Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1907, p. 2

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I eauW 1 sih 4i J llelka efr.c4.-Thêw wod saeraln otbet' ai Tho TUffl i8 Il CURES evSbody Wbo exp«Mlv8 TuMe bIu jýyàugand old chikS. The chiu- La sald-, excaeded $5 --M- -- ,-,f. I iv Anolwr otable àlDwul re sthe id the 4W -No borna oulà b. Vitbout Lt, st' sb ,ftbmedfally -upon the irritlet fiamuton., stmegthehg lthe Il-est, vYÇO &Mdchut, mng broelhlgtuy, eu! lwnggitc ot!pe-m&aet reliea tathone havîng coughs, colda, crup, whooplig-Sough, soie thz-etbronehli, oathama snd lung tieuble. o»s ond <oiher, wbo kino, ma"; 1 bmw.n. hmltmo u r. eommoudif oite- fot.~at~lwhi bare Usod tm.&amd IIt beb il medy on .«Ml bm.1o..alol. t*la 1*0 »a.other coug MRS. 1D. KAHONNT, Molie 1Fatheil Do Stllet tha.tboy-.9 or glrr's ougb t-un -an witlout alLen- Mon, thus endangering théir lives, wbei da Wk*bôttbea@t CollUfOOttê £sp.oêorem ývullicure IL. Get1h fi-oui ,our <sale KIsp it lu Lb. bouma.lwsys. MARRIAGE 8BERVICÈS THEREg. r. ~ i the Island of Banguey, w1hIch lies la; the China Sea, the natives perform a feycurfous marriage ceremony. The bdeand brilegroom are led quietly ov'yinto the foresi, and there, in Lhe prsence Of the twO tamilies. are made o4t. The pioces is lmplictty Isaelf. A cliti ta made In the fleshy part of the wlb'd-be huaband'a lg %wlth the help çf a Jooen knlfe, and a drop of h bis bid la& tranaferred to a &Iitiear Incision ýn 14~ womana ileg. Then the rite Io com- pte. It Is a quiet, unostcntatious per- lo~ance, but Il Serves Its purpase ad- lJy. AI'er the marriage the couple ppoed te the bride&s home, where the toneyinoon à~ spent, and where, as a Nhe, they make their ixed abode. ~ '-mmd *a*L A was decornledI ~ ~ ~».j «&Y, baving enhirely go va,' "e"ambition o it oin mn rje, ~and itefis to remàln single,_ graveap ddouyih hethermtim âed -al roara; exract f rom ,8$00 .-â yent. Thiw 1 vies#ý, lad Ln Ibe rw114 i',4gave a MDF& eb st *3,000, niais wen tlmoet as iisimos prom sell of a distiiigtdshe«. OMMBho aecio bto pursue a tmiiîtâry - et a large zoom bt's been o a MIn 'Odet .one of the. bat4lei!s oz 0tie Boei- Waz- lu wlch -the ftlImr Particel- pitedl. Tiemrore bille aMAidvlesy loges, taris, ileldsa, woods and êa-tv*mi llowlng wtil real water, The whotl la tintet! in natural colora. The st-mIes are represenheit by 2,600 loy soldiei», rîit sixty-lWve 10 cannon and a Complote transîport train. The cost of Ihe labor- Mte loy Iigiven ai 81,400.% A working i»odel ot Nelson'a fiagshlp, lthe Victot-y, la quoled a& oosting SM0, and -a gentleman living ah Wimblédofl 15 sald bo have surprlscd is tourteea-yenr- old son wilh a. wbole iaway systein wihh 800 yards oft track an4 a comploe equipinent of rmllIng stock at a ceai. oi For sorae 111110 gils a lîtthI bouse built ho their mensure wvas ereclaci. That is ho say tha dimensenm bort-lie sanle reat.aho thei- heigImI thah, an ordinary bouse docaIote he stature o! adulta, Thora were six rooms .c-bmhp ét eequipped wiUh.ibdjtnâa eufurtLur, even la real rc--ratable - eq'uip- ment and itai and uraler color paintings. TIme expansa of building andi furnlshingî tho m ue xcnded 83.000. Laler anq a.ulom pblle garage was added ho acom-1 modal. hure loy automobiles. STAGS BESIEGE A CiIURCiI. Walk lie <hth Building During Service ý sud Altack Pas<or. The chut-ch at i Iiwartshausen, Ger- many, ta ln a siale o! siage fr-om tlIe herds of! <ert-hat live lunlthe sut-round-- lng woods and his. The owner of lIma auzroundlug