Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1911, p. 5

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bc bearty- thaakd 01(1the Misa Maggle Stowart, Of Toronto, Aifr. atid Mer Vereion Clark fa l'-P T i I ta Mr. and Mcl. G(eceeiiprat Surnday vilhli hcparentsa b. oita. rn;a Misasilerali 1111Cs.w 'et, o i evvy, ff )S optlt. A. (ier.) A. E'i. îluJtyr, of'Ta- Taorontoa; i. .Johna Brtrnloitauî irs. c conta, arlattei this sreewitilîlit,, par- lawile, af 01î11(wiî .are (Ila oily-and lilslp o oikeep enta bore. . 'mr. Jiae a riton. Siltres. yiro'iocaoc ~rogn ,dî 'irya lnad lmr,. liter.) Wml. %st, and cbldi Ire M. WII.ila«;lto kf3 l[* 1r' ,tioi,' ii(i r~e oeuig oh halit on the apaulcof B~ ltuevalo, arc vfitîng sitb Mirs. :Ralnhlay (o talion..position 'viiliLi]Unpoercdtonn hh a. filean Wedaesday, JK. Gordon. ' hardware .lttm Va Teoiitîs, M'~ir> yiiiû goid ealth roblat.depend * coiam thty Is. <or.) . <(lan Aaine, andmit a, P'r«nlRive ailI tak (!,L t le IIl eLsic Le sr. ofc i Tosiî a ronta, are vîsiting %witb iir. naît bîjoinnoa lai e store o-AiMr G.0 Mr. d1e. jc E CHAM'8 Mr. Gardon Andersona, otflPerth, i,;5AlLri, * . JIlobSOnet llIas iiI n, .-vsitlag blis parei'ts, M. nid Mca. MM..Frisl ýaîlsoan, af Torclo ùMi. thirbuinssmetig Mc. AIbrIKerand friLndoia fii rucerlr ant Mrs. SîLuüga',s I of Eh ILS 19, atlt 1 rîclore,' tho rantoe spcnt Sunday with O.ail Toronto, and Mca. Saiindcca', cf, Ocli- ln. ,'h*'As ..i 'c tdo . eroMraa wce in taîî'îîoan l"iî(lay iatteagl- IL asLpoad tii tu i r. -Norinaii MacCarl asdotetînd, ilng (ho fainerI 0f Ilie tatalIra, tDavidtpar, foot. , Thospecil W aict ta d iül l exictdtora T $llfi. tlintlay, otf cotwere aiththi sbn, CeIrie Strect.tepl a20nalitlm t. eslicgaivro tra e the. !ormr's. parents aver Sunday. ePldm2 lna isalins maatticotein I _ Miss Bcrtba MeCanii, a Of rajio, iv3& A petitlan agaînatt(ha work will for ~ ~ Et tuhoccl i-« er bamte bre for. a t(lit, Oviiot Lca1at avail ta Prevent its construetion, ta thise nse Of fier sisterMaLa LIrhn anr ua~MeCann. FORM i. JOB. WITE, iii tata partL : AlssDr. Chas. leG!ilivray, aîmo -lias SRo 1 anCak bic, upe raonst amîdrgoiand nitht Tale notice (bat Selîvol ai Oras.ory no nprovbet in elid mO altle L The LCoulcit ofI tbeCorparation Local improvements. Clilirotit Chbina ;m" tf ie haarooind againo. aireha Towniof! Wliity intemîda tu con- Mi. laiigh, Ladies StneOtt n etril i Leers sa a Local împcavemneîî a ce- FORE 2. y ilia. eageaa aftanWedeoay orIliirara' i ent sidewattaon tha taloîiing Section 13. Toroiol. Mcl. Mlale i00 S m lth'a halls. Thî'ir couas, tuBa atreets, vi., 1. 'lho Colirit a1 -(ho Municipal ir ;itdrÇS OfaIwei- Flarence Nobîte, .tcompaniedlthema, Icone lirocle Street (a IByron Street Corporation of the TownnIofWbitby le. Atdmission ta co- 4nd wîî romain, for a monîli. on, sootto ide af Firet IStreet, 1our ilenuls tatansotroot.a iicernent sidaý- r______________________ !fet wite.wallî on (ho üfalawing attenta, iz.: Prom roek Street ta ultein tre(abieScttaDnO t:WSTIG.on north sileo ite t ol Strent, 3j tact Street, areat sida of Greena Street, 3j