Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 3

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iv -\ te 1the #fiu'Mr coplation 1 -Iam Pes-d1j ý said-, if<'laI lbe gentIlemn wW*b.n th. public -Plat. ltxn or ini the -Preas teek ucb trg oundt agaliat sur actiôn * did net gir.- us -tii,rbenefit et their well-con idered judgment. 1 appeal to---theM-44 revis. chat jndgment" Tho character of lb.- agreement and- - Ia wide 1scopo Inay b. a.dequately 6ppreciated when il lu statedi Ihat tue reduction in. taxation effected amount*i te $2,260,00. Large con-- Ilessions arc givon by the United States. They provide fer recipro- cal froc tracte in whoat, bariey, oats, lîay, vegetabios, dairy pro- duels, lîi-e aniniais, coke, fruits, J eggs and poultry -these being et tise utmost importance te tb. agr!- cultu rai classes, Who viii 'benefit to tise extent ef nilions et dollars a nnually. The duty on agricultur- al imtierents, sucb as barvesters and mowers, le iewered tvo and a half per cent., tbe present duty 4f seventeen and a hait per cent. oer cent. ad valoremn, while on piows, tbrashers and otiior classes of agricultura i irplements a redise- tien ien madcetffive per cent.- name1y, f rom twenty per cent. ad vaioreni te fifteers per cent. ad va- lrem. On. farm waggons the du-ty in reduccd t rom twenty-fiv. per cent. ad valorem tu tv.nty-twe and a hait per cent. dd valoremn, and reductions are'imade on other items of speciai interoat te tarmers. There in a reduction ot eight centfq per ton on bituminous ceai. NoneofethIese concessions ahould excite serious opposition f rom lhe muanufacturers of rthe country. An important concession in thatý of ftree fAs and feo6W kvbc mouid prove 'ofimmense >value- l tbe Maritime and Pacifie Proncs Il in turtiier pro#idedtatsawn luniber vili b. adintted frese toe ti. ÃœUnited Slates, and s-imptnA teature et the arrangement ls'tb*I puip and pipér *111 be piaced ina a -1siniliar position if thieProvlflceï of the Domzinionu can ee- *ofirqyte' withdraw thnr export--restrictions un Pulpwood.- MR. BOUDEN'S VIEWS. R. L. Borden said Ibis question vwas one ct the 'deepeat moment te Canada, 1being priotically a pro- pusai for a îîvw Canadian- <.rift. T'h. agreementi n.uid affect snany industries and tractes, and especi- aiiy the enialier tractes et Canada. it woulci dislocate trade groatlyp but no inali could nov aay iiow far this dislocation rigbt proceed. The finiance miiter had spekea of the jisportivrice of 'ulvtn trade with th6 - hundr*d million people tu tihe suitb. What about the. trade cf the three or tour bun- drcd million peejie under the BBull. isfl fag i1 a flot that trade the. frat consideration 1 If the. paît ten years hit;tory ver. te be eonsider- ed, the wpeech isard to-day~ and the. annottscetnvrsts suadewere isnnece#- mjary. for lb. pat ton yeara hâd been fillod vitia th. preacbing of th. finance minist6r and bis col- leîgues, of Canada's winning venld- wide trude, or Canada's vinning imijperiài tradte. ansd of Canatda' lu-, dopodetco t! i1 aeigiibenaý.'But pottioxi wili ruin lihs farinera. -îWhat