Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1907, p. 6

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'e.; *ii- I wlhh hastll>'. Se ahI~e#uî nilhl b. laId lie1 ~I11S nul hé hi lIa ~cobciiilz~tlon' i-i labal a ty and îlb.guestslà-, baller. TI-rn $PU3CH'FtR0M THE TFJRQNE. Nia, Speaker -and Gentese 0 lm Il ffhxismegréat pleisute Io <g&in eiei o s represealflvs h thépao. Sm.* e e réltze liat Our thanka due tà A '4 1 a bOiltIl * al44iesl. lthe proesperihy, whh - 4". fleaI90yo4, b>' ourrmjàersfor a um -oti*w yêir. , ge thcea¶iyurae shown 111 oui- people afford good ron bOth, for fatisfection ansi thank uleesi à~" e'indicatIoni o! lutin'. prospertty. Tu. altngs of the Jnterpmovlnclal Conaférence ah Ottawia ln October lAst nier. attendesi by théin rme. iister aund twe io !bis caltagues. The deliber-I atlons of thie conférece wnul, 1- havé i-ca- spa Ioa bçlev,,,rul Ln an amendaient le thé b ritlsh NorthI4merîca Act hy whItheUicamleunt oethie annuel psy- -m~ent by . Ibis çmfnlon Goverumeult t thme province will b. l ncreased by ýabout Me0,0. A report af thé proceediagý ý,I)f he conference, wil ha laid before you, - on h tfi s f tlna1h.Goveramet ..fGonada, certain of my Mînishers s1 (indeo4 ah(Ottawae withhreferencW to Ibbc propascd extension of bbc bounderles . f M.anitoba. -Thle chains cf lihe Province (.1 Onharieloois hntereamd were pressesi *po Vsatb e * Dominion 'Govramçnt, any WnIlsters xii*ug that thé bbundelfes if !uanoba be oextended nortbwerd ta IHudson Bey ,b>' roducltmg théthé cash- eu-nboundary 14 'ieZprcvlice ,narth- Woardsi ntiIl atr!keatéChr2 IRver, and heu by' followlùg the idie-ot tht chennet of thé uaild river <ut» ,th IeUêMbêchà -lnieildrn ay.sn the question oil prison -w ho avoidlng, ail pos- ig¶putiiato coÈpetition, e, and cennot ba decl nme laco$b wtth relation alis blb'ju. rclablng ,aét.iglfle iemisammg and - Nrthern OtËî1 Ralway; wni Volunter Uiln 08lrq lnxçess Of lb. est1<t8I adn Mo tir han'alleltit I ieet rthe provincIal expenditure durlng the year. The Publie AccouaIntq vli be laid! be- fore yau foir your cetderation ant the emelll mom ndnithe estltles 10 lq foyor pproalaUl er e UN tomdu I Aimitéa- oe duim desath TamRichmond, VlrgInaW, ss-.,TheiWliamus build.ing, located In the rotil business s ý#Mo , thurnes early "on Wedhaeday;. eslinèled 10w. Urný e i tre amgned .bhreaellg pro- poMlonjs, and l i, as le ared'l mbicbvalu- able prëpérty wauld bë destro. ' Te othel' ires fellonied tuaL ln hie Wllliams block, thme lois beng heavy. Thlé prin- cipal 16#eM. are thie Surburg 'fobacco Compaly, Adamis Express -Company, anid th rgfcbmomcl4Mght lafantrY, Blues, whMe'.amrmaiy ias lôcates in te thbulki- iuýg. Thjé,Blues lont heir eutiweouttit, and iM Wv he i.Jamestonin Exposition, wlalclmlad.bem planned,, nul have tb ho aaidoemd. The lIre nas a spectacular onue, M ittcésigreat eronids.;'The cx-. ~ O4L a!5ê»00 unds-of amutiofi, stpadluthé armai-y, ruade the wark >cfý lI~hpg hé lames dangerous. CaPL Kgae, of, truck company, No. 2,.nias ýSêrôuytruîyljured by feling walte. IWCRUTNG TU GREUSN. Dahch FreinDisbad B ritish flçglment Arrives atit«mifu. iWdepateh -trom Halifax says: *rhé stinuth i+ the aarrlson et Hullfale 1 10 FUXC3ýNô. r e.4 .u t ouiçv Niuî- mxez, Okto % £1ogoîé, 6k tù 1 65>xd. , b. ý2 mixed, Vg3c tb86c. Bagrley-No., 3 yellow, 40ce; No. 2, SOecd to, bic. ern-No. 3yellow, 5ic, Toronto, Cen- aditgn cor-,%48Xc ho 49c; American No. a nifxe, Me~, Toronto and wcsb main lina1 andsi oubh. *»tc4icîat-55.ko bVi/e. Fbour-Ontarto, 93 per, cent. pabehts, $2.65 asl<ed, V.63 bld, 'oubside; Mlanibo- lba Ili, tpatents, 81.50; seconds, $4; bak- ~eés, $3.130. lIran-818. )ONIYPRODUCE. BuIter'-Rccepts continue plentiful, wlth buie ;-generýai quaiity very poor. Crennîery,- priaIs .... .... ...26ce b 27e dû s*oIds b... .... .... ..23e1o 24c "Dty- .. ....21cto 23e Cheestê-4,arge are qo~ e andi twllls il 14e lni job lots iei-e. Eggà-Nw-1aid are flri-n at 30c. Select e gs.fi47t.2se age, 24c and ilined Pou(uIt~jpplies, are not very hcavy ..... ... ..08d1t 13c ... dIo 00C -. .. ....... 9C o îîc Ttd-icys ',............12?c ho 13e Honey-.-Steady eah lic to 12o per pound for pulls ard $2 ho $2.50 for combs. Beans-Fi-m aht $1.55 ho $1.60 f or handpickcd, endt primes $1.40 ha $1.45. ?oPtahoes-Oiilario arc 70c ho 75c per tag ln ar oti a here; easbern, 80c ho *5e. Beled Hay--Quotatlons are $11 to $12 for No. 1 tlmnotîîy andi $9 fer No. 2 in car lots cou track hiere. Straw--Steady et $6.50 ha $7 on lrack. MOINTREAL MARKETS. Montreal,-Jan. 29.-Provisions - Ba- rels short cuL mess. $22 ho $23.50; hlnf barrels,.$11-75 to $1..50; cleur fah ba.;k. M2 to 824.50;,long eut lîecavy mess, 820.- 50 oo62# hall -berrel-s do., $10.75 to $H1.- ru dr Wats long clear bacon, 12e !a ùte;béab splate beef, $11 tb $12.50,; half bar-el do.", $0 te $6.50; barTCIS I'mvyýnieMsb~,8.0 hall berrels do., $4.7j5; ceùud lar'd, 83yc ha 10c; pure lard, tly,é-to 13c, settle renderesi, 13ce l3%c;, baias, 13c Ia 14%~c, accordlag te stze; breafsît bacon, 15o ho 16c*, Winîd- sor bacon, 15ejlo 146a; !resh kiliesi abba- 1oir bags, $0.15 to $10.25: alive, 87.5 Butt~-Padê creamery, 25C ho &-or both. ZtTônsai1- are t*o coiieëtfônas oa 'elih-1e structures a1 the back part cl te mouth, oe on c ach -side, -betWenthe Pillars- or the palate.- Il- la not kiown what purposýethey s.erve. Some hbue sU1ýpsed Ihat they arrést Rie germa r.f C d-.stase which may be Inhiaked or taken 111 Wlth the food; J:uÙt they evlderitly canL Catch very few of the -germa whicii rap- Jdlly pesa hem in the food or wvaer, or i:1 -the air wbieh Is inlialed; and IL ta weil they cannot, for they are themselves ' ery suEceptible to disease, as some suf- tarers know to their sorrow. Others have thought they serve an evil -pur. base, acting as portais et entry for mauy disease-germs imb bthebody. The onsiLs. are very Hable Io hecome infiamed. Tis condition constibutest toisillitis, or, whea an abscess forais, qulnsy. Young persona, over Iflto-en and under thirty,' are most subjectIob inflammation of the tonsils, aithough' chidren and ewen those well along iii Ilite may suIfer. fi occurs with apecial rf- quency la those whose tonsils are enlarg- c! and usuülly la persons who ar& 'run ~den"la general healhl, or in whoia the ht~aaa~ielas Leen lowered ais a resuit of worry Or Overexertion. The extra study ln preparing for i difficult examination la achoof or col. loge and the auxiety eoncernilig the resit LUrMUOm tg' ybring;f on an -âtlack of