Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1911, p. 7

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ers i IIIL1dé ê èé 6;à wé 4 4 .64p.jp Ai44.4 I ~i. v R f raining f rosa talklng in -the future ais yeu have talked thia morning. There' -wtm another - kis-' nov we wiii neyer mention the nubject again. Look at oursel,s, Nancy. Don't we look too eveet for words 1" 'Thore vii li e no on. te ceom- pare witli you, dear," Nancy saidt softly. 'iExcept you; and I amrnont jeal- oui of ye." Dorotliy lipped ber band f rom Nancys srm, sud wdent to the win- dow. "Tiiere go Aunt Aune and Derry. I wonder if -if h. viii like these dresses, Nancy H.R is a greal au- thority on dress, you know." There vas a pretty tiùge of ýpi*ik cn Lorothy's cbeek.s, but tNsnci ta crwn wosv rîwL#& Darnley spolie dryly, though mot u &w-&%p&" unaffectionahoiy; but bad Sir iLTltalkme.g br'mdun vha plirey been more observant. le rose ga r n Bie sb muet have noticed that tier. ose arryeyedrwi an air of suppresae.d excitenom eeh' VtyLOIt about bas nephew, and tjhatM r. erbe e e.ryseflt Darnîcys gray eyea vere fixed per- ovu iecbl n. & ie sistently inue direction. pone. ibù st :h n) "What are you going tao-rele * as forgotten-buri yeur mother ? Oh 1 well, I auPPOGwi blâsaful ectasy., 0,1 Iought ta o 0tOO. Yes-yes, my ý Doroliy'e pah.to o boy4 must treat Aune vitl aIl du. jnse br cousin v'as - .mpp.t, sp wvo bailbotter b. off t s h.ew cu o; uit "hat 'w ay, thuale ilthe ' ghourd unthiug, b% néarsrOI$o tâe stables." Dry-oei, bio ang »Ut l>r~kDarnley, mutter- ,<>jý2rutiusgbs, ing so A4hi .4 o~a turing *in à iber >1r moment, ruulsd 4,wna aide path "m. W, ue are lis! allier -th&t sI*"e'r 'bhIe.robed aly no Nom -0 * mi#, aus'ase,.bui t' a .& LUllgliten- snd ÂeSrybody. 1 vani mneet be$r tbls mornis'g,1 A. few trlds bbkt lie Young net fli,&you. Wba.td aâ rip te Nancy's ide; h.. bailn d Do ~ lf uay ~ Olhmpce cqf .peakint 1;àlier -PriVate- 7"f vent ito the vilII fo ~r justin s'fron ýt t leus tod ' 1 K#~Wrte bmighty Mr. Murdock huiseif. I Naney's Voies vas 'lIc UW'back vas, fortus'ateiy, turned 1-iedit l oundod strauge t4o tbem, boweiver, anud, b>' a clevorCas movse:et, Dards>' gc.t that red " ani ygirl 1iIl1 mrelat a com oletat angle. i hoovn t, wbaî ac tfaàtiy, " lie 55id ,,-inI .ge hbatts vculd bave hadi1 o c ý 1t 4sp.ak ho yols vien >I1coin. thought YQU IooIU*g bokZmuet, MY darlipg 1 II sý v' camot vait any longer! Ohl Iyou ,DcUi le,1 -=derstanil me, iny dearent, do £ou staey& belied t Dot 1 Ye, î remdit in yoar eyèsbh4mi4olep those .xqulsilie.- mddeniug . e01-1 A * thnahe, toUom 106yeu1 "oveYou Naclt mYdowtat.aiman sd out où oalt my'buri 1 as n t<AndvWho are fisen the S-oft,*eager vends <ied àaym, le r4Ms.Drlç t stoffld and touched ber baft-pa# b.l thtwo ~~ d ,lips. "Meel me by the. fowýr ~aahing. lake tis atafernonn about seven.pr , yu 1Tox, an slip- ae>'f rom the. crow'd -44&hs116 e; uti ho ~! lemurmured, in low, ten- )u.. alepuprt upb der toues-. <'MT lo-.my darling giamoi MÀ surve y0a viii not Unaume 1" tarpugh u tmg a.uI Ones &gain Ib is upr.ssod-hart, *4 -0ýQwyýL 'sud thou, belor. e r.aIited thât jsi jîý,. à vu no beaveny dromn, be hmd at W ebov wî* t oief th vas It ed losaa fwmk of lo~ e i~ rick, le andNâà ýmOU1 ýelhnean» d Dorotby back i4 the ýng, a it brough ber It on1y,- the ker lips ,. AiU %géemis t t coïupieteiy «t, sav s'o- >ut D.rry'- .t. tebi scia of love ted you to baut I o4 d18 you do w and lur' b i b. , ev té hlm twday, I>olly' "F., v2omen consi1der lt a-br té b. zloved. <'Itdependu onwholovn tl m" Dorotby repliedt'--oftlY, a tiny bluali conlng to ber cheekis ; tieuj very hurriedly, jutas se.went to meet ber gtaests, "'Deiry, Mint Anne means to bc nasty about NKancy, andIwon't Stand it.I bevery disagreeable if she it'ru4e to Nancy-sbe le very dear te me" -A.nd if she is dear te Diorothyj, wbat is shetoM>.