Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1909, p. 6

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0F RIEU ATIS Dr Minster Demanda " Dstico Ncaurea.S Fr M ialrte ew non-poltical inedttefr' ntný .é s'5. lb, Wt tahfr Strâte b.ain - as 'speeciailppoieted ta the <con- týký4it tràol of tue eavy on the persael ta. But the Trouble àlà*ntheb initative et M.. Clenmeccan, ha a=$d m 13 k Boo. ubmitted to M. caillauix binaser pouhà 1 4', ot Finance, a proposai, te spend the lilidfNS ,ýïh1 Cold, damp weither brings On Bu- t sof 15,ooocoever and above lSowW r thé twinges and Paies of rchouma- the ordinary estimates on the the efficacyoJ Cbt tiaim, but le fnt the reel'cause utof E'qnch navyl. The, expeuditure EmuIs1oný- thse compIÈ;int. ?hs, trouble jl§ root- ýwouid bie epread over an period if SRN . ýý ec! in the blood and can oely bie five year8. 14-ah cured by enricbisg the -boo~d and M. Caillaux bas expléessed atou- urst St., tondon, O*L driving the puisonous acid,"iut of inhenct et the demand for se large Let us seiid Yeu a cP of~ the systeen. Tis is a great mclli- a suln, but 'ai eut refuse it, pro- cai truth, wicb eliery cheumatio vided it eau beé shoibto beerequired bail atrusegma ete'.é sufferer sbeuld reelize. Linieiit' by tise intereste e national eecur- bda rigepenc, and Outward applications can't ity. Me insisté, bôwevÉr, tisan any got ruf lodwn> cure the treuble-tbey ce't reacti epeceal expenditure eut-be incor- the ilood. Thse sufferer in only porated in :tise budgets. Thaughs asting cauable tirens and geod ofiily ti tted that tisere le oneyin xpesmetin wib tsîtno divergence oe pinion. en naval sort et treatment-aud aIl the:tim<e affaire amaegMuistters, it je gener-ý tise trouble ie becc>Ming more firrýàY ally undsretood tilat ùsUtise O abinet tooted,-harder te cure. ,Ther. arentageda lh eccsait> jut oe sure way te cure rheume-o pnisavitOmooé n tiem-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills teede etse tmnyo The' ctdiectlon te imurethefIleet, and isiset Miniters are lbilit iset p, asi lisbais >si- -hly &tbietyonteimu(,ppreheesive as te thse attitude u 't and$ ut thersa wcak bood.cis.sy purity andi Parliament. The m11ai beliet je that Thse strengtlsening and flesw-' sitregthen it, aned su reot out tse Fansp e caus et isemaandi.Russie are workinîl je ucngpropertiée *of * Mrs. S. Biley, Newcaetle Creek mteln resen.e eonturiore st NB., 553'5 -"Ie the sueuner ot their uavies. equalied b aey oeer prePaý'.. 190 Ibecame lame je ml ankleq, M. Pica;rd'e -investigations have ration, ,it's mta go~d lteiý but thinkleg I wold aoon gt ove.~ revealed a state et anarchy ie the. tor the thile delicate chlid as the attack I dîd net seek maedial administration efthtie eavy. fea or tise aijt..BC sure toeet &id. but uEed liniments tea aly thse dieoovered that tortunes have beau Sores. W,' beëne .tetnd.- ?. 9 - pasnd swelling. Insteed ut get- co-rruptIy neade by private 'midi- arcofethtie worid fer 35 years, fins. botter the trouble increaged viduale eut ofthtie outlay on the ~ ~ ~ ~ te and 1ilthn conaultcd a doctor wis, navy, and tisat thet tisere has beau adi orhMryeie h, pronouneed it articuler rheums- an utter vaut ut centieuity jen. avai cuit of tishe nerouu imita- rwùý tisse, and treeted mue for thie trju- policy. tiens sand subititutes. hie. -Inatead etf getting botter tis e H as'reported tise prevalence. ~ nuoem *pain and tise swelling became voceeut a de p elack ut discipline je until'I vas hardy able te holile the dock yards, wbere the werkcen Lt555 eahCsie s about tise bouse. On rieieg je thse are pervsded witistise evil epirit sera ea Bs ý" m.es, jsaan. aw .* msornlas I vas maie te bear sny ut Social;sm. Waete and oxtrav- M - vagiss, xceis us xtrme paie, agenice have heen tise cheracteris- 80t4ews Ralgtried nu mueis medicise tics efthtie administration, and, as .12 W.SaUs&em & . Téi.à ithouit' ienefit 1 began te think I an instance ot thjeo, ihe ounidtht vcas deôomd te ho a cripple. One the nev sui-marine, Z, had beenAbe:" day a cousin adcieed mue te til entireli', torgetten toc three years À WILL MYSTEXIZ" Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pille. tOeise ea corner of a dock yard.