Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1911, p. 3

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Dm. Williamsg flakk?iflsfor Pale People have be bed .iùdfhOntarlo for-& gsueratics'. E uudrede cf a,- maîabi cueshave beexirepéërted d41ar g t-ha-time an.sd there 15 sla-rcelýr a, fa-mlinjewhJch the re- cÏedy lbas iot been trWed ith bene- ficial resutm. This furuishea tthe material for t-he latter to be wrtten iu thia coutest. Ther. je ne demnaed tapon t-h. imagination; every !etter mu t dpal with f actoansd fa-ct.o oly. PRIZES~ The Dr. Williaras' Melicine Ce., of Brockville, Ont., viii award a prize. 0 $25.00 fo&r the. beet letter reoeived on or befere the 2th day of March, 1911, frein residenta o! the~ province of Onta-rio, on the eub- ject, 'Wliy I Recommend Dr. Wil- liaine' Pink Pilla.-' A prise of 010.00 wiii bc awardcd for the sec- end best letter receiveci; a prize of $5.00 for the. third best letter, and five prises of *2.00 each for the next bept flvc lettera. CONDITIONS: The cure or benefit frein the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla describ- ed in the iett.er may b. in the writer's own case, or one that has orne under hie or lier personal ob- servation - More than one cure may bc de- scribed in the letter, but every etatement muet be literaliy sud ab- oolutcly truc. The letter should be ne longer than is neceesary te relate the be- nefit obtained f rom the remedy in the case deacribeci. Every letter muet be signed by the f ull' naine sud correct addre 8s o! the person eending it. If it de- scribes the. cure cf soins persen other titan the wrîter of tiie let- ter, it mnuet alec b.e igned by the. person whoee cure ie described as a guarantee o! the truth of the statemont ma.de. The writcr cf each letter mu'st state the- name and date of the. pa- per in which h.e or site saw tuis an- ûouneement. Fine writing wiilnet vin the prize uinles you have a- good case We describe. Thte strength cf tii. recommendation a-nd flot the style ett.letter will be the basis o! .; 5ydçrut..oýlthatý Tbf J)r. Ni t'gmiittMedicine f>. shall have tii. vih opublishali letter entereci ie this conteat if! they desire te do se, viiether t 'lins a prize or net. Tii. contest w~l close on Marcii 20th, 1911, and 4h. prizes vjll b. -a-wardcd as aoortase possible t-hem.- a-fter. Do net lpa-.If you knov cf a cure vrite< yOur letter NOW. Observe the abu ve conditions care- ,fuily or yeur letter nxay lie tiirovn - ut. AddresBalal letters as followm: The Dr. Williamus' Mieticine Co,, Broekvllle, Ont. Letter Centest Dupa-rt-ment. 1ERlÀIJPRS liq LONDONq. Old Àge Peneloiters Salat t Expi-l * Decreame liast Year. 'Piere were 11,985 fever paupers in1 oudon, Eugland, on Janua-ry 7 than'\çn tiie correpoecl'ng day eof 1910,. \The o*lcial. ret-uru in whicb' the, £giqresa a-segiron attributes tii. deorea*, mainly to tue .-refev al of tii. psilr disqualification for cd- oge peisions, but- it il due a-heu in a; cert~iu measure o te tready Oietiat,-pensone and t-o thei, n- trq> éccnomic couditicu,,, whieii < v een telhuna- on tii pauperiana -etstatis-sfor tmM'Omntis. Thn' e'Dçoeiber al, 1919, thert woe iu,436 ',tewer paupers iu Londoat '%a nt-hecormompondins ca-y et 1109, Thome receivina- out-doer me- I1.! ha-tp beneow 1 --o04 groater.ex. tent tIa*n t-h.e t., of iptitu. tions bi t-be grant- cf olc-age peu.ý * . ~P*AîNLE N9 1~ fi ~ Up. ~ DAN, Chica-ge Péu cuti i Nia. Z4(ir) r, mwuwuie repréenItative us antd kept it, reti hot for these. min- testas ,6ut dtmnagieg it. - The c or i o - good that ÇY60 by* dayIiglht un aport eau aearcely de-l tect the><iftenke botveen thetie atones a-nd siatûral-diaiondes. Andc though tii. amallen cnues are slight.