lands bas let lhem mulhi. ply unmolesled, se lImat lhey have ba- come léarlesa. It bas become a common occurrence for- tbem4to ah-oit hue the church lu ones atut! luos whule services are belng. beid, snd hhey bave even sbowu a dia-ý iuclaUon to e Ladrivren out. One Sua- day reeeutîy Ihe paslor remaineci for at short lime lunlime cburch atter the con-- grealon hed kIft. When he came eutA lIe f eiiud b nim ntmedwilt seven .' ttpoustug witb branching attlers.l tene atteptedté lepasa teni hey C ~ adlu oun imlau-a SeMlcIlr'and torrelled bir jiathe curch stops. Whe Mê ralse t I ostckaud hz-ed té simca th~aa .bgupejlga l he adopts, tlierefoie, -stanlds -a good'. chance of bacomlng bis hein. TORTURINO SCIATICA. A-,,,evere Case Cured by Dr. NWillarna Pink Pille. Plere-&dalrting pain-;-pains 1llc, re] ,bol ,,Uodlraeing driven Ibrough, lbe rzhapa d4Wn -the Ngue but the vichini can r=1~~f bure, But the, sufferer need flot grow, d4mapneit for here Lta acure-s saure Dr, ,Wjlafw Plnlc PIlla.Thie eil néWke l _U13 »ewé ýblOod fendS an& pLrQ<lgthen*.4 here-4 [rees lhuit re.pain. Tue palais ». Ise tO <ist4y-, tanîsed-t he cure laCei. plete. iGa. B. Mooclcan, a pros& perous :r' near Brockvtlle, Ont., bas been.ecUred of a severo case of sel. aties and wfrsbhes other sufierers le hear ai is our_ thai lhey may benelit by bis expertenee., -le sayse--uFot- upwards o! five yeans 1 was a periodical sufferer t-cma sci#hica. In ithe morning whlo gehling up I1 vould be seized wlh ag- onizlng pains hi my hips. Sometîmes thcse pains exhendeci dow-n one leg, somnetimes down the other: o! Von down hotuh. The pain was terrible. Imagine lthe agony caused by a red bot spike belâ~g drîven througb lthe ilesh. That was juqh my feeling when the 8ciatica was ah ls worst. Ofien whi carrylng water te the herses the pain becam j.-û acute I had te drp lIme pail in the mid- dle oi th- j ardc. i followed doctors Ireatment but wllh aligit, relief. I then illec rheumatlc plaslers and liniments, Iut these dld net help mie at aIl. Then I decideci ho give Dr. Williams' Pink F fils a trial. At first lhey-did net seem la bhelp me but as they bad been se ýh:ghly recozamende! 1 perslsted li the trcaLment and., gradually ntced a change iin my cndition. The Pain bo. aame leuss avere, 1 feit sîronger and _my appetle mmproved. 1 tbink 1 useci thme pils about~ four or five monlhs be- frire 1 was cmpletély cured, but though Ibat was lwo yoars agtii have net since hadthe bcslighhaat ratur» *of sciaica. 1 hnk r.Wlllanis,' Ph Pilna are a rmurvllousSaedlclne sud so dees my Wiife wiho useýd'thern 'a's a blood bulîder. She Ssathey ha"e 'ac> equal and neyer o aIsetpasng. hete t ler friends. Gond 3140, b1sÃŽe srnt'df--bealhh- )r. WîUiam3' -Pihk Plts-tha secret <f good bicd.Tot! t-kis-,why..they cure ~claUc, i-h abls, -,V.Itu$;Adance, iÃœiùýets cmp~ pwre~sd grow-f ~g~f o~b m!citdelera '-r by mail ai IG' làa Ibn X,ô-r M- boxiàs eÈ we.% lo %Dr.,ViilIUÏ,a.Medi- Àit bmW dm 8 i Mbath.*ieià ?l* airbelCampbell,« ~L~7Queen City - -- N~nOI ad, VIgôr dMmpnd upon the e breds tlnabled Ils indera to ravIse and iqllî im uaUy tlb lod" ireake li a baRIlng passage in the fUnaitiIi Bible, and Io establIah a connecled storyl through severa other Ioatdpassages. Dr. %arso n's Toniic cïfourth cliapter, slxieenth le îwenh-SoalaedC sîptnBter ,Ildrd verses. A list 'of names, 80 disar. A ePurely Vegpetabloe Tonte sud Bloodt r4aged as -not tô appear a irw e gnea. Püdw.prce 50 cent& per Botle.' 