- said, 'I take iheen everi' spring as nubTuhMae o nl __ a.t'ec for sey blod, and tsi --E~ieeYnh ' lat l. gibss 1t. mýa ii a nv- esn tse.lAtr BIG QUEENSLAND TURILE. loer. - corne persuasion I decided te tryi' Cpeaî dltfe iit n Oeo -h otextraordinere. y * thera. I bal taken tbree orfouer t h apeandsl t and iiilihsg tOn. es fthsba men atai Pie to bexes hbere I eotjced any change, tseOf af a- eortaut h -e .frantima l use ancd thon it eemed sey anies woro A Party et men vere reclining jein s isb d ie <urn i g e stion lees pintul. -By the time i batt their tant by tise sa neer Bonda- Soitingisee, Englaed. Is becacom e Baune used a lev more boxes there vas a berg, vhere they were eurprised te kno*n that Beiad oer, lifle te wosederful ieiprovezeent len iy cni. ses s large tunisie poke itg'head ile youtsof t tventy, tihe son ülfýa P"r na * dition. Net eely did my ankies get tisa eutranecsela tise 0Bitisis Au- vorkieg jèweler, lied discevera-ntl' h~~otuJeA weil, but i fatiike s different strallan. leslg-losis graedlt.ter l in mot ro caese- veeýnand ed.adnuis benu as well Atter tbey hall recevered frein the mentie clriuemteecee, 'and lihJad 4 lu years. le spealclng uft tiis t.ý a surprise tbey set to vork te cap- ceule hein te a tortuene vaud e- dotor, etterwae'd ha laid tisaisnu ture tise turtie, sud t -toek ithe $7,5t)e,MO. , , Th oli l deuist Dr. WiIliarnsý Pink Pille united efforts et twe eft ihem. te The e tary, as told l'y yeunsg WayB"ded - be orlcled tisé blond thus driv- ture tise turtie over on ise back, egeýr, ýi.is at about thses.' eks %-bat the le' eut.the paietel disease." wiih they dîd viti tise aid ot a géega b .d te: travel ta-ein raitie g- front of- o!t.àaliy rieumatie suifes-rs, but rope And a ouple ef epars, A toe.hemte Shieffield on bina".iI n Buddyn a&Il isa have an r trouble due te waa atteleci and t vas k<pt 'a the. train b.e ais ento, eêvitrA-tio4 veak,r vateri' h ood or impure prieunen -tiUi boxiteg day. vben tise vitli a sean vliu eid ha- wasvelt .»Y .bloodc cn And a curé tisceughIsltis capture amueed tisemelvea -ridlng te aý very. vosltisy -*1< gentlemean a r h ft.artee. oftDr. Wlliiams' Pink un t up -secidovu ihe îaud. eerned Loweslgeci Tes lattet boeer ti - 8i. o14 by' *11inediclneaaus Atier lise eoveIliebd vome off laid, vas Il$n$ aesoeeuly i S ;i- on Sor by mailab 50 cen* t, ux on"llx one ofathsememeierofettise petty filad.,e' boxes for 2.30 Ire À Dc. ila 00e thse tué$e's iacuk and Bat .Ox ths e niton r~a liama' tbinè l-e,' dg for Utiseid - ik ita r. he 1rre ns à o en phs»a -put.- va~t&t is ah . F0O1D CURE lFOR 1NBERTY. jet tise turtt. retitra ta tise deo e'London, and hle. g Tis Us eflugr l Claokag ----------- eafis te vll was b<rn,VàsW" , au TheUseofentir a heclestbposeci te have genoau e ra4... Evil etf Diumin. iC u10 01 r Tise valet 'asam mccli ntea-44e ' u Rfrigte tise manitesteofetand $elingItolgoira tisail hie paste -tise Bread eand Food Refus-m lie+~ ~ bd rettrned front Souths AmerIp 'Loague pointing eut tise puvertul 11.4 LJJé, Kuffjj -te seek hia relativms, mvi e ia ]r nn a correct die4ecy hem le te viît. tise slck sean anell bi raducieg the creving tor drink, a tale. Ife <1W so, aed lntervieWéd , London (Eeglsed) physicien statod . Mr. Loweegard vise, maei 'lp. 6, Ne diet viii belli tisesean vho, GaVe le sl n Ntrlypregmstd, 4pttie tisislie vas Pog- te kn<>iug h.li i liecome intexlcat- ers' gry adedtaualle.r, anti before en ld it ho lisrts dcinking, dauiber- CurcO by >OddS ltis heanded 44o a ~paskètt, ipepets atoly'cmsss ta get druesk. to puas te 'a fia-seof solicitors iu Monet ieraehovever, intend KldiityNi,. Lincoln's.Inu, Losnn. te taie sonly a few drinks. Thon A'day 1.1er thse volet cîlleciue tise few doses o01a&cohol excite bise ced tooks- iim te Losndon, mcis a powertul tiiret thais isiey imusPoir-se. w" 5.s 55evothTpstuu i'iere Ithe saolciors ated tliatisthe n e unjetise vain hope et quenuli- etie maieTccbs . * documents Conited ef a letter ofeteue. 