Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 6

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romhadacheis , l>aeacb u nd weak, îerv o, oulrmnaS Ifwoei beesuso o! e ir direct ne ron teach becd Eeary ados ]c UIooI, W it Ma , mn t.v tal orgne >. rté e, ith adetrength.brk Dîèo. JoleonPcfnk eqill, N.uS. *uftmed fWauseof eîteadi~ret c tin n cebond vydit se ntf tePills1r. hs tn aeys :-"Whe workingon a rvilay andl ingý Mrevy hurh n t re back andliad 4t gav npor oe LaterI as; e abl QfoVork ligitüWQ-btfor b ou si nQtheILbQck cdton uleg hie use d otlit.b.iaineagaas' bPin- wçgoin , enchrie co nstpaion, had y ù1' was ono ofc nstant Ynluey. . ri teeyrI wa be rted& iwk-nt detruabut dix 'itgad te try Dr.wi ylegs, ThPis Pil, doved i aLii h condit ing me w t abx.i- as nd o MY e lasoe ofcnthant in ei r e thatlDr iey woul be of ervidqteoane that I began taking r P 41r.k Before the box wa s fin-. -ho'$ever, they seeuied LeOb a, M; the pains ini my back l sud g1'w les Intense and theii àu in V is tomacb, caueed by ýc gee'iondinppeared. I .tîkîng Lb. Pille until I néd a d.>zen boxes, vhcn 'tpund mne #ully rcstened tLe my jqTier honlar.arnnow able te Ao~~hievy fr rit anksd for tii. iput yeax have no lest a aUy, or nba4 the Içast CYB; terne!fay for- ,n.er troubles, and attribut. iL eu- trély. te ,ýthê u* f Dr. Williams' ',Pink PUila'"*- Dr. williamil Pipk Pflle aie SoId by 8,11 medicine deâj)crç or nay -lic had by m>ail ah 50 eènUs a -box ot six boueà for $1,50 trçm'The Dr., Williasns' 2lediCneo 1 Bnokvhle, Ont. ýchalain-"dThis le your third hseour fiends 500 Von hèe o l abashed -Convict - ",indècd i, amn. ThRé -prison is dis- gracelubTh- receptien-room . ei reoi a t li-ootç <cII; are dark as <,éaves, tiie varder is neô gentle- man, sud the table e snet fit te s14 'dowu te. Aseirnd te have f17 -friends, corne bore 1 I amn rortified aveny ime 1 see tliea; but whint can I do" No mater how deep-roed the Cçrn or ivart vuay -be4 it mustPyed - ~ t Ite oiloway1i Cern Cure if used as An '-m. Aimany mn Who cnlita I 'pado a. sade aevela hie food- ha o'bsio, ,~ ouo A SI.W. t- J i Canadian ci foe sbort pract,0a irghte on tii. Long Valley and -Mattan'ea Plai le evidenf1iy nïo1tte ho igno red. A ]Farman -hbipano libas, just. been de- liverëd d' t iballoon ch<eel oi, third type of aereplane which liad b0sn 4ded,-te the stock-at Farne' bôeouglifor the -original ;-Wight. machine presoented by Mr. Relie,' was supplemeneda few wekeag an original biplanç, tho invén; tn of a young civilian now en-ý' rolled on the balloen factory staff.Ïý Several, efficere have returned f roin Continental sehools possesed of fiying certificates. KAISEII'S SLY GAllE. German Menace Agalmet lb OnIy a Feint. Englanê Sir Oliver Lodge, the distinguish- cd scientist, seen riglit through Emperor William's idiome. -H. je absolutely certain thie Kaiseri. fleet ienet meant te, figlit Engla.nd. "Soen.people," <aid 1frs. Poyser, , eaune hrough a, - barn door. Maybe tliat'e the renuon tliey sec se, little on this aide of it."1 And -«bat* Sir Oliver told- hie Uni'versity o! » Birminghiam Debating- Society, f seorne f ar-fctcbcd. '«I ask you te, be eon your guard, against thé ne- paper enterpnise whieli tries te fo- mont warlilce feelNgs between tha country aud a f riendly neighboring cçuntry. Thé Gewrm*n aunes are net pinacy and robbery againet Einginnd. 