AT\H.LT IN f M.isceUlaneous Adve'rts. aidfet wide. philb bl ia n ite f , ____ rom Gilbiet Street la Dandais Si. tromo cool sida o!f ash Streeot t. roiîîonWtdonesday 1 TENDERS UW r'iNTfd). cast side of licyialde Street, 4 feal (lie lIant Seboot grouis on north ioe, -k!for filenpur- l Tendere vilihobc reived lîy t(lie wile. aide ot Duiodre Street, 4 (nerywit., ip organicatioat.jdÀiPort Whl(le)y Syndiate 'T'trtaling ('0, ,Proie Dunda îct( ays rmsIîdas Street ta Mary St. il[it'tegates (o'atteýnd uP tilt Jmiîy oti foîr ai engimîer aniid on eat eilde 0f Pine Street, 1 tant west aide aI Ast Streaet, 4 fIt.widie. ao hi' leld cri 21th of1manaer and twarriîra mmi lacrie widc. Prom Cntii Street, ta Byron St. moiamn. cmmgsars .ti tid egs Po odsSra aMarz St. osnmortt aside of Dunlop S(rpet, 4 f t. - i vchar,. sili..ca oong«. Fr arund.s rrcétet ta ---t'iUA, SPon astsigelo'art qrtivt.imtliy.,wde TO REN'I. Sommer Cottage ai f Iydenshara Park, Whtby. 6 roams and kitches. Apply te W. 13UPN, arpenter ant IRsilder, Brorl St. Good grersl seeeaor for farm car e j mawi. Goad *.wsge.. Na mithing. APPlY bOx 46o, Whithy. FOR SALE. One ingle buggy, neanly sce. mr- Lasghtin miate. Cheap for cashl. Ap. ply ta A. R. Rlowland. FOR SA~LE. lurnilure amd carpeta, taetsding a qeantity of airiste.r. .Asîity as ce-. aldence af Mc, Wm.. Newfprt, Wlitiy. FOR SAIrE. 9 Cheap (0or cash, 19 acres 0f landt m ow cas.L roneMary Stre t3taeJohn Street, wrmide n SrettoByo s.catoldeMaIr eStreetto Jhnetreedt, f'orth Ge o enltpetterot, 4 (cet siPro f yo Stet.,to fentreS., wot id e fDulp.tet,4 net Fo Bdeytron St. 4 (Cntet .. -Prom John Street to Mary Street, I rom tDunlopi Street ta Gilîbert St. east side of Palace Street, 3 feet an ras t i de trock Si., 4 fet wide. arid. J roie St' John Streot *to Trent St. From Broc]( Street te Byron St. <!o west side trock S., 4 (cet wlde. norh Bdeof ar Stect 4feo1Prom l)osdas Stre macy St., wothaiel I ar Srrt,4 e t wt ide (enitre St., 4 feet wide. FrOm flrock Striet la Centre St., Estirnated cost $2240, of, wbicb north side of Coborne Street, 1 leet I$0,0 is te lie patd by the Corpera- wlde. ltion, andiftlhe copeciai rate pér foot And Intesifs ta npecîlly aseem a rontage la 48 cenîts. The special !ae- part of thie eaal apon the land abstt orsa;incnt la to he pald ln 20 annual ling direelly oni(lie .work ud sinon thelse aroona riin opeiin gî land wlîicli ia insneflately beiîeltted oidrtaog he or 'e petnua doan on hy the work. nettnth otmutdgon 2. The etlmated coot of the work or brînre tlie th day of Joly. 1911. la $2254 1 iwlielm$973 la (o hapatd Wlîthy, lUi line, 1911. hy the Corporation. Thse eatimatcd tos. WRIITE, specl rate petr foot frontagea 48c. Town Clerk. Whilhy. TEND ERS WitNTED. The Trultees of Itinoate Churiti <ens recive scafed tanders up ta .1 <ie tM oc tisa ccetion 01a anew hall, ts U cu recetd aarty ln Septemlbere. 