Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1911, p. 6

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lB dDestroyed 'and ~A depaehfrom Winnipef, M8j. exhibiti n grounda, for the so _,s rr of aE mysterious oii ciation- ig dçterlnin.ed to hâve &t dearoyed the grand-stand at the latatriiaygadsadf» &t -Winnipeg 'Exhibition grounds on th anntia far. watillburning M.T-Itroday n'ht.'The racing stables meeting of the directors of t4 e In- é. Cap ght re, a nd wère uaved by the du-striai Exhibition Association was te flrérnen. The scenie and arts build- hel.d in one of the adjacent baud- 4ci iËfjg, recently constructed, also ings, the Mayor and Aldermen of are calught ire. Never before' has Win- the eity, being prusent. The out- t6 nipeg seen such a spectacular fire, comie ci their joint deIiberations ,d and it was the first time on reoord was that the grand sqtand woukl h 2. that ea>ch one lof the eleven halls rebuilt jmmediately. The Engin- bas attended a blaze. Flameis eer of construction and the Street Scould b. seen from ail parts e! the Comiuissioners D-epartmrit put a, e- ity, and that ail the buildings on1 thousan>d men at work clearing thse the grounds were not reduced to ai «roulid of debris, and five hundred clheap. ci ashes is considered mira, Icarpenters got bugy on the newj' to. Culous. The loss is estirnated at structure, so that, the exhibitioni $70,0S0, whieh is partiaily covered was oniy d-eiayed one day. It was by insurance in a nunsber of insur- announcc-d by the directors t1!at thet er. neômais anetxnais opening day of the Qx'hibition, [or ]Every man in the employment of wouid be JuIy 13, instead of JuIl 00I~s~r,,,C~umszonr. Tii.w havq been f&und to be most profit, wae ewwpt by a tornado th."t4id well-kpowg fruitýgrowr, Mr. W. abi aiisd sutessful ini tihe i.veril a lot of damua9., 9. B unêii g 01 s t.c atiuarizaes bas! p ro vinc i a o r , subd iv i io n s f t e T e b d f m r r d i f n benengedt odtth-in "mgnrl tedo. iituî-wglùdi'aD n I sryr~waru ontdcalng~nepr~ hu*eh, lotet Fed2ra1 oicialrn and by the lo-catlon-of large quatities b! eani- ,Beàtrioe Powls, aqe 12, o!1 Mezrt,- dfio.,lasof the different Provinces dar'dvarieties, difficulties wIýich are ral e4fo tran os anid districts, Ris report will Ili likely 4o ho eneountêred, rùeûhde nig fe etu ha malbfrhoDorainiion confer- of production, facilities for 18 t -- Wiâlnipeg',nnigatin -fiurea puce of f otgtwrtab is to b. bution and marketing, poisulitues show a Vtoth1 1> 08,o4 uew ariy- h.ld # tta Bretiine next ïof over-product.ion , etc. 1 » . 1 fin lo:test in ~thbe1af< Door-keeper, ci two theatoriuma A' IIIIIIf1If1TA I1 III~ T1H n Loud<On woré e nd #* aud cul- AL LiU I1 IAj IJl VjIfo r adi tting noieg ihu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J . L . E n gÉ le h a r t , c h a ir im a u o ! th e . T.