Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1911, p. 8

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94 ( WW lite "WJOeu asosm, w &M.d X&tt $dumyaI t ba» 4 ToÊrosW. 1'by veut U rvrmteOi mm tg uIlme >oila Lodg, .Q Y'.9 oi wbîch du»""ed W&& avlnb 1 Sod whea living i t yzie aaunibr .-.1asp Tii rema.m o . aie liraX",poster nutiuaLna.ai o! stouftvllIe8 wer brougial to tise (rovmide cemnwry Soi auumal Mot Thuraday.' Mrt. W. 1R. ila&bwaon, a Mattsf 01 Ibstownmblp. a brother ofU. B. Mathewsoat o1liii tib cou.,$(1104 -& hWs home in Toronto mn WedeaLr y oi Isat week alter a brieSi gis.a. Alter IeavLig bl er. lived in Owea Souad, but h basben lut a aumLber oS y.are supeiitetnditit et lb. carpetry de. pertinet o!1IbU Iaamy-Huai o., Toront.o, kie wasu ixty aine yaz 01 agi, lira. W. 0. Me&d and id on, of 1'- j rMoute bave been visîiigab"ML[. 8. Tho lirookila Soolialiteaus vont to Pelerboro on Ijawnrdal tb play&ate, SmuAM@aine vli li leus Ueyddest,- id bure on D)omin inay. h'or Som# riasoU it wuau oddayvlith lb. Brook"n boys, and wit.l Lthexce»-r 01 n tlbe Oalkeeper, Jobs Tordaif, XàO M liàs work eut out. for bina soi 0" 08theuspIIeyd UP tt ie vmark. oeaer as aauraiiy but ose resuit. ~ Winudayatt«rn o01lutI Wek a violnt viâd -a"ntais starm aeheoer Ibisvillage asud eled*<« nQa" .esip 0th le soUi9,, Ti ain Was&mci bued t oi"am amitlsAed quaallty. 'l10 W%;nd was -qulle diatruotiveo MUsAa Ire, vel4 UPfotei and IaomebuU&dngs iMag- i.Poes ver. blovis do"u in r. lr.W, . àHlolliday ba, -'acculas ljxbrldgu incelut we,, Owlng 1.0 lAme serlous I"us Vher Sau=ie, Mr. James Rarrm J ;'hli mlnated la y s Iat n ody teroa r&oUnoed la ibis couin andsi bar dmtliomay aloc ta Theime av ThelboIductiousWntI soci. al it andlie OOSifit yteiucoge& - "ioAy.uookace iles U ucaillre, aStibrses; Milsai vraa ent l abu~. is.SO, ins W A. olalday es C TXe=4ogi« valTbhti ae So »«boyewuon lioart ee~ing. RI W. bas ai, al 'Reth J., snaorméti bil and, Ralurm la bave Bue hauts Prul, <tla, aataplipreao I« el nuicteni.t abecoe abomile ,Tb* lraMbsaas ealp .. a Onudà 'Ctlb a rIat tru a e to Ur* th@ oldeat rialdenra. Mu. .Iw.a Ma- Miiom e wAkou Ara o ea - M 01 M tWboi on maiuThpu a bà dsiaiera, Torobe mIylAvi".îe ëd n si Cemsel, vaïdsci al ait@S cinte, ai l ir.GuJ lg% a admim IdU sa iavery -nj oabe Tàm dtu iiWb" adoga ied im1 exinatbieso naio5InselIit e». 9W lUogau-dr te t volumn î h tepeature MsQat.ibav, mm* $t ~~ ue rlv iaI wuasubil& wnu j "log" mdjaadingtram lthe d$.rm- ined *aYln"là 1» toc*up ais touatai n aspu d éd dpapoua ch114 lien wereSmre _tmor*tlsils ? nmmets o1 day-l*gt ramblese sud mllhî exper1eno.g, aeu nat *.irok- ain. W. know ofSmmewblch bc dily *oteds but- 61 course must flot ,lot th# cali out o! the bagi" but lit Jack 14MI ai15 h e .sols pleasuueofoS iii Ing ltu *0uture, "I romember, Vsrct WOU 1 1 i ves I vasal a rooirain lia rot SUsmMer day, whms