Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1911, p. 7

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comparatively am i- - , imado efié U 8 il miles , t wîll tï. readW 4l adi ho w importanit is the e - lcar a 114 liberal danageeInt WC 6 401 1îîaitce' anid spamidçuis canalfý Pwii<it Ie#4ipý ài *t5t stt'4~ eli clnecting links are 1iecded. The~ iùibfdü the~>î nds, bl-id lad i P-11w11on has heen miost aptl~ de,.8 Ybi oyoflÏ -1.1- as a country vt laagnifics hi OiMDQt 0- htPoicex-' îXO1i bloo~d th Dr 1)Wîlliàm Pinlk hi il tocc iihieeev~t tends frçxn',g te W, est for a dis- vUl heua,~ .si$n. more - lio wimthc Of~v 1~no e ~Over 4W0 miles, and f rm cases than it ùs posg',ble> t piace on. pli, othc vanus o rt to îü:fr4M o to15 mlc. record:' Amngn the, ,os cure4I, ci, t iý Jol the more thoueght of hie aber. of Lake. Ens, la' in the. saine Pillea ia-isis X,- N. -Rberge, oci< 11't inîcalculable potlïîig et latitude as Nortiiern CalIfornia,- Sorel, -Que., who had been in poor i i:iii tmpli ralre--th te J-ten rno and, I1LOnin l health for several yëaroï Miss RIO- lioti'h.ralzs'-ha t ed etheref ore, lie berge says-~ 'Il believe that if 1 had is anything more, than an imn-ýnl t tI liaerte parameou lidble te people of thé. 01< net taken Dr. Williamis' Pink Pillé I 1 t'y ad vital im~-prtance of Lau tat Southern Ontario ehould myiieslouWd bave proved fatal. ti \ld fiirther, inasniuch af81Idee trns caca4nieet tiat 1- eau bcarcelT tell the. Points T in' onuhsliýler andc pirtaý,cýïin.e growr. Pe~ht et- at- Wh",,m it cdd begin. Tle ~'1<niebY water an it is oept in greenhouses, or againat a first noticeable symptom vais lossof tA 1-4 m)(1, ile utilization ef ber Wall witii the best exposure ta the cotor and'a feeling >of lassitude.1& I .,. alnd rivera in a firat and sun. But in Southern Ontarie theY Thon 1 began te loe my appetite,w tii e cnsideration in the. great grow abundantly in the open air had frelquent headaches, and sfellz tl 'l.of lier development. Tand arW produced te perfection. lu of dizziness, and became unali e te P rpraenoon, terfoe, t ts tavored Province tiiere, are do anv houseweork without beingla iirpi vs n s on e eenre- t tretches of peacx orchards and completely exiiaustea. Flnaily nY i d t '<in< bvn thsyus hae bn ex-j grape vineyards extoending ýover trouble hecame aggravated y a' r ls'<aî sagsetle ia many miles. There are M,6298 perzistent cough. 1 teck severald týr lu ctanas uildieng, acres o! orohard and small fruits, kinda of medicino, but did.not get t titeeynew project of relef v ris m<ntaln tes uesi~Ontario in tha. premier fruit-grow- try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla and it pi r 'anse thesd ardnslya ing Province of Canada, produciug decided te do so. Atter I had tak- r I i vnwEn hecatwo 75 per cent, cf- ail the fruit grewn, en several boxes there vas a -ne- 9 '-y a istuendwos theds icded 60 per cent. of the pluma, 70 Per ticeable imprevement in xny con- 1 m 8tpenouaand indêdcent, ef the. apples, 8o per cent. ot ditien and 1 continued uaine thmeb' t rcal p rohibo lsfitive Frdenr the amail fruits and peara, and 99 Pills until I had taken niie boxes. acti at l pvrohib3tiv.0 lhao per cent. ot the. peaches and grapes; The result in my opinion waa ma'- t t lam rt ny te people et Ca- a nd yet its industry is little more vellous. My appetite returned, My by th pepl -î ontutof anx- than begun. Thero are 16,700,00 nervea were strengthened, MnY 111 (.Ma * whconstruonand pex- productive fruit trees; the average weight increased, he,%daches disap- [ilj-, whili, $17611641ak andulvleo the capitlaeid and I meujoying