&N.O.R. Commission, repor'ted Dominon Cutoms ~ . bses at the. mines from bisi ires Dominin Ciutoms oeipts for, Three !" very se:njous.rfoth ea Months  ounted to $29, 239,646 ls is o h wyfo Egad preentoal $638,4 baancs!. A despatich from Ottawa aya: maonths ended June 30 amnounted t'a ¶hçentCtotal. Weser4 opreor The Dominion financial estimate $29,239,646, an increase of $2,904,-_ByT heat is hweserdng inmreyr -for. thse firet quarter of the current 793 over the ffret querter o! les-tpel aces. Frost has don-e eliglit EmlaI year just issued shiows thse Year. Expenditu,-, on cone r aeddm. (uSsathwn Dontinued growth of revenu,. For fund accoosnt waa $8,935,732, an in- Sir-'William Mackenzie returned bie three months en4ed June 30 crease of $102,6M. Capital expen - from England, bringiug a few mil- th.e Custoiu revenue waa *$2,500,- diture i. returned at *2,303,730, a lions with him for investmneut in ON0 in exce'ss of the receipts for the decreaae of *84,305. his nurnerous interests. fret quarter of 1910-11. This rate, For the month -o! Juie the r'ev- Contracta for the construction of If contin u4d, would mean an in- enue amounted to $10,666,205, an-1 tis Canadian Nortisern Vancouver- grease of *10,000,000 for -the fiscal increaae cf $1,053,528 -over June, to-Kamloops line have been lot, yFar, which would bring tise Cu- 1910. Expendf'ture on account of and work will begin this -fail. Dmsrecei~Pt-s up to the pisenoçu- consolidaterl fond was 05,165,911, Saeodr fts euo Mial figureo!f-*80,000,000 for th(- n inereaa cof $92,145. Capital ex- Fare-hoBank re agf n ah e dun bvelvo îontlu, .enditure for the montis was $1,hopaerson a r e Keee in sedisto The. total revenue for the threec815.5813,an increase cf $163,246. b okdi hi nee.s WVilliam Shaw,,the Carp drug t<EW 4BAO TRitCK" ZLN 1I0ONDON At the taxi they find thse two baga Clr who was shot at Bridge End, inaide. They take their seats, but died b Cornwall Hospital, and Coideco Nonas- tili Foliown Ris thse sharp calla to tho man again, Beeve MeRae is held on a charge -~40 Veun"Opt thse baga outside, will of mounde r. sai ahig oficalatyou?Ï ae up too much. rooun.' bo "N v t, si a bigiseoficai at adds. '«Yes-sir 1" is the answer. GREAT 1ÉRITAIN. Beolan Yad t arepcsetaty~-'On thse way the sharp declares The Lords passed tise 9mended 01 London Answers "hias thse cou- tisat an isotl]tiey have just passed e<bbitrusth eo iae 8denqo trickster reaped thse isrvest looka as if it would suit bis pocket veobilga.g tecmmte ho is ding now. Met Au h pocedc te give soma of bte hn iepoosdoe r BrÇin wiU support France Lu ilie methoda by wbich thse conidi..agk:i sorne othor excuse for gett- Moroc'cau affaire. 911ee nuentra asthe unwary. igof with bis bag. But wbenth TiseflrtsnJ1m<~~5~11jbastaxi reaches ils destination ts The fis. Z motue.f lhstraveller realisos tat his:own bag A N ITEDrkSTATES. o i -bU4 i m !i.Bu a oerbe u rturu ,frorn a fun-eral, drank 47 î ~~t4autuylie .1 More than oné swindler iLas'pend- glasses of leinonade.I ~a oquait, ng Qoronation time io ,a ison - By Municplowesipo'e %te. h through the. pawuticket dodgé,ý Pus- i t plant Orange, S. J., anun - ~~~~ iu -as a yout>ful and soziwhat e .avxgf-33errclhtl < pr later, as though -lierJoi ebe onea ii a ta ansd as thougis ise ha-c1fact that e ha. had Vo - -- ptw -sDever met -Sharp NO. -,?