Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1911, p. 6

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PABLIAMM7~ las tbei1 Tho ivemberoof'theclonial menilers Thnme fcoloniale je the iare pon tth.Q-PpChtlie»ainde and el- pritlnh Noune of Parlierent tead- lyeh cs n,IQ'ovemont.Six of Uy inicr-eanes. In 1887 thero scre tliam Il oç*,ý olqnal embers 5ei3y six. Iij 1i900otheva werc six- of Perh 4ntn~ d one wass Prime fece. In tha present parliainet Ministerçf 1spronpnce ihoere are twenty-four. Onlly thonse ire inclnded %aho sero bore and, bredi in Geenter Britaîn or lived in iomo part long enougli to acquieo INDGNITOS OF BOYALTY. L local ijettrest. othecwiso the lieU wouid bc thre tmes an long, seyn Qeee# and Prinèsse" Someetlmes P, writcc in, the London Exprene. Travel as Pleain Mrs. orMis But it ia nt oly ietmbere It bas alwaya.ieen the cutom cof that eonimals have 1%Rxred larger royalties te trevel. senaer aeeumed It the latcen rai elction then, t naines, bssj tlioiage heir incognito .ny otîxer, b tje their powcer to ia roapected nost poople know wlio arrest publie attention. At thae lc, they are. The in eg, and Qucen of ginning intereat centrc.d te North- the Belgians,, ho lately Nvent to nest Manchester, wlere Mc. Bonar Egypt, trave'led undor thee nane Law inade each & gallint figlt- for-cnof(Jount 4asd Oountess de Koeh1 tariff eforro, and there isneot 'the and as thigs as àam no eml least dont that the victocy of.M. known they score net recogeiized. ly Max Aitken t Ahton-ioder-Lyne most people. heartcocd the Unianistsa alllng Thse lato- Queen Vicoeria. clled the unte. lerel! the Cunetesof Balmoral, Then Sic Chares Rose won beclt the Czar Paul I. and hie Emprce Ncwmacket foc the Radicale, Mr. Oece sent on a long journey to Alil Hanier Greenwood, Sunderland' the greAt courte of Europe as the and M. A. C. Peck, Saffron Va- (out and Coutes du Nord. Thse den. Ere more rnmaakable WAlet King of ESweden, of the aincient the reture f M. Joa. Martin, for, linso'of Wee,. Gusta.ve' 64c1ph IV., St. Paneras East. Beceune lbc anaw calied humlel Colonel Qestt4vson. 'dùo rasnefoc an cecetian,' he mea .Queen Alexandra. of E2la1nd on dcnicd ail heip f rom officiel, Liber- cee occasion, wnhen ahe etayed ine alînni. But lie noon sbowed he mes Parie, sa under the canne of Mis. quite able to dispense with it. ne Stephiene, neye the <e4tlew~oeaa, le net nicknemed "Fightins JOo"- and SCaecni Maud cf ifocway 'wlen [or nothîng. aiselneie anexcursion often cle REG1WTTED ABSENTEE. heracîf Mina Mille, schile lier sitèr, 'the Princeen Victoria, travels Oten Ail celoial membece cf thé old asMn ohnon. :- Hocceocf Commona hava lane e- ,Thje King of. Bugaria travels as terned foc the new anc exccpt Mc.ounit Meerany, uwhle the preset iteneiker Heaton, n-ho ban retired King, cf Itely labecr e iclame.of aftcr represcniing Canterbury for (out Plîcoza. The Gean twenty-Sivc yeern, aurely a. record. Ccown Prince and. Princeas ell Be sili ha getly mised, though theimelves Caunt. Aned Ooeetess mitli anglcd feelin , hy Minitere Ravenen-cwrtle, and hie Youngez, and ex-Minietera. ~i -PlaCP Ae the lacthoesPrince -Auguet-Wilh ei oldest colonial mecaber le tgken