ý ly better than the- larSger, tbey caal b. made - satlefactotiyUP to a weight of eue carat (fOur graine). T" emonthe ago the. inventer haci succeedeci in turuing out etones which defleci detection a-t night by the. ordinary uutrainigd eye. Ris, latest atones are stiil better. Their density in practicaily the, same a-s that &f naturai diamondm, and thsy are absolutely permanent - unaf- fected by the. atinosphere. But they are -deficient in that dis- tinctive eteely-blue shimmer which the beet naturai diamends poasese. 0f course, the. maker dees not dis- close hie preces. TLie base is pre- sumably minerai, aud the stones are made by compression, simulat-. ing the. formation cf -natural dia-- monde througb the contraction cf cooling minerai matter. Diamond*makersg, by dissoiving sugar in iron, or some other sub- stance which exerte -tremendous pressure upen its contraction by cooling, have often obtaineci very amail but perfect atones cf more or less effective a.ppearance. But this newest inventer bhm produceci atones cf reia-rksble size and brul- liancy. H. estimnates the coat at about one-flfth that cf thie natural stoxies, at present prices. LO ST $500. Lightnleg Against Steain anti the Fermer Won. Years ago w-len the electric tel.. graph w-as a new- ideaand a mys- tery te tth. masses*, there came trou- ble one Saturciay night in. the Bank cf England, Tiie business cf the day bad closed, and the balance w-as net right. There wae a deftcit of just $50w. Lt was net the money, but the errer, that muet be feund. For the offitiais aud clerka there coulci be nu aleep until the n1ýstery lied been cleared up. AUl that niglit aud ail Sunday, a force cf men were busy. The. money vas eurely gene f rom theo vaults, but. ne eue coulci diacover whence. On thiq fgllowiun mo0ng a cierk auggested that thc mîstake might have occurred ini packing, for the West Indues, some boxes cf specie thà,t had been sent te Southamapton fora1 enimst. Ri rji4It0ed .on the. îuietera iQe -Wau" pertuu yto teat te pevrf t e telegra 1a- Iig inirg against ateam, a d teaIn ~vth forty-eight heurs tMhe'tart. V6ry accu the' tel-' egrapli aekd a man in Southamnp- ton, "Rias the. slip Meircator salI- ed 1" Tii. anmwercame bAok,,'Iust- weighiug anchor." "Stop ber 'fentthe Queen'i naine."f flashed. back the. teiegraph, "lShe1 Î&s toppec," w-as returaed. 'Have on deck eert*in bp:s <marks gîven>, weigh them ëe, ue fully, *sud, tme kspw 4>- re«ult. 1 'telegrï,phecithe chie!. 'Thie oruer ýw-aiobeyed, and- cei. box w-as fouedto te b somewhce ýAbout one -Poundanrd t-e uuc. saviser .thaxe its Mat* -ut t-i. When tlollow&y's Corn cure ie applied to a corn or wart Ît billa the, routa and the ýcallosity cornes out wfithout injury to the flesh. ,Are you one cf those chape 'who beleve that every insu je Wrng who doesn't agree. with youl, Ow atl vaW us.ý. faum I sest 1"' 1irs PILSr4tlitas <tw à 40e14 AVsaiIB vont ou 004 1 .t e I- ý«. Z 1" <'A cl.it wc le % ta»Imet ai I*g Tor rUb. yl tlna-o yQ NW1 ONT 1%0 pro Urd pe*co<ek cf t4-day =ny b. offly a leather deo t-orw eftpreUawat OumOrgst in nom anÏii, narticular about'mel" été M aklng, Steel la Worth Iifetoý W«Ild ThaU >iaklug fouid; '-In . the days cf thi> Meiaval. ai- diiemists it wue believed that it was PÈbWibl. by means h cf some undis- co0t'erd laboratory opersti, ont coflv*itthe baser metali in 1ç 'golci. W4-ti'the'-development-.cf modern 9heménàîtry this buelief' vas shown te be base1es, at leait ini the senne ina whieb the, older workers held it, Baye Casier'a Magazin'. At the marne turne thero hais been evolveci as a resuit cf the work of the mocre, recent chemists and mnet-ý allurgiete a transmutation in, thel properties cf that moet widely ue& anaterial which in of farmore real value te the'lworld-than any formu- la fer making gold"ciuld ever*be. The. discovery tha.t iro'n contain- ing a certain preportio2n et carbo*n Oeflstituted steel transforméd -oci -ety and created mode êvilz. ticx-i witbout steel wè i3hoiild4 re- lapseito barbarisn.