ds ilny ileei-t0bi'j 17 lv il;-t t-aX-ray, ý right il.to -1aY ir Phat -L.v vaiu.ally la- ha-i to red jaforaia-tiofl. Soniel contrary- they aire.da-agrous ad .is Iwbhl'e-very simila- t -îîv, rgb'5Diu-ieanor-ed Iipdered the m-V~ aSLnty-aîfttoJti a is lnadto, ~ -of the sub -s a îrd alu ue-oswr -iy )a lL- fo tic-yfaInuiteltt-on- s Onel,, ç.-.tra.-.n:-. îl..,. -. i-'. -t .ad unapel'ttog nenmryiioterpory-sace, sterim gie cla Nilirla9VU esrtagî ywouid bUc jossibIL'.to attract tUe î)ught, while others ~isnily useea fte- îul fu'hcaato.wlich a1ppears V r.Adianîs' case hiéen kîsi - P11or'e ex-a fteIheimtâ,tbe, o ))fÉn h cll! tat hedifisu-encelia-sInet heen- rea-cheil. -Neyer '%ive a le matter l-teg-eu tatVe, aç -ad ecogine tUe fatV tUfiif. sUe had blstnin y oltin U aig. id a- c~sed y- pne hild a-a opiate except untier the caa U ca-iriSd ,along by air streains.cra 'rpiin î'-î sa-ring. - larities inatitea-xIlls -tc!u oe o!f oetmt-phs- '-Dodds Kidaey Pilîs, ah woliîd nvrbi' a îgU '-tandariyzi-,n 1 ia1 Mealin. Thegn lnaa rmebrtlt h sol-h&ve. ha-cBright's Diset-se. lo oU orsdrt-TIL la-i seeaaed Vodbeethatei ttt a-rie nmtt5 o haac ng moidicines conta-l oîîVc When -"' ri m oads,17,LtUt]mleacet tîk atteo ia i ce hs-your littie Oune 15 not - eh, when -itDIDN'T 3ELIEVE - 'tc"the riglit bet las- aTitl tot-liotowi CofféesWas -the ItealTroubèUfA1 ptt"c olnsocsa-loi t'olibie, -or a-îîy 'O!thUe mninor ail-] --1? >uItsîi-c'u iluni or vice versa-,m.t flit 9 negive it JBabys J»RAE TI consolida-lionc!of n 1<aiç 15 RGII B]AT. Owa Ta-blets,.samd -it wl ssale. - SàiXis-peopuleo udi around aad RCNLYDS0N- oa h la-s gone i-cU h tLi - îa-c wa5 - -adI att-t.bcontaine no opiai« or to- li;-n-xt iet find ou t tUa-tcof- n Bî'itahn. 'ie Vnd2Qta ,il'n Ã"rmation< e a nd 1-nantcaue 11sydv-kni-a- systeris contaha aboit 20 moriate t rolIf -ar f îitAhmohi'tîm ocirU ra ~troubles. Narsh Dwellers ofi-'li ~ 00mle accteraco h h l e.a-oblwathI il yui dhow lier limthetI-f l te ac1î F re ycase 0-sVrubIdwih Apse- a ' les a. Ani teioregof the ii a-wy a-l( h iOi * --îrw w m-dirogm toah.Iwsa ta-ycts e enulimm<aie Vt ate t-~ligUi a-les.l~r T- dike bt îa' sspc ta- a Vs Tw rpot h-v bareciedIdh;dia ina-e1iitie1 t-tcusli- cilen whel ndinthit,, eV"hs coinand si oo ihatasièdosesbai tha-t, la Ca-ta-nb-. Ha-l's Catarrli Cure mme~twhel -adla- h Us pi0oblemn s 1uýY yn a ith a- lttle diffiètyfrei inal ad ilbgn oge ell day ld Vatictas ak ioa a- e Uconlypdsitive cure now knowa-t i ts arias strike the coge I * .tUly mnch=a-dîimteotyouth lb la-y 50 I 'i" t coasfta-itly mpa-iing himsecf ytc o1 aA o-Itirs teraito,-vCtbr i tic eanpd (ILmeica rtrit. aail e et Lrne noý te Saime for -atas - o-e oa-m weil a-nd 5àtrohg a-gaii, ca-n sat 'o oe oaoVecoa-s -d onstitutîexal iease. reHures a.tarh 1 witi L a-,and Ioostttii]l teaîen. ateCatasUIe, ha-tiywl e-he.ada-cehartto-the Banugi assured jýtt they arc - Ou i-c< ae nerîfy cîdirect- Oneo! hearm cfbi oua dsavan9g. éie u net Uso h -!lseae !teodnoV a-bic Vo >walk ¶roperli on1ha-rd ly upoli VUe biood a-n coue surfa.