Up. and Pcince Oscar trevelled an i'tee Mr. W. Kenmick, -c ha-e set foc Ceunte von Lingen. Epsonm. elere 1899. Tise x-Emnpresse ugenie wleeI He in a pertuerle thse great enst- ehe jeincognito le known le the ere bonne of Jardine, Màtheeon & Couetens Perrefonds ie remene- C., whi-blie nepreaened je Hong brancaecf a castie of tbat camne Kong for yeac. Like Sic Thoma thaï; was once ginen toer ec Na- Sutherland, lie tool aua active sUae.poîcon IJI. Thse lete King Edward ie the affaire cf the colony aa a _ae keome an tise Duke'of Lecca-~ eember oi tin- Legilaturs.Tsetér And ring George take for hie ieielt candidte for Waiwrth treveîîing neme tUe titie of Lord ut thc laea iction, anslie nan e mRen!res-.Th crn ndier wlicli Jenuecy, 1910, and le 190M, an M. Quee Alexandracegenerally tc&vea Belilion, ntico e colonial fcem Hong le tUe-Coontean cf Chester. Kong. Thse late Emipredse cf An-aUna ai- CANADA HAS TEN. waye alierc ameetared as tise Ae unuel samen 1887, Canada com- Cotntean cf Hochenemise. TUe ing mande mot tength lneuaHoue, of Swedenle knowe as (out Tel- tee cf the colonggrd.E-ial menimbeca bein a K.B-ing 'Manuel o f Porto- oer noe U aetkoeaeM. e lcwfond ef beieg incognito Boe aeand Si olbrt Parker, and n-an thokem s Joe Vr already famiier feren eEn4.i els peblie lfe. The cenning men la Mc" Ma itkea, eh.racreteci as e, eepINEApI'LE'S mANY VIRTIJES. cf the aurpriasecf tUe election. ne lied on ly en days le whieh f0tecýke java-.snaile In -Uestroming Pelseis- the ecciaitance ocfi-e coiltitu- ency and ta ccganizc the defeat cf csTeee8 ePilfsra ftac itting meecher. That lie sien- Fireaspinecepple WOOicelias great ,lc,,,,,edien was due thishai- ve as .s deigestive..A, aali becinnae n-an. ecal populai 1the- lirn 3an ena 3This n-i Lieg Et Board ATTI Age. 12 14 *15 -le of age i 'fTaeE than at Andi pede. No-w tlicc. 1 ed by t report, tice Se able sti or none- peuth! c a' g c c cfage.. Wut et echli, fcrmatc werc o« eat ade portion pIe. Wbn sariette ren nwe- INDANCE AT SC Ne. ci I puse'in y la. The con- eeied, and t, Ulire il ifel Lcok l" d nie out, ted ýte bçr liat 'aeethe day, n-hoel 'thet mc. à et h Ëck metl nd tliey it I n-as ilsc cf basnies concentration and ameunt silI diget a considerelil ani-sa,368 ,022endiea apeceo'ns A ndo fU n- c shlfeoabc- asionate Iniperiim.1lIe iaon- piecé cf steak or eny ollier animal saend 5 makina ttalcdaemfO aweawvil <nu hld le re thirty-tn-o, eed hansnmade a largo tienne. . ioiling, licanevr,seceme cela stmknoacta te1ac ig nidcwfor tee monthns, sape inkitth nzme n h pnep ce f 248,050, o!f935.9 pia ceet. Thus, 'n a 'cksem,4 erw<~}ic fortune in iedustrial concerne nliiteezms nts ieplas emanp n 4,90tted seuither astheVlhinc; Pise ried i!ol- Canada, the West Indien and Son'th se thet after eanning it losos ite s44,5 At a4ceî rtri,Ï wdwr A meice. 111es ife in the nieaeof digestive pon-ar. day eclicol ior avenlng scoo. v-'wa" for hllre. .f~lvn AdmiraI Prury, commander in Te I pepn f or g-i per cent. of our --boys and wtb fo' r ean. fsverlin chif t te ore hmsei Ca- hepecuiac rprt fp. egirls aged 14 have done. !