« To-day'it je kucwu that ln additîoli to .!arbou, there, are othër elemtn t tii.ad- ditIon of i'ýhîch wili impart 1to stee certain properties INCREASINO 1MME.NSELY its value as a inaterial of construc- tion and cf operation-. «Among the substances which were fermerly classed as the "rare" ele- mente there are ?;everal whicb were rare only because thée .w-as nn suffcient une for théni te prc>vide an inoentive te diecover natural Lonrees cf supply. Thus vanadIium, -kuowu as ara ele- ment for a hundred years, estim- ated as having a valne mauy tumes that cf gold andi used -soîeiy for a few artictic purpoe.. in colorizrg fab-rica, has within a-few years i'lz- en immen;eîy lu in po*tanoe be- céause cf the knïOwledgevêhiçlh bas. been acqluired -of thê 'valuabler pro-. pa-rties whjck,' t imparts. -tWe eteel, 1,W-hile at the sanie tinreie bas fallen. In cost te a peint 'about ene-haîf that cf« silver because the very'de.ý mauci bas revealed' hitherto un- knwndepoisits. - The influence of *vanadium upon steel may wecll b. regarded as &a. triumph of moder4r metallurgy, andi VANADIUM STEEL R>*ock ,1fIls., rey Co., Onit Feb. 13 1 pnal-" uet ù4y Dokt'aK.dey Pille *oikod ,won dern in my casei," ' 8 M' S teph.. en ROY 'of thim Placé. ,"I11suffereci with Inflamdmatoryf Rheutatim in '=y right arm, -andi though I trie&i everal remedies the srwelling in-* creased ùui wa.s veey painful.- My bands andi limbe were alec bady "I-got a doctor and hehelpeci me,- but the swelling neyer entire- ly lef t. Nie said itN wae becauze my heart was weak. Then I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pflls and, as I said before, they werked wonders'. Rheumatism of any kinc la caused by disorclered Kidneyr,ý.4ailing , tn strain the uric acîd lout of the biood. Dodd's Kidney Pilla cure it by curing the Kidne-yti. ,They &-lso cure the weak heart by makinig pure, blooxi andi iessening that organ'e> work- of propelling the blooci through the body. Dodd's Kidney Plls only cure the Ri.cneys, but they always. do that. And with healthy Kidneys you can't havé Rheumatisni, Lum- bago. Heurt Dis"ase, Dropsy or Bright's Diseaise. D)YSPEPT1CS CÂN EAT BREAD. Crust or Toasted Crumbsanadt Starch Canipot Ferment. The conclusion tha<t wheat brea. is unfit for dyspeptice, sometimen jumpeci st becauoe ili-effects arn noticeci te follow its use, is errene- ous. On the contrary, it bas been pointed eut by Bouchard and otb- ers that farinaceous food is peculi- arly adapted te borne dyspeptic pa- tients. Lt je the microbes in th~e etarch, whicb are capable cf producimg ir- rîing ac ids, that cause tbe trou- ble. To avoid this, ]3ouchard reý- conimends that only the cruet or, toastex. -urumbs cf the bread be us- eci by dyspeptice, particularly those whose stoma-chs are dilateci. The reason cf this is explained--bi the fact that l4aking temporarly,' th-9ugh not permanently, arrests 4he fermentation of dougli. When iý 'ig again hea~ted by tLhe warmth cf the etoiuach, thé fer- mentation je renewed. lu cases where the breac isj toasteci browü through, the fermnt4ion jlarntcoP-, ___________________ tiens Tycouidb. iade ductiré-witii- wtrn ivthjp intaeaappïoach t-o ,brltliiesst , wtvien both etrengtia andi toughnei. ee veredeinanÙd ci j vase reaiized t-ha-t s ona.thing tii. lun addition ,te c*rb-Ora -as eisenial. Thtsomething haebecu Il të - T i. fuewe cf tbei. cti f' s8=11lproportions ofvadi» > s0~ ltw-o-f41d; lt-cas, oA form je te a-siy éatrie«ýri to the lsa-, and it >-o ýeug_, thbe steel dlreetly, i>y itg soIi&iôel- ut-ion, under uojmal èordiý ,ip t- Marbwuesé pOrt-buOùl a territ.-ia addit i-toanew phex carudes of suoh' -. -u 4 reauyt-o st retten, t-be iW;ýt-t Tii. result l isaProdu* "Y.