-- - trlkes iagaînet a- ceg o! stop Vo t-iak that this woder!ule, rthe a. I dricn a-lft nhe o! uia.dU-tte.e cm guîato ftetieae n~gva noyirxg apva-rf.inla adirec- edoyen boy is nandt tb Uc depge-î otum e s où Vhes steni, tbereby.destroyliq tUe cdtcthto! Vhe anclhor. Jn- tUa-tPso' oVloalontrc.without a-ny harnaaad. eayblssd if tUeyry Vri do scmAÇ<er mucli1the puatient ts-,reigth by -building up te a-gain-St1 tUa-t ,snot oya, ortr"'. ioyîonsituti~o in.àstin proarien -(hov- ther arm 'srikes aars t imney huiga .11adawaýft! Il 1V is nioviag downwn-nçad a-dad lie i lÉsh W. mmnei. otin a ia- aada-re.ln -fVU jcnitutO -ýdVr.Teroi istin ptrsii ho-e 15 ~ ~ ~ Ilo ouîhy longs for Vhs eMowY quai - "hs omWlkean.aerulyd.-ftl, cie o 1c t - ~jse iiiîîîclifaitl ýi àInits cura-ive power8 Uso sdims dlr.ectAon a-s, e tU spoess.Mei i-strong etory. but Ixol -r~Iptr .- -- -itUa-t tiey citer Oaes liîicired Domars f or th e . -p o sIe11eeV 1- îe.tyo u olotrerS. eatisfled with lîimscif, bet pieds dog- Vo tUe Firet Nationual Ban-lt, T-T Ueina as, for a- -Viid li a-ofCa-CCta-t IV ils V ue.Sn Étý aIki age. HiLeENEor s&lrcead - -F1]GCONTACT. - gecly Onminla epito o! ble dirifsfrstBikigC.,o -y mendiant Iagd.Hest eee î -dbOa-d Adres J poCO- at of the unoqeal comfi-ia sowboy, uaV S sb~lThe o! Gra-t's Fa-es,-Oice., in regard, Vo 0. eytiaaa i-,~iU o-a - ~ w -is* o! yis -go by. a-ad as lie apprda-ches standn -d I n-lItsead a- en-en miaVirCTlîi-tac S<>d byai ruggis io 75e. i tli 'es hs.ogs e ot hesj)iidiS t ifs be finds, iuelittei. bis statenient o! Vhs if. you wn-hU. You ea-tre n-s stil more 1ie-bie la 'fnation. n-iolinaua-la-n amazement. ,that-htîq ha-e far eut- ca- a îso tuse my naie.'. Na-aie giv- VUe.woixiaa n Uose tocs weci long and - fferneie l-Vhs sounder-sVh nlintcîp-pd !-sityPsus.C. lte Creek, elgUtland storod ont igilY-oni U Madon't. asa nuto, ike Vo lis; hscnato ieprshic-bo>ylioôd. -TUe lawtvo! compensa- M icbh. foot, a-s if. tUCy psstsjd no joints. but tlieir «ire' ask too ina-ny dues- 18 ~ ~ L pocdbyVsc- inI-t womt- !lt evemy life.l U f11teeac ar ny nho po'es-Theî feet o! bohot t nia-dt tions. - dowaward lîoeving anchor tmx rua, mediecre a-ility, baroekietly foot ýtheînsetves b>y-say ' of-toman seeeaed té reet on the