D GOOýDs 'feu ERE is a great demand for Blaek Dress Goodg this sun Oiur rainge of.ail the popular weaves is complete with Silit Mohairs, Crezolines, Panama Celoths, Voiles, ýCrispines,- Grena. Etc.' .Every lady 'wants theseèlight, elingin ,g, sheeTr finisihed goi THEY MAKEUPSTYLISHLY- THEY SIIED1 THEY-ARE YERY COOL A few special prices, Of a,,few 'S w@4avçs- Fine Bla ck Mahair DreBs Gonds, extra fille quaitliv.ançlfiismakes a I, dress, 54 luches wide, (note the widlhk) special per yard................ Fine Black4 Mohair Dress Gonds with fine hernstitch, gond qnality,, will, ML Iovely cool bhirt waist suit or separaté waità , 87 lu. wide,.special per yar Fine Black A lpRca Drt2s< Gonds with !ancy 'spot, lig at weight,ý 43 inclVes. special per yard...................... ....... ........ ItI F!ne Biaéset Mohir Wi-.dine, extra fine finiish, .malte a lovely cool. dra, mejarate waïst, 38 luches wide, spécial per yard..........ý............ Flne Back Drems Gond:3. silk stripe éri9pInt, ail woot, sheer finish, will shed the dust, 42L wide, speciat per'yard,'.. .............. ............................................. %.le Bisek Dress Goods In, crppillne weave. ail wool, French dye and finish, a soft ight cli:i Ãârie for dressies or separate waimts, spécial per yard ........... .....-... Fine Biack Dtess G0nd4 lu Panama weave with siik stripe, extra- fine fi nish, light, summser wei 42 iiieWes witï; speciai pet yard....................... ........ 1........... POE Od.0 ýpece vide, ess or inhes, eigbte ns.. IT PERRyj .eaamaeammaummm mmmummsmeu muuum.uuuwu.uwuuu..uuu TrHURSDAY, JU].X£ 7tb, 1904. AuOTIQN SALES. pà rties gettiiig tlieir bis printed this office will receive a f ree né- eln the Gaecte, the Ohioniele, 'and- SPort Perry Standard, . which la TU3 more tisan t.he price bf-,the aie of valuable real estate in iitby .Township.. The tsubscriber le ,truèted to offer for sale by publie, tiol, at Sebert's"hotel la tle Vi1- le of Brooklin, on Thursday, .2lst y, 1904, it une o'clock p., m., tllë lowng valua&le real .astate, nam- ,-Thirteen acres of land more or s, part of lot No. 22, In , thé 7th LceS5ion of the Township of Wblthy, ng east of, and fronting. on the avel Road, formerly owned .by MI-S. bar -,upon hich -tre a f rame elling house of seven voomas, upon* )n' oundation, f rame gr.qunary, ail stable, a living spring-of watter,. Terin of sile-Ten per cent, at eUrne of sale, ant' the balance thout iLgterest, twenty dayes there- :er. Immediate possession Further rticulars can be had of the under- ned aucioneer, or of Mr. Hfubert Ebbels, Iarrister, Port Perîy. o. Jackseon, Akuctioneer. on sale o! householti furniture. idersigned hlas receAiva i mt- as f rom the executons o! the D. Hay, tb sell by public a t his late residence, ])uke Brooklij, on Saturday, July 04, at oae o'ctock ýp. m. tha , vWXuatse, artiles-l: large 1saal bureau 12 bedsteatis, en tables, 3 stands, 6 cane chairs-,- C6 killIcen chairs,$2 chbairs, -2 coplboands,, i ward- woman gives iup it la beesuse :one tobthe utmfost limit of id endurance. Itîsata arvel t uill staggr on untier the hôld burcleng when thé whà le kedwith paon.