S 14 DY NY JuIy l5th t It 1'OLL.OWLNG our usual custom, of mak"n,each- season'stadetake care of that season's buying, we will tr u nulJl a 1'Saturday, j Lly i5th, and i everythni in.the- sto're wil bereduced in price. There is no other reason for teteedu e cin during this j uiy sale, ezcept that we d n't'icarry gQù.dà over fromn oixe ýseason to another. Lokcrflytruhti it aesat I5th and 'ends July 31Ste DrensGooda Hlnery Bt ftlt- rIce 511k Mâile Xlnote tl&WG . hrsUdrk Ago"d chanceto buy drese goode. Woinie'Plain and fmncy Liste Morne, 20 DO= Meils SUik Lwiot n ienejl&WGR.Sit nerkrsWmn wae ROUggU a joc q aîy il Colon . 480 lai n any colors and patteras of Ger. green# tan, brdwn,' grey ani navy 95 Dmz Men'u Cambric Shirts in al the W o mnen's Black Satteen Petc as1epSKpOS i IOcls 5 65C qualiayp %t 1 ....... 4" nua nuke$ ail sites Inaiasortaient, blue, 'afites , ':o% and'a j, regular bést patterns of above makers' goods, pleating, wth corded rufetboomalonthltog dsis l co qaty, ilcolore I *.. 90reula slf@gprce 25CcSo perpairRift 14' 17,-,adgul-forth.19 rcomir alue$lai clr......790 July Sale Pnice......... .... j ul t rce.Jfr.s - .0 julySaegurice Creular ale $ao eig nleo..o....nsyl par-euy Sl ri uy Sl rc . .. . . . ie adsoato o ir -%iuuu yarus ncotcn Lepflyrs in piln,,Colors, Checks and plaids, regular price 15,JySaePc, Bsest Eag1ish Prints I Boys' Oxford Shlns à - verail Spectali WieVsi i glhPitj etq iy n1dr dMon'& Blacic Bibb Overails wfth elastic Men's Braces eolored Dress i nsAlwueadclrdvsig £sgUh ~nln, bat qa.l:y a drk ad a Do. Bys'BIss Stlpe Oxordsuspeaders, ait sites, 32 <o 42r lhab Po-und% a, teed m colons, Shirts, collar auched, sites :a% w o egular Si, july Sale Prce... 69c i Mca's Englisb-Ms&de Braces, gocd lea- Fancy Coiored Dres, ulnwielyrdac fcs nwlar c and tui)jc.......CA rce5o ehPeabodys aake, megala #s.I5ther cads,made ta wearregular grounds with colored foes eua 5 o.... jjai epe ..........j u ePi e ...an...29 up Pre. eoc each 1 J prce 2 a irjuly Sale Price reular 8,4c, Juily salePie. k ~ glr2eLr. Men's, Youth's and -ehildren's Straw Rats ail q.o at Maif1rie _ ____ Mae B lard and Sortit I Mn'm!a lzre at *. i... ~Ivoa~ i I g-ls A ft % i tÉgâ1' Rate X% $3- M.oad $à -.25Hard Rats 1.-75 Meu Pte Pa, egl~r*aoo1.39 Mcn Cras H ats, la, brown, grec, black and tau, regarp"ie.5 la july le PMO..... Mea's Sait Qutlag Shirts, colla attach. cd la grey, tancms, regular price s5e, J49Y Sale Pr99e 18 onlyi saiiples, ladies Paris and white silk-lincd blouses, sites 36, 38, 4o and o 6, etu1ar silhagPtice K07s11> - - %y ___________________________I ~4.50ta ~O, >ily~alek'nie ~.U ~ Sgle Price ' qw a stoey carpet 1Squares Ail sizes and colors TaPestry Squares. Si=. 3x3, regular $MO.OO Sale Prale........ Size 3:3%, regalar $zz.oo Sale Price.........*' - 0dozen EmIwoîldered ýCollars ai ses and Wld, regular price ,Japanese Rus julySalpri. Siso. se M)3, reular $a. 2j Aufy Sale wPr.e......... jiu Sale Pnlc......... &47 Sirea= r*gu39C 0. >uly Sa*lie*, ...... .... 25c, J4 ySlà Pie2fo 5. *me 7 * e .. ........ WW uly Sale 1rc..... 1 iAiv5,» uJ 5u u gwl8r Mecot'aUad"reart ina piak, brown, blue, asurl andwhite# Watson's maei regulu a eing pnice soc, (Jnderwëear Laies' Canabdcniwer s, site$ 25 and f47,_regularkice 35C. 9A,. e on nade July à # "e mofmý sg Sale. I It gm-mat- ..14 t.. ..14s 'e,. a~ ..