the beat ', i: equal at the. turne ef cou- $17n11641 vand e the cadpitl vat e aith fd life. In -gratitude fi r T~L, "~Si a $5540071. The best peach Iends wliat Dr. meilliams' Pii.k Pille have iminob.have steadily gene upý in value donc fo meI give th4 at.atpment in 0 -~ NT)during the last six years, and the the~ hope that 't rna3 br.ng neqr T1ý%1 N 1) Ii V,,k Y. !future will bciestili greater. Cut îxealth te soe other suffere'." il~ ~~ ~~ ehe vulo i s tA t up io mail farma tiere Î5 no - Dr. Willia s' Pink Pilla cure al Ti ýýcifrýq1 o li sta district that will bc more den ely those - roubles due te jVccr blood, have a conitiiitw<iis '--aterwvay populated, -noue that w'ill bce more such as anaernia, indigestion,V ithte Atiantle Occaii to - the 'beautiful and botter cquipped w1ih rheuinatism. neuralIgia, S8t. Vitus liteid uf Lako SuuTbi ig which 1 miodern corivcuîences, raitrouds, <lance, partial paralysie,' and the A \41-014l of 14-foTjt diai li inay electric lighiting, etc., and noetroubles which attack' girls bud- t iii n) the hioatt of ti, -itntry, that will give better financial re-' ding itito womnhood aud womend %iy : 1.000 miles frîTîl 1, ýt lle toi turne. Olitario is the home of the l of mature years. Sold by- Medi-P Miti '<'ai and 1,30f)îî' f T-in Mon apple, and nenrly every fariner ba~s cirie dealers everywhere, or bya trn al, Fol'rt Williiiiii li a(ltIitiofl an orchard. The yield of apples i m a-il at 50 cents a box or six boxes 4 ti'î" ac' reii mia-- bYtern, -oneyea exeeded 25r,000,000 bush- for 82.50 frein The Dr. Williams' siiih le 1h Tr!i t.cti }e]îh ' Froin 700,000) to 1.000,000 bar- Mleuicine Ce., Brockville, Omit. viete ean alccCarp n ete Sl-t . ud' are exported annuallv te Oient peer,î(anl tCape and îlîzuan an(d the United States, the Rtideau Cana]-- this latter, - hile 200,0)00 to 300,000 barrels are hiow<'ver., was orîgi nally ('TO struet- 1raiied to the Northwest. eritaiu cdi as art Irperial nilitaîy, wc'rk - vill buy ail well packed goed vatr- W1UELESS NEWSPA)PERS<, The'ev muake a good start--hut therc , jeties that can be shippëd. South- iiï Net to ho donc, an-c tic 'ern Onta.rio, -e centrally situat-ed, Ocman Traveltcrs Now Have Late8t -Pt'uJh -Tf ('anilada arecni'rOr witl ,uo fertile, and se fins i'n climnatsNw Dly 011 on(, or more big canail propos- 18 destined te bce eue of the,. groat- tesDiy itioîî. undcr consideratien, as, fer -~.,and most remunOrAtiv,6 fields N'ot thie W.u', intèestin. de- e> àlo th prescrit trne 'iden tp~plies, espeeîally iu v'Mur, O!tii. vlopSen t et wir.lesa telcgrà-,his- 4 hri la iê s urgent *Aecfssity etl~owing d emin ~-0~ > th., mîxn.r in whie h iàeui-là deepoedag tho W . eUandý (li 1, or jio and the great Praii ,rO- has been utilized for pra'duelng o 'kuga ne. canal altogethr vinebo, where, owing to a less fav- oesa> n -board ahip. No li The. tyroen'edepth of the St. Lav- orable climats, ouyte1alrlngrd0 an oceaxi voyage meau rence, an~d Great Lakes ca* ýYsTj anîd hurdier fruits can be cuoeS ha n sotý off, fon the. tine tien, iiî' 14 f cet, the prepusI a1 1 te lygon The aunual prOduet !r*rxes!aI-lipn- e tisdeph ii imcase of et grapeas about 20,000o toàs val- ' increase oùsdpbnto tee e a rm~ooot ~<< land', NOinly_ ail the. big thueIIîi Lnna, ao2 f<'et 75,0io0 Ot Transatlant.e in ura issue nêws- by j,111*e.nl('. hetteriug the facilit- Thie prospective fruit gi-cuer may Pae onb&d andi every mcmr- -- i 'q of thie Canadian r(iitc, ari i hav almest any ainoUlnt 4 aCre*- pi'aeticaily c linching the trade age air reasoeable figimnea, as tuer. ing passengers are .rved 'fth~ the. aluîng this romîte