îth adu- lith ,c i foaear nd ie witlisv chi! t UeNoehiee! Cn-apple juin. inekas t of value in cation,, 'h ls ie, en. Aigj lis er wit i se adian. many es. For instance, in dipis- At 15 pears of age tUe procpMoron,)dens.wj Afrltehrd tiif*, I)vhe FROM TBE ANTIPODES. terie, it je used as a gergleande!e!eildoacU i cito ases Ic forPie trdaimeDavi The Autrelien contingent, shich the dipitieia membrane disani-f hlrnntasco ie tSoPnuPeesa "wr utenol ieUthe trungest in the pears like m tgie t ls to-ucis. nearli 82 par cet.; et 17it Js i5O h svon chrn. lionne, is non- th~emalet. Its £coins te have te pain-r iof pieking na p8 e en. t1 l~ With-lre he hliaed elevpi-yearz ot ail non-living animal tsinas again te searly 87 per cent. an ad s vnchidrei, n-len lhe rresentalivc in the Canorvative adrpdpdgeigtee e- Tisa figures, lied as tliey arae, ieMe Oeyss' - pacty ie Mr. Alan Burgoyne, n-aing railyvigetienà%es. le ase -ecl ll uni ncrc i te OAltUseasr e e rfe fgid whoin a! lvig tsseï I._ a. icgdlnhol mchola -r e i iitaeu-owisood el c re frte fcet as oneeof the editece cf lUe Naval a! quinapy, pineapple juice dige1ate Tg ho n hles. mils m tbs. fi!ne, Daniel odewikui OCronja Anma, ed a apeter n heal poiecene stisse, o!tec n igte a eUe etlm t asndon-ar nith aight childe. Wtis great Autralian ine fimm, in feen- theelef liudaynosth e Uht tete14yorso!ar hlm lhe aIse lIn-ad even periand tuear mitU trade conditions ie the Sctirel it e net notest te, lecian of go a oe hirnshelitc Comimonwcealth. Mr. Thomas, n-ho arlanehil, atisndetibst ie pae c onletic5er tiof lane i tû o dfr are itra. nrld ft in tiie New- Souths Wales Legis- o ad ol n h elwcpP id*Fv er ý",ehnrted lative Ascmbiy as a Lebor mecul-May oten romaini upon tise hoalfoth ihtmeHndkKlp er, now rcti ai a Lebor member 'aithosît epeeing, liolding iseck tUe iun tUe daytime. foer ts i ne Mcli l foc Derby je lUe Perliienent t puc. TUe eaplication ef piceapp MANY NOMINAL SCHOLARS. Witli hm se I-, lin-ad clevan Wesminter an M. Lnch as jica inn-ecîehiy etallishes frc j iold lie borce in wmmd tfU ea s-ad ad toncidccn, n-tee etinst, woesadMro-ynBrsme drainage nitbin a short time. tealsosefigures in cne iiport.anealo id.A rtwe peare eUe pAtbien nmade ine so noterions dar- Far s dpinepietractenedinthe ste- respect make thee nlier of ichel- marriaâ for tUe ixlb tino centhis eeg the So'th Afrean nar. a iîyDetrappe a. Omeven5thve ramlerara 4peer ietter Ulau they raally occasien, -eth Ccwnceead Hendrll . A. MEMBERS. 'then a cure. It cannt qickly cor- are.-rI1refer te the tact Ulat partial c y re, awih iem eitis foua Tbcre au fa r .SuhAfq rîo ct dan acute attack o! ledigesniexemption frone icliociatteedanec isldn'e, n it in U ie ea n-e deakt tedialn e, WIii nshonghi mey preveet en ttece I 'ioar, ti affct7 4* great eMgny cf pie nnî 1 cW rfi, glvdtgt o lias defetnued 'I ie;nseil U1910, anditiin tUe pov-ej of the Len-er dc Celevn iyeas-a, laecaso dnech.SUhe a bseingl he Covecmeettnsat M SLRIE GO cation Authorities tu grant hli! ne isorchidhcatn-ho ceilad bec crig orth Goernmntthesct OUE PICS RO. ie attendance for children b-mte n tu 27() graedcisild- lest bp 5Ur. kYeuse; Mr. C. S. C,,id-- n-e iIe 4 er c g, e n. BShe àBIe sxi aive et tUe age matie, tUe millineaice; Mr. P. Moul- TUe AnImalifl; Net Bcbng tejlaecd acces cotaining, ae-cc58per