greunidMladsLiutBie 1uîii nlsing cogs o! ten-licl, by ct>îion $1nsm] il ma-tdng foc dout hurt m, o tia omethiag lite n-oedea frtwomtd.do. by tu-t o VUedown--1 momt o! it> 9,Yaltýy* ti-tuth, tusO-o!f ocVaiin laits place n-lit-tel -he*KN-INGL0~ Ing anchor n-liththe cogs fi shnesse. a-ad ,faithifuhiiepss e ttl riî -ii a iîes-olf."The %kin. aboestîîe iixcîSo! the, "Fa-, nhat- sa-tyrant?"l "A tyîant il ownwards. - thiag.,i vll âilwe~s. n-n. --TUcesa.reascan." m- a { osflEdathVe sli- i o nho goreruis youwltliout your __________________________________man______________ Loesfor Ue litIe boli, 'The - P~oad tei W'ltvilte" laiisa-ch pa-ckagc nsaa ucb -on ke e )dhe it ind n-ho na vd o ,what, net wehl dsveioped. 1 jliai a goodUctvî1sn-thum eai o atd - ~~~ - rien- o! our risiitor -bitslie e- a-s yî --t"011h,I e. ouî ioh S ick n essadn.s, _stwrs11C.-*n,-a r yatarnt-.u a -GRAINS 0F GOLU - la figure a-nd crnae li oked V tnigsdow-s o-ane i . a i-an yatanntyu ~ Uc V e the~weetsauceo! ha ber.-ho ore apcý-like tlian.it ci_îunia-n ls PW480h7+rcear il>a ing Istt,0%ee sbave abr..-plUs-but Dr. Aau' iver Pis at 1e Betiea littIe.cbid-lng flua- a.agreat Elisen-here ini hie ýreport 'Sil' brni ordters' oia-I helaead.Teas Btttlr - borders on distheenomenal«Sleggishý I dc-t ! harta-k-Slai.çie-rc i If iver, constipatioîn, or irreguîüar boweIs ar b ~n-ihîUt - Xlci~ sît orohaha, whoss he ilte nly-Teelrl emcesrmv U as.4 O o u h s a. 'd.CO dS F~arc . ofor Vh u 4k: ee. o., dar'Id2 nhthe pîecui.0crs ef many physicat disorders.i ~tol rochts n Puoià-.ElO~U9ctirg Nwithout. dige tig.-4 et inchin » Ve I le lîîic eVsglenky~ S on h~c e Oris- tho flàaa via- fer zme cents.-43 d for- opes Vhie palare o! etuenty -lton. j ltitlifdn-ells nit4 Peo h Demand orAf etrailitUlis, e, lierteet la 1 upper rmachos o!fU iv ier;, o., f m~~norale -as iMathemnatics.-Mania.i 18 déclarned eu j sÛ support- PATSVNSBNS Dr.c-y jp for' o! tUe Gever-- it." - Dr a e s ~ r pTinik twlcé efle you spea!b. or j DEP AU hea!-but18, whetlier -uice-ru a-e one, -adyquwii steakor -ct"M. Ilohiiu-on - stuiiuldupna- or' onVUhé arobrncescf wnaer, med-andiirerttUe f fr are plant-sa-t Ulgs put acide frmonitlti Vtiemlle i - no hmùpoelsi-bility tei hlm m 1 a- tîiborca<jui o st a- mpe-luiy !suaimeèr agiist tee %tVh- standts -prepa-îed Vo conquè>'sxpdioom.'îlervl ÃŽli-to- ainy+ day îestaix ttmre, bis hair y- aY - hyr lanati uela-'flam if iTtaits,'ad e-a-sila>boumc !iri -swhogar'iucapouertm scr*1ly a- hom e w y 4re Il thte tiXfC xd "oretinies omid hn.S.J als oee a lfd'- V U îamt va i a-ig iet lot snmeone #ulTering from n Up lond.Vi ha-d abt Vgivea There no-ver ta-s apersron n-bwiliOf -na-ire clotti, tUe nn'Wcd o ie-dn na; .a %U7einae . 