Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1911, p. 2

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#dboiv o 4at te other ide ý1-T&nf ot clianged mueb in 'q e£rîÉe o uinhabits apparent- ujît y Iis uxcertainoti ' Md Saze ye, aud Wirecenfoun Wsel! wondering how on earth Lcy INornter eouliever irs,vepro- wüd te Msnry eue# àafeI1ov. ,Whce0er fcund iisel! eissking Tirat's andlike ooin e'drearn; to rxeali'ty et thirîgs. 'Well, tDick, old boy, irow- are n u V' exclamed Trant rather hkiy. Yopr didn't expeot teo sec e kéhoe to-dày, l'IlI e bound, and ,you wou dn't bave seen me eitirer, 1f21 hadn't cerne asirore witir aucir 30*olly set o! cira ps tint I couldn't - et away frorn tiron until every- thuug was blue, se te speak.* ##If if hadn't been for tirat, Dick,_ olW boy, I ehouid bave gene straigist -te eall on Lucy; but tirat's eut ei tise question just at proeut, se V've coee bre te ask yen for sorne- thlng te take off t-ie effecte o!fnsy littie spree,5 and tisen if you'1i let me lie clown eu tirat sofa for su hîerr, l'Il be as fit as a fiddle. You doëtors are uaeful beys seme- ~.i'~~ï~rlooked with undiaguisoci disapproval at tireuiraking figure befone hun, and yet tire man irad beqor a cleceut ensesgir feliew until lis- féil inte mad company and book,. to drink; but now-and iré vnas engaged te Lucy Kernter!1 Wheeler pulled hbmnscîf together - itlr an effort. -Al iglt," hoe saîi, "go aud lie clown ou tire sofa, wbnîe I get y ou a draught freintire surgery, but clon't leave this room till yeu feel really fit- ll t-cIl you why. s Lucy audc, ber mot-len are cemiug bore te ton to-day-t-bey mna3 ar- rive at ariy monent-and yen -dou't %vant t-lens t-o se you like tis, I Imagine." Traut- shook bis irend, t'Very well, then, take my tiji, sud lie low tînt-il yuu feel botter. Nowj V'Il get you t-he draugit." Dr. Wircler st-opped briskly f rom tire roons, but- iai! way across tire hall fie steod stibl as a sharp knocik sounded unetire front- door. 'l ire ho sid, asiesmn- aerv4it appeared ln enswertuo tire I W - £i»on, "if tîsat j Mre. sud Miss Ko sow thons into tire diniug- soo "b tep, ceme to me in Vire, elefoar4'ti evoicea o!bis ~ue iu à sud thon Jaâmes 'Ux.sad ines Kenster are in th ise ng-roomi, i," ire aid. WI*eler noded. Sthis inte the liirrary and glve 1t te lMr.Traut ",said ire placizn *a maîl tuxubier in tire meù!a bande. Thon ire hurried off to 'VvICOMè tise Kensters. ÀAd while lra., Kemterls tongue fwas busy witl tire pelite itt-e- z tattle of tise tes-table Wheeler an- gued- with usuel! as te wisethier on Doc ho -uflould fell thien about John Trsrits unexpecteci appearauce. Ho decided iu tire end firat ire baç bettes' do se, as ire eeuld do it 'wthout giviug tise mani away, sud th ymrght Ilke te rwait- snd se juins. Bo, during a monsontary pause lu tire conversation hoe turu- ed te Ltiey sud, lu as indifferent: j, tone as possible, neinarkei: 11I1 have a plessaut surprise for Fou ' liother sud daugirter were 'aIl curiosity a&t one, se, without mer. narci uua d eonluing neav-ý il nd sudoresked me te give hlm A.