1119Y% bad been- widely accepted as5ý mnYthical account of thp <lancent ,'L. f lota ot able ua 0" .. tuibes. "These were the poiers anid the dIv. II*v. ut e siplofUW lnhablifiLntW W-21etaIm and Gederah; kt-LA; (&oc. put baie) oorriage there tliey dwen ilh lb. lsheiàî, for bis pp* Woi-k,- 15 theeend d0!'the passage. Pi~. fIPM M a maiat. 1Each of the Jar-handles dug-'trôirn he !'- 'Modloine O>upanyl run fGezer bears the InscrIion _W"<I 9 ef Trn> "For the King," -end -the nomes of the ________________ t»akers are the naines of those ln the Bible verses, except where cpyhnsî teturning from teave came to bis rescue las made un error. which equanîycc) bout two o'clock in thme mornhng. CUrred. Revised by the new knowleclge, The matler was thon reported anmd a the passage becomnes a complet. genea: îcket was forniec, and thIe couniryside 1o0q of the fainily of the potiers. and wa sooured in search of the runaways, niaX plsain thme story of Iheir wander. who were ultlmateiy capturc.3ah Car- lngs. On each handle 8150 la a scarab, rigrohbne Br;dge. The7 were marched 0 bSle, hic expainsthereference lback ho barracks and puitla the guard t'I a "daugbîer oi Pharaoh"-an allu- I a hle ha h or6rlcilm Mion 1.0 the fach that the poilai-s tollowed guard onedta the ight cl f the crec the religion of Egypl. glaraon the ngppo e ccurssriece It beccmmes evident, therefore, that bere a araY ben abripeofhssre, [s Lhe atory of the Menuhohh, the de- and fIl l stateci that the tbree midnight scedans o Meaho, ad eentIlyrevel'£rs wli find . hemselves before a scanantsof enahm, nci venuall general court-martial ini the course 01 a of Caleb, son Dl Iephunneh. They long lew days. lnhabled a region south of Hébron and 1 followed many croft, but principally that cil pottlery-rnaking. This in lhe reign VI Ioash, brought them te the notice of W IE N 6 REMLDI>1L the Kingof Judah, and royal patronage FA LU followed, possily ln connectlon with the HA Ai ILED restoi-ation of the Temple. In thea days 0t VUlah one oi the famlY. Shebaniah HE TRIED BI1LEANS. son of E7x-a, rose le bc stewvard of the CGYal esiahes at Carmnel. o RebsDppiaN Mm The famîly "[rade-mark" ah ibis lime NO elisDpplaN ftr. wars the scarab, but under the rlghteous Srange why people .shoy~ld flot hz-y king$, Amazlah, Jotham nd ic Uzzlah, th is te very hhing which woul do them was suppressed. guod unti lashi Nr. Geo. La Porhwln, la the days of 1iezekiah a raid oftheb.0' 36 St. Paul Si., Toronlol.hz-led sixc wild, semi-barbarous hiIbeo f Sîrnmon differýent remadies for dyspepsie, heaj. was madle lIto beir erritory, and ihey ache, anid heariburn befQr-e o rleé were tercet! Io seeli anether home'[n the Bîleans. The- six didt 'h no good.ý South of Moab or the north of Edom- Bll"ais have curot! hlnl it. q Sayai- end drlving out the Amalekles, th' ' 'l lind heartburn, dyspepsi. ý,i1Wd W seltelèëd there and livied In semfl-inde. afier, od The nouzlsbnýeM 1it40« pendence. seemed h dmeheg ' Iont!h..;pai' Alter the reut- f-m hecphvtylI suftered was- very- -f4.té 1t- i they settleet-in Bethlehema, and une r dfIMi-et reileàis lr6 lb. narne b! Pabath-Moab assumned a tbey <ddme no good... With ilblSna1$- r-osltonof 'eônslderable importance ~Wfts' quit, 1ftif der 'RÉÉ âne b;?ehemàla. Ilevedthe lb fi 144paê and et l lt 4oe bok~btchrosiIle,_lbut: Ig» 8lùtIid in'à;8i wuldb roI!d again ~ wposbuy i »sbieàdstrongâ youth -causfngmi "chiet by ludlscroet speech et- action, A slrong commite a.ale-ad ioi'med tgf-cmelu onstiîuîlon o! the icague prcpîratom-y tô calllng other ise presentatlve meettgs