O 'tthe. Better 'SW0tl HIluman Naturee. *intâô.er thtngsamar true, whatgo- thlen for trcedom, fora slugerl, truer, i ' tigs are hicncat, whai*cvei- obl.er, divînce Il!e.' ahg are jult, whatscver hhinge are William Wahan tolîS us alatit i 1 #ure, watstaever thifigs are iovely, 1,1 thiese linea': Whataoever thh'ugs are of «ced report, Sliera lm e any virtue and il ! lera tLe As soe mosl pure aind lovtily face, I:hy pi-aise, f hik on tiese thiaga. - Sm nlatle thlronged ad iurinii ihilbpplans lv. S. Street, * Thmts words are an oppcal ho tihe bS-t sheds ocer tiec world a sudden grace, In, humaan ature. lni avei-y nan liera A flying odar aweet, li an ange! and e demnon; endencles f0- Tien passing lcaves tiec chûtd sense, aac rigit, inclinoaons toward thie alkýed wihi a pliantofli excellence. Wroaîg. lhicie L ne man so tiorougily1 badi fiat some good may not Le found se in oui- seuls the visions risc, In hiia. 'ilere la ne mon so truiy good Of tînt fair life wo neyer led, fiat lia hs ait iut imperfections. Evcry Tii-y flash a aplesider past oua" cYca, ence laan awile are soy of a mnan tint We start and tlicy ai-e lied. tiere. la ne «oociIn hlm whvilsoi-ver. Tlîcy pass and leave us wti blanlc gaze, B3ut tlint judganenl Is ratier an expie-ca- esîgned ho our ignoble days. ion o! oui- attitude fovard hân than a reai estimohe e!is charecher. Tii-se wirds ai-eiieirt-lirlling. -TheY A Cirisimias ca-d wos in circulation ar-e a mech'ery and e a udgmlefll. yes, last i-car whici reac: "There iase muci 1jut tîay ai-e alsi an inspiration end a, Foed in itie "-oral o! us and so muclu Proleay. Eery mani OOy live lits badiln the best -o! us liatIth does nol bell-r Ife. Nutln eny ascetic, mon'ts- behecove ony o! us ho talk about lhe le scienue, arhîci tieýs up our daysad "eSt o! us. fii yo ur seuls as in a straigit araistcoal, We ireguently spcoli o! h fi iy0 but ln an alliance, a workhng compact ciaracter, but almost every pasing houa' aur coasclousacs l undergog BETWEENJ 01)1 SOULS AND GOD. chiange. .Tic mecliaaism of thougil, Two yaunp menacaame tot ils eily fian feeling, purpose, luoanecf shîipnous a western toan. One of hieni li felci voriabilily. One heur we are undeui lie tie narmow limitations of!is b0YioOd. Influence ai onvu set o! emehoiona, tlie îl tîougahI, well as e men passes le.xt heur hhese&. .mo4üi &rg.succeedeci fîrougi tus world ieut once, &and lie by an entirèi3rdiffere t ot4 folserwe- Wjn tue a long-limedeaci, i. migliî De tions. %veti have bils ling and te s fa t* re In a esense -are are all victim$ 0o!he in lafe, se lie shunecthie ce pao- edlckliand tie man of tie mornlng and -pie. Haelied aenen ougliOf cm oh tie mnan cf tleeavanlng, whitle On. aud honme. IH.visited lie hauints f sin. lie sumo man, yet ore two «lfea'eut Weil, ie ias had is flng, ils! ce and men. On lie purely spiritual aide there bi~s cyc tell the tala. la even The. éther Young mani cama althth le A DEEPER MYSTERY. Ovcr tie hu-es o!f tie majerity o! in living in lie ceanfines o! Chra-stndom hie Satubathidey cashs -something oi Ils spirlhuallzlng Influence. Ticre lassee elevation e! Bul, soreatieugif Goci- arard, hearever lilgiat, on thie Sabbtali. Oui- iability le change under semae Influence frrn i tiout is anermnous, in- calculable. A single lanoe. ahthie face of Beahai-e i-vlutionized thIllefe! Vante. His case Is typical. Ta-day 1irougbaîal ail Chilslendom mei ai-e be- in& âstrangely enid wondouly affecheci l»thiesaaactlty cff tha home, the worsiip Gc.