ý qas h ~ wialid e- Psy a 'sit te bis weeflalétter in the after-' "Ho waa engaged;-te Lucey Kein- ster, you knew," *wot, on Wlieei- er wnithsensetion, "and- I wass ex- petug -the girl aànd h1es' moýàthfer hone any minute- lInlsd> they as'. ,rived jif before J tiont James lu bore with tise drauglif. jI old tiren ho was irere, sud wireu 'týboy d gene, camne in aud found hlm like t-lis. It'a an ainful thing. What will Lucy say 1" ire broke off dis- jointedly. - "Yeu aro tinking more of Luey tissu yourself,-old man." "Wiy, o! course. Yen Seo, I love bery," said Wireober simpiy. Wilson nodded. "Yes, I guesS. cd yeun secret," ire eaid; "but ironostly, my dear cirap, you muet- n'f judge -yourself too harsbly. *You irad ne ides tirat iris heurt was s!- fecte-d, of course" "I nevWr guessed it for oe moment; but I ougirt te bave mac!4 certain, yen kuew. I arn noraI1l' guilt-y, and muet- fake thse conse- quences. Finît- of ail, I muet tell Lucy. ' "You mean te do that i' «,'Y"s, 1must. I arn geing te -do it now, as quiekly as possible." - Better wait tili to-morrw'" "No, ne, I caunot- wait! I muest t-ell irer at once. Wili you Nwait liere fcr me?" "tlrigt' Tire youug dZctor irurnied (rom the recru oand tweuty minuttes lat-- or was standing in t-Ie Keisters drawing-room LuDcy accu came te i, auJ before ire spoke sire seirn- cd te rend some n essage o! Jisaster in iris oves. Ho tolJ irer wl at- bid happened, in simple, direct p)hrasýes, uitbout nttempt-ing te excrrse lirîmsef, bt- glosiug over tise stato iu wbicir ,pnt md eaIleJupoun iis. Wireu ad finisired sire loekedl at- hirnj uMneo for a t-mo wlt-ir oubled eyes . Atat sire spoke. ' "From wirat you liane te-bd me," sire said, "I kueun thvib you ý,dii your iret for Jack. but you hav-e net toid uic ail. As a matter- o!f faet, mothen and I ýaw hlm lu tise Street t-iis momniug without 1*i seeiug 'us, and I ams srry to, eav': ire was- nef sober. I amn afnaid-that iris condition did net- altogether "rrnse us, as we have received severai had reports about hlm dur- ing tire at twelvemnonth i1rons a mutual !iend in l3erneo, sud on- !y st- mail- I wroto tc him, break- ing off our engagement. If was good o! yen, Dick, te f ry sud ahxeld iris, a-scl, iate-cer la tire eut- corne o! tis, I-I hope yeu inili couint me as your f riend,, iniafever the world may sy 1" giýheid ouftlier baudt hir teck it in betir e! his. Tien,-ý.rthi a few words of broke 1 i arewei1kaxnd gratitude ire tuïtued sweay, uq l~be te eoutffoi tire filo-d cf thanktr$ness ansd des"sair tirat ovibrwiseln4jb 1And as ire bsstened througitis e jStreet& ta iris "-u hunse liereviled, tise cruel fate- thaf lia4I sent- Trant te is tirat atterneen, juif 'ýfe- ad lie but kuenuit-LueY We- frec once suorel - WeIl, tire dr«eas- Ã"ver uow, aud Lucy world never be, bis. Tise evidence which b. wfold 1e4-it fils difty te giveý at tise'inqÙùé5,t would r«fCCtually uruin Ibit pofïil tar uad wifth ti ap C f,< I[1%X4I ls. 1. 110 4. s18 aidf pxcepu auat hie icrmDweu in, Sthe eil way rt»6- f ather. iù Lngý,21, Izo m, w ieui' the ûBt-7 eu rses o!f'this 4hpte r, scem ,W RO ,]<jy o ITÂU i ES2, î àbe h, rtakeii> 'add4s thse Isarue ofSÏ1VE Repzibb the, king's. jmot>her.- 'D'id t#at 'wbich as eviIl -_ ALWork Donc up t10theýPrëeet lu comm frm frE.n vCneses -Organising its Idinig.ion*,,- whîèh $bleow a caal1pgie of thae [ The setting, aside of tire Rocky eîns 1a -givess, tirir vief ;eu uem!