Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1907, p. 4

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4 Tr 26o P~JI ~0TTLE ldf i ~ T ï~Z id OPTICtIM MEWDICAL HALI ~.L: i ~n WIIITI ~.The WLitbj et Tld o. «Ml and wbat 6cff and talry onot (bcured Fi . -m*n«.. 8watu ~fto boor« tb day et December -A.»V.1 <Sel) . WKileooiNotal7r-P Uale ltarrh Cue 10 t, keif I L, tprftillynd actoq direaGUy jdn _aut mucous surfaee of ijure. r« fitl 0tis .the. St4d iy ail druggtt. 750. iak Pilla 14F ponatiçiation. PEGn MITÂ-LCI.f t n FrIday eve&i lgaqt. Jlan. j.l I~ADDPU~> ie (iSreofthe 1J4th ** mcr leia contert jin the WîMffinc. Hall, 1, kIaf l bonr ffCol. IA. 'V. liende'reas. rèoe.ntly oi.pointed to ~~~~b oJJOIlI<tilesud 0£ the qt&-gLmep&Tth1re »Ith whloh tg Inoorpoatd Tii Whltby KEYSTONE PtîbflieW.ds$.ery Tburaday la the yr at tlo e ffiDuada. St., Whitby. The Ga. m<eaa?,Clroulcle bave the. largest Circula. lGaof My pspea ln the county. Adver. lutg-a thme papers pays, Rates on appl Subecrption price jI: a ycar; 01.50 Ilf not C. A. OOODFIILLOW, Edétor and Proprietor. PORT PEIIRY. Mir W. H. hgMiw' a iclerke la the #tore o oJnpQ «t I;on. VWj mde tJ'e M'e~Iea«t vof an oig4li c-ddck by Mo t1gr,» and titaf t.1'Tis waw u u #10 oeoaplà 0o! i» lu ing the ranks Cd tl' tenedlots. Ueuv, Thoo. and Mre. nageai have boon UDnweII. but 4re Dow arcvn Port Verry, Totlijind lÉcugog A*~ iricuitural Society le the qiew nane lii tue Agrîcultural Society of ýth:w 5t*xlct. A Blri; sale <bus. let i aMd dupon, to ýe taeld botneýttljnl Stock *J Dow belng soid (kr the ,Port Perry Cana lag Coe dic itlumni 0tbM 4towrn Mrem ubscrîîîng .Iairiy wu.It le flot knowa bet wheth<«r : JUba Marnu, blaekjth, who Try Gin Pm$s on Our gaantpe tsal ctue or monty bacIr. soc. abeu-6i loi At drugopls -Corby mail. Bou DaU& o. - WITtroPro, N ,ior~mp w..' llatened ta iy y large aaidI:enoe, lrhith iompl.tely f Med tble hall. The 34th PTIemntal Band, vK WWiit byr,:wa in ù-ttendaioe, anld dllcurutad'eioelWeit oeuaIb dur. log- tle eveilng. Tbeïre -were ýpreý çurt t ae rtits f.rona kbe, Ocateîo Xýadlau' ollege--%lPm eGrase Und (MIlsg alil, who rentiered &ai 'Intru.. gave asevertI reuings. ÈÉ sg140, Dcigal alo ang. AiU three we T-h. Bpflker. FlendneOn. vourocý wam col. m&rkai. Col.; flirderson Jtated i&hiat fe tbviught thâ-e41t legimontai ougixt 'j -Yltuw Ii rown, týwg mL b~ue Ir.U < ~e*u MAN ta 'have 1some distlngulahiou -aume, Hlgtluder& sand the.lUth 1ýelme»t, (iren"alere. Ue saad that nt nDit campIla, Nlagaraaa ialling the Regi- ment te ordur ho w-outdi my'-t* tôrlas." Cbl. ilenderson Ioa a o Puuar iman bot h '*rt>h off beer4 ;and nien14,bklnd ble lappotutumont tb Ille Cçiflm»bud ut! Veie NIeglut nt a-9 beMun greeted with plqffiuro <tb 611. U'bar askera or thie ovenlng w-re- 1I-e.. r- AdNums. Rer. 13. Bennett ,.IdeTson, 14~jor grieraon, -nient, .oore, Major Dllon.. M«WorDllon a 1 icknoOwledg- ail tQ k b st ý'ýhIfbtb best @hot len t hp Èn*.X.aunÉre, and leo«sbi y the third ba,'êt. Ho i-h4iI 1 ,o be la 'meuber ~ oprnLMiW egnrest Pitnada at th-eDBlaleYzecntestt g&rit Coi-apore Cup... Hie teain kras rue- ce4sIu1 In brîngin.g back