~ A NEW ÂZJ» Wëwelg afthon 20 ât&&.sL Tii. Jocôr, va.ge~frastnieh- young lady -r%6etyrnakd~ "Why, 4,octor, --,ohé wae sane, euougb. thli. Needieme t6f4 sy the test of' the_. visite. were convuloed, Mithý la#gh-ý ter, but the yonng'lady- failéd té see the. point> of heowu ren ëmark.' SOert Sïre*d Prom Eye te -Neeek. Miss Mary Conley, cf-,184 Col-' borne St., Montreul, writes:7 "Over. a. year ugo I beca me bethered' vith' an unsightiy spot on myrieh cheek. The Bore sraÀnî h whiole cheek w-as covered h fr eint eye to far devra cit the neok, below- tei ear. -Lt vAS se néticeab1e thaï people asked me if I hadc cancer, andi I began te tedl I hadc. 4"dI vas about te consuit a speci- alist w-heu a lady frieud speke cf Zam-Buk, and aciviseci a trial of it, 'first. Acting, on hez-m âve t ýrcured a box and w-asu urpriseci t iteti.mmediateefect the 1balm had eon the' soires. I .nnued thlreo bOies ouiy, aud as--I kêpt ap- Plyiug it each evening before r-e- tuiring I conld sèe ho*w the sonreF lwere beiug cleaned and driad up. This impr6vement contiutied, util my face was cleared cf acres coin- pletely. Zam-Buk je certaWny ia marvellous baum." Zam-Buk is a sure cure for celd acres, chapped handa, froetbites, ulcers, blood-poiboning, varices.e seres,- piles, scalp wmres, 'raugwormn, inflamed patches, -babies' eruptions sud éhapped plates, cute, bu'-ns, brui 'ses sud skie injuries &genoral- ly. Ail druggiete andi stores wtIl at Soc. box, or post f ree from Zani- BuIc Co., Teronteý, upon receipt of- price. Try Zaxu-Buk Seapt 25c. Tabiet. JITA WAY TILEY HAVE. Jack $Pratt w-a-s very at, 1His brother Tom" w-as lean; -Jael rode k, a tourlug ar Tom la &flying machine.' That - in&ÂTI9 BROMO QUININE, Loolc "Ir tb.- erof ILW. 13 OVE.ed Ch NOT IMPRESSED. "And, yen, deàr madame, viiere did yon travel la-st auzumer '1" "Oh, I dou'-t kraoW 1I -My husbanci awaebought! the. tiokot."ý ad&nge signal.Crthat eold with V" Harilis Wizard 011 before it *une j~~ into Conhsumption or Peruoii' IJKE OIVES.Butceb Pat.-Moikîa. v-ii îla kissin' yCIur That can Ilise. aIwys tees môme e« loeof adu&fiwt zre ,th M: l îwbDY.o.Aein cnè"u-toi« ithen'woo1ib Ris ChOIGE. Country Visitor-What's for b reakf ast '7 Waiter-Porridge, soles, kidney and baeon. grîlleci ham, sausages, chops, steak andi tomatees. Country Visitor-iiight 1I 'il have what yen mentioned-and some eggs. If yon are a sufferer f rom coids get a bottie of Bickle's'Anti.'Con- sumptive Syrup andi test ite quali- ties. It wif be found, that no praise bestowed on it ieteýo high. It does ail that îs elaiwj« fôr- it, andi dees it thoroughly. Do neot take any sub- stitute foi- Bickle's. because îtite beet, having stooci the test of years., Al the beet -dealers seli it. l'-i Foyffer Pft d .11 no!e and htlre "e dkept trm ai &y*ew'Z'U IEDliSTE~~FJIl êI«â"eOn. ent boulAe wu*ai-ted )r"qd IuoreihA. M dothe blood. 5Ne &Bd $1is 1,ti~ bottiees rtgge a nd barneu sahop& xiLSALZ rntt700Ir L CO.. hu~I.teGo =84V teia., V. 8 E BE U - AoEtnrs wANrED. at$ bia4 ?oIOfSgutmTktftd competent5MIL. P0Un I>mIoneligItea.idquaitall ,-verý 40w mocn e pu t o ' thly. kt"@a ulwa. ALiot4tion ble. WAN?. r b J 't-g-aevwOteucouue fne$-$e .Otw dndu iau.i. WA 1Fr> rfdl«,foas~ aebi. to train doge. Ber1y ,î 1<4 fnAttifee: (1ANICINTùior», Làie Iiî ~and etracrr rti~ Our bomse tr.gîtmeut.. Writp c ,CoUIng-wod. 'Ont. '- WALkIII 011 OVflý soi Ca* o edont inciýecUy - ytar Ër ncwew. Mostrl, tcrnts hu ELi- Àderpath lail Stated on bas 421 prsc j,iil, whereae modation for is a brzeding disease. "The numn lu g" lieade and we can Pack them in square inch c Once a bise Seul would b rmach, anditI the worzt 'w bappened in-, i tell y Ldu Po~ z~ Meoulsas, s - 09111 Wiien yen iiear"ý-a man bragg ig-'F about hie ancestors îit'a -sa-f.-beot hah ha-s nothiug else te bmag about. I - ~ ~a- saxiosu aussi. us but Â11.n'u Lssg Baluais. tab.n ai tise firut clan cEs u~u~h viii tueur. ummunltrtrom %b1 daug.rouu defeot. DonS Cr15. uit unisa"W - - gentsm - -'----s".- V DU~1u Real Il 0, ha-s be-cene eof themaoat iauport-7 a-pt cf the 9?-calle4 allôy*teeleý. The- eider steelsî e'ew kù-oîma brôadly as Oýa0onf"- steels in distînctiou, '*0t t-,~iu-l - j -4 I - M'ý' lim 1 l'i 'W ' ý ýý ý,l ý,

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