&d, the anaieni, lhe voice of tic Tiere i. anu urealizeci ici!lancvery moa. Newanda h ten are catch glearns. of eur'better Ille. They coaui-tous ha - tray, saÀcred moments as prospects& eataght * kw limes from &Osan i ly gaciaulala il ud - ovision oethlai 1H13 S. S. LESSON' dcteraiaaiofl no oniy ho make thic beet et ils Oppcrtulhlc, but aise,' as Jean Paul Rchiter naid: «"To make as muchu eut ef hia'*lf as It 10 possible, ho make ,Ouit li te @tafl. Ilie put hiaislif !n tonci antthîe aut asgOCIahlOfl8,Yes, he waat tethie churci snd aras enceurag- rd lahils purposa. Tii. epasslfg ycars have aitaessed net only is maieriai success. but aise ils growthina mn- hooci. He paid atte1ntio çhat ara Tic differefice belacen liiez.tare Young meni conisted stmnply Ili e di-î Ici-cnt voimteestehicI tiey aespeuded. One respaidd o the ilghest, t,,he otier ho lie loeret. One endeavoeed. te bring cul thc bast thie éther ehlfled 'eud smo- thhred tie bail. My eppeal 10ecvery Younug Man arho readsthies. rords 15: .Overceme lie * letiergirad »VMIWh yen doarnbe your'.-10e W i »«t. ouiti wov 00untitmQ1. 7Anoier isuggeeuoný ig tint lbe.-place recelveci Itse tiame -IrRnt Sieciesa, ithe son é$ Hamôr, h1Hîte pN a'shet la lnd ((ia. 23."18" 10). The foairsuggestton, iowever, :sBexm is more probable. -. Oak et Moreh-Tiie reference appears to lie to a socreci tre, tlic word "MorelV comtng.f rom u"Horaa," the word. used regulariy of lhe, aut4oritative direction given by priesha. The word if8ala~Lted "oak" is rendercd ta the nargin fl ci lb Revised Version "Trerebinîli." Thcee,' whlch is anc resenibling thec oak, is 111i commoîi ln Pales"ie, as is aIse tie oak proper. Canna ni1to-LIowlandcr- 8. Belhi-ei--The ancient Luz itimalely conncctMe with t:we history of lie patri- arcia. To be idcntifled with the modemn lietin, about f.weive miles north of .leru- seleili. A-The namne means "lient." The loca- tion of Ai %vas a litile mnore than two mnlies souilîcast of! Beth-el on Hiýe rond betwcen thie latter place and the Jordan Valley. Appoi'ently a city ofimlrpor'tanice et the tiine of tlie conqueist o!flPalestine by the Ilebrevs (ccuzip. juý'i. 7). MYSTERY OF ACCIDENTS IIAILWAV DISASTERS WHICIE COULD - NOT BE SOLVE». Affidents WlîlcIa ltave Deled the Effort-s of Experts -Ie Find fia - Cause. Il fa net often lathiese doys iat thie cause of an occident remoias a mislery, yet within tie past fear yeors Licre have bemau a e%v uci céses-ecmrded. la May, (ive years ago, a Pspeciol train aras on ils woy ta Lourdes, the Holy Surine o! Frenchi Roman Caf balles-,whcn -le- tareen Amiensl and Ccmpiegiie Ihere wjas a violent cr-asth, and tUe trin-net lie engaiesudellYltI lhe Une. There wcre thIualee carriage, laden witi some tireliundrcd pigribie, and inext Instant all lie