tuer. vili. bo a contest ever tusa' malter and that President Taft -will preas it vith vigor tuer. àn »0deubt. ,:Itla imPoisible to get a glood ides et vbat lin. 1he conteat wii take. MORE IMPOJITANT CHANGES. The. chief feature of the proposed tarif! agreement with tlb.'United Bt"teis lbh. removal et ail duties on bot-b aides oethlé border ,ou thb, bulk et wbat in knovu as natural' Producte. ,-ýAmong . he-items on wbiohAb-,t4ïift duties are te be s*èp, -.entiftly are cattle, hot m nules, avine, sheep andý laibé5,-poultry ,dead andi aliye, wbeîat, riceocal's, bartley, buck- wheal,- beans, drièd peasî, ýptateS, butter, - uss, milk, cream, eggsi, honcy,- fresis and salted.fnbh, vege- tables, fresb fruit and'isoverai var- loties of dried fruits. TbIÏ -means in- efLeol, if Congreissa accpts lbhe view et President Taft- and bis ad- visers, that the. United btates de-1 fnitely abandons% tb. poliey et pro. tecting the tood producera eoft hat country, leaving th. doors open teo Canada, the. oniy country tTom wbicb fonds efthle sort mentioned eau b. obtained te aupplement lb. home suppiy. In meats of varieua sorts, aithougb tb. duties are nol entiroly remnoved, tiiere are vory material reductions, vhile fleur vii bear a duty ot 50 cents per barrot on botb aides of the ilhe, and oat- meal 50 cents per 100 pounds. Among the miscelianeous articles 91 importance other than toodsluffs on wbich dutios are entirely r.- moved by botis couitries are hay, lumber, coke, certain classes et steel rode, typeaetting a&M type- c+ing machines, oottonseed oiù, railroad lies, t.elegrapb polos, wooden-slaves, picekets and palinsp. Considerable reductions aremado dut., & 'nitexm ai*k of-dulice.con both aide. having ',been arrang.d. Among the more =mportant rdcuç.- tiens in the Canadia* dutie - ar'e mevers, 22 per cenjt. ploya, ha r- rowi, drills, boe., rakes, cultival. tore, -tbrasbinzgmacehuxa h&bY- tors, mian -ctusers, tannringMmls hay-tedders and tarm or field roll- ers, ô'per cent. rçdnctîon. There is a tengthy liaI <4 -redueý- tiens on viïons lproductofetIhe mine, lb. most important bemg a decrease on tiie (ana4ia-n duly con bituminons ceai trom 53 te 45 ôents per ton. The. revenue loi f rom Ibis wili be large, over eigbl million tons et bituminous ce'ai a ing 'been import ed l ait yo ,ar. Thi vonki inean about *64C0000in r.- duced dities on, ceai.Tise people of Ontarie nov pay mot -ofliii esot, eai dutiés. ENOÙSBH .PINIoN. Ii{TA vWr _1î w4ne asS n veAt ai o dueat Rem UyroEIcti o-~Baanços iw0êe,.- àÜ1tatAh1b and Âbr*ad,ý ii D p1rthemec a l1 Fiet~ e ha,9 trgu~ dn lare T. &n. O. ailw mits*D Mià scotrbue 82,âÏ,8.-*80a imd.MnL. firi 5; The D parme.i ns Educ t,- er t.Iteo, j '$n.4J 'a( a ànd~~an anainees *8c00.wsje,*1 o86.1;riutre $12',2 , Manitohýa W atN. i3Nr thaT.do N 10 . Povn Railw' ay. 36;udr epûetty.sv r, 1~34 ayprs o Expndtues on ch'il#4oerÃ"-7'6.20;Athe 75,338.6. Sucein' Notà,e, 81.01,-By rs , a te ment iorie $8557. Con liso- dtettall$24ed 89780.9<>; -andicer- .10, b2 t 9e;ayprts adin vn9,611.29; on admi ista-50, 88 agr.i. hcltrb$12,-'n-Mntba Wheat-No, 2 Nrh-t,8 tae etojsie 69447; ~ the P.o&in.iO. Railway,.08 ;udr-8 pee4yýto,,4.'thot .87>cpats No. 2re nnixd tio ndre n, ',0,9.8 ucivinstitu- OpuwincAlctff2,r8.6.tu emrs 86,oto , $, Bayid. prs .d tiens maintenancst$1a,07d,042.35; $Dg0,000. - 2- at eyMlngqaie,58t ooiiionon49,11.9;immigr nat ses,75 , ettlecei.Te ontienrov- , OtridWeand eed2 white, 87 c 196.57;f auicuue, 621,414. 