Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1911, p. 4

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PhYE Ofile-05ittrcenre and tIcîhisis.. Whthy W. ADAMS, DcDnstloffisce, Dun- deu Streel t, eaideisceNo. 4,the Tarreen, Byrons St, Wistby- Phollo Noý 122. Àku c IIONEE jas. llsbaop,, Oshawa, LcessbetiA-s Lianeer. lucce! SOTt>rt .earak For termts and dates appiy ta sL[ ori t, Rob, Whiby. Wx.M. AW LICEtNSEL> AUC 1 lONLEizi AND> VALUAl'QR. Ail inas of Saes prOI1Vt ip i dc (o. Arrangemenats c",ne madetoi i aies ata tieGazette offier. ti, asosîibie. WII1,9yUNI. UuNiRAC .Ot, J. -leWELL AE Carpenter, ituider-atd Cotractor. Pians trawntandi estif-tsatusteaîssoi Repaira, Altcrations and OJoI)bnti. opposite SteplisilSofl's, Basaa467 wiiiis il 0% Phoe 49 Marriage Licenses. le.- of 'toaOe 's" Dr. E. J. Shirley Vé,te4rititry sutrgeaons ttaoorary galasto ari toa Ie'sry C""Va,""d'is.o,- 2ta 'i4iP- or11 jarirsot ttoeîrth ,5.11 ear5tomo é'ay, a t 'tr e"Tioye5IUs i Caaeatii5grit ad nSe f A;hcniand nd(a Ste uie F. E. LUKE, 0P"l(,t ' .î 159 yTorge St.- TORONlTO CENTRAL BUSIN4ESS COLLEGEj 'Torontsolite yaa ta acie for ta loit. 0oScat.okaac. Nnm a.oi,,a det, og n Cer5 t ýTCî,îî5ii SESSION Studenis .nay enter any-a apenecte year. \owis a ga taC ta enter. Laigentt rnr n Canada. Gratinates gt bh pastans Theasantit stiying ai home. I acas se riliof the i anousa Bisas lb ot. ,Krepng Systeas',for O'stas o lAtas Basiarsrons Stan anu Finis. Write for paiiars. PErERBoRO' BUSINESS COLLEGE nte"ees and lasbsme'n Witby, Phsone 99 Raglan, W. H. reot, agent. Osat- 47Pisones anti ai1 Catis byNay or nigisC pmiptly eideis.Charges an etate. Isened ta rtliYe ptCICLUNDEISTAI(ERS 1 stuS 1, ca iudramMt fdna nq p-Oties u -5 TUe melmel ha-e ana-nana-i ecpatataan f for agb grade wo'k ýâ W tapKLtToT. 'y" .t S or esit'e, aie in asgond piiiipiy e0di, local growts at mioderate paîces. ROtY On Thustintay, î2îîd ifat Col iînday tionsDay, tsi. stores anti otltf r * nes pac w i-h h ose at tnt 1 bren s0 tlisat al may eijoy tise aI4ti is,Io lot thlie tilaim it i Oir ntocki of snaniiier isnatýt oaci't, ft, etc.-is romipitte anti very S. Rt. tractive. "lie niveal,' hapes ais liet %atOnes. W A. Holliday wiii tise sqocli l ield lant 1'irrdaýyc an ing at fisbasmn oi Mr. RicitartiM i to- waisqiite a sktrcessb Tise choir of tiitmsaeî oiflü saa. jotýabte Ioia it-sa lioCtesitint rs'ery CI tae setirois sililitc tite.paretstnasti teili attend inl.tue bail ganse nsikt iiir loniisg Ita> naa Air. 4a11ai M . nl s his s ait duaiis frielas, c rca'r is t. Aiftccn i yers fromi tiattaîne in n1ager iii ing.m . Obride gisos oh tta rtreaai at aise cnis Tise Sanda v Selianol antidishusteiser- ibis tvek,, aiîti wiii thono ctsca sires in te Preýsi)tirtiintirsaei will thintxwestern hume. Sinreisgo bcliel et thlie regtlar litetrs ne wises fia shapylite isçoipi Stadjyay trit<otî 'tewrchange tist t heini tans nsnoîîncedl a wrek agi> llho Wisrn anythiisg isneedtI fa ania mothts ie olosaittt i.gsntiyundcrivamy i ,, ny is , go Mit. Wlsonn iii er 'andibis bride 'W1',il. ltoiiiday andiCo. of Aiedee.n, ta, et re lberefor n a e.:and Bra J. E.Jcffrey, oft Cen doys'visit s it ic tMr ierColelersai ltOffce,'rorao, nisi granîttaresits.e, i.ai'lie1s T. Il. wlit e rprts in-Bgoklis 0% Wison.lir.Ce'oiltar tolidu a