fer Canadien bot- ar e a" nlno res suit- tsat niii ait tbe bckft-"e t-ons againsi allpsil compet- ah-le for apples 4d other fruit.ji Ste ol er a,.O 7 ~~~itiori from time United Stites tran- The, tud', of soln capital, &.j~ es- tev.aê-t-i.Lsfai ul~ sp-TprtîmtuTn agencies eitiîr on land 'câJ th man acuitdwlth" retn r ere PyO'tei'I.t1MJ -lun or' mater. f ruît-gowins, wi1l qoe succlas i-etily~ w lero IitOd l th& i T0N N'AUE 0F THE CNL. Tho isuccesles Ane -rlemnrkab)e. Thé. ard Daiy ul niune iner mon- CANALS. lire la inciepezuient, healthigl, and e ti Of uU axumouiue xi Loxi The imlpo.rtant part played by the enjoyable. without drudgeý,y-lab- do -n il thi eviia»8 Jcanis in the ecouomy of national er-saving inaehîniery bas' modfed eTi.crçulatin of the. tBuiletitm traiisportation Muay lic gathered 1that. But capital Or ne caital l v-en 9, aIxie k hs x'eacii' a . lrcnu a~utaterncn et the trffie Icriol.d~e or n dicwede Iibo .8 X&OQ W -ooas4- ti iauît $te. NMar.ie ....27,861,245tons 4 tLawretive ....... 2;410,M2" ........... 7,62,117 ' Otta iva ....... ....... =,M ' 'S Murray ...... ...... lo2,*g1" Ri-deau ....... 1 ...... 91"774 st. I'er's .......... 19,85w ret........ ...... 59,952 < It-ta interesti!tg-to comenre the enrou% traffie at the Sault wlth T the traffic through the Suez Can.el,t thé, ôtticr.grpeat artificial waterwmy 01, t~he wrld; thle figurea for tiîa wokare tsckerî f rom tii.ofâ£îcal re- T "teurns feûr Otii. .19M Pfi«lt 'F#»rom ltht valuaMedoit ment it Appoars tlint ditrflr t VIi y'esr 1M-03 esIs te thie Pnîbel'of 3 ,703% (total tiirosugli the Fautc ar-, a i rs 021 nnmmd tUrôoeh the Silex rather tuit ci!<teathes, .thei'top et whioh in"&jned vith 4-r gol tliread.The y'al1e cf h 4ilhr is, test~jii&ed ut &<~O,bd it bat the distinction -Of ing xi# <oufrl on. of its kind in i -npnts gioo. Tweety y$4au' th~e eïr$t hum.er ý 0 ,rer tii ftes' mrbefore it asa tNneI and during uiiat porto4 ,mi+ tba a doze nntrs bid lett býi- lv inthe qt,& -le and cities, is one of -themost re-- Mnerative andin' r and ,w home maïk.t, is always< 'fou'n4 for. good dair butt..,The . ýport rad i utter and oheeg s e. iause pQD a ,olid basis. 1, uf by far the lreaproportot.- ef creamery butter finds, raid',* n the markets oft_ te, -Province. WVhen it isc understood 1thet Oanada% s much the - largast 'exporter of' cese ini the world, and, that On-" tanc la the greateot cheere-maldng' section of the Dominion, the im- portance of the. Province in thi, relationship la clearl' Three-quar- tors of thedar product of Can"- ada la produCein Ontario. Oreama vorth $1,250,000twas -shipped to, the Unuýed $&atesin î1W. ,The Province bas. 1,17$cheege lactories and 11Î5 creameries. Tiie mik de- livered at factoriea luin909U was 1,- 381,048,459 -poundfi; thie cheese pro- duced was 125,81,3&9 pounds?; and the value was $14,108,918. Thé milk, nade into butter ut cheese, facter- ies and creameries, wag 198,334,532 pou7-ds, tee butter produced wasa 9,015,208 pounds, and the. value, $2,- 175,96à. The ettimated value of butter 'macle in farindaires, -con- sumed on the. farm, and supplied to towns and cities was 015,000 000. T~he total- value of dairy prdUtsJ wvas at le.aat *31,000,000, while -in two or tbreebanner years the av- erage value was $35,000,000. In lii this there is probably a total vhich aurpasses any other one lin. of industry, and when it la coupled with pork production, which should, always lie a coniplemnent, dairying' .s eue of the most extensive and profitable industries in the. Pro- vince of Ontario. The Pro-vincial Departmnent ef Agriculture maintains a staff of, thirty-five dairy instructors, ' whoee duty _. la te inýtruct the.individual producer in tee hanýdllng:ôf"nmilk ,m"d creain and its clelivery l,î good condition, and to teach ti hee Eakers the 8ecurIng and maintainý- ing a uniferm qtuali.ty ofhigw lx 10s rnaterial. The. microscope, in -the kanidà of ex'perts eniployed by tii.