4.94' hics ki offr te $8,891,Q44.68, a ,oîide. tsd hosipitals -azd -charaties, $b52,834.S the total expenditures, 88,8q7,e2Qài Ots-No. 2 white, 35Y to 36'/5c, f colbnization roads, $452,70.33. For e n track, Torxonto, and 33%e te 34ecs _____________________________________ e___ outôide; No. 2 W. ýC. cats, .89c, Bay ports; and No. 3 quoted'at 7c - B&y ports. Cor-No. 3 ,Aaniican yeiIozý Wý_'E 2'/c, -prompt shipment, Torono Railway commission Gives Them -Âuthorw 01ckwheat-No. É at',45 W00 T~'1 Bran-Manit>as, $21, in bagu, ity to nsect Ral1a flefl'T1 . Toronth, and shàrts, $22, in bags - ______________Toronto. Ontario bren, 821 :_te Adespatch frein Ottawa asys: wealth. T-be forest service was for- $21.W;Oi. in umOka, Toronto, and Granted large powers by the Rainerly great.ly bamp.ered ty thb-ù way Commission through its rn-aiiyotits employeca te go te any ers wo regien lith athr-length in their investigations,; but COUNTRY PRtQDUCLI. as now-epeel d y ;!,il b. Appies-SBpys, $4.60-to $0; BaId- ity o wet .ctors of the commiusions -able te inspect locomnotives 10 :- ee s, $ e8;Geeig, 1 thes Dominion Forestry Department if they are'pr*perly eqÏuiPPed wîh 4ý.50 -,No. 2 aasorted,43.10 te * 4M5 wilI this year make a spçciai effort spark-preventing devices, and in ýpoIafrral. te enforce4 the recent regulations ot other ýways te t directy as agents BasCrlt,.17-te $1.75p the commission in regard to forcit of the .ailwaY Commission. - and mml lots, $1.66'. tc1. fire caused by railways. A separ--, The'departinent will tuis year 2 oe-zrcêd ntins9, 10% ate oficiai viii b. appointed te look itiate a new aide otitta work, wbioh t 'lcper Iý_'b. No. cinb, vioe atter tuis part of tb. work. The. may eventually rsquire a -separate ' $2 te.>*2.5<> ,er. dozen; No.'$£> latest step, that of constituting the laberatory, as in 1110 Ainean Ï« mi-ho Ï0,*17 t 2 a department's rangers inspectors, mis est service. Tsw1.tetn tdze one et the moit important that bas prervatives for fonce pous tnd BldR~~o..i aIW812.80 te $13e, yet been taken vith ithe viev cft ii!ho11k., a matter -Of gToit inte t réc, aidN a t,$10 to 1- preserving the Canadian forcît il'*tii. woot. '~aIt~.8trv-~6SO tel'hon tr.ê, Toronto. àIENW WasiÏgton despatcii ayi, it in,-P ý, -1 'e I4 15 1<> 80ç Pet viliis8. .-_ . ' - 0 ba -otCý - e ---Ch I I A despatcb frein Lenden Baya:-1 Speaking on Friday 0on he.