il ti 54 ý,fr te~IQ> uld ieriOpi it thai heu â,nc *have t hv t ôIt Pâe e eé16y dd ii. to -ebver ý nd -boil I J1~~ it fiinto ali ape. Pour ýver tième gýô b J~t0. oilbrown gravy, and 1 n ti ma d ~ ~ w h brea4erurribs. 8%O pQtAýOee and veiel1 for Chops-After f ry- s, maire a littie brown stîr tIiit bol s. Add ,, anid a tâblespoonful pottft,ýà of, flour rub a HOU sEHO ý, purif.y it better thani aul. ,, ,Uistusirý -easily, utc steeped fgr a few nlinu stià -nkauves M~ay _tA-1e rünbiirwithi ~IE h 1vith pastry,.and ste v. j' estIne nd ni fly tIl< îns0Jm, avol' )f diet oid ed, Id W p6p,- g i- resu* 1ar~ lite. s giv* adiges- rueo et. orte 41 Ita