- - - 1ring for- torly pounda rso u bofore.4--a znsksain convers&-a.. w oun ld V al ie ticket for tieno Vý boi8 greatjy worridar ngtn ps udnote. O! course, tie w isô diirbte efive or tan rn ssne existence lu actuas] fact. thousuida departcd relative ba A isimila~r trick La lise sale o! !org- left to charity. Ho would be glad ed stand-tickets by a well-dressed if MUuew frieud8 would aid him Lu man, who daclared tisat ho found the, distributjon. Firsî, bew- ho iad to ba back Lu CeYlo'n before ho mnuet know that îisey have coxu Coronation Day, sud would glidly PletO confidence in bim.- dispose o! a _couple o! ten-guinea -Sharp No. 1 volunteers to baud seata for a iver. Dver aU bis money for tise philan And Scotband Yard'." last word tbropiâîte keep for a few minutes. -for tise visitor from abrooâjlffl, '"If R ÃŽItrust hlm to briug it back* a man serapes an se fintance àad tise pbiiauthropist, afler a witis you witbout muci excuse, ho short .troll, handa t over gaie. efu u feu ts cuaint- - ntouided victiln is Ihan askad to suce leade on b sunother, hoatever "<show~ confidenc."op naturally, back out. Y-ou are inu the- i eisgreen ha cocs, snd Lu a ilauds co!theboys.' - supiignumber o! casas even irîzws moncy ot bah bank to do PROVINCE ".~Te $118,1M0. .Tise piilanthroîsist go«ou ot stallawth it, sz before. lRe Fathesr o!1SenIoèr uod'Gr,. -lfong lime in coming bak 01JIO4e ortune., --iN. oe 'ut lu 10ok for A de»patçh-rm Toronto says -An heur or so passes, and ThselprqovincIal- Treasurer'. De- ci'eitil sowly dawus on thse victiu prunu rvivda cheque or fitho bubeen swindied, aud tisaI 1810L uces u.uo kit uew friends have no intention 91ii8019Ã"ïnatec e)org e $ ..cL one lrh*tever of returnîng. the on te01o rea ac 4, i The visitor may redoive a severe d 1a !ti. .g enVr ui aveu be!or9. he bh#> Lord.rrTise l eator sed <>ne-UI been ÃŽnindcôuido ai!anu dr,! for hhud o!luf ate ntrle.dauone, ew, , ag trik"'bas arrivod, A* e' hl.~s, rout~l 1 ' o i b ssn i h a ir *, 0 J0t>. T e mother died s hort, là uggae -%,n- suddecidea 10go ta Iy ;fter tbe child'a birtis, - seri -th le retreshmen troom beLorO goiug baby diod..two hluurs ter. -r4 ] on hous boteo. fatie,sore macteani o! Brock- P reuig at tloe idelhimvploe, 'b«=«ces eir to thse o d'a I ~aby oontbinng tebuik o!fluIS <zie' ,mony-uo in aceosted by an affable - Itrangei',.w)oe portâmantsu DRM8E1> Foit DmNNER. Meniu t*,qshiow 'tiat he, hto,in f res~h Tii he issonary araled eW1- fon jouý'uu.yrThe pleasaxut wkently ou the native tri!>.. arouud juu trsqg1orhewai l is ignorancelhi- I êf oudos IuteIs, -and àsks for * <I il ureblum *1 o caniile am. t5ooox rma b0o - lgtning la- s-aid to bave restered tise Use of, bis limAis Vo Dr. C.,1H, Geary, a paralytie of Fargo, N. D. Tishe *sian fiy plague ia de-vas- tatiing certain grain distrlotp ini Pennusybvania. An eleven year o'-! girl of Utica, N. Y, charges -iser father sud step-motiser witis !aateni.ng beater strapa about her wrists connected uith a. short ebain add then sus- pendiug ber from a hock in tbm waIl as punhshint. Dock bad M, Gbatgow are -&gainu on tke - Dr. Joiiuutone Storey, aoiestist *nd-antronoe-mr, i dead in' Lon- don,- aged . litte warships at àa peed o! 298] knott. through. -the -o g t The rivets o!f'the plates wore strtý- ,Eci lin' 411 -dirocti"JIopening gîkpe whti h>#iued tue water to pour in- Vo the cil buxikers and rende-rins 4h f uel useleas. TO HADLE TE BPS.e Small wrny oBHelp 'pccte A despabh frora Winnipeg,. Man.) iys: Tie three trausoon. tineutai systems are making eba- _bOrate Plans to haud1< tie crop and to iaUPPby men for the iarvest. Tie Osadian Northern ad Grand Truk Pacife have already taken seps1ýo bring a mai army rom 'Great Britaiu sud tie eaiy ar- rivas are expected f rom the Bast in a ew day' ice. The Cana.