the thermom- Oter VAS over 100, @bd noml'n. Utr. mnd lra, W. Bayes, oi Audlu>, wire tbe guest. oS lMt. C. Laurence on eunday. , liUa LiMie Earl, of Toronto, a théi metoS1 Mr. Md lira. .Lu- MS.0 Over the holiday. ON THE SIDE. Ia'I t terrible bot?1 Tii hat apPeara ta have nO eeo Ou th$ football t.em. Tboy buat the COlua Clubteet 1-0 at-tii &Msve- W!, Tii boys sever mem tt< îet t'te oldmotto, "kqo opo. *W,@ haven't heard anytlring or lie Bnggot8villo Shlnhlchers lstely. I's llkely liuy have &il Ilnlzzled out, , The Audio7 gardon Party vas9a Vrand sUcceu, but tiere wasa'I masy ,rom, Brookila. Among tlone 1h11 v. (roms Brooklil. noîloed Was Mt. Richard Hoar as& Mi"s Gertl.I-marris. Tii Boys of Brooklin aen lv And this does Suiy mmens TbeY lot lie gi rieailIreat theumelves To ten dirés <> ice creaus. QFZ. SIGNS 0OF' IIDNÉY TROUBLE. ln thie ârly stafea kldney troubles are kaowa by Md ce 5( uinary disordere. Laier coue dropsy, atone, rireumatie pawn, 4"d perhapg diabetes But dou't witt ort bese. -Dr. Chaa's Kidn4y-Liver p" i -vi elpjou inaa 5ev hS",i Their thorogactio>n on time livor, kld»ryv lsAd bowèIs vil charl away the pains SMd adheaaMd, Imâïm You Weilu. i - YRTLE STATION. Several rom boe attended L. op- esla service, aI Asburn on Suay ani 4mouy laIt. Gardu Partie. are ail tbe rage thj àlisPuarilicQffuire cio" Gabava l vultlingsamolive Vanest. Mr. Wilson sud daugite, Olive, oS Mlarmont, aI lir. T. Wilsl ', Suvotai tanra bave à%"" " hY- ïi aad are Imb lie harveas, SOM@e IaW 09ou ntbops stanting a mlrtatrel Iroop bone. Go te It bons ai vu inV ow Tofos do t. Rev. JobaS n vilPm"aci 10 li yPUSgcles nul Swday eelg lu lie Mthodiat chuté, For Aged -people. OLD PQLIC8 SHOULD BAI CAKE- YUL f- I THIR IC L&ITIOz4 orP£RGUL*TiVý il1ClE te4oh0 mWdeulaue*t laprtim lia et Othmr bovewdlsnes a*0 àeehl -ts-jviu nelur leu tilaais y aW Om te lia .Moudy etUrned ta ber home l Torouto ibs e, alr twXvi wa sat thlie bossm S r MsOlive Goldrlsg epent S"iy Villa relatives As Toronto. Mia Tesa Sleep 1.1 ou Tueuday for- awee'avisAItla- Ottawa. Muisa ElaleAthinson, oS Edmsonton, ta vlsltiig aI ber home bom. lr. 2. N. Grangor sud eblidres, of Scaboro, are apendlzsg two veeka witi ber Sather ber.. h-ait Girows Thin. USE PAILISIÂN SAGE IN TI ANI) Pt±VtNT 11A1)NMeS. vL ou baiu Asgrowkug thinaer &"s lieai ad caubs you anxaety, go ta A. Il. AIlin to-day aad Set a large bottie onParts"an "geo I«ocly ou osna. ILta lu suda deligirbaulasu rreeabing grcssln Qt iou viW in t'O ue IL reguiarly. Parau siae Anguarasteedt os&top falling Irait anu IWlug scalp, to rad- "W tedaadrusandi mae lthe hait lus- (trous andi radiant or money b"c. TIreraii ollslng juslas gooti aà Parissas Sagp. Sbu y o% l mepacx-ý age wbicbcoslmaslb.thegirl wrtirtithe Aubtun Hakr. By L"redeagh o!flMr. Jaums îrri- son, wbich occurreti on ""sdy, J uly luth5,ibistows bl os o1itslsa5- spected citizeir and a