coaches arere telescoped one tol tic etiar. Elgit acre kflied on tie spot, and -a i-ciy largo number iorribly In- jure.!. Twenty doctoti waere ai work al nigit ettendlag le hie burt; end waa made matters arorse aras liai 6e many nf lie pasesagers acre invalids- lready. Tie exfraotdlnery-'pa.ri eot he efCfln wos liaI thc englua Ise! n-evrleit 11K nichas. Il bas beau aupposcÃd "11mbo cause o! tiia-4tsasta aas- the breakhIgai , g. axe Uie bnticoaclu, but t m asI qOôrceib1em M1X51: t I txperhSýiput It down 16 t40ui PrS Ali1rjth- rails ibrouýgi fieývmry aI V tis Mea- But neoaa linoarsthle cause lr' feamily POIN-iS WEIIE OPEN, ilcnoarn lust e! ,There le muah, douit, tee, -,8 reaen o» ci e NeçvYokCalrt the peopleasdlfficlultY ln 4difetentifltling batweenclatie and t e wed b -n!rnpublisieci e uka, îadb czar Peler IIaogleCsccao lte Dnieper. Thuis set, forth tic Imperiel1 commanci liat they shau$d r iand cai eut tie usurper, Catherine. it mathered1 not that Czar Peter haît been deaci eleven1 yeers. lie peesats lied sea Lihe uni- foms o'f lie emfnilsereS, anid Inaheur gold lace was confiration stroîag eaougb te confuhe a dozen deati cerhifi- calc&. Thcy rose, succecdcd ln almost siaking Catherine fi-cm ici- trone, and di<l succeed ln landing Pougatshef, lie instlgahor, on tie scaifold ot Moscow. THE DEBILITATED GENEBAL. Somethbrec yeai-s eagOS ewellCi- on the Nevs<y Prospekt cf Si. Petersburg received a visif. onc sunny a! lernooli fa-cm an olci andidecrepi. offlcer la tie uniform of a -general. Tic aid gentle- man was essistcd irom bis carTilage ho the counteci by un otteniive footman la livery. Tic smiling lieweller recciveci lira wlti the defei-ence du. ho hLA rank, sad sccommodated uiwith echair. Tic general lied come le c1i0058 a birth- day presenl for is wife. Tic ti-adesînon displaycd bis moat valuable collera and i iras. The veteran lingered over them loviingiy. At lest io m8& cicice of a costly suite, and l nir Ma tcd t bnt Il would meet ils pùrposé.-- Tremblingiy fie oid soldici- souglit la il hi-carsh for is pockct-book. lie iad sallied forti witiaut if. i Tic dîsappoint- ment cf boti ahopinan and customer Wvas avale. Tic general, boweve'i, was net a sf.raf.egit wftbout resource. WVith apologIes lie askcd for writing materiais 1and -essycd b, Pen a lether-to is homne. ,The excitement, acting upon is palaieci 1handi, cmade ils wrlting illggible. Tie ' ewelier aras la despeir. TheO old mn sîgicd, and remnarked -'ùpon-e 55Sa rconsequences ci ceanpetigffl. Tue jawel-1 51et' aas teuchad. Fie iad an ingpiration., D WIII your exceilency permlit ,Me te 5wrile tic Instruction le your dlctatioeal" e rsTheiu aelewsd daghted, and moat ) On the business papëjr- o!is Oflfe >,Jawellea' rôhe laheLie mbling arrs alli te ucteren: f ý -Dear -Annas: 1 have aecd et nioney; yPleM as 1k. (Ive liousand roubles frein m ansd rcturn by bearcr.-LYitg l YoUl's.