- Idan Pacific elIway is looking to the soutis for tie me, sud pecial ecursions have been arranged. AMready rany applications are b- ig received for harvest bands, and, althougis the demand will be ralroacs will be able to prevant a STEERÉD -CREWLIESS BOAT. Craft Invented to be Opcrateil by Wiî'cless. A de-spatcb f rom Berlin says: Experiments which bave beau go- ig ou for severad dayz witb a rud- derles, crewless motorboat on the Wannee, a-out, twelve miles norts o! Berlin, have proved r- inarka-bly suoceas-ful. Tie boa-t was towed. out two rilee in tie lake and ber move- men-ts fterward directe-c alto-- ge1îher hy rmea.ns of! wirelessa sp- paraWus as-bora. The boat tisread- ed ber way unerriugly tirough' nrinerous crat witiout the ligit- est accident. Tise* inventer o! tise cre-wlesn boat i» a scioo-b teacier namned- BOY TURAMPLED--TO OBi-TR.' Lecident at Pire Rall Fatal la A despatcb frorn Torontosaya - tj" EdiRarvie, a boy of about thr- t eau yeakrs, waa kijbad at tise How- l aud avenue lire hall ou Thurgday Jmoruiug bY on. o!tise herses trslpliig o u him. TÏhorse wss being ahdot sdO lise stable dooÏ, snd breaking tbeaVtr*Wp by which -eWas eVi- edt, rau'ýdown tie ade-.pasage w ble Tou g Harvie was ooming long. tii. boY'Was kncocked\lJown6.and belng carried into Meh station'died in a fê-w minutes. Drs, MeNaband Wilseon wer. surnmoued at-oncee but 'oouid do. nothing te .Save llifeit. OGEO SUPT. OGERS" KE- «"U 411 0 'ky 95--1.1 quoted ol . 0 ffl nd -whtea de aU1t#820 à6dIXod at 80 41ôuide f, N o. 2 a] 4 0 te 1 4ý 1o oeta o , ~ o n to ; . o Oort«. 1M, tm . t o , B a P o r t s , a d 6 9 .1 . 1 e o Ir ninî:f t 1 duU, wfth pries U] _BranM nteal2 b $1 n bai 1-Zao 1r n g~ ,~ 22 n bats Tore LO.OnarLor~q~j> IDbats, 'ýjronj DAIEX IgÂRKJCT. for,. 16 t6. 16e r e a,., qutd S lb for rouand t 19 tg Zlo Bus0-Ca8 ioto are Qfloted at Lo dosen. COUTNTRY PRODUOE. BeA'ns--a1 lots are quoted, $175,and man ots 190. \ t 81.70 te Rouy-ttrotd I Ïne,10t lle per lb; NO. 1 comb, wL* cla.82 $2.Z6licper doen; NO. 2 0mb, whlesale, 1.75 per Baled liLy-No. 1i luquotod at O$12 b $13, on tracli, and No. 2 ai $9 te $10. Bal,1641 traw-$6 6.0ontakT- ronto.8.0,o trc, - bingr way. Poultr7yYearî2eî ehiceons, 14 te 15c. weI~ Whi HOG PROiDUr: iZS. Bacon-Long. clear,. rlb, I caelt.Pork, short eut, $2f lamns-Medium te liglit, 16 to 16 1-2c;- do., heavy, 13 1-2 1; ol.it4)l12c breafas baon,17 te 18e; bacs, 19 1- ta 20e. - Lard--Tierces, 10 1-40; tubs, 10 1-2e; BUSINESS IN M0NTREA. Montrea 1 JUIY Il.- Oats- <Janadian Western, Nio. 2, 41 1-2 to 41 3-4c, car lots, ex store; extra No. 1 feed 40 3-4 teo 41c; No. 3C. W., 40 1-4 to 40 1.2c; *ïo. 2 local white, 39 3-4 to 40c; No. 3 local white. 