àeV>omsune Darnley witb bisaseif, aso lie *od for an instant aloné. M drlgI there seema some marvellous am casation about lier-eh. s"emis ho bavé bewitcbed me. 1I1feel as though, I couid fold;lier in ýmy .arma 'nqW,- and carry lier awaylrom evierybody. There la notbing I rould net-do for ber; sh, willfind me Iber knight as well sasber-lover. If yoneda. to insuit bert thy iust answert te me-even if it b. ily ovui mothhe'rî is eyes went to chat mothrs. formn as she atood haugbty, rgl ly tait and hândiomeè-; hoe knew that' if Aune Darniley Ioved aüne eOs' eartb se .Iovedbim ;. that if 6", Immun creature oould -_st rike a sp ark 'of womanly feeling and varmtii frotin lite 00144 Prcudi worldly hestt, lie sione vas tbat person; yetblus ewn beart failed, him-I Swhhougli-tm N >ancy, and vo- c&aIed luis mother's hard, angry face as, ah. discwuý"sdwbat ahe.çvaý mdesabout thl irL 'î "There v.iq bc ea.figlt," b. nai4 to himmeIf, with half & sig. h-te>reý must ibo s5,fghui; but I ',halloAonqu er- And what if - 1do uçt 1 Why n. care . Ih&mo-wmy darliuW-helv la II as~ trvili er- by my. 1id ca I emth e woirld, poverty', ,-g , ail er for t»,on agetta *tWIIêUiIuluip -mariner - Thé- Misses (hhoter wére, inex iiberant spirîi; rudg,blga.oùt,0 san.ty white fimm' > té .gnth exti, udawy:-e. Pu, q* i beaaair ~ae1~ U oSgl -à M7Rr omark Di C5tp ~~evictoria Inf'rmary, QlàseW'tv' .i~ roeivt *25,00 or o aIo IogiOftI ýab0xatoryfroI _aÃ"wf1 The. Clyde trustees have r*f- iBd' tô 4jreot *anew granarq#t mo 44,d $2boiooo. ausrIsw* The. depreasiori in the Leîth uid esl ~t1%ade stili continues, buildi*15 9Pergtions being practicaUly aï£ BRE4DS. Ât uth-,rglen, an 'Ita iS 10 Sothrn Spoon'Br.o4-CO1Irintr dr-eam dealer bas been ÃŽned $1ô 6 <f ŽÏUke', ne-Iialf cuplj, O perOKI5 in ie isshop smakiug alter OrMàl one-half 'teaspootuf u 1 <of1 the. Closiug hour. sbeioin1 *btter4 0f 27 counties in So adonly *"Onegstbeten ~liSht, -ýelovel' 'four have had the smrn &e nOr ?iaiipof1~o~b gP6owder. "1ne. County counois wer i; i-gBc.th. milk in a od<. bl* oIr Iut12iîyeare ago. ro nealadlt ok4he Te oaie u4 paupers oe070 0IO~8 hnba i i.ohringre- yeArs cýf, &go chargeable t-) QOevà' Ulets. K Otethatit ià one tableý 1Pas, andof these 629 will now *POOnil ô--a >û1Zidng OW40r. turn aCoept 0k! Age pensions. n1' a b4Iingdieli suitable !,c r the The ota numer f dethà table and -bakh forty minutes. Tii toal rumer f dath ~g8~Se b ot f rom the dfgh: istered ini Edinburgh during a-ê vo&. ýcéAtLwoek was- 63, equal te a, AfA- ui ra-P~r ieopc ilual mortalitv of 9.0 per 1,000. bo'i1ig vater into .iàeocup of rik Fo,>rellinîmilk three pr z.cent whi'Cool stir lu ps coke of cOm- deficient in fat Lewis Galli, adtkry pr edyaa;i ovu nt * Tame, iear Nw Mcawntalson l fcold, wàter), one fi d$25 orten days' impr1son aea sottf ul fsi.Ad or ment *. Znae a oftdouh ;turu en kno-ad- Thi. - 4imbev of procaniatiqïof 11, oa e ad -d 0 m--e, o binofmaeriage made ,Ln Earlew.1uiý rîI Lth'l noting.,to bad.. Uni church during 1910 was. greater oris. tree huuir, kueiid thor- qui'-ii~y other year ,sInCo 66e >~Il< S pfi ic e r tast ayear'the production ci I o. ae1ry- miesnn #ea Scotch wbiskey.,decreazeci b la" 1, 3Y ake thze é'u iW ga ns otacave.. 