Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1907, p. 7

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<lsd - * ts~r. ats.apologlze for bavia as9 e mgmwhffiasneerdonet'm i e retlon. 1 con only. bcg yeutg o'fo>- atiost tÎÛ aille t tise adi te~ hé 'tîi il aven wus made., Coud-bye r' stiggStion. lie finils Cecalla alone ln ae liS nearly reàcbed lhe door, when tise stting-roomn, Cer4lita MUilit nitise 'hars '11w frou-frou uthieu' gown, and wlrudow roeding the Q)ueen. Upon ber si.ng, aes that bier unsteady feçtI ai*trlplfk face there lsa puzzled ex- le caruled ber aller hlmn, ~ Uo-irpresshon, wblcb le pcrha">sIobehoac- e 13 'eianghng Jvu-crilison t whiite counteti for he.'tact tiaitisaeporton 1baçit »afan Wiltb sar(Ling rapidily. o! the journal vhhch shehiii eusing h thtouglit you wouid have under- tisai entiuiedHti tquctie," and » under il d," she sa>-s, !anly. "f-lhouglht that are the onswvers ln lest week's questions. 1were tise une person wvho would flot upoîs nîco points of socfil law, whi;cb, if le mtsundersteod.:' you do not happen to enad tuaquestions, lis conscience pricics biais, but h.'ets thave' undoubi'sdly an eniginaticai air, as er very quick tot be ahi. to own hlm-a- in the following instances: 'Youu' hus- fa thie wviong. and before lieccrn tond takes the Baronet's daugiuter. and 1, Ilimrséll to trame sny> sentence that you follow wîlh Uic P'rhnce."-"We do eks of apology and regret, sise r(%- nol understend your questen-babies les, %itb a titile more composure and never dine oui," etc. 1 sQnW'-ntional voite: Upen Jim's enîrance G.cla laya dewvn V'ti knnw-we told you---e%,en ai lier paper. and et once allers la, go in Qri'-ttatihat wve are notl golng oui, search of lier sister, wilh WvbO SMh w.%e do not wisb te oa any new sliorti.y r.'turns. tIe lied heen qutte àlintances !" nlghL . Thora is no peace teo moke. - n.w," replies hae with some indig- Amelia greels hlm withlie sr ,Usal pa - màI lba,1ht that is the hollow formal tient and perfeclly u-irancoroUs amile, e-' Jrou issue to Uie %Nerld ln gea- but bis second glance ai ber tells hlm tlhougb-i bopd-" tbat she Is- loekilng otti ami fagged., Itlhs bring bier te sec nie," ase ln- only n very early ybuli tisai vigils ansd aandonlng ber effort loi- comi- worrles and sl-denials do, vol Write - dspeaklig ln a broken voice, tueur nomes upon the akîin. er eyes sî%Vi lm l tears. "Sh.'-.- "llow-bow pale 'ou are l' ho anys. Il MO <w ah eomhght no lm& is.en titterance o thie word Uxtý - ,hvrdo jàu.uwüdhavéed, bccal er i anri-jamsi4110W yeliow 'r' , -) .stiseansswer to qaçt j "U wouid ha very d4net,» h#lm td o t1ina? lias ia«i h y' Y i ta wilJka -&dý 0 ~Jk~gln ~ ~mtler 4à ,yq A - gi4 ltaer. an.!id*t j ý6111d il bernaseachiag tor you higli heré boie you been i" have been ta the Anglo-Ameen" th ' flash et inward seif-cngratu- ioý1n nt this query havLng bees ut lo- ey, huatead e! yesterday, or ..10 ay b.- re. 1 tis aer lools dlsappolnted. "To the AngiaAmerlcain T i thouglt- '4loped; haîe you-ià-en thein Iateli Burgoyne bus ceas * Io feig a tck o! d irstmadiag to wh.tn Lbth personai ünoua reers. and hoamnswers with as tnueh carelessaess as et a moment's no- tice he oaa put on--"Why, yes, i have, once or tiwlce." utlo they--do not hey think il sirange o! me flot te have becn near them a)U "T'hey may do"-drily. <'Tley dia flot-say sot" "ITiey did nuL; per-.ap)s"-sratC lY-"Lý'he subeci was too acuicly painful for them to ailude to."* lrrexjl[ntly as hie las exposed hiiie'lf tr thenm, ltus aent', r's sneers never fait to send the crlmson rachng ihou Byiigs face, and t linds il&s vay tner.' now. il does not, hovevcr. prevent bis proceecd- ing, ofier a con!used monment or two. wii h ts Onxiotis catechismn. "SLie-lhe lias nut re-ferred to thse sub- '\Vhat ssubjit' 'TL-O Ie r' "She bas neyer mentioned your nam.. Stay"-h4s veraciy winning a reluctant vlctory over his Linii.