- Mountain fçretresenve hai3 heen niation being tisat ire y wene 'A ne- O ue o! tie most important advaures 'petition o! tire aà inatio'rs o! tire yei madie in tire industnial history Canaanitea. Tirs aepeslly. of Canada's centrai west. Net- euly -trùe cf pthë'!Ba !f 'sud Asierai cuita. ,ia it- important for tire preserva- 3.1 Built lu aiVieh i 1 estien ofthtie forestés along Vthe siope ,,.-ezekiah had'deeroyed ýtise CeUni- , itb a ie'w o the future supply o! try sanct-taries abi'saftts 'uf>or cenup- Ct'Iiubr, but tire preservation o! ,tson (2 Kùýgs 18.14e,'22). - Tle' c-' these foreste and t-heir preper muans counit in K ings melitions aitara te agement means muci f-or tire 1.re- a. single Baal, end1 "an AaberaV' servation c! tire waterpewers and <evdeutly neferring te tome onse tire maintenance ci tirat- steady and- Baal, like tire Tynian Bail cf Ahab, permanent water-flow wiricir metisI 'and tire ereetien- of some single 80 mnucWsfor t-hein value. Moreover, symbolie pat repreae-ntirrg tire god- the regulation o! the water eft tiebe dosa Astarte. Tire Chreuicier, ou streama, su as te provido a steady tire otirer baud, ha in mid dis- flo'w tirrougirout the year anaucint tinet Cauaanitisir Baals ut eacir te have a terroutial flow ru apriug place, wids cornesprsdi.ng poles. and (what is cf even more import- AIL tis was a resteratioin o! tire auce) tire drying-up (complet-e cr practicos o! tire bouse cf Aisnb (2 partial) o! tire streaxus in sumnier, Rings 10. 18, and i Kinga 16. 31). i'u cf tire utmost importance L- tire Wonaiipped, ail tire irvts o!flien- farieof tire prairie prov41ces, veu-Tiris deifying of tire stars, Wcre trhe rivera tw rua short ,the Sun, aud mon was takeàa over resulting iack cf moisture in tire Irons Absynia, and waasemet-bing soil would seriousiy interfere with entireiy new ln Judair. From tire tire quantity o! grain aud eûer frequeut mention e! tins forin O! produce reaped fren tire fertife worship in tire pre-exilic literatUre prairie. (Jer. P. 2; 19. ia; Zeph. i. 5)- 't 's! Duning t-le whoie uftirée past-isum- evident that- it bee'rme immediatc- mier (1910) two par-ties cf the Do- iy prevalent. Thre fiat roofu of tire minion Forest- Service we-re lu tire bouses afforded ample opportuni- flicd markiug out tire boundaresi tics. o! tire res-r-ve. Both these parties 4. Buit sitars in the ie use O! startecl fromn Calgtry; one worked Jehovair-Tsat-la, alira toBial sout-i and succeeded in getting as -and othor foneign deities. Tire t-wo Lar soutir as t-le international botin- courts (à~) were tire g-eut- court, or daryý while tire et-er, working muner eue, mmecrately surrouiid- uorth, reacired a point almoat due ing tire temple, nnd tire court in- wet-t f Lacombe' (Ait-a.>. Du ring pclosing the palace.. the coming aumrrrer tire location o! 6. Also-Here fOlews a list cf six t-be boundary will be continueci, anîd practices expressly prohibit-ed irv' it is exp ec.