1 tbink it is a port on the Mediterranean and a port 'en thé Adriatic that they vont when thé Austrian Empire ji -rakn up, so that they =ay the more eau- iIý' clonize. the North coat O!f! Xîca. -I1t..ke it tint. tue Qenien Empêner' nnvy late cr,, an prevent any oposition on thbe partÏ of France, aud especiaily Italy, whe would no doubt disuîmo haviug- Germany se near as a ncighbor. Buno, long as Europe thinks lire sxavy le directcd againut England hp je quitoe pl.easod, becauso. tint lu net tlie real intention, and thée(Gon- mnusdo net viel toe dclare vint lu thoir real intentien."> Yen may have obeerved thnt thc man who always.laughe at hie own jokeu sel-dom lbns nuy laughton left for the jekea o! otuieru. rr "W. hase ov ecu n married fi - teen yeana, Arëbibald, anti have -never omitted to- uiake a cake 4ýou you' on 'your birthday.'>" tbit'i4 truc, m)v dear, and .very o e o f, thin wVU, so t» speak, a milestone on tii, pntJi o1sMy lite." uL114ea uIiUI C-rte autileTticg il2Uilt step W iahd CI' ar the v*hele-distrt at-ý the',pïibik chare.A cei Somehingmuetbe donc- tlice; -Thirty-sévdn - peoplo die. in every tho-usand o-Tor year, equinalent tQ th 'higbes-t deatli rate in England, abdnearly thi-ee Limes that of Lon- don as a-whole. Six persous-in the theusadd cieof, epidemie diseasee,- against lése thaft two for the Whole o! London. The ýLondon Counlty ouncîl -muet clear hs area -beý- cause it hae beeome a plague- area. Most -cf -the streets end in a blank wail; some are in places only three foot- vide; the liouses are damp, dark and dilapidated. Then cornesý in -the -question, of'cost. The Coun- ty Ceuncil'a -valuer pute the price at $1,8,,00 for the area, o! 20 or 25 acre s eovered with squalid lieus- es. Forty , thousand dollars an acre, and $1,75e apiece for houses vliich orîginally cost perliape $750. The. owner ci firet-class property, healtliy and beautiful, could liard- 1y hope te do as vel. The orrse tie property je the more profitable iL ie--that às the generai rule. £lume eau lie overcrowdod, and overcrowding *meane lligh rente, aud ne expenso 'vorthi epeaking of for repaire. As BON e Yz iv&a -4 Tbat je wliat thousandao! rniotliers tay of Ba.by'e Owa 'Tableètâ. Thèse Tabiets promptly and srely -bur &Il the, miner 111lie o ayhe n are abselutely .,-âfe-they have Dever ben kno*wuto hnrm ttef ufflt byý-thy i ever vill larin- any one_-tfiey a -re -go od !- babies 0! aIzaeî3, -Coiaceriiing thleaMnr. WmKrg ir,4 ont,,_wies:"Isaal, never lie witlieu t Baby'Ek,-Ovn Tablet~s ini the lieseas o 4einwbtdroin are smaIL They are a wonderfnl mcdi- cim. and are au good au having a docter in the. -liuse. 1 gave them. teo mY Iiltl4iboy foiliesùC,Ïd théy' quickly cured--hlm., 1ama alway8 gla4 te reoowuamd hem to other ~motiers. ",The Tsbl* s àw sold by. medicine d«en,.or at. 25 tonte a box f rom The Dr. Williams' Xedi- cira. Ce., Brockviile, Ont. BONUS 1FOR TiÉMPEANE Speaking of presrt çctoutinl &eot.andreelyt.Lade S- bo t*lW ,f distlleries liying 142e 'Ntaman çà our7.eîtatè,y? Mr.. *gameke.pr Or n iiua ereven to tiie ca4i;oo tr y4cht, hutlie, it a& tot1' abstitiner. on the -first ipf Jenuaty each year, a bonus of -10 per *eut. is paid ,toe very em-, full thtat h. ha.bnettd Jquor in Ù4 ppaut tw«elve montiia u«Cet hw oreî otli,ocda. That Remetly. iCalm', Point, hior.C. N.S., Ja.n. 23 <Seiéai>-4oeliua Nièkereon > postanate lir.,18 imong the. many -in tma neigliër- hkod -W110 t ii cf pains - reiie vedand di»uesebanisliod l'y Dodd'a Kidney ,#m- n ixty-two years eold," eays the p o«ta8ator, "A.nd l'Il tell yotu ;Xhy 1 think se highly of Dodd's Kidney Pille. Owîng to a bad cold Mny iiducys commenced to bother mne, and the trouble developed in- Vto Backache, stiffness of the joints, and flnally BriiÉt's Disease. "I vas treatbd -ny a docter, but thât did flot help me mueli, and it was "six boxes of -Ikxld's Kidney Pilla that brought me relief.'