quinsy, es . e ciilly la thoscof ta so-ralîrd rheumatle tlendency. There are Varous kinds of tonsilliltis, Lut the symptomff lail are qulte sirmlar In the beglnning. The patient fees iii, has chilly sensations, loas of appeile, more or less headache, perhaps, consti- pation, fe\erishness, and a feeling ef discomifcrt or actuni pain la the throut. Sýoon the levr becomes high,. the ibroat s dry, swal-ûlowing is painful, there la Gtten nmore or less <arache, and thie pa- Lient seems Io bc seriously ill. Suppuration rnay or may flot oceur. The pain nnd throbbing are most severe wht n It doca. The attackl< asts'usuaiiy [rom two <r three days ta a wceek, and la apt to ter- minabe qullc sudderiy, aithougli If but one to!usil has bceen atIfected, recovery may Le de'ayed by an extension of bhc inflammiation b hie other tonsil. I that caze tupe w tol iresome proces niust bc' gone throiigh with again. The diseuase is almost aiways serious eiough.t.e rcquire the plîysician's care, foir the trûatment calta for Internai re- medies as wvell as local applications. Whntcver else ta done, thie bowels sl'ould be kepb open [rom the beglnnlg e: the attack.-Youbb'S Componion. A WORD 0F CHEER. Dr. Knopf, the erninent aulhoiri'j On ttaberculosis announces iL,* infectiaus, caimmunicable. preventable, and cur- able. 0f the thre methods of Infection, inhalation, Injectlion ,and. Inoculatip$i the Utniost importanciet1the pmlon ary ýCaDn4pllve shdôuld lnow thiCMn tuÎi-1.e w itffaàéo f elthe dfl ' 1se h CANADlA. Ex,MIa)cr Eliis buasbeen a City Tfrensurci ofOttaw. Tho C.P.R.-Pave purclîased Lawvrenice Hltl properby ut Mae>. The C.P.fl. wUll be double-hracl«ai Lween SmithVs Fala andi Moatreal. Hûantlioit'è hare o! the militia bill 1 the strise>rlo.ts obaIs$3,048. New car wvoiis ara tûb b bulît hn Montreaithat wii b hie lai-ges W Canada. The CôunLy Gouncil of WVei1worl- have declded Lo bulld a house ef relug& The ýIontreal Board of Trado, wili pe t'on for the removai of the tax on Clhi-' nese. The Toronto Clty Guuncil voted $5,000 for Hie reefeo f the Kingston, Jamaica, earthquake suffere-s. iL la stated ail C.P.R. -Atlantic liners wii ba equlpe ns ii wirefl eas eerapti apparatus. WViruiipeg carp-cnters ar-e demanding a aine-heur day andi a minimum wago of 15 cents an hour, to haLe cifecb June firet. it is reported Unit Mr-. G. B. Gird&G âtonue of!Bistol, Englani, wiil be ap- poit&-~"ergee hieS MtWNontreal harbor. Debenture bonlde o1tthielY &IozTo Lhat, malured in 1888 andi bad neyer- presented, for reciesption, turcd tmp in the City Trensures office on Friday. Thei Goverament have decidesi to inake a grant of $W0,000 towards the erectlon of aL hygioeaîo InaUltute lathe clLy of London. The Urne for receiving.dcslgnis in com- petit.on for the new depù.rtment blocli at. Otbawa lias ben furtae extended [rom Mai-ch 15 unthi July i. The 1.ale Col. Plnauit, Deputy Minister iif Millila, lef t an etata valuesi ut 831,%66, ail of wl-uoh goes to lus widow, save $U,000, wuiich onrsists of bequesls. HarnilbOi Street ibailway Empboyes' Uion refuse to Intfere lanbthe case of bwo me.mbers dîssmissesi by the conîpany because Lhey were seen in & saloon. Mi-. J. G. i3ury la tobcb appoiatied As,- sistant General Manager of the C.1P.lt'a