g wli u ms.4q 1'a ~ ~ut1soS cuPted oie @ttho mtloto .Churbul Os A t ~#UiItof coupon dinner jwWe I lt bew,on'a~e&D.rina Itr. T on bis rotum tu - SwaI t@lSWB on Wed- a7 O Iq$a w~k. tilnc vlsited CuIpsmt.r end Cwihip Duldr '~Adjoniug Scot's blachrnlth thop Ail kizids of repalrlng promptIy exécuted. Ratitecarpentry gnd. outilda wok a speclty. O~4, uay'beleft ,,ai scott's JOHN ISTE3D BIIOOKLIN W. J. GERROW, V. M. D. YBETÉRINARY SURGEON O94s. Ontato vçtrtuay Voff. x"or CSINloPUY Alttiued ta by Day or Niebt. ANDIL4 J>DROVER, B0- t'Lot' train to Traoneoa etO».iJ4w %ixt. erlgo: f the br.thre.p thoréa fue BEED ALX Thiomewho have ordl4 so i,arl.y andt peas, ehould cati unt ge -naine so early as O(WUvOen t. Con I bhabecome a icarx o ome- ity bere, andt a.nuober çt elie are short ol h tlee isA c"r that arrlvod au- Tuesday ereAlng 'Wa qulckly dIstrlbuted.-' y .Mro. UopkiOs, o1 Odhtsw», 'nihr ot Mr. A. Cn Elilott, d t ut hetbomn on Uonday of this week. 8h.bas beèn11 rU o ea im* Thatrurai w,, beit on WedessdAj *toTuoon, rlntermnat ing'nae uOpvud The local lodce of Fraé»9969* wili thi. Friday avanlng hôU uSI AaeW- biy la theîr hall. Thlt.iii a lunotp bbld erery cayeun years. ad aIo la #reit letter oce"pLn" lunMIbSOuiA. cîrclas. 1Mr. O.à M Toit, af Oamwo,, basa been *ngagO to te to te à court af aIrtiLltratovaw héli liere on Thuraday and .Fvlday last, m~eeg:NU M. 0Obkier eunit Uo. Bllgt ô«. the Townshi#i , f Whltby, hat 4lf-o fereuCOV ovo? Lb, rentlns ai a tarin. andt todk"lbt& maeuofai ttlù1hiý their tdiii>u t. lir. Corner lu'tb owner ofo! uirnà . of bi-'t' Blght latetnn.?~eN Ii M~awbrY. . olliy and Jzhn, Vipond were the auittor8. M. oxrn:stouD wpqared 1er 1Ur. Coraer,- andi lr. J. F.-G:l&eflM. Co! Os'War, rep!eeteILdMr 3git -Tho Z10h1OW10g a» thte ot01 i4, 19071eor te t 0» e.O-- P, '.e.' t'Ou ïbt ia. l* fris eatroït Spuuu ".OOitl twblpatWI et the hur frott e. the swest pili bitte?. ¶ls issu nev coîomd brM& ttinte Treakqu1er- Franki dwgtt Libaran- D. HolUdaY. Diretor.- Th br ni as. Calder, X. P. P.; J'Keoa , w. Macdtoidi. Ilto! t itait thon, by.,O &t4*SUPêCoiboud ta. O rs'Wk e.shrt l the sthç I ".X5ft-ativeà 1"-leSG I tha n&A treilabie , httn t! ifte l ii MaydayatiB1d rfr t ntt$s"u i i oflh.4 Urnwt à n -OUthrtynto, Jh s oomomecoa tjut A'ko o . ..;., SO to 4 OC atutiitus LOUR AND Fpp . toteýs adFOI,~BOt... 20~ .275 waptiîtfg ChMOPP80 feeti, Owt.-. i 10to 1i 2ý semdecornnm*tl ..- ', È . B O'ta2S Uapor ton-...,, 0 S: ta 20 r odot . ak- 8hort4u1psito "go te , ' 2OOO or0 wondertUI ME À PIOTLTI1 Y AND PRODUCE [e cm- Beef. quarter Owt. .$4 25 t'7 5(1 Stomah Cattie il-va welht 5, 00 to oz10 6e Ia »siaé tittÜC, per I .q - . 0, W tg . oie m»a from Lambs, eackom 'f.. a . 00 tgO à 4 m r be fa.ken,[Hope, lir elg0... O oUto S I0, ibut fear of li<>I1. ll$ht 0 00 . te a- lbem. senchiikenopar lb. -4 0O10 to' a 12, Doapar lbý.4 .., 00 io Ltntd.GeMoe remedpar lb 0O(»toOî S'ýft..r key; dreuse' lb k000 teo flutter reî,L.... 020 ta 9>1 .2,<>.potatoua perbag.... 0> é O7 Bal o -,. r #6 -M G hêlr Ibg-e for tbo gqod col, .p.W"A tw-ý il' .-.O2toO1O7 nd perlb-;. 00toO5jý5 '129. to0.,MU tetotiamoj. order. 'And ' doWC gets the mott froul THc-oRx4TONIS CORNERS , We as t 61 taiThorntonasôm)lool te: j lrlng " et l tas- Yersa trms. 65a 0-0ift2snIci Feaai Pacos 23,-Ale Eiturgpse I gMiOtý PiL4lOoe 89s,' 'h!olwâd Potrell 845, pre wIlt 254, WaltiLaà ngrnald 2385, Gar. IO~ doni Anala 220. rei Srd clam Sr.- iGordon LangEmid aeoett < e49.'Ollive PX4eei 498. Lew.tIu aIý S XMorl< 495, Bert Luire 498o Roy Liek tW'14bO 856, -1sHrold LIck, 268. Part *2nd- Doll! Lee 39f Chà rÉel. *téItiAt '&tùý rld 71. Wlflie Ia$riflon 47, <iC*rdon liMâ 44 Jean Mri 2 alyH.lo 9 nwe n>q' y Ch=m.re'62 <llhton ltas-ce 'gvr vin*.s1bag4 ursgý