--'n day she ssid thot you weri £unshiny, and that she iiked sîîn.<hire." As lue speaks he lc.ks down ai bis boots,.tou unaf!ucie-dly ominyed alt fite justification of Ehîzabcth's cpitliiel, lch iLi reiailmng lins woirîcd on iiyngs coun- tenaruce, ta be able 10 coniemplalo tir %vtb ony decent patien ce. But there is enough evidence ln the boys volce o! ille effect svrosrght upon hilm by Miss Le Marchaiti's adjective to makie bis com- rade repent vcry Ieartily of baving i-e- peated t. "I should bavc heem oier,", says Byng, ln a low, cager way," every day, c% ery hour, as 011911 as tbey would have i-e- cehved ina. only îuOt 1 couid flot leave [my mother; and she-she bas taken theai eui grippe!"' "En grippe? Your -moiber T' rapeots jiai, tee honastiy anad disagrceabiy .StcïlI-ed by Ibis jOIéc0o1t eîw.s to b.able a da toge -Maiûtafn bis miracà) l'h. -Otte A"MPrus W s 8ouIders dis- 1; ]ave tsOà an Ideaîîtý6U "ot 1)éb.'- cuwe~he i- M 10s nitôwish Ie ha làtiOdUC-ed >te b er Ilt the Acadeaila the '~JIB1 not &ho You l"avlag roomù forte 0 . 31 for ~ ~ dé twlbr5fAbé 1~Peas, - mulh with pepper, mst, and drlPPta'g, ad serve. Lemon-peel laken from ra lemôn ,wbich 1- reired lor the, Julce 0111y shauld be pla n t a Ib aper bag-flfld bung near the ltire to dry thoouàtiIY. (trateci lenion-rin«- Is a great imprOvettet to cokes and puddings. Before Cooklng tapioca soet lnLaCiolU water' until it ih considerflbly swolieTi. and allow a plat and a haif0t nllitot every ounce. of tapioca, weigtied Ubgore soaktng.- This -le a very uiiliýajid finod (when thoroughiy Cooked). i Hash Pie-Worm i.a cupfut or"- cold rrîashed potalo witil a ltUle mtt1ý and Lutter, add a few tablespooZiZuls<A chopped meat, a beaten egg,, pepper and soli't ln taste. Mouid Ibis un a but- tered plaie Io any shape desired. Sprinkte wlth a liandful of dried brend- ciiîînbs, and bake for n quarter o! an hour ln a stendy oven. Egig Toas-t - Carefuliy separate the yuk frithe vbites of six hbard-hoUr(d eggg. Chlop thern fineiy, het hpUa vi <'f miike,,add ,a oACUpoot tih? [ t-< te.', a 11111e chioprA dparsley, sait and peppcr,. Thioken sllghtly. wMtbflour, and tin i the whiies o! eggs. Have rcady .0liei o! buttered toast, arrange ,hc2 >-a <'ý on tiieni and pour over the' l'- la' olîs-Takie one pound o! Pour, tial! a traspoonful -of sait, two oi.ncs of butter or lard, one egg, and hal! an ouiice of ymrst. MLx these in- gredienisq in'o a light dougil with milk; kl, l stand in n wvnm u1Icý- to riseA- for lwo fiours, and tlkn mako it Into 1111k' rouind caliçes; bru-1i over the top %Nitiî white rt rgg. andi bake for twenty min- A Madoira (:kc-Wok gellîcrfiver minces o! casier siigmîr, Iibro.' ounces of buitier, ani the voilks o! to eggs. in onother basin puit 1siX bhe)pd table- spouinfuis o! flour, a teaspoonful cf t-aklng-powder. and a pinch o! sali. N\oric all togetImr, and grat. over liait the. rind o! a lenion. Boeat the eggs, b~utter, ctc., t.lorougiîly. and by' degrc-ts sLft in the flour, addlug a l1111e miik if Lb.' mixture ls n6t moist enougli. 'flaised Mfulton Pies-Mtell three ounflces of butter La a gilof boiling %voter, then show}y add liai! a Pound o! flour, so os te moaka a stif! poste. Flou out and line the fins. Cut thrce-quilrters o! a Pound -01 tender mu lion Int tiun slî'ips and put mbi the Pies Ln layers, then a lay- er of hard-boiied egg and chOped ;por- siey, Sait and pepper; continue tili the pies are ail tflhed. Cover with more pastry, and bake fer one heur in a mod- £-rate ovea. THE SiANITAIY K=ffl-îN !nunmucb as ai1 the food cntering Ille ttuman system, tthei , 1, ,ou , leasej DECLINE 0F TUE ýFARMER' VAS%-T MIANGE LN CONDITIONS IN EcononIl Pressur-e Squeezea Out 1h. FumrBeraeof Las.! -lJoder Ciulilvatlon. - The great Change wbtcb goBa an >',rý by year lni tue ogrlcuî*al condIitt9 -ùfj Engksnct is esnphaslzed ýby the-, :ASge" -end Live Stocklç,Ieturns for OG - Tise mosi strlklng eatura b owh the rotures point i9 growtll o!tIlf àiuc tewns of Greai flritann."T*ti words out M.