Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1911, p. 8

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Gatneràde ',, vt D1~ITR~ICTNW eorr cr MINS$JLE. ~isuW ml'is 'ci- iCootl Mr. Iest, of Ashisirs, pïaehed b, ; 01aali ot tiesýge n Mc. Jhn oRiner laste di ol' wJCcil bas: yCt becs hite i isg ino enr.l ort Herper aendeid wfrolue in Wewil represeiitedi Tiet 1 an MOnda>' last. Mr'; Strckltd ofAC iil ateo tieWse *The 'Wamcal a lisioiiary_ Society v 1.4o aion DuaPe bartl Se Th ie. mot at Mrs. C. .1. Stevrels's 'les e y er eýsl fre ttipsi i spolI te day lisat. Mis. ilyfilid ad dlaliter are h yà fyu uitder- wits * eg witis Mn. lîed l3ryae for thse suesa- ets ý 51gesll ditn , l~5 mer; ma nv a ii sý tire hocpe of isme Rev. 'S, 'P. Teciser lins retursiel - ari wht theu riches of tise the cot from ronterefle. asitli will reminsoi î> .alrta.e a tse ad tise Greenwood circuit for tise fosçClj Saints," rwa gave a shsort taW n 1 n1 lugter's saîssiotlary year. yjuk~~dùe~sele seaea Thie Trustees of.-Cthe, Ciserci arci r ls n 't~ia. . S*itliaiot Cisc red it ýgi e reet a nwliait 50 x28. "d 'di rs We rertaitri> requird a hall inlur,' siterfuywradc isurg for ail publie, galiseringu. Let uis . ~ bas okgumîi one and ail Tend a heipine hasil and 14&rlrtÈsun Aiea picturea Mr. and ira. Jeohn Rech! have beels Osf manl> scoi atound tise miaulitn Arran spesdling a few deays a.t lamiitoe,. . tational V'l!sxWTarees. Instriumental Rayal. Mr,, R. R. Moisray,, uer wortsy sulecClôsis were gien b, issies e- ment h neigishor,. aliehas, bccf teuderci tise Çuiiough an1 '$imith, n'vocal duel. hy cdl for LiherSi jeomisatios foi Soutis Ontario, Mes. RIoss e n 4 iý B~lu"orns, oati pas- Club, heu Cecna spublie servant fur ýears, Sra, anf Broi. T éÈfetJcovidt .}iY toualis undi is iCtolelisi of~ô.- support iy oun asIf ledrh Mo,-vra iithe the home Socieiy, was serveci on tise 1eoroo Moc.ol caie Moeir l in n, asni thre- pportujtyt. tis ai- Agitea dota' cre orded for soal lnecoeoa iuch ap- th tou Mg. John Seidon evas a -Iciegite ta rcitd tise Temspérance Cassvctl6n, hld1 at, brcne ave l Whitby.Wes terv Chus. Lidgett bs a ilee driver. Mle. tAATE3JT&S, ht t -*la gctting ln edwr ae TO-day 'it l is elaice h*8dachsa j -digestive trauble h*and Aryfgbiliity. o 'he, BASE LINE WEST' Sext thingayod ieuowt.pono lra, ai ruelnt. pnnaiyais haS deveopol c'~.i. ýAJc.. Mre. A. E. Stary retured tai Mas -Ioàsbhurger, 10 Mqare'St., lt.Ct-'l'b 1ae.s Creai Saturdey. arle ost., , te es Miss Maisci Riase, ai Toronto, glpent le ievelapedt irit> patalylisf 'th Sanda>' wieis relatives isece. limbe $0 tisat I iueeame blli I)gc Mies Mi. fardy ecuvea this *ees :ta fars fatilli e botaie> siisà ceaid la Toranto. haxes afDr Ch'ieO'5 Nervie Foodl J Icr < Londo Mrc. John iiis je tahe tise Cr55115i sunsed waîk, aind .nae leut better th'Ti s a di ai tise soutireras part oi tire Taown- 1 i lar 20 ye ars,..