-lý-vaai. - ýT . h eeras5owafoiei 4 e e sItItad- tthle, note. The, aId in r à ie1tWçryant e Wne ni th hWE n Ibo bl T . TetiarA wùs 1ou and ewle asae arien lte jerelîi 0re ifs. uitbas ho bé rernenbe ne, lis- aile Ued i.hîat 4gold l Ialqaniisecr n se argea sua fi-n> iolua massesof rock hiroughoùut iii -oIlarge a asked the >8bopkePW Amest-locanlç rcc- ,sed thé," o!t tie Beilod I4ot tec periodl In'et 0 dlvuwtycflas rl i hryq . Save Neah Il icta, rallier tia eh. in whichb the è-b rew '-i4ýlOu. A' 'P HI b ». aim asslgned Io sPeclel PO»1 q remeIs thuetct60ONX49 - o f luaman lié st d-urtng tbm pro.'lIhrougli wIi "ig"C 14 Molieplt OmWiuIlti agUage s tamcuat- aeeerdlng le o! the Torer <of Ings aridl I bas beml-te lino lsÃtti aillW 1Utt etoI-las or natiom n d e kfoôWo8doé1 1h.:10 rttcPwà q mwm oli et 1 Le the 1ont ,eOfle lie r.b vveê but revoluti<-narles ,the, nttera 01 the Czarë.--, TWO f41kENT, OITRAG99. Two- Mnths, ago tii. Iomb outrage v-hicli nearly'éost lie govçenofoWar-1 saw .1is -Ile wus made possible by t he unifori diaguise *lien -one ettipIt. h10 attac< Gener'al de Scalon,-ied falled. 1443 rirely vejitured out frein the Palais, 3elvidere, and the Terrogsis werd ln despair of cntching tlielr mlan. One day a captain in.aful unifôrm 'cailed upon the Gerascar vice-conalil anid entered Into conversation. Hie accused the offcial of riaving sent reports to the Kaiser- de- preciahîng the troops of the Czar quar- tered la Polond. The vice-consul indlg rlantly replicd. The ofilcer repeatcd his stahement, insulteci the German, and everitually struck hiîn. If. was a grave breach n Iinternational amenities, and es such was ,prornptly reported to the governor-jgeneral and an officiai apologfj demnanded. Gen. de Scalon- Investîgahted the affair, discovered that the assailant was net an officer attached te any corps ia Poland. and, of neccssity, drovo out. to rende? his personal explanation o! the affront 10 the vice-consul, The Terrorists haci f oreseenthe .result, b.d taken lodgings govering every approacl Iho the lnsflhted Gerrncn's residence, and, with bomba in their hands, awaihed the coming o! lie governor-,eaýeral. The resuit wa the outrge f Auust18. The awful tragccty cf August 25,wheni the sumq4r residence eo, the Rusis Pfùm -. Minlster, -M. Stotlpin, was-de stroyed by thie infernal machines of th( Terrorists, was made possible by th( masquereding ofthe miscreants ln uni borin. The man whe designed the out rage andi threw tic bornb got past th4 polce and geineci iLs entrance Io thg bouse by, virtue of his wearlng thi clothes of a caphain o! gendarmes. Ailthrough the year, in every part o Russie, unilorm has been made i ecloak te cover lnnuznerable ullegal acta THIEWORLflFULL OFGOLI FAILS FROM MTE 8Kv AN» SLOSlIE UP IflOM TUE SEA. jlI~emients have Shown That GoId 1 Regularly Felling to thu Earth. 'Th~e world7à s gold iUpply is 8bsoltel libel#ausiibic, no ma4ter' what derne.n uùt' any au! -TH1E IIEANi AWAY, The Cainadion NrhWs, lki1 corne iniforano lîhhle ,puýbIfiîly i'O Unitedl States publications dill 1 pasi. yeur or îwo, lias now ettracted tue attention oi, Outing, Magazine, ' Vhl ch bew gins ln ils January number, a Éertes il! articles on "The List Shempede f6tr Cieap itomes-," bYEmerson Hough. The i-st 'article is celleci "The Great Trek,", and Moakes inheresting reading for Cen- adlhaas. The foliowing are e