-R«-H. nl;ih¶ . .-,stle for thb repôrt-. "Witt I êPt flng Io presthe absolate *:gg'm -toO cioseiy there is " ue - fa lion in ihe statemeaI thak hall a million acres ina 'Gî i ê,frs>1bay* been diveried durià - years fi-cm giuÏn-iG V< andi indust riali use,5ý Another netsbia -tact-- As e ér ln the area ut land ufldOrçtÉ Up il f.1l in 1906 by 20,000 acres' "ie-'on tinuation of Lle process %ývbich hsbeezu annlue l> recouded for. the pa tilteen FEW£Fl HORS!ES. '1lhis- dota-case la lcrgcly due;te 1h.- ellrninaition o! the yeomnan tarmer, who, i-i gractually being_ squeec 4<utb- the. ecolionio pressure; sure o!flise morigage or "olleriisa ýhd, disappenrs, liii. lîokUngý u.shùàly passes U) on owiier, 'vti1el.à il, an4 ihus tvftx* fetrs ilt b the ca4ýgory oftlaInd ecaUpied' by tenant4 WVith nrdgard tde iivë ,sl!,k beels,-a, decrease for tis&-ýykr I n, theý'ùnbêi "o! borses an4 pigs4,jfi1d O "frm ibiï h nuinher «t caIlle anI-Isbep. The d, appreciahi, sf9è Npr Mn There li 4 demeanse I.the,, nmber..s uîîhroken Ilorses, and.M. btsy- stock a 104: ficont, Lt Tn-yt- à bW radz1loeniiin - Ait ýecha -o! -th6ê' remarkabla case fil whc blackseiatb ,-mode> a - ruitieua cilinita the'titi. and riinmiMo!l te, Marqiàde Casa fiera wýs'hbard lin the e-arceiona (Spain) courts ite,,Dnir 4 when the persons eonceained latise-c)l %ýrM,àntenced te varous .tel'm o' in Prisonaient. Thestory Je a SPanLsh'cocunteraut of, Uhe*>Ziiffish Tlcbborn' efcas. Tho'blacksimîuj, 1Pèdtii0- a Iare (ram h~reiatfvàin ouitht ie cflèe&iWlHAa is'nr îClUwîsj Ici rtn te ibiS by ail - --tabedg wan fac, au h -; - CHAPER ~wnnnes. 1"No steep, nofl. 4a i taurtUe. enCheCkIh«',of S Iens U uI eiale, tierrua 1I Herauâ'r on bis lingots. nn ta CGerMO4It fowm rs thbe '"But 1 have had tresl It -anle"a l es ra itrsue. ftbey ebey liai wth _pale affection, <sf0 day bIs tt i ~tnm îW'us e. IkcrIy doIbtheByýsg teckl u. eut for ý 4rive.,M n#camply wlth Its glad ens- lyg asb.on very 4kp41* j' nsay biset -"th* spnngcernes <ftCm, on ý* UP bta ,way." ,Vines, #eg, and !WUtttanotelit Wh Oscwner h"been àbin â' b4 m ù, -ilaRIO eïnuIlsy racingiout, fat les lmnd; it 1a lis oa'n qulîîy 1te< T 40 ,,,, cors has added ý- e .merldl bisat supplies tili enqttuAsf, bom Ok ' o-At uc lds Tise young relunceeLsa n age ýàd - Or w 'stJiai 1usd rung evea lelped. . -j ,tresol bal of No. 12, are t ehang- '"You Ca40 go out , driving ami tirs 'Atm Ahe "4unliondsense llirilt",for an sp- I3yng- tisn, Useugli you ooul4 not igpaie ail, ab of e!pienleus, greecs, end a roderw bh ee,,u.arilihi."4i» «'0 Dun :t>aulIswtut& la begnni gte boid up nauriy velO. bI,,ld tbluster oe!-gioSctila bous.f. 13h de U n -deel ets.!eai, bt Icr of m î~slia wtcled b.daly regreasof o! îW le l~ isb. plane leaves fi-cm Uihebar arndoar o! uCeiout wittbmn i. 5w, lee rloa te- Mf - l2a entreol. The ciaîîy prgrm? mozegtvnga arsisac&aseven t. he «k tL possIble U> IW ho- bus bSn e e~ iie'e-taer î twssî1vgtaton. Yoice 'y y Ufil l. -Pau sek It ýlle "yks k oItiiè. teuîi tÀ iCý2r- S hîmslf lista, wlb a peclea or lt 1A divIneda, a ay t e thej 0î*W.- Ck, enIs.fila arftlia senseoretrelief b4~og n.! Uhe youung îmuaj- Otitet L ho:findestbiiqpeyhioie doy tMd-tqaUY ip Dut withme ailday ,vened, duvlusg wIîbc~ih i ho tS whets'o e iffl11W rd the atiuri!of t$1p, elietc là en m.....» --

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