ceapon- Sundal' oflasi stock. situe pasitions sitt imtie tret 'l'est- Mrýilenlasy lioynltte, nf tisai Tqrd ern Iotrs at Alsricen. PTiosts sn u Oscntea Ca nof'ToWron Mr.e. t'il Wilson, mwlîo la noe a tvans in, Broonil4ifo mie wer Cit t' ïv.,soring inti te ares'ils af lita cd tlnstant, wlis hIerandijM ilite Iiiittîîe MediinetO C(' an s homo GeoreBig iig1a eaoMise Fioceice' 4Lît a test tavs iast sr it r bm I Bligisi, aiias i4oia i > o tas Pietoon Ttteins'. line. ITo It o on e loolinit for ________________________ asiralfarpa nen't Wiitli>y o tia - ýNsitlli t4io itntions of jinisig isati Neùralgia OtaisIgtviog . an.d S ciatica iO Jr Foiii 1tbawll scinb l tCr notaý Cousentigrentsuerragi g afr2iS r. Anubr fi w er oon lia t Nthîngefflective until Dr. 011e..'. getîitiU1ej took ia sle lawsn pal Mediciîne ware Used. itltiat llrtiaonos]Tuusda1' sgit, "il ;ancane , mepleasurs ta aoald't ihave inii iil thiey lhait f tavneaisly of Dr. Cba'ssNrvo I'oentaus iwvthbthi ad, lidney.Liver Pill," wrltesM 1r. Lat weca s report apeaisa W. T. Colin, Morpieili, OtsI 1*1Ibd tiboagis' q >es aa ptniiltyai been'a anderta for 25 yeenl *a'm graie a wilng ciace beisewen m),ft irefatilea. inflsb and ait ieitlgie aoa'andinlia d frimai nearWl:lfaIte ib@ sina gje,.iliidayéan .inti Renods J tissai wiîisui osa partiacle .o! rlttnian t, ha gIs to equit a wall, uttihi i began tise ose of Dr. Chase'% _ Tit1. laggnta>tllii.inisllers titi enedicines. Betore t had Onlithod 150show ap 0en Wedricnday nigisi boxes of tise Ferre Foond s4Zliss.1_' ppearLac os Wetintsadaynilgit be ft In y conitio~n. I hav &0 laepudtattes thitie t il munis confidene' In thueMedticsnsihee$a tisa i bave'recaniietndedtem to hy dfauà dcaen, of 507 frmnds.a .Tise social hp ti et Mr. Risît in seseesses oft Ibs nature thes.Moore'as ans largeiy * tenided, s enîshinet usa- ofet heu itltMediie tison s suc atilat nofies yna lirioga remailla wblnh are bý 0U'Se ieie. hre oà prising and imtiatory. Te.5i4a Tise lMy'rteorsiqcepnnsdcrishaes neyLiver Pilla reguate te l. t4ois of kitineyn. l-ee. and bowes wile u10>0whyisa 00,iniot,.tci ot te Nerve' Fond eieste gblootn'tut9i goluitlon Sa uray ~adSt anti istiltisup tisae nous. sybmsday euingn. Ai possibln eis romako.Ba" & col eT.05N b. 5attii'ty inlt-ltt crsaand tia sba' - --'- fWC inticea pretty littepaer ig a risisher tireti buggy îttachlcte 1 IP,ofessioua.I Oardsrnt iatnaWeeySaty Stcawaberiesno5w are ripe agin; _______ Oh tisai ! low ginilwe li; f...T I3A GLAY Foir nt ext important meal. Berrîster eit Lawe . "Impo<rtant ttai" h5ien lio.îcstar, SNotaey Publtic, Speciai Rai. îavey't got couipBi>y. st.r th 'e IightCous tsofJ saîc. QIi L t snO. fDos A ct;iltîras ,.A Bad,»ack. R-. J.SG. D J VVî B A. $ SA WAIINING ?IIAT KIDNPY.« tiarrlater, Solcltôt, 'iboia-y Publie ARSICK. et. .A haI backrns enacry twenity.