1~4 fr<»rle - a-p ah opes O! bis recover,n-heu I1 aaythin -tV ong that. did 'noet" "~~pfaVato is cls -o! the grea-test miscr ~ t'e ft actosi l8-Vhe :!Ln eevmee-U- egave-- . WOf - ! Vhs egetabie wo nl tîrespect I4grày euced I h s - seedamd Turpentine. Alter using- jBeeeer. + Do yen catch colle y for a-tmost'tUe n-hoesof tUe tuber One oiSbtle tbemri as a- great change lefinemnt - ireates b9t cer-- DesVscl hGm p '"Y -smai po saeu!oÏL a-sU ,"luhepeatg -e orgr j eatyevr Pjie te od T1 Ased6 Vhsf"eyea."Ttis e ruf ilèclastid. E-erybýèe i ý iscOnditidu., and, 1 ca-n positive- -Uene. It is 'theorýseso h eaý'ô h.olgpat erÈit '~ ~4' - - 'ly sa-y téiît Us w" cofmpbs c'er sp .douai&,i diconer lgtcy e hsyonglia-a-Vsruc.qsto - jby two bottles, -a-n7cl h aslitbeù- kegrosiunesÉ n oe bjert.-lazlit2 0 -t- j _-t Ut-go-fo ub .t..~ ~__ __Mie iiVi - -a m -~Soins go -fu chri - for thèy ýruna -y A ItODEL RAILWAY. - A BA1 hat Our Trav6lling Representa-l - sa1 Vive Says o! tUe G, Ti R. tse u riceont trip te."U Vats Iat ea disi ought -'Truti" lut conta-ct.,a-nîiig " n for %v tig&uitli'the Granýd Tri-înL ok-- ln-ay, a-ad ite Iîmcomuiaraîbht duia- F if- u -eefficient lan L-lo!fca-I vu "Tiîte crne'yiag, docs noulet xist oi- a-iy SUe poittic tua-ày a-nywhere, an-'TrutlV ha-s îinfýAge'i'ci .velled, 0Oit1110t Of buelea-t1ýilig JilitSsibec-e the wonlti, axîid le tlerül oret'i a lier coat: ý-îitioln- Vo know". '-TUe 'CluItb' hh-, takfasis a-an ciht-t-feitrç Itht- ollel- Ce ÈeU apîpe.ais Vo tÃ" i travetiens. it,? -lst gi, es-tîluit are cotirteunls ani Iiîg, nti dcij't api;0am to Uc a- ays- lookig for -a "tip" rat- Thli- lrit-, i'avy domibto of IM~rds[ liS tOWeCui loilonto md xsbiI o n B r i d g e n i a c iV t u tl o - - P o I l i-tUa-t distance ,itlIît ulekiys cf -'lconm ly. kinti. aad Yoîîare laniietiat iS a reî t- minute. 11iq. gitacl Tlic gi-tat impnÃ"vemniîts cnitI,ýid îinI t Oui e tit lue c-st luIcoi ooi antid i~Oe îritrc-a.li av -r- bei ve .cry cdtl, anîdj ivo - a conte IICa ses iiiea- hVe ai- osV cabine e îconstruictioin cf th- aàd. - TuiehUne hais heni trigitîttmhes thechil, ý i c'iiC reiolat 1, tUe grades lesseilset -uadr-Trutlî - - .st renî-dî fer I Voici tUa-t very shlort ly a ri iJ5oib hg cP!uý-t 0on betucemu Tou-oxîto0 a-u1id rotre.al tua-t wiillina-ko the Li j ne ila t-ci-y mut-b less ltiýte - Vl SIOWIILtw i- oen TUettraint iuieidc ty c ow. c-i- s Tîxl"ecidoni tra-vsoin a-linav i(la-'S!' -X asuies; VUle al)oo - sVa-Luiubnts caîxj)tii îV ca-nu1e eérefore Uc coiisïdritief nfictîy u iSuu? oet, and.i- are imado giiroly iU klise o! tUe exceltent fitilitiie al- rded