ceeU. of 78 yeare-. loe, probably tise unly cloial lsy Ates, oft te papeletion-cf England acd eember cf Itali" adenceet; and lic. Vaeprileepon fm URSFO TFT1>M Mlillier, n-lis for tise Hiteie In apite cf the rapid grcn-th ofWln ata xistc rm.GÂD R9 u OMI divsion cf ilerti. He ia an ar- the automobile indu-tcy and the celicl attendence le gcaited by ad- dent tarif efrmer, and aelose many predictions that tbep tave ecceth n atînfctloc -f esovegetThe ecnk f ai yems. t e io student cf fedralism le politico. seuantlcd the datlknell o! tUe huroncte y hm Bie book, "TUe Commnei-tis; old l)obbie -and yuumxg PUlin arc thxt ail cildrenencumnerated l iin Io!a the BnkfEgen sr, a aendy f tlie Federal Sysem tnadiiy leceasing in value,. ampeineetth tUtettnd 1blc pcoleced Up tUe guerds uf cliticel Ecconipy,' should Un According to the reports eort Le achol fu li me. [mcm tise tin-cr instead cf byUne(c readU evemono intercnted in -theeUnited States the average na-te et MOST SERJOUS NEED. telatien t(îic rWl à uset. herses in the Unitedi States L- ncnrpaclc -e ielingaces Bacceeke. W tbIbis change Tlseme la no change n-haeernccle 111,7,'wnheU le nearly 43 enre pet cea r Ucpa l e ai gice in tice lmi castcm e!Uavnig the tUe personnel o! the Nen- Zealand- than il n-en in m91. e i i n 0pec Iea an uad acsnglte Ubn s- anteHee i.Fî.D. Sinice 1900, n-ten thîe anitsnî<îbulcsnimber 2,W2,000, hre-!oectliearae -i es-ne-d 'r.lai Mc, J. C. Wallon, Mr. St. iegan te lac regardcd lIeas nea toy reîee~d fronsdm ipi. sros Psonidiaig a garniei, foc tUe aisk- GerePpc, yan r e-sdmoea osbe e-.iy i iln rsrosdaCes laack %o 1780. thse tme, o! tUe <bege amcele cn McMcp1 ad mre s aposibl _ne1c tmaining. The spprenticeship eps- Gos-duin cies. Titee iscUlied aI- zey-Tlsompsoe. have lacen dalp ce.]tUe average alaxe ot hores lias n-,tribslgeydFpaeaned ak Nfwtadws cfne tUc sctbet a ceestent 1)7 ceIed r Tu$4.6-gai sn oent7- tor an ecedinglp largo proporioen edy foc a frola c intUe celione of tèm wthou a cntes. 0- a had he gin las lent ut ilthî(,ae mn U,are mithdrame freel TWO 0F THE FOREMOST. ovcry per exeept ccc, n-Uefiacre a1i cspcmn o ecr~ treesury, lat the tllk s! gcc.a- 0f tise nienbers n-ho n-rcin tene a 1 ct ca --mehcclmat cecm mnie.TUeeireo-ra-dee se-eaei cf 90. ad -aheatwe U-en 1907 and 1908. The figures liop fcecieg la ofmoellae nfdealamfiemppas. lyto-r PaclianstutIn,, for thuge ecî ien-eav e ehice.! ar il 1-r y e iieligavg Suncre thUa imlnctisie Ueok bas had tle Pas-Panent cf 191 he mot l-n« 10, $su.si; 1901, $5286; l9Siîtb a lhax zýt'umr is are, s, un- a ilepgaa o Iesdeo tfeeting are Sic Chiancis Rose ced 53.6ma19;03,0«2.25; 19ON, $67.93; l appile tsp.ea ,_]'Ja i es-plarge cOI n Cel<laa ersnib Ceniegar- Jàc Hamc Greeunec, bahtUCen--1905, $037 MO, 80.72; 1907, 1er 'It tis - - aisu go lu ak lte he iacio-daf clark, anl shean- "ans. Tbcy are mre of a iseatp 9.1 g,$34;I,$66;uBuacI14 e et forrýo fcek n otr h treleeme. The aecond soc of a <is- 89.1 98 5.1 99 9.4 ndct- 4prcn.'fou-peits-l the huihditg.. Tihe soldieme lingeissomistateesan, Sic Charls;Thc er190, 10819.11)169ti 101 va s . ai-o mae.n-ce. nY îbtIhe )loe se a publie man n-li touches TUNeis a 84t 91na OT SELF- CRN