- servons, ra dwn Condition aany "tmen expenence, as a ivertrain in houseblod cars, io medlcae ean equal Dr. >Iden Medical Discovery, It 3the weak stoniacb hy cur-' ti if digestion om-It urifes the bloo4 o! dcii cause nbeumatism and dladses. It nourishes tIh. d bulds up the. body witii 12h>' flesh. noc alcohol li Goden MiA.. robe, 2ýé eLks, 1 cenitre. table, 3 spring blindas, 2 lounges, -1 cot, 1. book case, 1 baby .carriage, 1 aewing. machine 1' gig sawv, a quantity. of' Coopera tools, 1 churn,1 wheelbar-, row, a -q uantity of ra- carpet, 2 looking glassles, 1 latider,-,i lantera, È large oil cai, 1i shavîng hione, anad ether. articles too, numerous- to mention. -Terms .cash.. There ý will. alà o ble offered for sale aIt te same timeand pluce bytýh.- executur.oftte lateW Robert ýDunbar -Hay, ..déeceased, subject to reserved ýbîd,. the foflowN- ing landsin la-the VMlage' ofBrtokila- The - late residence o! the dectased, beiing lot -No. 80 on 'a plan o! part of lot 22, -con. 6, Towùship of Wbitby boundeti on the weà t by ýDuke St. andi lot No. 89 on ý_B. F. 1erry's clan ef- part o! 'lot 23, .cn ,Township et WNhitby,, in the Village-of Bruoklin.- 'Furtlhur particulars andi conditions mà ade krown. at time çif sale. T. 11. ,LYilaon, Auctioneer.' 'Briea & .Stedh'nm'photo . allery will be open every:.TuesdaY, Iriday and -Satugday during the 'su mmer months4 OiC.- to Edof ths Year. Eirther The. Chronicle or, the Ga- tette,*!will ba sent té new-subscribers Srom now until thea endoret the ,pre- eent year for 50c. Sa-nc the money, per post of fice order. Descrip tive IJooket o! World's Fair. Apply te any agent cf tha 'Grandi TÃ-unkRailway for tieket.oasti .de- scriptive pampjhlet entitled ".A Fif ty M&illion Doliar Problem " Exposition aow in fauR SwiVng-. Beduccd, rate.s allow $top over at Chicag,-o, -Da-troit,' and Iitermnediate Canadian stations., Devit t of Cartwright Named. Mr., John Henry Dzvitt, of Cart,- wright, -ex-warden c 'f the Unitedi counties* of Nrbmbrad and Duirbaim, bas been chiosen for the en- seing Provincial election, as the Con- servative-etanard -bearer in- West Durham, the choice being made un.- aiiimcnas by. a standing v,& ote, enthns- iastic-applau.Se gree-Ling .Uic an- nouncemenî. Evan H-. LIceLean, bair-. ristèr, ,p-e ien là Ùasscato, qpened Iýe meeting. The choice o! *a candidate* was by bâllot without -any nomination. The, f irst gave J. H. Devitt. of Bltckeý;tock more tiian haIt cf the total vote, and the, seceond ballot gave hlm the ne c- essary two-thirds, vote, wvhich on Mo- tion o! W. H. Reid,exMA.wa madie enanimotic, Mr. Devitt made, a modest speech on- belng- tenijered the nomination by .Presidjent -Mc- Lean, and aceptedthelb.honýor -witl a. pleige, to do al1 h.eonl4 10 tor.edeem the constituency. Mr. Devitt' la one of tic oldeat nmunicipal .couaceillo rs in tha ridusg, an~d is very popula 1r wer- eve-r known. 