Pioneer busineas m"s. Air. Harrison vwu bora ai WbItby la 1838, and came to 'Ux- bridge Ait Iy years ago k> establL£ a lamneu-PmkiAg buans.,ss, viricir Ire coaductod auc;eatully for Iveaty years. Sine dispoulng of ibis ho las lîveti retlred. I"or ,neyerai years -b. van a usember 01thlie lows coulwil, aMd vas izrteregted I iq9 r r QIsso tie tova la dièet ways. leva 4=ca ehurci.la poitiS b.ivaà a Llberal. Tii.late -Mr. Hisonvi noves 0fQI oaonýly ose là nov tit' MirS. Rtcard Snov, Wba àlveI, WIaItby uatl ber -'#ova -10Tonopl a 1e» years mgo.' Hm viSe rvivuî hlm nad one daugirter, JEra.: W., IlOIlidaY, 0f 'BrOOin -A EtaaakStaltor, ettttsn- . 1 sltw, oS1U("AvawhO W 4 iapu 04, janr teri'adru&g store, foroato, un.t iii-à aterruule acds eana *vieag. Asastak, vs besg era -ylaos AtIbadly anlu bA body. RIe vmutm biilsr Iolawm --tour docsola mada Iraumi aunsae vonklu lihua dau snetgh, vii 'à hope Of hie lts, el-km iip .iaen lie laihnc a L raor,..is - zlm iua vidthirs ibm apeed Imt th TréwftvAttorney, Louis T., Mos.ý alia, put tire question# as te vietheïr liaeY venuraclng. -In,àngyen, &Upan- t e 'eoempirulie 1hi Uttlgthat th"y .diti nol so much as know each ather. 'Pioge lu tie ar iti Henley wlien- liai accident -bappenoti e, lit. C. W. Deteabuci, H!4. -aggernm, Misa Richards sud lire. Richards. Mrt. Henley'smamny Srlends viii ire Pleatd o Lent of the, favorable out- cone ofthe trial. A LUMENMANS OPINION. "I1vas hroubled w1t>palpitation of tbis eu t n d sd leoplessness," wrllea lMr. Wm. Pritchard, Luimber Inspechor, Lumasten Miliii, Ont., "ianti uued Dr. Ciras's Nerve Food witir Vary great beneât, an my wbolo sys- tomn wusstreuglireneti snd buuit up."1 Dr. Chase'a Nervo Food forms nov, ricb blooti and restores tire leebie, ,wasted nervo clsa. Close of Missionary Con- férence. SUNDAY IMEE riNG. Tire pulpitu o! several town chruthes were occupieti on, .'>unday 1- , Jel-gates to thre conference. At the mornlngi service lu tire BaptIst churcir Dr. R. E. Smith, homer on fuilougir frous India, tlisMost InterouIlng.:y (J conditions lu tiraI gre.rt coit'v ny*l tire evenlng lMt. Morris Ehnes, )f ,çew York, spoke on Why I belteve In lFor- eign Missions. At the evening service lu tire 1 ab- ernacle Rev. T. E. Buchanan, Supt. of Metodlsî Missions is Alberta, oc- cupled tiro pulpit. Rev. A. A. Scott, home from India, vent to Brooklifa vtir pastor IMc- Lean la the aflornoon. Alter tire Ovening cirurcir services a publIc service wan ireld onptho College lawa, wileb as woll) attendeti. Rov. W. T. -' unn gave & mot delightful. iddrffl upon thre caîl of Abram 10 -eMigrahe le t a laid vils ire knew %vt.Re. Dr.- McKay presided. THIE(TO MEETING. Tbe final meeting vas beld os lions dlyevella. tr~ ,*Ky agalsla chage.Tepslsung sd1thon vas oudeale.