-ed that t-be entire eat- tire Deuteronomic code : (1) Madee cru boirndary o! tihe reserve (wbiels bris cildren pasa tirrougir the fire- extend.i some ferty te fi! ty miles A-haz was tire first- Judrtean ki119g nortir cf tise latitude of Etini-ontun) te perforin tis rite, whîch cois- Will boc etermined. sisted un actualiy sacrificîrrg and Tire genieral pr,cipIe governilng burniug tire victima. l'a later yerirs tire fixing cf tire biiondri>o! tire o!f tire kingdom, tis mode of! v reêv astn-onyfre ln eirip w-as net infi-equent. The , d be includo4l lu ticile-servelan valiey o! tire sou e! Hinnoin (5o ,al band fit fer farsuing (U_ iessainu eabbed perapa frein soieero wiro ae-5 na ht twsntwr eucampod tirere>, was situated wrie te make thte exeeptien)rein sout1s and soutirwest of Jerusrslem., exc u<id Ifrons tise rosenve. -Tire al- ýind w&s tire soat of hurnan sacniisi-ttueoisgstctfeouty cial w.rashîp. Lat»r it came te le above sea-bevel, was -ene 'e!ftise termeci "Vally of Siauglter." (2)> chie! cenirt 'Le-ç>racticed a'gury-irTiris was chuse l.sdra~s~ûxsgts by obsr'vug irerfrtios e tire was found th4t tire bouudary clou-ds (compare Loyv. 19. 26; Judg. fixe bytire Orden in Couneil by e. -37, etc). (3) IUsed enchantments wLh rtire reserve was sot apart -Compare tire story o! Joephr ia-s, tu a considerakle extent, un- (Cejs. 44. 5). Tire play e! hglst up- suitab!e. It included, in tise iords onthe iquici in a cup waz regard- ef eue e! tire wriera, "oniy alpine- êd as an union. Othen ornons are -couutry, a large portion. of wlsch jjâeluded. (4) Practiced soreery - is aheve tihe tree limnit and tise ne- $be articles, Soroeny cnd Magie, In ,niainder unsuitable ' as regard&~ 1îasting's Dictionary cf Vthe :ible-:. me upyfry&st oe Tis was an extensive field;,ansd in! toortpplyf yeaveteen general sgiid oe o! Of- . ýburned over, beavirsg bare, enoded taining help fron tise deity s' silids hli we-r fnssni cv course o te agies! arts. <»5) and(6) rWby a.,thixi soil andI conifenousi Manasseis aise foiatered peu p!e Pot- WcvOod gre7ewih. _Mucircounitry *east sessse4ýo! upposed , "nowena of, dlï- of thse lino iras a ivry tiin siland virration, sund wiro professed to hàve. ~att eylii liuesds iuVeepune int1 tise spirits. * uu th f' d«ad (co3upa Teea -2. ,-ndXn aieukn ael etLee lnd 4età 16.l'P),. eut 15oulM Mayaîyhonewee!ud ue- of tise devices Yesort-ed Vo' bytiiewllbqi-e uibifo the6 wiard (Iiî. . 1>, ~-1 ïres hav* createditçlrrib -e avoc V'~hâ~ tcilen en( 0 e~ 0-" olyi ooitg for aw,çxei te clear cKLshi jout. 11 I .He ot wayjua in timne, for al- Mosinzi îatnly revolton broke« othm~r ai t eeout, and General Gomez seiz-d the Thonghtfl sud JUiuIIY -È flUIfr~LIVS ~ Their -reins of- goverument. ~Aotle -kev>t1ug2ijc. A mainer Ça§tyq,. wag oQaucral 7 e ll- tiLp --al r the- a i r d~ ~~A great deal e! nonsense h#9.é $od4 j'whe Wthe -us x - Narau. o ienyears lho been pri-ated in ,England --aboâf Sedan',"'a eht the Gemn atr oya tl icme(i 0-Que en Mary. if halL of 11 were to ed-th?0 wlile of- h'arelof!h 00 n then, ha\ring. axquirý'dth be believed one mglt think the Fren~ch an~ hagy ~ mda uuc ~7Oima valisd . ueen a narow-minde prude, qu- the Emprésa Eugenie,1 needs run u git two \merrc- ue'a-roW ùde rda who'wasacatinig as Regent, te abdi- ' sno<>b, and a killjujy. As a ruatter of at.At teaetf2~ tlaniddasthom lie tortured ard put te fact she lsa aclever, level-head<-l 'meb o.! noters poured,. shrieking, T bhth Sttawoman, thoughtful and kindly, who into thé gardens. of the Tuilenle8, aoTbis ars likte Ua tf bStatestakes her great position very ser- and the nipresg, in erder te eOs- anbtheas rcil e aont bikth , cape aln into their bni was ani a fre t lexot ih ha she objecta to tbis set or falingbau sspeed. gld w y on