TAINED. cnngie5soRr brio1 pcuvided English lfe et rmasypoints. Hael tUe Ion- *aterinias-tfur borses. I twudb W'nuhi ewihadlu o hmefàdtr n-anscaa of tUe prsneriende etpi117 tUe an-rage vatue dr4spijecd ttý r th on-dlieain'inoghe wif -o in-allaad anrfo a of ll ne.m the late ing; Uc in e kete srports-i $11.51. Durxng tisa ycnrs 18 relU9olyctiei 'Uo-A-sidfrondahe an e f nanc sea, aai faiPs- igea ln tse 1851 îI7 and mn- tUe fig,,nci mccc n-Wealdlac enaffcientll seions f TU 1!tses i- iank cf Erig- sociancd afeaniàain-i-urein. th rtefo ieoîptm te Wn-e mccca nelf-ctaicnt action. tuc Landl frcem-Cntly r aie1 8z50juti, 1 Iioia n-e crCania ie jonaîpo Uit<, f tienietedl Statea;. jn-umtierigepregresor- [ne 060 Mini oetelp. T., b-k C ii tUi uItanav melsii cellce ie prn t ie _____z i -nmptlno mest ntthuseg. Eut on-ite r".uires i ais lin- Mar eia cie Ci deelli of Wfe ce Lcemnt nearc oct tUle n)y nation ina tIs eeeseai1 àn cf -1 c Ù1 , New ýJarketldtaxialin-ceatre ne-janno-lt-cee-çiAccen:i evoi tain :l'i,' e qre sot Coclonel Mcealmét, asnd egain et urretepis '-ea. ecrcl nediaid ,ea-el ae-i imo q ciss ste -s îstNdga tiethe leiolGanasflii55 <is o c î,eks' sc ,, s ,n nih uecccOnnlUelinpieelotsC lcfIilmc tesei thse nif., el Sirs-talcy E"eeautec pou ima-sihI-rvs a , eh'-tjUn ialscani rhe. et Che Clarnke.-a uce n-iu-n", et L L. . . ,a,îîa.aler tise Qaslirl n-wallsBad-ecok sais aniecming pronauay n-ore &Chlased as tIsa - ts blstitie foc m substance Ulat wo-eid'pron-ide imnmunitp fs-cm cgc. Cheeistrp it- sel! la tiesciUence n-heU gran- oct o! tUe nillasial scanda for tUe philos- 'opUer's toe eeof thene t-s propos-lien n-amsiuppoead to e latlis marvPllcixs power.,Rneh to-day tUe fondet dreani o! en-cycaie- tifin mid lethe discoery if msema aeencp tUat will restoce tle egeal tissue and proloca lîfe. Oelp the wm1esdrecamere in tise eaof dliemistry, nownt ericng Up- cencen-cc mac-els, bld tsatte elixir cf lite n-as s5tili a posibilfty, yet to-dsy ail the speculatioe is i-e- vin-rd and lUcre ara ceemptent au- hritica n-ho viliiearnefst]Y Con- tend that tUe dresai is not ncecs- Baiîy fetascen.' The reasce for aII thue ta patent. The metration cf .yout leis ep- amaily taegled nith tUe dreain cf Uaven, the fenete of en-ccp relig- icn. Immrtelity is but an4Uiser wscd foc tesperpetual îpcîeg of itc. The Crack EIysinen -ceas cegion in n-hidi tUe haeppy rejoieed the resinlacred licsd oses, 4m-e asoemi te tUe primeorcfyetli,tuc mwin-cI ea miallless lite "ever poecg andal e-s fair.'! The Indie n Blepp Hunting Greaisa i Mi-nana, Meavee, Valisalla, Parcelle., Ee Arcedie, Hesperidesalal carry tb central thoseglt. Tise fa]ic en figurativelp t et0, eeU aie Ul Ileing. TUe golden apjlesifo!tUe MeEpecîderiasi gardees n-are nup' posemi to e s-c me ocf and treugtis. Titan ces-nal yen h and eteriealiMe es-e tise maintreaine o! thauglitcenteS througis theaae-- est beliefe ot ascry aeaandi race. THE ALCHEMISTS, PERIO». Again age ced tUa approachtans diýSaoutPiu represeel tUe 8sopremae humaea tragedy. Tise greatent hait sitis nhic.i the dcvi! teiaPted tise elgsnuainte eoint day-elà-as tUe pcssiaIae uo-f rastuioal uti. Seulise egeal Fast, rcl5 ana sand wn-- dos-ii, inens te e bteonc etf - jen-cl tUaI scoald e canece them al -fscl poietinte eejePy ten." Tisi eUe f-1- -Mr c&lers te lin. na set, ad REPAfl OSESANDRIBS 16 era-sigula ofAsher- REPARS O~R ÂND11118. ms. Le-ese images, ptesuunablY o-i Tclls se Opapa-tUe Pisoaciai goddess Astos-eh, Surge~on ell fSii'ecseinl er TUsen-oselp of tUa stars-y lient ci1 tiee. Airecdy Pcrrotscd.