-Of lt *wanled by lit. W.:, C. Senio~r, and-,-masy took part is Tw oula",es"andos6e Young iman, - iro purpose gohn% 4o-lire fMWs Mlon felda ibis year, Vetl caIle& -to. *e lalorm 'Pieyouogmm,, Who Mated f aosu b l oro vorla mosgsi l the- - lanstaIFort -Simsos, lu tire 0"-laaNortl-West. l'homo lane wer.callod holte 'plat- tond -tispoke lirlfly,. ~1%é'au Who " e-of e u*né o lis1 M luAaéle~ "I a,~ape 1EN NousI! PAINT bean I a e t t leboe * b.cepet lathe end. I »lms.h 1 pl-evr oeaufc- ebtter-tnd it fé th .10tU . Le. sud dj3% PureWhste Zinc Pain -Mde la .d o « ue CA& a P~~ob ryoviw matr. 7 Je MCINTYIRE, Whltby. somte !orm of mission work were ask- Ececutor's Sale. ed to rise, and 47 responded. 01 thue ileu than hialt a dozen hati corne to ElecutOr'iî Sale of Farm L.ands on that decision ait the prescrit confer- Kingston Roa.d between Whitby and ence.1Osa . Six etuned missonaiesprescrit The execut.or of Mary Colton wîll Were asked to speak, giving their im-soul by auction at the Oshawa House pressions of the conference. Town o! Oshawa, Saturday, July 29, Then some of thre missioriary volun- 1911, at 2 p.m., thre !arm 0f 70J teers told oo! the influence of thre con- acres, soutir parts of lots 17 and 18 lerence upon them. in 2td concession o! the Township o! Thre leaders ln conference work- Whtby, fronting on thre Kingston Miss J. Thromas, M.A., Rov. H. C. Road, one and a hall miles west of Priest, B.A., and Mr. Morris Ehnes, *Oehawa. Good anti sultable dwelling, Who were leavîng that evening forbarns, stables, etc.; 3 acres o! young Knowlton, Que., wero givon an oppor- bearing orchard ; 5 acres of standing tunity to bave a good-byo message, timber ; stream and hard and solt which tbeyr accoptied promptly. Ais water. Thre new Toronto Electrie Vhey leSt the room to catch the trainRailway la surveyed across the land. thoy were speeded by hearty and Pro- Furtirer particulars from thre under- longed hand-clapping. 'slgned. Reference Was made to thre Conter- Port Pcrry, July 10, 1911. ences at Knc>wlton andi Woodstock, H. L. EBBELS, and aItire conclusion o! thre meeting Vendor's Solicitor. a gatherlng o! delegatès f rom Toron- to andi westward was held for con D. D. A DAIMS, sutlation as to hojw to promote Inter- Executor. est In tbe Woodstock conference. -- --- - The larger part of the delegates loI i by thre Tuesday mornîng trains. WHITBY MARKETS How's This ? We offer One Rundred Dollars Reward for ai.y case of Catarrh tbat canuot be cured by Hsl' Catai-rh Cure. F. 1. C HHNRY & CO0., Toledo, 0. We the undersigaed have knowa Y. J. Chemey for the fast z5 yeari. and believe him perfeetiy honorable lu ail bualnst transactionç and fin- aneMaly able to carry out any obligations made byhbis roi.& Whoieaale Dragglsts. Toledo,.0, Mal'. 'atarrh fulutaken Iteirnaily. acting riesya(m etmoil etfra ite75 Cours=slu Via tise SaS. p Sir. A] Coanfortable Prlday Atlalke lover, por bus....$7.00 le 7.50 Wbeaî red ... ...... ... ..0.80 10 0.85 Whea, vihite ............0.90 10 0.90 Wheat, flu........... ... 