a s ip h set, to people f one natin- f Er d E ll at EC APE d a is s uh ed a o si, ality or an ther, is entirely untrue EUGE1E~ ESCPE... ad-vni~hd INo intimate or personal knoNvIedge About four jin the afternoon cf ____o,___ f the court is neces3ary t() provE September 4th, escorteci by tbree this. The lists of prerw~ntat.Ins. friends, she passeci tfirough the EFFEUTS 0F fROT -WEtTIIEII. the, nanes of those enter-tainc'd by 8pacious gallerjes of the Louvre,, the IKing and Queen and of thec)ý and, reacbing the street, found an Curlous Examiples Produeed by who entertained them are stiffiY ,t ordinary one-horse cab waiting. la e. proof te tire7contrary. It 1, tri'w Accompanied oniy by bier lady-in- etWvs enougir that botb KIng anid Q' waiting, she got in, and drove We have had some pretty warm set their faces against thee t- away te the house of Dr. T. W. Ev- days recentiy, but nothing like the rackety, gambling and 1I(111(r ans, a well-known American don- heat which prevails in some parts dninking crcwd, but in tist. cf the American continent every have the full synrpathy J Hr'tié- There shie spent the night, while aummer. greater public and thec greater nýu- -the mob raged through Paris, and Chicago suffers greatîy in this re- *bilit. vented its fury upon the Royal pal- epectl and -the inhabitants resort to A -well-known writer on soeïa &ce. Next day Dr. Evans teck the ail kinds of expedients te Cool matters, wbo knows pPrs-onall ti( ex-Empres in his ewn carniage, themselves. One day, when the at- people and affaira of socicty, lhritei and passcd lher safely tirrougir the niosphere was more than u8ually of the Qucen as foiiows t- gates of Paris. Travelling aIl that oppressive it actually provoked a "The promise cf Princess xr day, tbey spent thre night at a dumb man te speech! is more than fulfilieci in thc e!rrvltý smaîl country inn, and* at-noon on His namo was Louis Mendelson, of Queen Mary.' Such was a p)hrase the second day reacbed the coast, and hee bad ne( been known te yesterday f rom one cf those best whence an Englisir yacht carried speak for thre long periQd cf tweri- acquainted wîth thre court. the Royal lady te England-that ty-one years. But on tiec day in "There eau be ne doubt that *hre never-failing refuge for f allen mon- question the heat became se intense Queen iras had an extrEnie]y 1îlc archs. that even tire speechiess could ne uit career. As a girl 8he mas tlire Eugene escaped safely, and se longer keep sulent about it. compani qn cf her cheeryhetr dici Louis Philippe, the citizen- To the amazement cf tire pensona but socially -she was supprcssW b y King, wbose rule '%vas swept away addressed, ho suddenly bur st eut thre ovcrpowering genialîty eof ler lin the politicai wirrwind cf 1848. with tire question: "la it hot remarkable mother, wbose volubil- Deserteci by ail bis courtiers, ho enough for yeu 1" Quite a com - i' cf manner was iu curros o cacapec, accom panieci by bis Qucen mon reniark, but it surprised those trast te hier daugiter's seve'ilreself- teO the Coast cf N ormandy, where he who happened to hear it. restraint. Hon engagemrenit tetdie conceaied himself for some -days, It ivas a stantling effert whicb hotobtirsm the efccwf n passing under the dernocratic name lient bnci on a couple cf young lad- creasing