> Everywliere you go in Canada people tell you of thé great work ,IJodd's Kidney Pille are doing, and everyene 'who telle you can give the reason why. That reason simply is thitt thiere ie - nu case of Kidney Disease Dedd'e hidnèePille céan- flCtý cure.- iIN1henA moule .havtrv Vie A CLOSE Wý AI4*. Thef Uortutiti3 e*ather mention. ed in tue s tory froiu tueLondon Têlei,àp' ~wll h ,,. manysympa-' izer8. Eveylhdy ho haBs yitit- e~l reienmucaiécted- by -.Poîtz- mon -h9.ehad Occasion« to ,observe îit !à'et>'-o* esyit isffr perý abd amniunition, and how danger-, ùue ^the -neighborhood iimeidiately A near-sighted sportsman strolied into a littie hotel on the shores of tpch Carron, and complainingly said:. "Just scen a seal, E!hot at it three times, and misscd it each tirne." At diniùer, an hour later, he sat next to a tourist who had a band- age round hie head. "Rad an accident?" asked the sportuman. 4"9Accident?" growied the other.- "Attempted murder, you mean. I was'havring a bath about an hour ago, when Borne lunatic with a gun Aired at mue threc times frozu the shore and shot part of my ear off. I don't know why such animais are ailowed out without a license.' Thera silence reigned supreme. BURtNS CAUSED OPEN SORE. "MU- - - - --UUV ci vjt u&v V-V them and -proved this true. liack- Zam.Buk lVorked a Wonderful Cure ache, Rheumatisxn, Drepsy, Diabe- Mr. J. Nixon,- of 901 William tes, Lumbago, Heart Diséaee and Ave., Winnipeg, a biacksmith at the Bright'a DiseaBe are semée! the C.P.R. shope, had bis foot badly more serious troubles that Dodd'u burncd by smre molten metal fai- Kidney Pille aiwaye cure, simply be- Jing upon iL. Re- days: "Thie burn cause these are ail either Kiduey vas a very bacoee, and aftor the disease or are cauEed by diseasod first few days it left an open sore, Kiduys.which showed xnarked' signe o!, NEEUSHAPPNESSbloed-poisoning. lb dàçhiarged NIEED HAPPNESSFOIU SELF. freely and caused me terrible ag- ouy. For three weeks I suffered Self-sacrifice Too Oten ln Life of autely and ceuid get necase. At Wlfe snd Mother. j met I ebtaiucd a preparation froin Charles Reade eays that instead Lth, deetor, vhîcli seemed 'to stop of Lbe perpetuai preaching vomren tlie discliargzng and made me quito f get about unseiflulineis, they need hopeful, but flually thc wound bo- eouti'nusl liolding back f rom eelf- came as bad as ever. sacrifice.- 16 it -net true that, as a 1 11 vas tiien advised V o use Zam- mile, wi*es - nd methers - ,,Ict Buk, and f rom the firet application themielves-far t<oo mnuoli1- - rco,,O- the baIxa gave me relief. Tliein- tenthë-P1*"troeý te & - ý.flammation vas tlioroughly check- zrtgdelcacy Lb becmînsuît ~ d, and thie poisenous mnaLter clear- 41-h endét cars a ,Syïtpnath., Od-5way., n a very, aalort time after in -hours f aiare ouly bers 1te bégnnin&g with,,Zai-Buk. ilaingk net t hae.