1.g9tii by taking mure aicohol, UBs olle* t, honidu ela l directiaons and a viii, ieaviteg a ans'enu, unvittingli',gstdruek. C.ml slaI * vasis tortunie te Mcas.logera aed "This clas smay be islped hi' a - Bey ses, cuisse un.'ber ister -,w 'avis i n s Lincol - M-* imitable diet. Finis, they should -port Feuix lait, ua o uesire. Moiko <le: twee ai epced stiiesN 5~ Maeis G ù ( adai>roT Sari e.thon Mr-. Lçvengard la 3Cà.< gerd ln, l aiod artces Nssi ne lh22(essrtar tise knit siite have diei, -andi tise alsi-doe e oniysat oes, cearlenta, tocs bave, tees sealing-,ee qniriee. guis a Gel bcn'salistate iseiranmomuieiuldiettrouisiesi itis gravai or aisier Thory bave, iseoer , .l is li aiîd l'e ubsantel ed oucsbig iurinsry troubles in she gsidnovams dt ledts asvisbvs PU i tnete snobsAas b.f-stak,à mut t tisisJosepis Pelines, a veli-keove aleibandc"emalesriuie fliold, sasPila Ti qiopa, aed chickes forrning tseyçueg iohorsean hore je elileghie a ie o Rogers disrb. fve iaen. tue gricipel part. 'friends. t hc oèeBy i a ae.sr ol i"Fees " tie ntial dunkerd un 141 sufforesi intense paie to res l au ihey tseover, is lain &ne indsioi4 jees roll gravai and other urines-y troubles of, any riln Oe tie et tt e ar ther sweet pudding mis lunch for nine. muuths.," Mc.Peirne. tMs. Lovng-2 ltSiefils. Parmeolea or dineer canse upply tise budy's eaye. "But seven boxtes et Dodd'a , OOSRVTV breutegi tiernansi for sugar, thse iak idne. Pilla cus-ec me cern leteoli.ohràb ,isic iniOluten Lie reasen et a ma's 1 heert4li' recornenesiDodd's Kid.. AnsueaReportI ef tise Exeielsierrduearl tucning ta alkoisol. Nuis carieg usi' Pille te an y ue vse i sufer luch fer tise taste Oet vest tordes, g rin grave[i or riy trou- cleateCmpn. tissgr rncny mou iconscienali' starve hies." Tise Annulistaisesenisef tise Ex- viii lie tou Iheis- bodies et this important tood Dook'a Kidney Pille ces-e gravei calsiar Lite Insurance Cosepany,. Pilla te lb timnent. A cravieg far-ingar isahi' Ourlgasbah kidneys. The us-fn- viichin lepublisesinjetiss paper, mente for e jbun st tep, aind an attesepis la an' organe are ont iteli'depesndant se-avs thic youag Canadien Close- acrisesi. pad te aîstiafissihi' Ytise sugar on tise kieeys. If $lb. kianey, are Ipani' ta e b. je&ceexeeptisicali' cetleinlu alcelelie driae. netisnjegoosi vorking as-dec th"se treng.;position At thse close oethtie Rueoavel ilveni' doctes- he m neiced bey isba cannoist ler ot tise unie acisi aud t yeas business. Tise management cnd yoe, 1 céufirm*d akoiclevio bas beeu combines visisotises-prrductsetofutftise Comupany ..q ie h ieisil>- number yo 'oared,6o9P' aicabhi a sruke efthtie bodi'-and eàcasgrsavl. Hal-, ceegratulated an tise pragrees imode paraiyois le ver cpt during bist tly kldneya dssaolve the stoeoesand ce the pasis ye*s- and tise gtevisi Aà M' eveo-ry toa tlargely oet aveete. tssey eau n tise urie. Thei'seandipendid standing et tiseCoeeu- en - "Tse itevis. tsink he bu- vii'Doad isnsi' Pilla lveyi peni' maietaineits proviens :preie-aisme.5 baien a eginunnte t drink tue cure gravai. wvans' traditions. ss1s he jaucis cee do a granit demi ioverds- - It ini a very netevworishi faci tisais dieertisg thia teedasci' hi furnisis- SOLD 1 tise demisi rate lunlthe at yeeir fssg hues vils a ttractlvely pc1ps.ed was 44 pas- cent. lesetisas expectod, g anddani en, etc.", A Yankee and a Frencismenn 'd 9 pet cent. lamge1tisan-ishe previ- A bealisi - wevna e gh1beisueethoera. Attes- ouie 'aac, vicis*ho*&aV~as-y ac- on - 'Ru tatt.enlng plggy veil eîui util tise fui aec«tion- af ri#k Wxpss a Wst ve- n, orserly a s-e-( 'a-wel-knovn -B toc tise geuit 1hta-e'see bled for son- m ýa-rh -ethtiseB iv Persnia a IO hi' Bay I havé ais the var'w ied goud ce- fi bie. 9 'erus&a very ft tomacis trou-t y whataves-ie ID a as a reli- t inde et indu- e due te niug- *a fereegomente C. emeut othe Ba ,o due ta tisat] feteseacl in-i le >stoseachis rmianet s- h4 cataris. : aS eveli-keove ti ned in le uehc -bova - ai1re "Y. vere nuis n ,iItalpd i i l EASY. -Ail' r Pw. Mts !0'Shure, --, NIse. Qavt vils. Age. .iemtcines lassdly blâ s n eu mena

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