~. LW Ladies' -Potton, Vests Ladies' Cottoni Vests,. with short fleeves and aleeveléas, regUlar 25C 9 SPEeIAL-6 spools Coats thread, 25c; 6 qMspc sCoftacelh a it, 25C4 6baliscrochet cottoai, 25e; Meds tweed suits, reguùlar'- 12. ioý, for 349; a dozen safeypns C 4 pair slk hle haif hose, $n.oo; Men's tweedsuit%, regular.$to.oo, fo9 69o. Telehon orMai OrersWill hedelîvered, free of charge, wldtl-a radius of ten miles, each Tusay dring sale. Phone 7 r2b 2 rds 6 i. taffeta silk ribbom, 25c; MOlI's Work ShItrts'- Men's'Work Shirts, a là acit s&d oz- fards, collan attached, eua t Do flot tail to visit oui' store during thsslwhich -w,110onl-y-,last, 14 dys WALTR, .m HT PORT WHITBY. Mrs. Thomapson and the Mis. Thompuon, Toronto, are holldaying at 'Uncclarest." Mm. Moore, Chicago, Ji vlsltlag with ber parents at Port Whitby. Mise Pearl Hoillday, Toronto, las vlitlag triend8 at Port Whltby. Through' Tourlut PullmnsSleepers -TO-- WINNIPEG and EDMONTON fromn Toronto 11 pa., July à 1 and ai, Augumvt icago, St . mtad Minneapolis. VuryLi>w Rates WINNIPEG EXHIOITION DATES Joly it t as The Popular Route MUSKOKA, L AUE OP SAYS, *tEbf AGAMIALGONULJN PARKijffOZ-. GIAN SAY# KAWARTIIA LAE MAGANgTAWAN ftLVEIREünc > RIVER, Rtc. Low Round Tnp Tounlst te11. Gramd Trsak Ag*ueor aUne. A. DuU, m lm ~Agstlt 4Tes- ont-. Ont or- Mr. Ooirge Plada, DuRasrt, spent Suaday at hoS». Misse Georgma a nd Ethel Gissai, Toronto, ar e visitling at KMr, M. Ko. Taggart's." Mr. and Mrs. Vanvalkeburg sont- t-Leweek end wlth [riemnd nshbura BA.D VOLD IN M EOUEST. -4m "I rn lpy teo toM you tbâl tuted Dm-. Chan&*s SYrup of LIosc.d and j Tupntine, aMd.wua proaaply c red. o1ta vey bad SlI4!A a Un tsienS wrfts MisaJosbep Gmisam- k, mn Sonth,,-Ont. -Youi eau e4>aad cm lin. V hmsv> Byru of Limsesti nd. Turpestine to rWeA, and turau aW As ftsmentoas a"d -Iriltat-is'nt* a Mm-. James G 'AmW.g w~ I Mn. J. S- J WhIihy, Sm-S ip a. ~-ut R. ranais. .a A tbwo o u, Young pepam-t11- pûl-tIons aIChW t'onsta-alu4 atreStes - lpat l IQ »OZcum-stntu »imi't aker lie ,divided._ on edasda a thawek.The, Mayor- aaÃ4, tà -ot- fl thet WHENTHEMKDNEiIYS GIVIi}OUT. ()Ur 'epoare aug& bc s~ hQIld tsot ta4te-ù to o e-:Dûyu ee tthe montafr aAanaLgde .8 r- oyo e ba you slmply cari't - gonnsfayt.r-that you inuathave t-olieheI-oi Âuust lOisat ~ . ~- Jasesaam-at-eate hA 1Ii*ac r est- for: tisatlameand awinzg -bacli- Stesuaiss. ms~ m-ç1l~ipro- t-waaia ~eanduot rà relief i M t1&t, Constant deadrtired gmSr wi1 b. rondored. Sm. hbAllat-a em- for paztlcuûps. - .: ~ toiulioto.bI~Uanrr h~a*bi Dur Inastituie Ooe", Ja-ud Dïm'SU Wni IP &_î Ko&tenThU-rs4ayl, IInIy Si7tit. ôa .~ IpurcaO4AW10te tof JIos &ougiap Is*-UqBisrais l- ýi - t- là tpeeseaiý jolia need6d t h e~( PMIL R. re oneIo 4~ paper is asg oo)d Ãœas a jette] (Jhironile instead of -Wrfti IL5 C. gad ohmAEla Big time ut lI Hoia.Parki bMv moved tc .m Dundas st. I aad W. reduoed t sude,, .1 iw Ifm-m-e..,tuA Yoi placla fin ger drawi, AIl] In solii correct rect quý pleasedal Satjsa Heavier - Our best Extra heas 1019 1.15ý f 'P w. Go Youca * rdbride th1esame tin - loable figui "Cwt, of ti -~OP" 1W l ill-- ý 1 Omo. q r- &I& ý _ql» -j'VA - oibm"ti,. ieý 1 C)NLYO 7090 (Iuly,-'Saie, Prîce 2 for- 25C*-,,: