Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1911, p. 5

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r i I 3f y y 3, y w I w v 3f v 3, 3, 3f 3, 3, 3, 3, 3f ~II 3f 3f 3, 3, 3, 3f 3f- 3, I both the, popu1ar, 16 Suze for Men, One, $5.00 The other, (15 jetwel), $60o n a Solid Nickel Case. n a Good Gbarantee( GoId Filled Case, $4A.00 Extra rhese are Extra Value BUY NOW! BASE TT'8 a i A a a I A A A A A a a i -i A A A A A A i A i A eidr &Optiolanj 'WIITBY .C.T. IJ. The regular meeting o! he W. C. T. U. wlli ho heid at the home o! Mrs. Erest Harper on Wednesday al- terucen, August 9Vii, st 3.30 c'eiock- The members art earnefitiy request.ed te be pressait. Visitore are always very welcofle. TIIE DEVIL'S STALKING HORSE -Drink la the best. stalking-liorse Vhs devii bas got. He gets withiui reacl of many asosul by the beip o! drink thAt be wouid noV 1be able to bring te ruin lu amy other way. Oh, ,luý there anythiug Ibat wi11 50 destroy a wan for this 11e and dama hlm for tie lite that le Vo cone ? 1 hale that retrong drink 1 Wth ail the coucn- trated energicis o! my aoul 1Iâtlist 1 Do you ell nme tht saman eau ho hippy when be knovi that ho lu breaklug his wife'u bcart aud lotfi- ing bis chiidren lu rage?1 Why, thore are on he streets o! our clttes to- day lîttie chIldren, barefooted, un- combed anud unkemp; vaut on every patch o! their f aded dresa, and on ev- ery wrlnkle o! their preuîaturely od countenainces, vbo would have licou in churchea o-day, and as weli clad - - as you are, but for the tact that Mgr,, destroyed their parents, sud drovi thom ,into he grave. 0, strong«Wtu thou foc of God, thou despoitero' bopes, tbou recrultlug officer o! th pit of everlasting darkness -anid mu sry, 1 abuior use i-hrohhlsbop 0 firent day o61sprtsouÀtgui71 -ai-, lkydeore Pak.Natl'u piano *wslc antidacingaI* pavîllo --- liy forIfU, leOt.4Xit. Wm .i «mes. foot at PickerinL ad, ed m nlieY 1' à1 akïëitO sý 1~ WMSO~Whty 41 RôO'pital, Toronito, on tii. alter- UPUbPIEFAULWR AfE~ ~4U ra~.But i wish you'd .owl* teâ lns of h io= oqn é u ofr3ns#la ut pri ot the IResere 0Fvie lloiday, Aug rder sorne .,R ed as arsof! r l"c1aloajý for big pion!. and-,ots DJL cuple o (rýfom Sù Rsehhekordettinon te ftyLind,yln jKose, th.ipped wlt4, comploiteoutit o A W.ll krown Des moines *Omn bidns ilh oda r altet suffering znlserably for tim4ays W e t a t mln i.oprtnt a.o. f rom bowel complaint, wuaS red b e 7 7 ifnngtetedl ti ha ra(reom yu ne 'dose -of Chamberlain' ColIc, it h e b. F.le HOW barD ANNESu sale 'iy ail dealers. . !ý -.- Whtby. $09000 worth of boots and shoes ai su Pus for Moder m Fta% et Ouit ri aiM. W. Collij' Cash FOR SALE. reducod 'Prims. Apsore. % A good (arm of 175 acres ormre WANTED. BRAN NEW AND UP-TO-DATE stute con. 5, lot 20 and 21, Whi- FAmiIY Washing doune et ho.Âp TICKET, TELEGRAPH AND bw Township. -On this- property are, ply o MS. IURTN, Rwlad ~ EXPRESS OFFICE. the tollowln buildig-i barn, 68x PIY O MS.,BURONRowand40, atogne stabliug underneath; 1 ba= Terrace Çentre gr ~ \ i. E .R. Blow is nov estabiished 5o0x s86, on posta ; stable, 100 i 80i; ,~.... '~~inu bis8new place of business, north drivitig house, 20 x 30, icm houasl,a N I ]DEWAKs. aide o! Dundas Street, opposite the. clas atone dwefllang bouse, higla t>evrclh e New Post Office, and le prepared to repais, 12 rooms, also Wood houa.. 10 trdc for s.~who th e ne arrange for your holiday trips, eltiier' minutes drive (romn Broo4IUn station tâtfr the building of!h e by rail or boat to ail points In Gsi- and close eg C.N.R. 4 acres o! yoiMg cernent walks to'bl laid iu Whitby ada, United States, Europe, Austral- orebard just atart.lng to'bear. 8 good this Year aremankig good progress la, New Zealand, South America, weluà, 1 cistsmn and ivo apring.-leti with th1e work. The etrip of waik China, Japan, etc. etc. 'clas dairy or mixed Î"m. Ronsoný ftnished f rom the Blacksmith shop see hlm wîicn requiring prepaid for selliug la fallig healtb. Poaseas-' down past the model school is, from Occan tickets f rom England, Scot- foion itau o! 1111. Apply VO, 4». ail appearances excellent, anid 58- fi and and Ireland. BLIGHT,Bokhi*- Q. sample of wo1*. ' Telegrams and cable messages to_________________ Fo Brus lara~r~~6r every knowu place wbcre wiresarse Fo egsPureSaiae , strung.à& sexiste o! t*ad, and Dr. Wi.liams Fily Express deiivered and coilected to and Insect Destroyer, go Vo G. MI aiL rm Ilpala3o111eto&,sn RIce. EverYtblng la hardware at 0w !orwarded to ail express points in the SAEDTNESsdesdV Mr. B.wo ldw ratclralodthe undersigned, and ,dorsd, Tnd IIOWLER TRIAL AGAÎN. Mr. Blow is a pracitthCal Rall r for PuhlifeBuilding, Uxbidge, On- < manhavug ben îth .11 C.PRy.tarlo"1 wiil b. received at Vhidaoflea The Bowler-Wilson triai waa re- Company lun1the Northwest, Québec untîl' 4 p.m. on Monday, Auguat 21, sumed on Monday belote Magistrate and Ontario for several years, and 1911 for the erection of a Public Hlarper, but was adjourned again un- you eau go on your jouruey knowing Bidn tl nert ?Monday at 10 o'clock. Wilson t.bat everything le O.K. Al inter- B alinge Uxbridge. o fs n golher aaitngbai. (onsuit him fora j iteliene e plans, apecllcationsansd frso is n gol ereawatin bal.contract cau be see n sd 10=8maO! tion le reliabiei4iat 11e givea you.ý tender obtalned ai thila Departmeutr. Great demonstration et Heyden- garding rail, lake or ocean tickets. on appicatti! o Mor.,,Thbomas A. shore Park on Civic loliday, August Il you have noV decided viiere Vo go, -sisCer 1 oks o talai- 7 th. \ 1e willt "eit you in makring a tour. ti . og ieti ootOt Cail, write or telephon, him. Tel.-oan aP us osi o-fStcet'ai 1lto ti. FRUIT EES.phone No. 9- WliiVby-ý Ont.;'ugein xce dl bt Our ýNurserie9 are open to luspeo- 1,esders vWe~b oousldeÏe4 ubil'*s tion st any time, Thome interested in Persnal, Mention. made , on Vhs, PiD'r .I lorma iupplied, the ubject of fruit growtng w!ll do .;d sindý5b 4l ce i upa well Vo Inspeet our immense blocks Mr- Lou SîlIs lisin 'Toronto fors nms, staiig their eipus ê of growing Peach, Apple, Pluin and wek. places of, .residene..ILutbe. as-o Cherry trees, amali fruits, omnameti- Miss MûCann visiteid with -PicIr-rs- , ,te tu sg 1 l~ ~, .tboý a-, tai trees and abrubs. If our local j . 