western lines, with heaiquarters alt Winnipeg. Thrce hundresi andi flfty mlles of rail- way wili be built in the. %vest next season by the C.P.ri.," &ais William Whytéeut ,Nlonireal, aller a oatereace with Sir Thos. Shaughnesay. Hl. C. hieMNullen, of Calgary, live stoick agent o! the C,.B., bias visatedx Medicine liat, Maple Greek, Crane Lake, Guil: Lake andi Swif t Gurrent, Laid reportathat the cabLie loases are exaggcra,cd. CRUAT BRITAIN. Mr. Jos-epli Chamberlbin-,expecta t-WbcI iback In Pariamoeit next seion, ,1 The lijuies tû H .M.S. IDoniol ùame so serlous ttntt elle Wi n eyer b&1 8t,4orj active service 4BIa. Thae ui itýHno Aù aU i&nr~ ' oinesi ne ort jiog il taces cof 'the, maledy. -Tih. iî 1m Irmi 720 mbnutcipa*.- lh a popula-. bion o! 14l6,' o,gve the deallis iàoaî al-causesl durlng thé moubli as 2,100, a rate o! 12.8 Per tiovsand. Cases.Deeths Searlel fever........... 1lit 12 Dipliliiela .............20M l 26 Whooping caugli.......... 13 4 Conisumpbaon ............ 153 143 TO RELIEVE FUEL FAMIINE. C.P.R. Generil Manager lias Lefi for a Tour of Inspection. A despathlifi-rn Winnipeg soya: G. 1. Bury, generel manager ci the western Uinesa o! Lhe C.P.R., lias le! t Mcosejuvv. The t-tp la eue for Inspection, and as the difilculties o! transportatIon ln Sa&- kaltcienir. hava lacreaseal ta suchai e- gre. as bo re.ndar the proper runnimg cf the trains aimorpt imposible,_Wr. llury wiul endeavor la a«certain %wh& asdi- tional shcps ma>' ho hakenu to relieve, the criei. Much lime wil ha given tci a consideration cf hie fuel questIon,. whi.c la becoqmlng oné of- gitahSi n ia peg and hlrnOdls"polebe are conôe 14 14a"iýsurance tmi.hie' I WcsvN rellef 4sal: sigli.uil àhr an seSd wheah évallél> ne* 1W edw s laeji ho> PI sup through voluntary oqt bio ns, b ut the,,response ta Ihe aýpi lor fseîp has not bceu enoouraglug.,,, TWNNE%,'TMIN'ERgel-ÈLJiIo. Il - Il lVicibais ci an Explosion lu a Colcm Mine. A dpspatch [rom Tinidad, Colo., îsu Twenty ini-ir are reportes i -lled»in explosion aL the Colorado Fuel &Ir Ca. minealah Priera. The explo ' ccurresi on Wednesday lu ht 1 i entry, andi la supposed ho havi bU causesi by a wlndy shoh. Tbe, uilýe. caved tI, ansi A is Impossible l an entrance. It la diflicult ho 1eaý$t number o! fahalibies. Women raCit dcren are gaiheresi abouit the xnlê>é, trance, and minera friciaedj1qlr caumps ara assisting lu the work 4e, eue. Ail bhe deasi--are problh ci grers. DcATIIS FIOMFREI consmpi.veparents 1 s-wfmplve mattier Shal ehl, on ltme -mouhstij lhé food itt'ib ltsanie. l1imm 21m v»bttI& *hid,.and ehoIak11 that thé chulsi saay.. nî Thissemén*-cubhorlty opimilt l 1 enlct ,îbflltvIîelmIn eg :7imaiý . t ýàd né' 4 CO mi4 about - laltes thé 'Tm notlmpaon bateprévd arrtyéd bul isue eviy. ,mi" S o Judge XVison'à bd doctors speedbly e. -He wtt deasi, rf thé Ont attack. d, %bat deat4 -wtt m ti, hé péned f«e oie. svt 11c; io. -Go o bd arly-weké ý o tabec) 1ite-irm sgl ana thé IIIWPALO MAfiKET. a No. * bu M P'tVNE 4 OD el !%Sem-.o oe- hom ul TorotoifQF A~ar i 4htan e u icans )d,- au, iwera yelowmoi' o. 4, 40%c la )id lotq, 8et, WIbea $4."2fi Lw Io lS JO~ to.,l ft,*.5 thé pi-e- Moirdi It bas )b anuths,j effld t0d gay

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