Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1911, p. 8

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ýL hW bibg bargains. tSale b4iua Ylob, M44.and endsli'sb. îtit. bitas Carme BIigs, ut Toronato, vu-1 ied boxe "k woei. hlemembor thie Rbddel4iWlssat bau-; tue; to bd bea tu ~ê4oa Vi5*re 2 Whitby, ted ~ ~ and Mmrs Air.uni lA~uisted in Oshiawa ~l'LOUi Sekera Toronto, àmisent - - 1 1wday ia t huhme ere. -A'"e"endou Sale 0 ouds begilnitSg Mozidatý Pub- 111h, A.U. Ellisutis. âU"a N"UA Haycraft, ut "orontu,l Wus boMO oveZ %i"day. Tiser. viii b. a hockey match -on Qis rinks hro ou, Tliurday niglai b.- tween Port Perry sud BrookiAu. LW- erybody corne. Tise WQuo'a lutitute wjll umtc on Trhurssday, Peb. 2ûd, ab 2.3U ab SUm huirse 01 MMra. W. A. Hiolliday. Sub- îec-""tenalneuîin tise homne' tssiL01 bY AIrs. W. A. kfollday. (food prOgram. àD ladies wolcomne. IOun't torget thse Skredded Wheat banquet Au tisa Msetiud±îàî Chjurc, Mczuqsaas un Tluesday,, Kebruary 7Lis. TIi.re PAmsd -away on "iursuay, Jamup.y Zu$t2, 1191, utL hel hume fisar K~saI, ~ a r isy Jane tevrabun, U&-dt 4ea»#4 rulict ut thse LaLLe 1»aubi. St0*:enu whu pree"aeu Mary Jaua ilU44rie wao t n a lKonge bLreeL, nortt i ut 'Vuouto, iù 192b,. A& short LUme aitervarxdu, ber Pamote, Mn. aud 4àks. utithie, rc- -moU te tise 'row"-jlup ut ke"crus us thtie vUla&e,1i .Audy, W1IIIIe ~eî Ubthu -itsalsrd u wa~dut. la "041 WUs wii uaxi Lu 0uie btev- ' q ~ ut isnas, eud Lhey tox up t4u&lrr where théy tsuo I L ussie of Llssir duaLi. Au&. ou -wa8 a lov-sng ana talussul Wile> au &aLÀVAQaLV au15 l'rue i5soi. à bis was a uIuiJIsur ut Lily Augssca cisurcis. biue las uritud uy 4 dasgis- surs-Mia. L. k a rguxuws, 0*1.lui *AiMI#nuAt homne. ltare bu - abepi Yt'burrl .Wias itaicisrd1 a&W Wul && hum. Tr isetusi swr- IV&=s ou busiday ver, osuauu-6 byà IL'.11 A""sa muastd :#y Jt»V. -i>, ¶ Iuucrmeut & wasazad in MAs Lii »fowu *'Peutî ise W"a m a uu"adaa, Air. BauI Grills icit ti.iu weusk !01 Torounto Where ho experts to Zemla-. 11GW TU KlEP 'YOUJNG.à KOOP il'U bMuae. Avold ex-1 Osuse «_- ailud. "t moderakly lw.la resujIar "ud lsvor 'activp by' mm ML b toor, wmi t, Roeei Mser., > il the. AmorICazi-tae. th barley, au propo8Odo 1 ,bujh vive thse barley irade ot4 Mrs. Wmn. Kemp Èl11e91>04 l,; On Saturday an~d truck ~f ber head, renderi5hg j0i rio£ some trne. W. are -pesm loara aile had no bouesbroko hs srund agaîn, 1ée11n4 '-0> Pot. aSter tise mis4lp. Rheumats CURE» BB OO3TWVS KfiDNEY PILLS. '.1.Poster,o! St. %John-St., ýpredricon, N.B., aya: "1 mv 1ouDd more actulirelie! troua Boiho Kidney pilla th"sa'lu ail eoh. 1 bave Mvr tried for rhounatisma. Thi. pains lua- my liluiluahave leasead eiy, Aud 1 arnboer aid aitrOuagSa jhan la yua -butuop, Mai mi sud plsu btter than 1 bve la OYer *~~~ 0 g in.yar S, My general healtii la greatly inapror- ed, sud I1ceu credi t ibis ouly te Botis Kidney Pilla."o Tisa ta the Btooth Kiduoy lail wny. Thie"ewonderful Pilla are sold under a gwuntes tOe tlund your -mony il tisey fat! ta relleve sny uferer frein rieumatisin Or »Y troUble bav- 'Dg 'ta origin lu th. kidneys. Tlsey cure bachache, duil shooting & ina lhick sud cloudy uni.e, gravali Sci ato, n heumntlsm sud ail .diseamos01 the kidneYu ansd bladder. 