- low a<Id t r thon -began, anid i les than tve por',potatc&o nd-, ,wièkothéeivound vas icaled - g Ite o W:quuicîy ZamBukle qüitlfrgeod for pile., 'th,6,tarléï fire-isamcte 10 )ioo-Poieeing. !estening ivounda; ligita iextiguished vhcn eotheris-Do cai ol! s ys cide' longer -nekd thçi, room i- , 1ýý1eruptiona, scalp, «Ores, vani- "Il sh i a hspy in dohgYt'c No,;_ se. eouki be- led to- c-njýOY box or, post free f rom Zanm.Bù?k C.' "'thé pursuit -o! happinese'> forheï.,Torýontoý upon:.recelpt o! price.. You1 neIf. BY sltearilc i defca -,lave wqrned ai ù n8t ha.rmful u' lier ov oende, utoningup 'anguiglstiue u neirpcsafbs instad o oy forhberdear oes. -- onv>ý tue alu !0Mr . bon-1 hoe , l4en to1d thlat --XMs, Larguný sud I oo toge, but neyer 1o0ne -to. expreta wbat 9great Pet~1k.lye noe r on a. young husbsiid eently laid,, heebutge y y he's my doublé. iiningips bis bride o t t.enev hone BaeheIor.ý llxother-If ehe's your 'Th Init f !tbi* hous, doubté, Miranda, ehe's tho, hggest muat'b. your comfoýr,heaitû and on eartli. ~lobs-sA vouanlu alvays il-1 ne a-b"Yea- 4he wilLnIv turxéd 1ome one evemxt1 ad e RU B RE,&T PREMUM Ingin ýhi frot__ d ô -bl1 ýf6na atio al ' ed the~e P oyï,ÏÎ.ln-of1 the'au ' __ IIOEL TRY11 ON Tirs OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITÎY9 NN £maguflfent ten-stou7 Irs-proof addition la jouét belngoomploi*&d, malgahsnu boit lr1lb e west and Most up 4oe-date of AdantiO Giby 1iotou . A evte ter . bu a i» . Im Ib. b.d rooMI, averaging 19 tees .qmsre, %vu"y room commands an ocoi vluw, b&.t attached wlth a& #M f rush water,. Chivie glass lu *Tory cha.tpber. Tomperbtur. rogulateà by Thermoudait BthéIat* i.t- d@vL"Oun* ablbatng. Ielopbonain uvery room UoIiprivilee. C&paèoa 0.Wlo[rluUt~ CU1ARLE5 O. MARQUJETTE, TRAYMORE MIOTEL COtIPANY, Manager. D. S. %VlIlTE, Prldcnt. FEATHER DYEING me»s"d K*4 <Iloeez leanu Y b m lest le"'0puro. ete utàacts IRTSIAMERlOAN OTRIKOC co EIECTRICJMOTORS Ii ELEGTRIC DYNABROS BUT? moiCtiSUI, moly (CONMICAL la OPIRATION. 9'101. Quaou* et.9Toronto "Now, young1 people," said a profeser of itatural history tc bià class-"'now, 'then, as to liens. A hen lia», ti.eapcity cf Iayin,. aix hun-dred eggS ý abnd ne mnte, andl she finises ni jut bout-five yeatrs. ~ew;wha is t, d ,ne'.with lier and Oeil lier for a slpringieibicketî !>' exciaimed an. urchin *hoe fati«r feait in, poultry. M~vlpic9eý there ie nc pre- par 1ation, .that inlu Mto ha,& -saved the lives-of cOUntl5SS Tob:tpeace, with -your neigh- LOrS' ýofWèn mnt >1Wallwith yonar- soit Sti!f neclk -I,*Dosn' t amo0unt to mtn.but. mighty 4izMgreeable., AGENTS WANTED. H119 WOUK. - WB WANT REIJABLW Hfamilles to aoperat, Our hlgh-oepoed automa- tic Xnttllnq Machines at home; wbole-or spas time knitting florth. trade; $004 vagua. yFor ai particulais aidruss, Thue ndian Wboluaais' D>ltîlbutint Co-., Dept. W. Orlila. Ontario. MUN ~ <WANTSD. eM115f utfIremn81» Umf monthir aL euI1on&lPu 9U% sttik$osItl iU gawsled oeretn m. laO7I. faI WAKTED. x ENTai fflIdiîa i.D I outwwoeks eowIleoIe eus-IeIatï e >r.dauaesetwveteU bulten -daela eee > M WrIte foi catalogue. ler Babu Qmuesta wque u st 'oreelê - "et-fiU, Tumore, lumps# . e.Itau Cand externat. euffed wthiout pain W.- Mri berne teatmaat. Write uà botoru tom Ont li note, diffiut to .oi4 yen u Iegino. It Paebottir ibold swoiîgate. Yen will probably doede toact ait I t r' asui the ence Mesi &ha' seul Who] De nizeq Lasy, Lhre drou er 0 mour the bel. hi4

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