- heaven n-as hors-cwed fron tiesa.i Noscos capelced mith hece tiaken syriene. It le so eermemtaccea le f rom tubs tof tUe Patient n-bacc fos- the Monala iaw n-. cli cites- tUe turcs are casdergolalg ecatucn- Tecoites isadi camne incontiact mitis tics epreentet lclatent edvanca in thlese castero pe-OPles, surgery. le the correct ninler of 17. Cauisemi their sens te- - opes, the Joinal of Anearican Medcine 'tiscaugb tUai firo-Tisaso mere ites Dr,. W. W. Caster toilas!feeehs: econnecteal nith tUe n-crahip o~f Mo- f uly efonie ovriopesatios lei), haeunal ic-4m Ammon ad eftl; ChI ciacter. Muoais. The -y n-caeproliiaiea idU TUelct cane is tha.tn-heU ne- ohoU (itca 18. 21) aad Deuter- itocemi lu facial Sililcnesarail- ce(iI12i. ý1 ; 1. ic. Alaz le said rond ma-nn-lo ace on lt f an acci- te hbavaeniade lis son pas tlireugb dent nitl iBienoso se dicigi-cal tUie tire (f Rings 16. 3). The pur- tUaI thero n-as lUlte of il lefI TUa pote o!fUis hideous sacrifice mie es-rgeon teck a peee tU ne inleapparedlpte propitiato thse Deits 'leagt fr[ntm lIce lpattent's nintlacil> Uv lUe picldieig up o! tUe mort andl netieg onaee f il on,Uise ro-- lrecioun Lýposnse. ionu. neing tip of tise nose andl te DJin-joati.onsanal ncshantmnente - oises-unce Ua caal pra.cc;s cf the TUes. n-are practicea Up mo-ans ci fronta borie grafîced il vîtU camc e.Iliamiscp (Eneli. il. 2-,anal ne- TIesa il s1living liono- ef tise dii co-enanap. Tisa mrne uacfi] hIbs, Uitled! n-lis tUe nasal trttatlure e aidtiese eling of flaemseîn-es fer formneda arafles- vii eli ectualpl ise11<cal pcpneas-ceelmitli aupporteal thse Sape ot skie salicis -tielne d,)atries, ma, tUaI if j n-s bi- cuglt p on-r thia snly lcd tise people fatic andl fart4ir fasiesalfeatur. Pltagrephe'ai a-sp rnm GCd, tf111 tUepformt taeouabefore andal atecrho- howa t aer <epeisenceUpionla ine andf imas-keai iscesae ingoed lbts ontheis- cccpeasihllitp te bien. thlie part cf theo patieet. Inas athoc instanice a gis-l six Lo g fU4<chlc'~n-0 woisnmaie easo g isad falca -en lier- fraegecai isbeade, if tIe gis cccii land ttnd ters- e ahdly. The ionly sissicothons inik Bo. - l pcnclioa, n-lieceeU a anal g ee- Q.-Why je anacoquitted Prpsione tion osf s-ie, gave lier a perfect pr-e1k a guniIA,-Beeause hoe ustt-s file. Anoter Patient n-as a -Omn en cep, chargent, and4 tIsn let off. larnaty-fiva eaen" laldn-behait fa- COn -"Weren'tyenpou su-xri8ed2 lana on les- nnýe heri'i sUe mecO sence al thiso- nu ms spaeertor didfist peers ola. Tte deforta lwnan ol tUe lied imcethnga pose snngle& in V' flatteecit cisd! ceenave n-auiaty TUe "aio, n pn -a ie siten-ai Eesa-acecoeats-ectod aiL bige fho-as Itm n-n-p.lin ceappck thuangu is paet rf bern isaIs ailsasd aeis las.tnon-k n-le ainthe asU en-me litnt - -f neeuB<Ssice an-wmetrn-. i ,_ --ss - - ---

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