for Its adoption. The mAlter wlll mheahnwhlle hadlstussed ln evary part, fet l. ouuifty; eut! a gon- eaa meeting for ibe adoption o! lue constitution will probably be hAld et Lucknow ah Easier. A resolubion showing thme neoessily and aâvantages of lIma partition aofLDen- gai usn also adopheci. TIIOUGHT HE Ã"IUGHT-TOKOW lloddy was the clergyman'S handyman. and lis favorite reset-t was 1bmo ba-bvr's aiop. AIl of a sudden Roddy reased] viSIlIng the barLcr's, and the clergynîsu asicac hlm lthe r'eason. "Weil, Mr, l've quaz-reled wlîh him be- cause h. said ihings about you." "Indeaci. Roddy ? And whMa.t wa Ui bat-ber &aýing about 'neà" "Ha saici, sir, thal, your bonad mu" cracked." "And [m sure you coîîtradiclc'dhlm," said theo rlsber, for-he knew [lia bar- ber's bove of joking. "'Ne, i oouldn't do l'at., stir, vhen he's bad your head ln his lumnds so ofion. I thoughtheh ought te kn-iw, but 1 was se angry aI 1dm lellfing everyone." Holloway's Coi-n Cure ta tie medicîne hi remove ail klnds cf corns andc warts, andi only cosl.s the srnali suai ofthweniy- live cents. Twe caits uere about te engage ia duel. "Let us havre an undertandlng ez-o ro begin," saidt! ho eue."As b uat?" qlXerè4the ohr. ulIs t beba duel to ttdah"clrntinu.d tlb. no, or saat -we niaksIlitthebest lireê lives -out o! ÙutheTiIng That"VVbWanled-A pli tht oa q~ntii.a-4chsd e ExopentRrnd KThere are ftany alimenits directly dependent upon cousi- -patiom, sucli as billous'i u,, dis- colcred a.nd pimpled skin, inact*Lveý liver,' dyspaps*ia, overworkd kidneys and headache. Ratmove Constipation and al. 61 tlse'. aiments dj.appear., MAN-A-LIN can b, e ietd upon to produca a genthe. action of theé' bourels, wat<ing pis and drastic cathartics entirely unneceçsary. A dose or twvo of Man-&-lin lB advlsabls In sllght febrile t taoke, la rU1ppeo0 1niuanza. CoLde anuil IAkTour Drugglst for Free I'eruna FEATHER DYEING" #iU tiaIIAIDVINÉI MININCj, I STOCKS aud CLAiI'1$ WVEDIq ý8OVOXV 4A" SOLD ON (OIMj~ j¶'~~~¶ s~' I1lp4LON< it 1ass -conl ta Uc 71 x' t wholc hend. wtlcb began to surl awiltnte. 1 cousalwe!eonotht - lWdng doeosof eTorqosuad for <vi Çve la «blhnd-atit! s Iob a trouble.um i vas1 uwiderbis- Came.TW be i a volcjed Il fimaert!I ut t OCtw@Èf gel no aer, 44d' ont daY lb' 5.~l ee-pen.r 4ctor ' d'$dword ib e enly <ing1 lu0 ibol u os.Pm$?iw1 coune8er be cure&!' A bin M, m* #Oýà' dvim meto . Wry ZUi4!uk bsIorn b= oas have ii i*marUI' Idut NlI~ 'ie <(aber a qiarM), "It cf the bales, adt tIsigt 1 g«M If$ semis b me nO tatwvebeen 0M44 it!l. pNxt morchig,-l womW be, albut a hundred yenrs. 1 caiu'erumi». gn to10bk*dt, whmu~,"Ofel 118 h neber when oi wirete we ftmwl met." oay <IèIp<1 -pV». Wihi i HtWbatid (emiphuticlly): 01 ceau. il wuv tisdy$ I svdo ewgvlh w - ,.a dlnacr-pmrty, =d thew ge l11A<- i 4 . a44kafmsler Wou*o 'ihlcal -et- aymibÃ"Il meaulug. - As a eMnedy lot -,Il îe ia c lili' hood arlsg frOm dergemenla eto! let stomacli or bourîls *BaysaQ Wn Ta]> I lets bit. io ia1 Yn o etlavq V- icc p1h 5nà,rn i#iâd-ab«'.. ý r1.1W lA évc' Tb. no *iIb qi tki tei* fae'Wom . tae mlnîltor tt boTng wslrut8, Neathilcie of is1 asiensnob satstion. Am a1* aclàiin. ta4lmil<n- i obtSIuOd- poalpmî Thiee "e mKI O RA BAM I. Drooa ciî M»» gn -« bhoril simd~ ~ ~ l la alw&a dulIe! 1>e tt!0: CW CIbtOity e )S mmi am en!er m l cois H conen li* mi ing vlrluta., 1a raie1 won(* 10 pela AVEli FAMOUS subjeol th bhl1m apoieglze bo I beoan't Ils I e- wmînmn i beat for 1S04 MY - t-s

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