1Speeches -flioj'-ed by Messrs. Reidi, Trelilcock, J. C. Thoraton, L . Mis- Campbell a-ad#HI. A. NW1ard, ML.; t- solutions of confidence lan the party leaderas were carried.1;. fi Ares3OltiOa Wà s also carrieti dis- aPPÉoving Of the -action o! the Hon. RSYdney Fisher, the Minister' of Ag-_ *iculture. lin1'ltrodncing- politîes .ato inatters pe-rtainiug to the miii- 14 of our. Dfominion, whieh haane -Sutedm i the tes to the force Dot Manniing -Gi . At the. resi- denice .ùf the bride's tather* Brook- lin,' Ont., on Tuesdà y, Jaly 'th, 1904, by the 11ev. James Il Harris, rector of!- St. Thomas' eliurchi Benjamin Mnning,. son of thec late Samuel Manning. Ss >q. to_ M?.ry Elizabeth, cdaughter of hos.. Gilu, LEq., bin h oi Sale-.of valuable real estaté lan Whitby Township. 'The isubscriber.'je instruûtedti t ofier for sale by public auct .ion, et -,Sebert'sHoÃŽel lanthe: Vil- lage of, Brookla, .on Thura-dayl 2lst .luly, 1904, at' one o'clock p. m.,,the following valuable real -estate, namï- ely-TÊirîeëen acres ot landi more or, leas, part of lot- No. 22, ini the7h concé-csion of the Township of Whitby, lyn ast of,, andi tronting on the Gravel Roà ,d, formerly owned-by 1Mrs. Lebar. u pon which are *a, frame dwelling- bouse of ceven rooms, Upoa stone-. tndationi, trame gr-anary, smnail i3sabJe, a living spring et water, etc. Ternis et .sale-Tea per cent, at the time of salte,, anti the balance without. intereat, 4ventydays- there-I atter. Imniediate fteXsession Fnrther pariticulars can be had of the under- signeti auctioneer,, ,or ef Mr. Hubert L., Ebbcéls, Bairriste-r, Port Perry. Geou. Jackson, Auctioneer. Auction Jsale cf- housëheld f urnitu re. The undersigned, lias received instS'-1 ructions- frem the executors of- the late. R. D. Hay, t cibyb ic aucçtioôn, at bhis late residencie, DIuke atreet, Breokla, on Saturday, July P9th, 1904,, at oeao*clock p.n. Uic fellowing 'valuable.articlflesIlarge bureau, -1, amaîl bureau 2 beda-reids,, 2 kitchen tables, 3 istands,- 6 cane bnîtem.cais 6 kitchen cirsÈ, 2 rccking chairs, 2 ci'pboards, Yward- robe, 2'clocIos; 1 centre. table,. 3 sApring blindis, 2 louaUges, i cet, I bock'case, 1- baby ca)rnage, 1 t3ewing. maichine 1 gig saaw, a ýquantity ýof ë»ôoper's tool.e- , ichura, .1 .xheeibar- rcw, a quautitý~ of* jag -carpet, 2 - looking g lasses, I ladecr ýlanteru, 1 larg-e',oilcati,..ishavring Loue, anti oth er .-articles tee -_ numerous :te mention., Terms cash. There wvlll a ise ha of fered for pale at the anme lime aad place by the executrs oth le 4bert. Dunbar Hay, deceasei,ý Ã4g lands lu the -Village cf Brookln- The late 're3idence cf'ltedeceased, beinýg-lot Ne. 80 %on a plan cf. part of lot 22, coin. 15, Towaýshîp et Wbijtby, ,bounded on tihe wet by Duke St. aud, lot No. 89 on B. F. Perry'is plan oft part .*if lot 23,* con. -6, Township o! WS in Dre ad -of But.by enulchilg the blood antd building up te ystom with DVtn ChasW*1Werve Food. the symiptome A Man wbho -are gong,,through lNfite a contard, borrer of heart disesse eau take new courage ws thefact that by sup plylngthe heartwllh a sufli. =inyof riclired blood bybheuse ofDr. Chasta-. NreFood shey ca restorethe normalacion oi the heat andovereorne the distre'sngsmp1rAw Ma. Jolm J. DONOTAN, 177* St. Enenne states :-" va arn down lin Ètb, was- ~~ ~vMem neand 5su ff. ered a lof wiih a pain lu th egaon ofta hcart wb~ coame o e-T lu the Village o! Brookiin. Etjrtfier piirticll-airs and conditions mfa:de known at lime o!, sale. T. I. Wnilson. utoer i'AIIMS TO RE-NT-Tbe nort-ct ;qiarter of lot NO>.