tfhée cup: ti IDinada 1fcor Îthe sew ndil bme, i1k-fen 1- lirg tli ithe teanis * fronali Il parus of ti P Rr;tl,%h EmpIre. C-iptain Coelr- tnxrn >acted amchairmnhfnor the evpnýng. Ater tho ,rogrzizrnae Te. frc..h,-mas werg Mrved uoptta1rs Io toewlio hftd iaken liart "in i he even'ng'-i programrinc. Rave Frlday. maTch lst, le behear Eýarold Jarvib, at f-o»nce.rt tRall, O.L.C'. For ovar 60 years Mma Wicubow'a Boothing Syrup has beenasued bym=il- Liensoe moture (or their ohildren while teething. If diaturbed at nlght and broken off yotir teat by a siok ohIld aufferlng and oryinp witb pain of cuttiag teth, seiid at once for a bottle ot Mma.WImnaow's Sootbing Sy. rup for chi.Idren teethia.g. It wilh re. 1ev the. poor Little sufferora lmmed- lateby. Depend apon it, motb.ro, [bers la no mistakre about It. It ourés dia rrhoea, regulatea tthe .tomach, mand bowels, curs wlad colla, motena the umàanmd rodu«O ailamatlsu, and giv.. tons and snergy to tii. wbols aystem. gMca. WinuiOw's 5S0OStl, Syrup" for obid Ma tlstblog lapleas- ant te the tai..a" la tii, prucrp. dIon of emou* tb. »oldoat aad bt e. male.lphYSteans and auras. lu tue United atea, rIs. twgnaty4ve 0t» a. bottIe. Sld by si ail igîmmt ro forhlwrî ii.world. We surs a ork rut~ u, Leo'a 8obo Persos~ KIN$ON. The, Mutob, W ai la ai Pl g'o LADIES faare faatidlons about uéfir iio1e Paper sliould re, the tha t tmers la une place. town where they are sure :> gét -ail thatli.nes ad batlu theIUne of The popular fabrlc finish 'aper ln white, bine and rey, iflew shape Envelopes aLt greatly reduced prlces, W. J. H. Richardson Brock St., Whitby, Scirautil Coal Offite, AR G~noraI banklng veos- Inon pstanme 0kfrêl d ate oi AI1ow~ epSt ald every six montha. dt > ýo For twenty years W6 BOOKSand N Sfawmio id wlthout charge. TeMoneyr Orders, tim i Canadian Bamkera' .lhU barg.Sa&fsi and oheapeài:t od bank or =sal ~unt ag TOTAL ASSETS .................. r$,1000 Do yonz Banklng by Ma&il _____ E. D.WARREN, Manager, Whitby Branch. Liqi OVERCATs! We'have stili on hand a fewl..of this seasones, w iltn- oerw-ý entioi. s ;'7~, i. Ila tUcai tonD5 bessi -violtlug "ar" .t'y jlm4 Jauceï fýeeIeeacting »trn 0< . ; Ueo. - xKiWtrbck, IV. 0. ; ¶ f Ifyou f flt4I, dit l . itii toué, or tiave A wsJlowifrlosU 0D m. >Iexion,. try l24tiqlust one. -tu lot&.- flicsto tt o, c. ta X4,0çriplas. s a* W , Jtt guî 0Pï)i,- sume l or tii. 'mt et ok et U!s.La'.. let aey 41r%., luAI4tà 0C'iaA tg yOU CàRmc.ttu litN4*01 p.nt*l 'box" i0aC o two =fnow "L tbssî<o Wh4 "dor&a M oies j9T am. i pm a. A ud 1,wth bJer ça*?*Uh% dr ;4 u fa tepbeuoa, if l on wyore laefrida,Ira=~ '. - y . W l .a - ~sa*iW..k. durliumirW et eUboduetot, Il J»bto tte a *s 110bo atUrai lu ,T¶t 114, by 11) 'c., us 1 tboeubluaYY 1 .dsI Om onu Ia s Feeding Corn SOUND AND HARDI FOR SALE. PEÂS TO LETO, SUEDS WA NTED, . ]DO wfWYk00 WHily». we r gotte bcedi have emer pleam L'Ai .tl t&c1teinrgdst style and. patter'n. These must be so1d~Cal >and cture ,first choicef seau f IN - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ves (m d6POÉt mm of $1 and upvin 1 -m-

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