Queen Mary's strong niat- of "Mr. Smith." At iast hoe secur- ica at Douglas, in the IlIe cf Man,i urai ten.cency te shyness. À e<i passage te Newhaven, and ar- last summcr. Weli-dresaed, tbcy ~-~ rived in England, where, oroken in were strolling aicng the Marineno nscaîyaritdtiitse bealtir and spirits, lhe died two Promenade, wlîen tire auna raya suffene sally frori few1 hatslk ycars inter. made the wnter se nvting that in thre background. Iltmas (et. Y 110W LOUIS LEiFT. they simply waikcd inte it just as when she hersEIf was ie Ire:aýnd or they were. ters in Grfeater Brit.ain or thn e'jre- Anether Frencb monanch, whoe Sucli indifference to eirsi sent Queen IM<other warr aahr,,a;i h: attempt te escape f romt bis infur- anci-apan array aImoýt took threcuQucCoorhan lrg iated subjecta was lesa successful, apectators' bea1rawy. Thsp reaog'ns' ort acf a uin<111) was Louis XVI. France was ihooeidfttotbetet o "l'et wise folks aa]ways (1 (-: tr (- tire tirroca cf the Great Revolu- danuacîs, who splashcd abouit and ithat when -ler tirne camne slic elI tien, when, on a Jane night lu 1791,1 cooled tthemFcl%,Ps, wil]p a iatrghing poearralal onn n aroycoachi was driven- up te crowd cf holiday maikers enjo3'ed prv i eakbewrtn n ene cf tire gates of thre Tuileries, thre unique seene. -onesiatihrmreigl and stoo, appareutly, waiting fer Thon tire twain matie for te-rra- that did King Y-ixtard. He made a lre.Butthecýoêhuan atinofinnia, boarded a tr-arcar, and pro- no secret wheir she eouid conquer a1 fa 1 1tte oc maha~n er reserve o!finanner aie woid leas a perisonage than Count Fer- ceded to thoir iodgings te change se rrmr u h ain o a ~~4ah obemax.tbeir damp garments, fer dry oeues. set her marason ceoadt i.no 'A hooddldy - tbe Royal gev- A soiÊewhat-.digerent, construeê- eaiùt -yta hs erness-with a two' ohildreîtr' came tien was piaced on tire-ation cf exaggento esyta hs outandgo in an "oti -attêr* r- -llreszaêfon o ýr'- omabout the court are even mo re In- a -thick-set indiviluai we;l'rhi te a o in-i 00-Qee itn n h lIt waa tire Kiug; aund an heur.lat- int - the Thiares. - Çg. er aaie Antoinotte joined the Wiren ire'teck bis.plunqe. wit*84 "Thinik wbat this naturnlly stoiid panty. Thon thse heivy vebiele at elotbhi.ng ou, tire ne e-ere ld l c-rpisig- boiass lasb rclled, awa"y, and., passing tire pulled off te the rescue. -This was, te na.tion tire pureat ëx'a PIe of Bar 8e eSit Martin, fouud more than thre bather irad bargain- f gC wm X 4s 1e as &-cachr with six, fresh herses in od for; and, wireu ho saw bis would ' waiting. be rescuers pneparing to use aexes rgusceeetonte Now, the Royal pazty imagined boatbook. lie feit it wouid bol>et-1ior, 3of thre court and. thçre- themiselves saie, and thse herses' ter te 4"take iris hock" than be f -e on' tire nation; she' d4eaire bouda were tunned northward for, taken by thieirs. rgtthing weil and aseiras t4r Ais I roair- Thi,' oweentheughtful braiu tirat forseeti and- thre Gernman frontier. Aa rah hs- oeepreved i propanes for eventualites ery- had been at work; the f1igbt sihle, and, te convruee them that "Bepi iepret yec oi aaleaykeiAnd At dawýn 1ho wik net on self-destruction bout 1_ II,# - ,Xemuterturz iey rose to gi 5317 sigu ( rt Astbtri ha N

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