0.85 to 0.90 Wiea, gose..... ........ 0.80 to o.80v Wgbal, prlag ...........i g5 10 0.90 Barl....... ............. 0 60 to 0.60 118»...a.... ... ......... .00ot.oo RYO ....... ...... .......0.75 ta0.7#5 .e ...0.85 10 0.90 B u c h y o at . . . . . . . . .0 .5 5 10 0 .5 5 B ei lov r. . . . . . . .7 .0 0 té 7. -# ELOUR AND TEED, p1ou*, pet ewt..-. ..- .-..76 toi 3.00 Chopped teci, vt ... . 1.60 i g. o Ooru aL . ..... ....... 2.00 wo35 Bra, pertion.. ........ 22.00 10 22.00 Shorm pat tm.... ..25.00 oe87.00 MEAT, POULTRY AND ROD JC. B3e, per cin..l........... 9.00 10 10.50 CaIlle, lirve lgeilt.... .3 to O Muthon, pen lb ........ ..0. 12 to 0. 14 Ldambat lOaci...........4.00 to 5.50 Hoge, dresss...... ....9.00 t0 10.00 HIoga, lglt mAi fai.....0.50 o 7.0 atep, « ud..... .......8.00 t108.00 Obcâdhaa pet lb ........0. 14 to0. 16 D o k , p t lb....... . . o iet o . 1 8 Qoies., eaumei-pet lb.... 0. 198100.18 Tuth pabm ee, et I. 0.20 t100.85 Buttr, per 1b....*....... 0.20 10 0.2 Egg, en dot., nov laid 0.18 o 0.20 L atdP«tl L.....* . 0181 0.20 Polalces#, pin bg ... .1.0010o1.20 Apple ef4 P«brel, ... 1.50 t0 8.00 Oalo, pe bmg....1.-00 t i .00 Ua~, pet test...te 6.1.011 .» pur u# S. - PO$T-,LrmeP*k g, i - .o. fUgbride PîwJ» 139Jau. bAS, a"s lti.M&y 00J, 'SSept; 15, Nov, 17j Jan. 139- 1912. à UXBRIDGBO-Clek, R.J - eom ,uzbldage-J. 1, rM"S l M17 July 279 Sept. 210 No. l lJa. 11, 19. 4 BOANN1MGWN-cerk, JG*. ËII Gordn, laeton-J l,,sé 1 0Ma 19 July 240 Se. ai Nov. 15, Jan. 10, 1912. 7 BEAERTRON- Cark, J Du"i Gonrd, ABevrWo-Jaa. . 1, isa SI, May 19, JuIy 25, Sept. le, Nov. 14, Jan.9,12 Date< et Whitby. Nov. 21at.119. SOMMER- SESSION Students may enter any day. Open ectire year. Now is a good time to enter. Largest trainers n Canada. Graduates get best positions. Thousands studying at home. Exclusive right of the "Fainous Bliss Book-Keeping Systern" for Ontario. "Actual Business from Start to Finish. Write for particulars. PEIlERBOR09 41SNESS COL> E. W, EVANS, Pump Manufacturer SIop and Ré sidence, undas Street - WHITBV rbre. doors West of Whitby Heune. W. are PrePa.red tb mutai wood or truak pumpS on short notice, a"s attend to ail kinda of re- palrlsg. Agent for the Ontario Wind mai lise gaaollne engime and the %ua Geared Magmet -crea m Parator. M(YNUMENTS - of ail Do3sai d Iatr&m cptop 1* tlpay you ho Cali aI ogS works, and nspect for yourself. Don t be mi ed by agents. W. do not OKtploy thiof,'*lty vo Oaa, an d do sho w U se e k W e Is i m 10 pet cent, viricir you vUIi savo by Purchaslng trom un ACali Souici' ti. 015<. and Wcks Opposite Standard Bank, Whitby, Ont. 'Scianton Goal' Makes Clean, Quick, Hot, 8trong and Cheerfui Fire. "4Ail coal well screened before Ieaving the yard." SUITAOLE SIZES S O G~~ or arg nm d m id s. bou ae ' ON? ÇJe OSHAWIO

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