~, silp.int Mr. andi Mru. S. Vanstane speut . J5f5 Susdny seili frienda lu Ilaydee. MyiTLF S'TATION.I4eu Mr. A. Il. Hlardy and Miss Huiady Mt spent Stisday eit Mr. Edicin lIeSwsee. SIre Aortleeti acueiiaed aqaUn (leai Thse fait wesca l hading oett and ,i Toas8, ar11itg olesl~eî , MtsusaNretts Spenccr, ai Tupecviile, tise uprlng grain la grogna5 rapldly ie tise gee of Mies Maoie > e ace.i ual sta lay will be a raCher lîlit croit. rI. j. Iirsie $pont. tise weelien cin .> We' lacle Chat Mr. Chîristiana in.C Whîitevaie«ýli tr sion Roei, heu suld hies Cari tel'O- hiMr. J. Diney tli sevos ai Our hspt raste parties far $14,500. let lu re- iaathaiiý sparts ta t.lueigasOt as sut. I5)w1 ported hic. Jnae Lng leas sali tise uîîay Iesing lfst 1111hie auto, \l Post iarma and Mr. John Grills his report a vecy pîc-asat Cimne ferss ta tise sasse party. I . aesasc ie boere attéinui Cishe Going ta Cases Saturiny evcnng wO servirea at Prspect os Sust iuy let. tisanglt weia a beniltituiuaPPeara11c Mr. Ray' Bitton sees hoisae, fnite A TJ tise coustry has ln tise esestis ai Jcune ertis os Seusday last. $ seiti tise isbie. w , lert i ,,te Oantri Mi, Hlarra, or port l'erg>', preacis' le' tise backigrounsd, te ltasCs lYteS et ci a vcry £u sersuaS as Sunia.v WVe snber. in tise hsy asiI Cise al la t iitori lat la tise Met1ie euicis isatties iidlng out,: lise' sprig 'gra rô-,Qi- Our lewis social esaie oit %Ithvry aur poi lng tise graunci witisett 's vacant geai success one Mauda>' eveelîte, .'une seul et epat, tise grass sO grecs and laixur- gVj. Tise sra(her 'sas v Sîrj 1111e#vor- 'et :,gl !lest, tise baise> air, tise st settin; Ln able, isut tise crassa sas aîil thse th i TlsaC' tise': wet-Wisst s grand country Cas'- ceeul bau, Tise proccs serre, i,,i'Riiy çdY> 5a ada le, asd it musC' ho a Ans crie lni- os isic oUa stra deed Chat can suIpase lie ln loveit- fr., G, rle ct o eclt hanieQ fi ans Calklng neas of, scellé. ,,1,a prospcrosa trip i> lîidtis ilse ForCis ail "93 Mr. James, Trill related Ce a party West, onsu bel ai fermiera Satilray evenltig bis art-babc *vice boy Ca geV rd of týWiteii. Plose, t' he roc issri-w, eultivste, tises lacrow, rae .S. NO. 2, WHIIT]3Y-. dlif1t rP 'ei tair it Cis t Ou a tise fece t Tise followlsg le tise reporta of 0 V0~ ail nlgist and seatel for ier Tt ýstarCe No. 2 Whltisy, lui te mastir ai Nlay, Resi Ce graw agate. P lrlmer-Mdgsr 'Mayne, Ralpis Mellls, -entasi1 - Awil Neal, Noarman' Neal, Esiwarll cossi tj igSap Stevenssos, Leslie Vtrtue. . ~ 8 tching Scap.. 1-Arduie Mayne, Mutriel' ileu ri4ist t( (lOT RiD OF, IN A FEW M'IURS.; gaîlly, *Vera a lcley, lva itl4lk. donc0fol nete la naihiag mie Chat wsel a Part 12-Lacis McBrlrs, Vers 'Vli'. d0 faor quieisly tid Cisc scalp oi distressing tue. ' .lotie an: Itehinessas nuiAIS'IAN SAGE tise', Secorid--Gertiuio, Mayne, Lena $.ad' Out i isuir dresser astd isautîlier. fer. '1 '. 50C.. an A. H. Allia gateas tees P>ariai a Third àr.