VUe generaýLl tx-kt-7clling ixîxti, ni becauLtse o! tue - hmnjdo -T-ti' els in coeo! our grat :naiÀonal -11-a 1P,1. Sir TUe- 0raîîd Tcuik Iiilwuyt'oî-j ID sîîy certaiiiîy in-de ii îm() n lien t]x 1lia-d(,ti over te iijs i (211, ~t ii teM. IlL',s - uv'iîxout et( 1more cqiîîhte a!1 luint able I', Iout 'i L n'in doos itt -, ut fto-da1v.1 TU 1ue-m'e [pataottis iiiostl l lia-ie umîc hi( ' liott ii MOnt)f1 M.a icc S ' -nd i1(1.cgoG.îdE 1.I). MCel,-iomnîi1ir,1o-oi._____ 1cutiid TrxlSP-niiconlua ciits - AT 1111-'ittUiliyouîs Ïi mi oncf dx ec cuîridwî~- ,l-1Y'? Wi ca-stLe -stiandis a i-e ae a -'o, liYcng a tlue uaster O!f uIlo-,(i, l, -a uiîeiied .cîîly Ït -itr-e litC1ruasL, xi. V1Ue 1 al c-oinunaad cfo xetne-. pîtme- f~at micit 11-scgioun of sltntuMy o!f kidney filte 'Queci: V'itit i i uc ip-icecon-.aad n-Bt Sort» is r.eru t iarc-rîîee-tdIwhtt Scuk *sVa--l. d Lau. tht- tut- f -t!1ir ,ýfor beaty 11Luraxrximge. ut-I-01J xix titisa idt-drives iit a-a giuîcuul xîh id lite lii'yoltxxg " fiers' lo ver lis .riglî a. x xicith lo1 wit.ani lhs left 1 isiud Th<' M Ar. Jo1 i îcîitxn fmux-ie l by - Ai-Ihîir tire pam-î-'oL Iugt lloih -ils - Ahlux-i:d to Mns .Iioi rglil or rol iris a-udt l'ie -m-a- ' ust li'ar11 itliit lissent dîneclt t the dsea ed t e gî parts by the -Iunpfoved Btower. If e g- tlah hie lcei:s, chears thie air VUe scutl paàcsosdroppinas ia the -Cîîarrh spd Hayeven.. nlower o! suni-eh f hi-ree Aldpcnnnni ue mr"! At damrs, or Dir. A. W. Chane standardl Medicine Co, ý,Torontna id Stiffalo. r uo- ~a route '1 l imere nuodiciit' a f-! n -o o ic i ox y ~e' -7, (Wusc Ileati)Dilft- amît Soap on-tiCi duste inl- te jbath, sfsOiic UewuitCr a-ad tcisia-' Wife-iTUtrr i ntiiitt'oS are goit 'g Vo il-ore cuitof titis li-igtîcchîo-tl; afV er i b-eiighere a a-rK'.' I-<sbaac-- -'TUa-t'eliuusii-ziiîge. Att tUe jpeople ai-e 1lstgetîîi~to kne tUt xon- I ýVfe-' 'YeS; tbt-'5 fýwly they are go- I~Gaaîîhis, CuîabIeý OR NOT CUR~ABLE, Uonsum pUILm root - -cihîci, mu lft undistmrbeti, jl te-ti Lot utoo 1 c-rdthe Je- reticiilhY e(irt3i ue txn l-V' :plG;~.ctnbgroctu-s largo>' -teau bý year, -toe U tyr ou!ecommgs <-dct' i.Id auo n etln !dnogi Attaciceti Wreiý vh DU. AGNrEW'S- It cures thm bbT U cusa-ni iisa-yr m0" s -roniuglati exîeni- -<esît 'reytfy rmnmeaustnsAmIof tUse ree m0' ia-VÏd;t lien eraùicatiî(l. d0estlt etre Y01, y0r 'n 1ley roses, ca 1m.rOtq lues -jcýtrOo1t. a-iti tiripc ece wilbe ,efinded jmftd fh It Viis l-s1itsf a -cLj- Ia an acri',, iore or tes; o! Vhe diseus -e.la 30 minutes and cures.- 51 eR04 pr- -~ oit,,~ SUatdveoe ystogi Vsianal. --1 -i - - ----------

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