11ootis'aKidney Pil are sold by ail druggluts sand dealers, 50c, box, or postpald fron the R.T. Bo)ots (.., Ltd., F~ort Erie, Ont. Soid and gsua. anteed by A. H. Alia. Causes 95- per cent of Dis- case. ADVICE CONCERNING STOMACH- TROJUBLES AND 110W l'O ne.u ,u slecl andistiu iî Seaus Lu nIA AOrw t i 4 uis uma caLsons. AU emtomiset aeor b wa aul la sety-five pur veut. outli tse "ails u ehuau body Isave 1saeà enigin ln a disurilered bLumavi. Aphysacias Wiu Lisdt.va bUCCIaity ut tulacis troUblesi, parLuusanly a8-- pepàîsa, aller years ul sLudy portooton liseauua rulas wsssçh nama&L J-i pepsla 'Jablets arc Image. Uu rienuu .wîih WaI »ysp.ep- &Î& 'rabita icads un te io vu.ta'esa tu De tse gruat«t rxpmedy iinowu IR; t'ho relia t ofcm'te udiet"ion a. chanldysppaa."î se* ugoU=ue are aotisg assAtalugtoLi9, 15 lla4md MeOm nset L&ibcI.'a w wts. £bey are r" a ~apepasa', ut os iii grtla digest4ve a"da haSuwn mueumo. Tise relieoy aflord i atm ios mwediïto. 't'hor ix ,qe wtta peualcy ud uegulaity lor a shiort~ lîme brîm "m-uta a IwuQUs L ué pal",ns uad by slumi dAodoi sure ~ ~ ~ mâ dilh peUe 1 lgesit", 01oe ., uc t Sla ik1liex.lt Dyasuq. sia ablaIs, vWba" p> o try ', tem a-Sota nlk~ t Uuy du m bt gAvo, qPI saAesammsWcAoo4 we Wl» neýia bou the auoedyy Ois pai-. fo[tr 'vitliout juioesm« or oriti, &, 'rn utArSa aises,5C.., bec., D $LO. Ruaeiabgyoau go= ula oaly ou eut sos-eiw atne . lMia# 4i-,dnyg '- WWWJ tm4W. XTPW45 15e te ov£t S"Wtt "asri , t». . soal t@ti teutheti. bar 'awrady liti head, grow' hair a"- curebadc. '-It ta bocause of vilat REt".»Iïba! It 'ont, baidoue -ud ourstucer taith iu -Ils gooduesa that vo vant yo tb -try It ai our risk. Two etzes 500. and $1.010. Sold only ai our rTiie Reai Store. A.!. Allun GjREENWOOD. 'GrabamnJohuaton happened'vithhýa severe accident on WWdnosdro!i t week whIle on bis way tomo freom Pickering witb a Joad of ",u Wheu A short distance south oo! Mi. Glee- se'~store hise leigh alewed off thse rôaff'%isudupset thse J1a..lHo as drlvlng a spirited teman sd tbmy trled te rua away, but Mr. Johuston g0t theu stoPped. In so dolng ho had onu ril broken and vas badly shaken up. Medical atteudauc vas at once procure, and ho la pro- gressing nlcely. The Stoty of J)an Val Jean. To hear the lecture on ',jeun Val Jean" as Dr. Uleaver presenisi, à& tu becoume tioreughty acquamned. witls on e of thse mostinter.tiug cbaraor1ers oer Iutroduod to tue book world. TIie atory, *à" j#Au t. seU te ibe masterpIçO e 9 Viot-or ktugo, As toluut in a mtnne &"ïa the. isteUletiare îpelboun4. The icon ta lààÀ4iu1.Êrasj,vWbarea oving -wtonbu ml evs .ria is puoirer elase uUrfr neuam 4 o lie. eancoud seur Do oul- t"- Pour A& goge. coutimleatu ubaý araoaiy-uîto hma iB CKttletes cisiren t is alter ry or tsread*4 wa« Moostim bc. oei =,durO,a"d Uueo 90g% vison il vas 4M4eho luslp. cd aWay 10 the hakVet' opt vhmr ho bac- Dsa brad duru a tbeY, &Ws baud; but tIse bwwt er. i ÀZQàb -an sUda a roSuli j"&n, ed and rocovid Xiways*soop i itted to barda aad .11 as.uus lu hum la ité a*Q-him. Iý.1* It wli ifflerssthe uilkhylld -lAre te v11Utfto ed,-powu4. PurcoW a ay .lusîda tom ren-Afora. t two 4e thrftes ws. I u.teinl *dy tlhe tiaa .Vais..'Xs B lm, AEDm BGIM ?-Wtltt K lae, b, ~u. at: 4"This tu to eerrly-that l tAr-a" n 1 bavé -Ulsd '~Your loymal ?wrslefStockButlmoyAl t3pwaflt for two wehe, ou eu 0» W.on. obaà&71a1 the : !th 1 W eigrber- ai l1ka ? < PO~ itlda o.gAtiZor 6 d"- 4e thoevau an eua weght of28 ïs. mk.Ob tbe SDth. I1e-rMlY eithsd- ths mu ïsdahma » yud. '~ coamside t tii. brt i 'bave av u ed." I Worth 2Zpo "%tdek oo&' wU ad& u Olse tin at.mm YOD, yQuràel. 'ow on your eva faruis. 