-recpro- ciIy agreemesat >n*t mmde belveen Canada aithe. Unîtod 8tatesî Vis- ceunt Milber, fotmer bme, Contrais- siorier for ýSeti Af sicam# d:" éhbing oet e,,ua cnmie thingabel- ter. Ils in " le sintour eyeu so' 111he tact ibafthIi.proposed hseatys 1k thut already conctuded wiêf Frane, inust tend Se dimîniah Bni- t1mb preferece.andi s, te tiat ex- tost, detnixnestal te jtiiC oly f The. editerials in thc lOwen news.pers deaing viti lthe Pro- "e<reeproèty lreaty helveen the. United fitat« &Mant sada are concerneti moeo illa ia 4.4 4 en lb. policy <of Inperltprefemre than theo mout.6f Itho,*Seenboýâ itïelt. The proetoist 0%'ouw# consider tust th.ed.mmlett'if r TUE GLOBE in-À -Précantiom prevent the Caa, ut th.0 Empire aid'tewd ... Worl luGesnerat moeeYuJ.paea o Èye& i he- Tii. ~~ P'.e IniFsi ~l e"e~ by1tiin p ets. Zo o taldeivm 7 s le bi inura.d at Nàaara ?lla., 4âm -1"he aminer, vas kil aI Glace Bay by tho ta i a. mi 'Oneak tIii... are oPerating ,Nia«ara PaIls, ansd the iOliSce i ,lookins for thue oreignes s i Thse itaiIway comxnisslcn hbu provcd cf the nov ileeping a« Pinlotr a mit4 $ 8êurit l lver 's epidqmie kýMa Àltobo, ueverai---iundrcd efl h 'inula anremarted. A é j miv.L~Eix - 'i Ti. 7-speech Itëwe " ii thrne ý t pou*y con &îiucit bb. operning; cfi-tu. Legialatuwe at heen-. asubstaintiat î ~iiow~~ - nmdaywas as revenue frorbeai Mr. Speàlker and 'Gentlemen of-An,' atte Mwt by aý - - , emby:build an ,ele-Ctri -rail, affords me pleaeure te meetmazli.!ti.To again as the represoi4eivop<~Nrhr na hepeople of ti.rovin e üfOn D44' 4 tail at, the open$ of-,aoià-. oemiuM 8ion of ti. eglai~- Va1I Since - confl<t.ntly' expi agreat lossi îWtue* dès,-ý*XOure - ~ E~T gracieuand wÏll-belovedi sçýe#ign King Edward VIL-, the ,Piic_ - -~~cin naker. _Net, only bis own pcôolêe -- Y. - but tue people of other nations 11a4 -1 earned tVo appreciato highly hi5k . e--. ate Majcsty's qualities of head and heart, which made bis influence se iil far-feaching, and rendered il of Hgydro-e- t; sucl value' te huzuanity. In. com- laye have ne. mon with ail other 'Brititb subjee ts, law Co iifety tIb3ê people j4 Ontibrio bave weleo-graudet ed lwartily the accession o-4 bis full operation. orddous8 Maiesty King Geolrge n nselfish effort4s ad--w hopî anid - pfiYy that under e cmmissieni hies reigu the. b&jjpness and pros- ackn,6wledgment a.- ýperity2of -thé British pepl y tO. Dbninud. -Wîth ,geoprice. THE BOUNTIFUL' HARVEST. Our'tbanks are again due to AI- wighly - Qed for a bountiful 'bar- tutt# and fur h. conti-nued prou- penfty et-o u:-people. Gond progres ias beep padé -duning lb. yean in -Iiseneection et lie"norts- ving et the, Parliament buùiIdingss;and ais., ln tue work of! recnstuclngand fireproofing tbhe weît wing. - This ..ork will be car- 'ried te -cempelion aIt as eariy a muo-- ment as vil b. -possible, consistent vith -4 due regard for quality and durability. . 'Plans- are beisg prepared by the 4robitect e! the- Depart4meit,-ut Pub- lic Wok fra e residence - r »he inein-etenr .bc wilI-eaIal cr Istt une- LIinaand- hvean arcittltril chaactr -ix isêpig ith the in- A 1p L....L-a i.. -- ~e ill kimds eO 1ravâ' proauw a large meaure 10 ouf creasing home mauketsé ïà bas be n e .ns enle. prosponity ton -ol and poe neaa tano t t plae -a thepré cultuiai Province oît ie ré mainsa-,ndispnt.. _Il te note iasénroe.i- ta en -ina-.> i ~Ži gonerl en4iéz 'Put bo*lh àd* ved - a 1 1

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