few ex- tracts:- The. greahest slory oitbe day s thie -tory ofthie Canadian* Norf.i-\Vst. Talka of ncw, landsa are aiways inter- esling; but his i s the chronicle o! lhe lest great-irek, thc trek imb othe 18st f. lie ncw lands, at ieast o! lie North American continent. If. is lie greatest people -nievement the world ever saw*; greate? io hn the migration o! tie Ayrans, thc Clmri, lie GCotls. Siienhly, irrcslstibly, witi an unparaiicled rapid- ly, tie people are rnoving foi-word and occcpylng new landis. even as they di d tie forests oi Europe long ago, thie for- cals of the Appelachians since tien. This army o! Wayfarers bears ne ban- nera; few are ils trumpsaend drums. il e well-nlgi the hast arry of home-seek- crs the worid wlll ever sec e rchi lai unrconquereci lands. Herenfler we musI ravage and iay washe if we eould- oe cupy, must'exirpate a peeple to aal k-r om 1uwpecaaqjarl h' detor à leire nfatnthie lai 0 f miglit os belween met andi man 0But this girant rek ho lie North-West I * ne battle marci, other tia the ever * Iyous -marching o! man b, do'%batthl e witihie wlldef-ncss, with the out-of edoors. e SIR, ILFRID'S PHRASE. d The nineteenti century belonge tg e lie Unitedi States. We used i i magl L ccntly, even ouf ilgi crimes end lb lemneanors being large. f icre waz ahi a feeling. hiat lia woriê wasL yonaà Th twenf.leti century belongs ta Cau ad.Yt between thes two, Canadi and thie Unted ; ates, 1 saw ne Une c demai-kation.- Non. -fofite trckker, coutl sce-ht iune. ThSy eiily feel, a 9 any manmay feel wlio -as rldden whet fie winds blow and rend wiiere tie type tingle, liat o! lete lie trueempire cith Anglo-Saxon was westOi lite Missour snd liat ., aaw flelanorti.-westofith la Nissauri. Fron hie sun te lhe Ice, iroi théesaliitohie snpwv-tiase are terails( terrihory se big liat te ealluM Brihialc Cenadin r Amerléan la !olly. Ca» :hie land o! tair play, of rww opportw le ty, and. admitt lat lie worid is,*trekkilz 15tiier; lhr utat cornes near ( fb tieSw have ld~u1al Tii. Grn rnl 5C riguaranhee, and soM.b bUt It nmuai aubi'to"thi - gpenia-and b in a aui à auaand net a&tiiedlI Irol.ý Cotue ai ele (he able- "eni1greé4LazIèe hes writlen sty IA south of lie ,C8flntl&f41 THE GREAkT, i Since 18%, land& ali; AmeriuWest bave doW cases lFubled, lin*IUe tf loct ha iaireat tracts _an opening In the West for s in spite o! thê fact liat on cent. of eur torelgn JuIm farmtng. A tatfllon acre j amnft te very 11111. . W *when it becanie obvioua t% American hemeseekeat *West wa -getilnt a Uie t weilty thousan4,, Ameide 0lûte Canada. Two yesUWi -La#t year, mote then fi Sacross tha7 lin. within lth ~ sad Wl year ev& States 10 go Into 4ort LS nottb Mention niera III rtbousand moire fpmbDýjý ie figiîres. re'lar wtfilai f. Dlot ,clrnmed by tleitI geL hi. aDîme an e« nnvihig everthenitM columna cf thei. -1 10 staggeer,ýand,I Isl ne use-lua selves ho li.Me~iÉ~ ~. lreprezeflte'.a ,l owa cônmplaîns in,' rs American pexibdaItýÃL~ , craie" il laki a , weaihh thôu&ëndjýUh1fmu Sttipe localI bihke% »much Sopines -tiat f4-f'Pýç<4 î,that lowa land-19tt* à e endz-ud"wili- orl ie t~hîh lSi nIj - [n_