1, -e--bresd isplelui--bi 2,0000,gallons, the lowiýt for f r;ls tiôroul. ýtobotàbov with '~r unroeuattendauce - o m X~Y.p f~TW years each at & Kilbarç-hnSàa_ t ltd~5i WO ClIps o £ f 'Boh'ool three, hildren ii 6n-efasm y l-uýo o" ýbitedo 1s.rew, cf Ardtucapiê Hçs $*UtOIO1Uidbk nna .~owho ilainafier 1000h ye.e, gav, cOur. D'i o1ve, soda, lb tmbleajpooi 14 ý blidren f t he. vifllge a tri l a e r 1eia4 _h.. n Iu . Iatthe end cf>ast week, in4 OBih5<i vte n4 P3 jIa1 ' ean 4 01~c« Çwous waer; squeezêtb etr"t4Lof line, preàn are a4ldited tê nerv-( f ýavQcd poworsi, spo aues ~and- drepsinga. S. f oritian -«eents 4i -o the zlerves. papçir ùm ', ou #g 'S with s contrch-li nay be. ued--aahsi& . poe e'wrg si -tablespooui1uls ý gigr.nultt DiWt Oni' Sugar'; boil like <usarjd ad otclsape while -boiling, etirring IghtlY, the. wblteâ of tb. tbree eggs *beatents o ,astîf frotb. Flavor ii vml4 Crumbl the stale cake by ru-lbig àW between the. palme 'oftlb. bands,ý and place a gênerous layer on bot- totn of the bàled cruat; on top of MRTL'O tus- place a layer of sliced bananas, 1AVL 1 w"haý a sprinkling of sugar over tbm th nover tbesé7 làyera>pour Vitrs fIe a portion of the- prepared creain; a Stugle il again place a layer of the cake On the horizoùn- crumbs, s"' layer cof bananas au tries there often cream;ýcontinue in thie mannez un- k.ack POin ii tii theo. crust la filed., Two layers !. d, eyO. The P 1malte an ex~cellent cake. Servesue. as it appra while fresh or the crust gels sofI aimg 9 idpa. ând the bananas lose much of their tuve',Op aye thSI flâvor. 'This eake le delicious and returnang t l may lie - serve4 with or without a. dozen miles- awa whipped creaxu. Agli<Ierwhofa upos' ils outstiïet outva bolWithOl HOUSEHOLD HINTS. vainfoiiti l'o iako otales white weztakiiu r oooked, tbey -ahould ie pared, in from meehorizon -M vater for t--or lire. bours. &gain, -.b.oeWsfý 8tb fl ,aahed'before wearimmg Points ànd âisd" vii Imtlugoé>d condition far lura iètater marvel orhiag thoon. nol va.shed. ,vh tu~i To k»ep ~Iikti soçrchingi , bemo ie ~ah OHAPTER VII.-<ýCont'd) Derrick muttered something not oomplimentary to the newcumner, but the next instant h. was ex- cbanging a warm bandcia3p witb Sir Hsnpbrey; wbile Naacy, scarcely knowing wha.t mii said. hurried away ta coax some red r )s se from Mr. Murdocli, the. autoc -a- Xe head gardener ut Ripstoue Hall. ,"Well, Derry, nxy boy, and so - our mother le corning down ho- Sdsyl (lad bless me, what yc.are "ice I bave seen Aune! W. muet Malre-ber as canifortable as we can, 7 on know, but I arn afrai<J she wi i nd it very quiet." "Dont you worry ,about ber, lUncle Humphrey; rest aisured rny mnother viii have the bett f-Ïvery- thing, wberever she may be.' ~-overn< OR, A LOOK INTO TE ASI Adespatch Governor Va 01l tte bas 42J prisc jail, whereas Jfodation for àb a brzed' n'g disea&e. "The numb ing" he adde. and we cari d, Pa.ck them in square inch o once ablaz< Boul would b rOach, and tl the worst w] "Il tel O taiking and rel ~forth umoni imau o f n a ,

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