'ialie àaatlre, 81x28, concete ltindîatioii, I otai iaietilag asde anaî i, inî.d blI uilding paliar on bath* aidCa., M2iatrtal will bc pravidetd t e ta' thea èont. For fuitiar ei- Jars sppfy ta C. J. SCuemsaa, Sac. a( Board. PARS FOR SALE. Thl;Iirs-celasa facon at i pelmt oe espltd hy Mr. A. HIusiQu anaîtlitýii su t. Franis faceni, adîaiiîî)g te iMlage of realin, ()al., and bcbig cqmposed of N..!ofLot il, crail, , Tawnlshlp 0a1 Mest Wliilli. 'thu build- iogs, are sufiilea ,t, a nd the soit 0t the bost qualitiy ;watt wsiercd mmd rmail beaulitetly sitîîated omn (ha Grav'es »oad reoning ROrIb, aniiwithln bal a mlle of lwo caitway alatiûoa.FirsI "asa shools, rliorcbeg, alid hmking feiles at (ho vII>' doar. --'Ter',", waay libéral. For focîher lafocms(loa ajilly ta T. . MeMita, Oshsawa. Oshaies, Julit 13,11. FARMS FOR SALE. parmes for sale, Whltby, Towsablp, af éIl glae froun7ac es ap ;hast ci sol!, WeilIadapitdacr slzy adtlien oral, facming. For fuIl pgrllcular8, pply tu ownar, 32 JanVis Strt W R . PI TO RENT. 13rlck cottage, barilansait (water, * ses lot, wth fruit ad vegtablO garden ad W enkasYard. Cetralîf laçated, on main street. ImmOdiate puassslau. Ir. Hoarsd Ana, Wblt- by, OnLt. i Cottage at Heydraabare Park tah cent. Apîîly ta Dr. MCGýilil:ay, Wblthy. - GIRL WANTED. Sceari kitahangIrl wanted atonoce atThea Widar ouise, Whllby. PARE TO 5ENT* Excellant fatm, splendid clay 1000, ah Oshawa harbor, ta cent. Firit elame grain and stock fartm. lowtsg9 star pesent crop; "0s"ssooApil lot, 112. AppI> ta G. D. CONANT, OaebawagM0th. TENDERS FO1<. GRAVEL. Tand ers wlll haretaistit Sm the CIlur'a Office, Whitby, up ta Friday, îdlb Juna, îgli, farc dlivering 50 lotes gravaI n enaeLinaei, 25 lvads lime iULIe eas5 and 50 foaseon Beack sdcccl, neae Wm. Wetlake'e, alan 55 loada o n Duedas setOat Btair's Cresh bridge. J.,asata comprise IX yards andt gcsc s h e nishait by thse seaderar. Sy acter. JOHN SMITH, Charoia os Srcacis. Pe.aaI<Wriie Tise vsivisd, Isuisat so g S ROYAL THE-ATRE Opean avery evasing se 7.15~. Higb clas Mnlviag PiesseasandItlîlse- 5,ul*d Sang%. Osr pricea anea delsa, 00c chitl an, 5o; ecespetacurspeatal avarsons. H. R- BOOMER, J. 1B. Fssix, Ta.iloring We are naw sbowimag samples of our new Iiajira'a Clotît; a rainproof fabrie of fille texalre'andI tiglîl weiglît, wlsmoh le wiii-poiofiandl eomfortable. As against (lhe tonileeiy ta lsuy the cotIser unslealtlsynîmîsîer conta fie r mamy dayo, the lîsperva cloth in iis a now outiet. Madsîe to your orîler with thea Presto (Patent) Convertibile Coltar, thea Ovar. coat eat)lie worn ai nIl timies. We aima moka Suite of tlis clatIs. 1 Suito ciit, ýriinmoed and made in any style (rom vi(ur cîwn moterial, $12.00 anel iîpwiLriîî, in 7 eays. MAURIME MURPHY TAILOR Wlmltby O. ntario tINGLEE? CO. FINI PIOCCIIIS --AND-- 11111UMETS- Retiriftg From Busintess. Having decided to relire from the Stationery Busi- ness, I will fr the NEXT SIXTY DAYS dispose of rny beautiful stock of Sta:ioo&ery, chia aadj FaRcy Goodi at SIauthter Puices. This wil aflcsrd the p;ac1e tof Whithy anad sur rounding ountry the opportunity of buying at great-- 1>1 reduced prices. Buy carly and gel firs choice, WA.J5Il. Richardson Fancy <loods and Statlooery BRZOCK ST. WHrMTY. PAGÉ i 7V& 1

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