- 34,. 6tb con., W %%hithy, 50 acrês, with grood-buildings. Also 75 acres, being' lor-No. 1, (11h con., 1Icke ring. Both farmis are for itie, but, ifnot sold -%viU -be renited. Pe, se!ssion.*Ist November. Can plow atter h-arveist. Apply to. Geo. H. Jones, Pickering, John J. Fother gili, Whitby, or Rev. A. V. WViLson, Myrtle. Excursi0ni Ti ONTO&ndý, -Niagara Falls and return $1.65. Children -haif tare. The Durham OId Boys invite the public, Io'joilt in this grand. excur- sion 3onclay, July 1.8th. ATrirage- ments are compleËett for . ,05ot -en- joyable > lime-. Special train toT- ron' live~Whitby Jcî. 7.39 à i m. At Toronto the Durham Old- Boys Cit- Association wvill meet theý Party and ail Nvill take thù rmagnificent ste- aesChicork an-Cl Gippew.a to Le- iston and f rom- there the wvorid re- nowned Gorge route. to the Fîs This -takés in some of the fîinest, scen- ery on the Amierican: continent.. No one should mis-s it. Takeyour 1-as-. ket's and ge t your f riends to join you peae for a grand .day's out- ing. -Thor>e desiring to tstop off at Toront o cat buy spetcial Torinto tfick- ets, $1l. 10. ,Thos. Yellowý-lees, Sec Manning Ar- cade,' King St. WNest, Toronto, Ont.. Special leaves Toronto on. arrivai of steamer at 'ý p.m. for..return trie. Sýpecial Train Service. . Toronto.. Niagiýara Falls. lime child aduit.child aduit 0l-hawa 7.29 aim. .55 1.10 9Q 1.75 -%Vbtby 7.39 a.m. -b5 1.10 85 1.65 ArrivnirW i aToronto ln tilhe te cath il9 a..steamer. Toronto tickets -are good for. on e 4lay only. Nigaa ails tîckà te good'for t-wo da.ys There is. more drawing-power _Jjione pound of Eby.BlairAs 40 cent CeyIon, tea than in, any other tea> sold. at 50 cents a pound-and it Is._pure, heaiîhfui, invigor-at ing .4jEA. It bas stoodý the test of yerând is reec_',iîzed.-as the standard tea, for -rich and. poor alike. F0I& SALE BY ALL LEADI1 Guocinis 1 Ex.8LL Hr-OUSEHOLDý 1 YE8 These Dyes-wiil d%-e Wpol,ý Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods iii one bath- thëy are the'là test and rnost iinproved Dye in the world. 'Try a ,package. Ail coinurs-at W. J. H.* RICHIARDSON'& Faucy Goods Storé. Turn.ip S'eed. Our reputation for reliable seei is !ounded on. yeans et hon- est seeti. seIllig. Thcëy always ,grow -and are always truc te name. Olers finti il pays'-te buy here; Il- wiil pay you., Oun ' prices this year for, f resh', new seeds are as tollowvs- CIAJMPION SWEDE SKIILIING'S SW]SI BANGHOLM 5Wi CLYDE HARLTLEY 5 BR *AGINUM BNJ DE EDE IONZE TOP ibn Àhead of ail ,-ofier kiadsin te- ùaeitsa odtel Farm. 25.lb 4. i 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.- 4. 4., 4. 4. 4. 4. - 4. 4. 