-Eilan Dixas, 'Claerne, abiptêd Sage teo care dandraRf, stop itcing llcsgally, *Gordon Ilesgally, Fart i t scalp and lalling t'ait or îtîatteýy Carl., Wells and Evecett Maeleey <equai), trar and SOIS it iaraaly 50 ceists a large CPdsa I ldin. blottie. Tt pata ritality laCo tise lie Tiiri Sr.-Mrtedits MýeBries, Ir-1 and givea It a radiant lester. 1Vine hticlrilan lB STE Tt le tise lavarite litait dressing 'ai Faurtis Sir.-Laira .9edier and Myr-, refised women becasse fi se qaictly Cie liens>' terqal), Violet, Sadhet, Titat.i reicculues tise scalp,,aîtîl ,tat eeeiag ilrera Maekey. IIp' N etleky or greasy Il deligîitti le ose. 'iase imarlied have perfect attemd- B-0 Tt A verage attendance ',a. 'tha prof COLUMBUIS. _A. M. JIIIINSTCIN, Teariser. gai of1 Tise Usian mieeting of the Ausîliar- - '> iaj0i ica ai te Taseesas's Foreign Mission- Mr. JoliN Vi G ary Sacipties si the (tltitis and T. BRESO G. liet of a iruoohuin Presisylerlan cleereles shirt Tise letisys seinm ta hoe 'about Cisc .wih at fitst argoins ta 'Wear ont and fait Caeiles wi properi>' perfores titeir seark, The te- munility sui lewnae, alfdachtsg Cadi, giseu- liinlic Y eatto peins, aid Iatis5; eyeaigist. taies ai Go Toi-Por t Peur si Tcanrdeis an cslut > u- W>' ,Y a>' people oi aivatieci years hava Country' CORONATION DAY ;The>' esore tlh, iseaitisla actionu o ai elote liver, kideys ahoels. j tiatre JUNE 22, elle ,an Tisere wili ho e Grand Ccierat IIOG'CMeank s, and Aihlelic Mcci. ai Port Penny,, on' A vey pretly WeddisÈ sas rnacsi- 1aiv ToreatPrograymae es. 'jeni et tîtnee o'clacir 'at Bloaa.sligtou, journal1 TisePeogumni i luds los Jane tis, iselweca, MBie abel Mi wisis I4 Hare Bacs (2-85 nias, trot orHiii andl -Johni Piillipe. Tise itceeoy malt pri FiPace) purga $75. s ieefaruîi h tisa Rey. Jourios. Fve Mie Marathon, punse, $27,3 Tise Cride 'as gieaewey isy ber 10, and 5. latter, and seote s gags ai whiite Mile Race (ajmen), pure $5 and 2 SeB mle.Me MyctIe HIli, eleter Mile Raue (boysâ 10 yeara anid Un tiloserd. aote Dau n demid àMe. der), $3,.2 and 1. Iaittise eia Baseall ourninen, $2) an 10graonsIan. Tise grooms git Ca Cisc Baeeail Turnssesi 25 nti10 rue gevs a gIoli laie siald Cisain, t a telcpleonec hoplaceul in ths ef Mir. le.A. lstchngon, I.P.S. oti Onta.rio. vans of repair e the Cite<Ilty n9ge la about naesple, sand 80se issud for Cisc liesu."aifitefogn Sas h iIliscel. Report paaeed. Bhases brotîghtis i ie tepwti 0f lads and Bridges Comnittea. airs we re romnmeipicite Pari and Scuogtg ridge. -iaw Witi ho pasmeci agaoiug CcCaig idge as a Casint>' tise Voienty, te psy half roat Idiag aud maintenasnce.' ce. iadilîl and rait s'ose te hae tise Brige betweca andi Ontari, ,oppoite coas, 4 of Seoti, repeined. sent Of 8$35 viemade ta pet- er *gi01 aI v>f on a roat gr- i.5im' "!ilinlaSCe ea- Wardce. F&llovisse anda srec a raMMieta b6ave the andii Mleap bridgea stween 1ani 13B reý palreeli IL MOwlri and Bravanscr, t-te in Peta.bridgeaover RiS ItivPr, adce reprt aetîles l e aselmi a COi I3Cm . rla ofCaaejsttees o& pgiath

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