-lUnite4ê StteGove=nnt has. revealed b9 tac b»ht y-w"houe.1fiy sour- et.s inxulde it. Theit ', aft'ei a cOuy1>e of.days, wiII ie Iound tO re tainý a 'dliigy iint -c q. &lWays. wea.r shoesh aelge onouh .iJ yoia t Ëe avepratty" feet, ai4the - 1atiiex.,sioukl be -sofb andpIab. Thé cfot, bovever, ýthat slips about'in a large shce la arn much likely te, get diîfiguied as the. foot thatià pichcd. It i. a very good. idea te, alwayls- -wr kp * aves of bre&ad in a& eau, ,hte cloth, whethere they lie kept in a wooden or tin box. This wibi keep the. bTead absolutely f reh,l and 'if thé Cloth l8 chauged fre-'. quently it wil ho found that'the Loavés cantlie kept far longer thaili wheptey are. placd ',n the box with nothlng but the. cover* cver In ironifigpkt~ndecif and other small articles, such as msny a gir1 "gets up" for herseif, 'thuà svn'Iudyexpense, care must hé 8kfl th tii. a tiésare alifghtly- damp but -net too w0t.- Y ireiied whedV -quite d ry -the i. se -will net lie: amoothed out as they' sheuldlie, while if the -linén, etc., i. toc? wet when iyonedt the iron wil leave a cirty mark on the au r- face, and this will n.cessitate waah- ing- the linen over again. -TTYZÂlia.BUK. Blisters from canoeing, ball-play- ing, or any other cause, painful sunhurn patches, stings of* insecta, and ohafed places, are a&l eased in- etantly by.Zanî-Buk. Don'thave your vaCatlqu spoiled bypain f ron any sore, -,whieh Zaxn-Buk could, cure mx qiqiclctiine 1 - Thia W'ndzrful balm is macle from herbai juices land ila bighly an-- tiseytiç* -Poi4on fiom netslg barbe4-wire scratch, or thçiUn' pj pre l imiredýately irendeXre4 harmleseuas sooiï-as ±m-J:ýuk toudh, ès it. Motewthh îW-Young bAbie,$: should use it for chafitgýsores1 etcq [A,-80e urus»ites1 ulcerse at4 eé- ~Ieciii1 Enginoeqrig. Saniury Engiheerin~ Power Dgvé1aom~iit. Y.ou look very' worried " o41bs notes, eue te my brother as&lng« therto Miss Wri<eh ask.imig hete mai-nyume. Now,--omèone lias juatj eitmé,th 'OMi&sge, "Yes," over the. teleplionç, and 1 don't knOw whlch 9ne it *ao." Wilson'$ lyPadat,t.bestoi., al 1Iy kîlleru kili bobh' it.1e. ansd 1ýhe disesse germa. "W. have no* been married'«-It! teen years, Archiib.%Id, and I have' nover omitted te ba.ke a cake fée you. on youz birtliday."ý "ThaV's true, m=y dean;-aud very oeeo! them N~as, so te apeake, a. ie- towns' on. thre path- of my lifedQ 4 Néoee ee.d tsar choiera or anl îumuner cemplaint if they, have a' Tottîs of Dr.. J. à). Kell*g >sDY- seantry Cordil re4acy fer' use. :It corrects ail - leosene a o! Gthé. bowéla proQmptly and, causes-& b'ealti su natural action. Thî# is,.a ruedaýItI adapteci for the y.oung and,- aid, rich and poon andil rpil e ooeng ih. noý;t -popular ,mediéiIae for choiera, dy sentery etc,., luin tii market.-- if; W. DAWSON, NMiioe ~Colbürne 8 rtv Toronte, tjF tvWest, fo pürcboèo Land lnMil14* L Ftat s, a brnap, lber o ,rt RnýV smre of.thezberna 4.bI< : Gxai, an ~ Da4ry Parmin, u OnLsz4>on 5i boe.tig ,1acs kT o Qard eu 1,U os B~nT~ASRA U branchées ibi xtt S .. O0 et 1__ ___t, - o i lf Ite "Tommy,, 1d tyou give your býo-*1 tirer the lientpart eot 1 .aple--atIg Itoici yqu tari om-"e'- suw I avehbmthe;aes ~cr -pant 'em ad ý'have.a-o1 r HchanPciMt"M ULD aitor, l'là 'ý,x-was, '0OI~I , 1

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