14 lu net mors- cd y"ut Anad" nes0& Tbsy inuit have -soa"this telslp tweA boule. get ail tbs nurlesment frein tse f» t thy are, gettlng.50e thý441W iin fatt, and -ut"y fnt. aul48 u t 'round. TS. asteâonsthIng te pr.rmat dms te ci. dimeansd te lisp thepi-tutise baut-t-ho"aut -thse tise. Not a Stock Food, noyal Purpie Ia not -n "Stock Food" mer a tawdwcm." 14 >s a Qendluto. I4 doms netcontain Graion mr tari produs.ts. -'Nor dom Iti ectain "DOPe, or auy *thsar Inurio" ns l lntRoyal Purpie dosa net msrsly taznpoiriiy bIcst or tnuplb-# tiseAnisaS. 14t. tattensanesd No tetusiSpecifi lasons dds 6sai as large asorSi- naryâed Oalvu mae -' ai lu0vernis. mal. uturlly otwr peofl -leiSifor Peultry -naoi tIfyenareMBot astlfater teetIg oug -v - tillasAnimmfs-t l t, yen don't: loue aythlng, do yen?1 pospal&d, une irV.a..J N 1N E .O ~ 4 r.IOIQ4O .> Ry ùpeSoksdPouls pcfo a Ie okM0cu l bamlIe N. E A OSGoo e; ts Iaatsa-il p S " -nn i i el Food$"' la 50-est Pack. 6t,0 fla"ys amlarivea Purpi. spectifo la Aesoel Md lb.it*çlEas g, 8t Pauo, asahlng féeh Aima V~~~~~t set'vr t eti We mte- yuM.Stock Owsv ýRoyal plainle-ceintes lm appetits for feed, assihaslpa naùtr edigeut -end toM t lnto fleals a"SmesIe Au' n Ret fAttemer, Royal Purpie lai Dms-a CLweu, 4th ero ais, Mesy. "1, barvsoed Royal Pùr~plà Stock Spoe peraltentlyla folg h e, 2.0%si largeut vlinnr e-ny pacer on Grand- Circuit lan1908and '190, and '.a"ryWinteru.' 2.10j, brother o! 'Allen Winters,"' vlnner et ~,O7lu trotting stalag lu 1908. '- '"Tbsa. orses have nover been offt ehir hied mince I startod oslng loyal Purpie SpeclIl. I >vWnl alwAyshbavre Ait la My stables. Yeur Ocugis PovdS..torus For X& luou Fowls lealng feuh at âmoulting th». , 5 It inakes IsAiplornaci brigît aU 0posý ,-the=, a w&ya uprimâ e eoudtion. it Ma"as yen, .Poultry ve«rtu mot*' tus-atbsy eould,,eorih ihn 0"'e 1$0Z-.6mt rPackage viiei sk souis -7b0day. r ?.5 alnlhd 2 n a 2 8 0 d a " . T h i s l a f o r ' t i s a mors maturlal at enly tIres re e iu. POULTftY 'f ties Mak T MaT< ~lEwy ounce o? Zayal Perpie stock sud Peultspry -Sfic' .1n guaraatao Te ýprffl tiss-4 Royal Perpis Is»une <pua, vs vaat ye0 te mals tIl test: -Pmed Rea -Purpie to ami' ensoftyeui Animais ffooiui violae. 'tnd 54tithe s-n Otiusr Animalla the sam. conito. W. alse sanutaetur If Boyan POLrpiedom "net provto oa PrI le Ia.. you, by soins-i renufta, that St >la 4* Roa u*l 01 oi,. bout yenorsuseS, ve'urotum our oyl urpis Svut nitàA mons. - oyal Purpib- Cotugis Ours And *6111 ask ne qumetus.20Malnoe ceagI afor-dy,"~d wA essuile.You viii 04he judge " net un. and cu isteSu1amper Ilà' ,eu to This luau ish onastesýt. ht 't t t v ,If yoir aIscnu pp a r= yoi te ale 14becs-nu.irs lnov OuwI 051PurieBrasda5,W that Royal Purpie la the hast Ooudltome yiiuonsawpI t*. en thse market. Pa, frnt snw Tb or, 's < ùou1dteeS tise nmaibra soi led vlthouit ssogApy actuely- tool. o4 lu 411 sas. tise tl-rugbs thse. isrmm t~eesiseSpor ANDm~so1xeumMOW-Àî thse Met. rohiaa-chutch, Toroto,'on W& zaeda, Jnury 5,1911, by RuT. G m w, te MnX . Joh n Audn eso n: Of- Toroulto, ýS o M asd,,bina.- John ýAndersea, WittbY, u ts, atd. - ALIsE 4s11'MS$- 0f $ttouou- Teeday, Fobruary 7,-,Aviso sae ývlaoi te tAsetpIn. lun*beiz, cedar puas, wod sud- vill Auail eb. laba, tise-property or!-P. L. Greeu, M9 taI teXallvaYa (ren'ood. Oiredit umtil Ott.- 1, 1911-. s$etrala.S*al ai1.30 'sýharp. W. aw, -suc- re vIli .esii culp4'of ~sr

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