39 1-4 to 39 1-20; No. 4 localwie31- o8 U. Flour-Manitoba I9wie," 38 1.4 atents,-2 g atens, $4. r t ng$w75; t p atents, 4-60 at aig t r lle s, 4.1 to 842- do, in ba 8, .$1.85 to S2. lolled opu-Fer' bar. rel, 84.55; bag of 90 Ibs, $2.15. Barley- Feed. c-ar lots. ex store' 51 to 52c. Corn- Amertcan No. 3 yellow, 62 1-2 to 63ýc. MilIfeed--Bran, Ontariio, $22; Manitoba, $21; Middiings, usn $22.50 to $23: srtsMutb $23; mouille, $25 te 1-3. Eggâ-Fresli 17 1-2 to 18c. Cheps,' Wtero ¶ -R- Minne 97 1-kc; bar. 98 Northo' 95 3-41 %6 4-4c. OatS-- z, 840. patents to 84M8. seconds, Dulut)' bard. 99 Montr 5Ste 6c: froua 3 beavy 85 per $4; au( A, despatch fro,.n Ottawa savs: prominent in British shipbui]ding It is stated that the contract.-for circles. Tise plans for the ctui- Vise construction cf the ships of the pany'a plant at Sydney are now Canadian navy has been defi-nitelyj well under way and will shortly be awarded Vo thse Iritish-Canadian 'su-bmitted to the Government- for Sbip:building and Dock C2ompaniy, &pproval. Tbey-call for an expen- whicb bas its heridquarte rs &t Syd- diture of $6,000,000 and include the ney,_ Nova Scotia. Thej con'pany placing in positic,aofo a dry-dr>ck, includes amnong its directors: Sir which will be one o! the lar'gr-t ini Henryv Pellatt, uf Toronto; H(ýn. J. -t1ie wcrld, its length being put at M. Gibson, L'euLceant-Gu-vern<;r of'- 1,0-40 feet and its m-idth at 110 fweet. Ontario, and 8Sîr ('harles Ellis, It is huped te h.rxe the chairman of the J0l;)Iii w nCm- 'eratior wlihîhi fwo y eà'rs andtqý panv 1 tn . l;1\ e tl:nlîiaval silips w-eIladv-a;ced wl-ic-h i-cmplet7w.n insîde of five IN CANÂDA and i 1>I A Li remains wero decompos-'d, indicatad tisat he had failen] hewater at boas-t four days B Y TJlJiffl LYIPOISON. ght Fatal to Nineteen-mouths. old Child. esPatch trom Toronto says: iuote-monifhs.oId daugister $4.50te o6.5.U Vaz4 ~xa onBond, il 1 $4 bu $70. do..Milan atret -dieëd' on Wednea le, l 2 50 b i fro rn th e .- e c ts o f tt k i ug A qu a n1- te ýtityOf dposoù,.t' apfflrtt I doe, comason to ed. freux-o, saucer ou the 'w io Ili ri m, flM lu the rsn b !ler fLVA.veaAý1A -.EVIEHYtýDA<Y hINTS. -box iif lime kept in thse b) Pkike the air sitould be into tise fcw EPOOnI- just cover and it wil berce thse ;.ciildren - -t ne Shoes, _ - -àhas bo puetiem Il to tex' th;s: Coý e- sole&' w,... thre o!f our C oasso ,copal varnisis, and they wihl neyer need resoling. Tise reslly best method of! dean. - ing mirrors and windows is orub," thri~m wilb a pais 4- . su wat--i dries poliah with dry aruojsansd ramove Vthe pow- siqds ahould nav- Il la not generaily- uîjees o! lemon put - ntise pa henbolgcohe wiil mak theinbeautifuiIy white, îsud take all tieSa-tains out o!f fodket-baud- -kerohiefs:-,-andîdre apinafores., -cult lie lixon, witb' tise riùd, inta Esucesi, atidlet it reomaïn lu tiseloll er tiie çlothea -r resdy U oe ou ut. - - theg dste coe-. In ed a aU4r j ein ti pride the s if he praci, aleqt A nd Porte by la willE findt pende t.onal yelopi eageza +been -we ha. 'lie-ad- - vass-ÃŽ, vis. : Montr trealI there sulh ý Tee cauaî2 tous-,- crehiY-t or 92. divide tiere

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