-four offiice Jri donc west of Paol Oilice bieues nto ose atol rousti nf pain anaI Mozny 10 1.0e. imitcy-you are lamie la tise Motnig, 1-lnngged al day hy a duli tiscobinfg >Ia-aE S àlti\EI.t.,K. C.. liai bachacise, tant ceals tisahenv ni5g or tirant, CeOnt> Craies Attoeney. est ainnp WeilI At CQUsaty tastlite. ofine asautbiswa , lgitl. I1hurts ' oi Casest ssae 'saiithi A10 hbnd over, ttaightws 'Sp. JAMIai tIUTLIsIitLE, Barrst*.eta'at nia Cont a 5faneteleoùti anaY terIua 0115. ofcitait, aor lift .mIaediei> touais of iROY'., etel aven- a aiglt. Wiitisy, Ont. AIy sutidea ý ia W o mA.ny. isa il. YOUNG 8tIiTUi. I- b.far tibter, 0'tP Sasli tuia ngle. i55t insertoge lie-uas Office- ela' ',tnk. neaita (iem arket. Whitlr 1 HE DOMIIMN' ANK lrsud aasts-TOON, 0 E. B. Osier, M P., Presidnnt. W. 1D Mattisews,Vice-Preaident. C. A aagert, 0(- ' Meaager. Ca1it.l,$'i,o-ooolcrre5,o, Total Assts, 16,so,ooo A lranais ofiithisak i lac cacab- lisheti ira London, Iga-aon tstaof j oty frt, t 73 CORtNtILL, E. C This tranci. wiisue Lttercof>!Cretul anti )ra-tieun il importanta pintai b Ca-Soda, negotiate Biis semtaforbac oele. tion, malte tetegeaplsictra-gefers, fani ,trassavct eeery description it ait inog lssf,,rnlation will lbc furseunSail Cadias ma-canes. A speciai l eparawt "I b e lproviet inr ise ose Of viations sud eiserceoe nase tettecs-eof Credt. ak a-c o n teasing Isinge of pait tîseongistise sacalespot. Butsb'Kitiney pili eesch tise eak aýpot, lise kistncy, ant iclay resoqar1 kisinry iealtis anti omulat. Tbey are gaarantrmti. Ail deniers ast dragglts 50., osr posîpaiti froni tisa R. T. Booths Co., Lt., Port Erie,COt- Sentri for fCeaiebox salueh salI1 bceglati- ly srot on spplcatiois. Comnunication. To tise Eiof itise GasOils r»ar Sic -Will yoa shIOW m6 sa-e in your palier ta tisa-sIC nsyna-ny am- Wminces or tise wa-y tisey sta-yod by une saisea tise reprt -a-sgent Ont tsat ar, C'Iayi.onanadi aysli wfflselliag likthâiat aanôot ptain1tise stand- ard. -not onese IcCbuthai sai cilliey sacre wl sgcctla-flet i tis the uilis. 'Nov, csi, wva vainot seaifletitti thse tes, iiad wr lia-tMi. lueasenti t so l> milmliesott 1wha itti jalleit reli it 'ras i ii loti t 1test tiseil an. rrtsrns 1 Miittty w. 200 acres, for $17,000.1 Mre Long gesasin $5,00 cah, tise <alarire laiag lefi osn aCon. mlon$gage ai r le r tent., tisn etting lAo hilm $0110aeyear, mare ua hisè ca-tiot 11.0 e~aing las net revenue troisthClan hi saleIsfarm. Wilial Tises Ite aeia 'are tintesrciatitireF nilsot, two, Long anti Grillas iig Mc.- ide b iside. AIl tistee arte oastise coato sorth side of K ingstona5 Siseai Otit? arniers n tenigisrboot i d ot have isettgit'fsi aptînnas, an&stil 0t1- The erg ofiensaI good priera, witisoit sales tie helsg ag de. tebi TendeaS tsar Çoncrele Plers and Sioe.Thse MOI nua. Miti Lake Narows Bridgre, Ms Tawaaehip 01 Cardent, COeuty 0f Orteil Victoria. o Tetad£re sili be reneived by this w tario underaignad nl uiWedoieeday, July Maniel 5t b, 1911.i for tise fs'lowing wotke ;a-r pal 1. 3 Coocrote Iliere ta raiCeive tsao la--e 60 ft epana. - 1. 2 Concrete, Fera ho receive 0011 1120 ft. efpans. S. Blousa Filling 'if Arproseteld. Plans ansi fr cteations anay b. mono st tlse O roftise Count ist i ýClark, Lindtsa-y nid Whisthy. , Tise Cûnmaitto clime the ~rigt b ho accept a- Inuit r for itheor tré 'e pierB or iwo piir , ndit o dci l any or 911 ai tie tranitera. J. R. M \ILLIE, Clerk, i(a)sty of Victoria~ Lindsay, Juine 1 9111. U4 Ip ana ed, of 'Pork' Tise en-o n rM'airin i bad nE rgcment. Yassorîuuent of Srreen Doors to choose ngiag as follo-ws- ,25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.60, -$200. Sprisig Hinges, Hook anud Eye and sizes, teoi Brock Street, Whitby. à d% F'% A d L) A

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