4. A:splendid range of new si]k * ,Ire hpen.o h.ee web*ng . Wehv h nwapoe + bot . A lrg sipent of te eli +. * webbngTH] +. FIoIman . DraYton & Slaghýt Henry L~. Drayton, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 1'roetorcs in Ad- xiralty, Cexamiissioners for Quebeo. etc., 28 TORONTO STREET, -TORONTO. Regisfered cabie address, ~ Holman.. Toronto.". Long distance tetepicone connectioni. LOÂDIED UP WT IN.T1113 SVRINGTIE SYSTEM IS LOADEb UP -WITH IMNJRITIES. Aller the. hard work c f the winter,. the. eating pf ricli andi heavy fbond,'thé uystem. becomes clogged up-. wfth- waste suad poisonous mà ater, and the blood becomes tiik sud-slugsh., This-causes Losa o! Appelait, Bilious. ness, Laek of Enorgya nd tint tired, woary, listlissfeeling -so prevalent la tils pring. o-Tii. cleaning, bloodupurlfying action BURDOCK BLOOD. BITTERSI eliminates ail the peat.up, poison from, thé system, starts thé. sluggish liver ýwonking, aets on the..Kideys anti BowClS, sud renders îit, *witho exception, The Best SpringMedlcine., SOMETHIN.G TO EAT at pnices that wiil attract the cane- ful buyer eaui' be tound at al l imes ia-Our stock of- Staple and Fancy Groceries Our aw;ortment of edibleq eoisists eatirely ntf high elass -goodse; ioth- ing of inferior qnality ici ever per. mitted t enter oui- store'.- E. H PU RDY, GROCER, PORT PERRY. ýEWNE <s in Fl~In Ends, 50 inch rev'ersible D Ws,. Et-c. Frices 25c. and 50c, UJSPENDERS ebrated Trade D Mark Suspenders in the LSÈt received to sellat 25c., 35c. and 50c. TRAW HATS 1styles in ,Split Straw Fedoras, >ýPrices ratigng, from JOC. to $12 CYHALF HOSEý" Me' 1faifHose in. grdblacks at 2.5c'., greys, browns, 3of Summer'Collars in tho~ low up and E HABERDASE PORT PERRY Great'Sacrifice The undersigyncd will seli a largle furnituLre 0eonsîsi ting of parlor, diùin1u sets. Give mne a eall. Cash i o A fine lot of Pietures and Gilt iMou1 trade. w 1IANI AGENT FO 01 MONUMýENTS; Ware-roorns one door west et theqSt. pea: 'Perf~e itn- Pressing and Rçpa *1Y-Ing doue on H. CHAPTI FACTS AND FIGI!RES tell every tir FPensons la Port Perr'v sud vicinitv M'l about befone mnaking-p.losîtivýe assertions ha (sets-anti proots la plain l ack. sud wli iiu the past te tll and tn spread faIse repoi FUNERAL EQULlIENT ever seen ia th that we have, overchar-ed those for whonî orders that weré e &ry finle and expanivei\(ý statements.' One or two lu particular ivher wve we re reporteci by those who knew theN madie such a higit sud idiculouq eharze tii ~very-lan-ereductiefion theýorder-. Theac au overc'arge nf aveu oeedollar. Each bi said thev w-cýee ERFECTLY SATISýFIE] the ONLY ULNDERTARKEIRS laPert Peri CLASS OUTEIT.- This wss proof positiv, LIES had ne t'oundatioù fl'r their statemen in Port. Penny but id the adjiacent township weuld -do us. the mccl harm. Somne more i were lower la prices than any other undert couutry. -We asked W5.00 what was s;i lco1 - 27.00 ' ' 80.0 lu taelasItbnhee -mnntbc we tarnichedï .318.00 to $2&lesc on each-order than waseN la Port Ferry. . They Were not oniy less in aud epuipment far sÃŽperiôi- lu ever 1y partie- comipiete. înrimmed sud uphoîstereti for s34 We furnieli a alceceloth coffin, -well trimmeé charge 85ý00 te $4Ã".00. tW'ýTh' lowl"tji prices and tlhe bect Je ssop 1Furniti iwe turc s-are takE net be ê.++,.s4 *. t..ê..wo...4i,.o.... ***. ~~~4~4ê444 444444444444 1 1 moi 1 - . 1 --.ý