'. tir bm la as eIoe. ot iA*oU luoesu.TYetc. Offices blup" IooLBrook St., ltb &,F. AREWELL$ IL 0.- Bar MoS'to toan on easy torons. be ise~lty fouth 09 UcY&I ,,~W1b.Ont. E. SLOLkP-B. à ., lm. S., , catm, oul. t Olooalfm.e SI. k ai t t BaonSgrooSi!. U OU IITBU uLB., Bar- à ,, t M*ne. t o s. Jua TTSk Lo. offiCe - ait t.lb.e amcot., ,pOitMwoS'IL.A.. tlas. 9 U011r-Obl'tV -lu OU' 9*0,brook *troeti b-.iwais. ru. Impym mo u Veus it 25 coutil, sMd tofuy o Dr. Shoi9., ne ache A.Ili. à ALUXN OOUNTT 0F ONTÂMIUOL(7 1. WEITB3Y.-Cierk, D. C. Macdon. asti. Wbdtby.-jan. 9th, Feb. 1tL Mar. lot, kpfli 4tli, Ma.y' frd. 3une 6th, JnlY Brd, SePL U 6 Lt 00.4tb, Nov. 5thl, Dec. Oth, 'Jano; 9th. 1908& PSBkWÀ.-cQer)&. D. C. UsOdon. oeil. W tb.-.an.iO be. 4thp, M"..4tbh. Avril SUa, M&Y eth. Juge Tth JuIj 4tla, EÇt. 9tbl, Oct. 7th, Nov. Mli, Dec. Dit,* Tsc.lOUa, miay 7tfr. July 5m sepot. 1th,ýNo. twusi ,Mnra and Tborbti, t ùZ'eDg *Wi o~puy Uaest. MotherailL aud Poueber wrere instructed te rtouart t Uih adjourned isesolon as til the 110,4 'Cf. Wazden'and pséki~bg~~'Jz4reeort at J'une River brklg at a CM* i>f Dot Otver Tbe .cOctnttee on Kd'ic&tion res jpart-ed-!t5ey aèkn*w1edg0d the 1Tcý. ýOeip of a cmnuianf rom 80w- Efchoo1 there iras tiow opeli teon.- Ni.Ormltpaaad 1Mr. ~lne wr appionted eepreretatives to.,, tbU. Trp.stem mS hau tion, . ý orbe fotowlng ouppeanetar*y- grant-s were made »to 11gh 03ohbola.-' Whitby OoU1eË1âte .......*7.8 Ortillia . -..371 bsban....... ..... f754 72 PÉort Ports' ilgia ,uhool ...#75 40 tJxbri ......~~,oo ..f201 75 Port 14?ry'; atf4 Judge &M J- 'a MOIji> p>iaiden t *à B4 et ercepttonb the od 4 mewn of dlvlsioh*# Seea-r. P~f ,lalU, od- Pickerng. eat-IL--W, Whltby TDp.-e: J'C W. WbtbY- -13uI Port ipery-C.1 lo.W.J. Bna8 Ur. Peter Ciri4tle. esLenfloZ 1.1',1 BIngt. and W,~n to the. plaUlV.e s. ~rI1st eCld Mr. solytb.e ws#lld 0on1Ari0o lne. ho -él4 t> ho .hearaagi>it jt ocf tii. Éteà teýt4C s Let ptovigies.Bbl 'wa$ tan1 utly bèrrIeùd uai *4Ib ;t g Osuý1 chero brougbt m'tii"I ae'lot etaei i nd eVstdso lm~ -ine a'the -1ý'ovInoi>4îJà - Xë tl owéCêatlt&n Uoues -66 Wý.e tendeur t0 hmbue ot6 o<Ca t gk Mpatt 4blie Of T l lm, X, '4', -ev In, Ilfe I Meet 'WètedeWt-itby rCow dLh sp-tl, i tffi b Ou Fm14t. ê"&ï sdce ted dply to buolneo, The. la*ê ns) got 4atwla .WUS Loi~ 1ta~ If itao. 'nhiI* e bel nici aise fo~ii in> 1374. the iirodémo" -tbuugotl l altua.ted mon'h Fer tiecMe n'-fwUnia<eaL.- Es 8TEf$HWE0IO T 'w-n -agt l»>'#Ito$* pw- %Ivoted w-g"h AIL WewiIII,~j )ats,Standard'Oatmal, RôoIed Wheat, WheatI', Co.Meat and Canada h"a1es. AU, klnds' of grain taken ini e=~hang.. Teé,ms cash. WH.ELYISS1 EROOKLN, *:- Ont. WE STAKE OURH REPUTATION On hâviag ev«r>'pair of gfls..11sdb>' u%, e»Wyi the thlng.- UNE u &OR 0.St Wut. IO#. Dated at wh if?Çv. ltb,199.98 Iý Itpald othe HRaDow the ls.r sce hmita hiatory. room for mors Ofreulara Ires. always sQCCuI. W. 3 Uo~P Coq'. a YmeadAit . bue I Bour noy.I liittt.- tr»te elotbeOAtrte ~5MO U~ put&r woe wtsia7~.oo.MW ib.. aod odued tL e b F Tho the qustim '. a4ioumblut - e stt be voua U t* £a& Joutmd t. mnn buimopo%Ër. Vary, go. Thon igut llvotobI. sth w, woolwRd' f i w ko ' jlg ,a ouase os 4Mai icO M5 ?&jme ommulffsIOSS tI rwsod-for 11141e DoMWIy, lwhtaey ov.temunt ba,.60 frls4 tut tbe higboM bihreo W tii OW" >, the 0oom"t etoi bot ici lsluutUsoIe Tho MW qmwm okewJ4a poysnt lt tpatientlb Myiuw is"Ar rWaI&siaiksy~