1 ure o tlie.oçcupaliior i ad, place ot' agent bas sot caîled upon you, write igfinarcul.rstee.< at euuro un us.Catloges r trse to agets Dr. Johustane, of Niagara Falls, urstsgiven. sent on application. BROWN BROS., spent SWidllymuuto.nb , accmî Browna' Nurseries, Weland outy, Mr. Richard Heard pet SundAy ya eep bq~ aa Ontario. wlth fiends in Toronto. bank, payable Vo thée.oto--.h -4-Misa Laura Evans visîted t rieuffs ýHoùuiWb-â n1ster of Pubie Works'. Mir. Wm. Ross, Ex-M.P., hansaold ln Toronto lat week. .thqa oto ~ et(1 4o e. out bis busînesqees lnPort Perry snd àgsgThema -Ersklns la visit4ug 'Mount of the -tender,. wb&ld ,!W4 le Vo reinoveto Toronto. wt red nMnra.fomfeted -4l1-th. person tuMlOZlmg Y.-, Miss Sullivan la cloulag her place Refreshmneut Booth a eduht ! ~ tllat et <dPilabtL et d<» r ffl e. Park pavilion. Opeun evsry day. Lunches servel st ail hours. le Miss EthçI and Master ,Fred Qq~- tender b. nti aeepted tk!î.CbequO yl crease, caudies, cigare, softinks ton are spendingý a week la *te clty.1 rtuld etc. Picale parties catered for. j.B. ý1 ev. A. E. and Mrs. 1MelutYmeris- 1'b.Department does nti lind ïk Perrin, proprietor. ite& wft Dr.. and Mri. Adamas gtsée!to acoopt :1be-e výeutý or ailytaS- -4--. eek. ' diii- Hoe for Scaside Excursions, Ausuat-Miss Fionaie Loveti, o Tototo, inaUy ,order, 6, 7,8, and 9, good Viii August Sipt visiting at the homùe o!< Mîre.* oisli M D CIfi Vo return. Aiso Harveat Lahorers'Sils. N )pmiar$to! Public Works, excursions Vo Canadian Northb Wiots MiMage Stewart sud.lx:leda, ota"fJu1>V!es,It August lOVh snd 25. Touls t iCts to! ýTomateD, speut Sua4sy vi lIe 25* Vo Muakoka and Upper and Lover parente liste. jMlMoppm 11 tt b, à - fo' Lakes. Also excursion Vo Peterboroý, -àî Sthi &dve anti chifitti, o!r August 7th. Home seekers atitouf1r- . A1bitS m nd ofih taiutbrty !rom ý the ~~ lst-.tlc-kets ta Manitoba, sagkateli- Tmn e ewan and Alberta. Ses or writeaivsl Wi - tstephcns=n, opposite Staadar4l k Mse ni sdEnaLs,~ Whttby for al loss tickts. 1 Hauditn- have beenvisiting ýMr.- *ant u ' V a e tikes syier, veywire CoisMS. c. SCliOil BOOTs AND SiO ES Annal ummer S lfor 60 DAVS $C6,OOO,OO worth,6ofBotadShe to be siold> at. less than the- wholesale price. W Laiirti'as for lierybody Cail and see us. 'We wilI b e pleae 'd to show you our goods. following are a few of the m'any bargains w. ",ave to offer you. FOR MEN 75 Pairs the McPhorson Sboe, tii. bout mude in Canada, Iu patent colt, gun metal, vici kid, velour caîf aid tan cal!, Bluchers, Goodyear welts, rogular prices $5 'oo, $9 Sais Pries................. 39 3o Pairs menls gun metal, tan cal! sud patent colt oxfords, MePherson's Goodyear welts, regular price $4 5o, T cisar at--------------------5.2 5oPismeis patent colt Bluchçrs and velour calf Bluchers Goodyear weità, regular price $4.oc and $.o 500 To clma at. ...... .......... Meals dongola kid'and box cau Biauchersj, regular prices$2.7,,13 Sale Price... .................. L7 Mens working bootâ, Binchers aud 10 gaiten on sale at----------.... Ail other lineso! men's boots at wiiolesale prices. ]FOR GIRLS Patent colt Bluchers, regular price $16 $2.50,salie pries....... .....- $16 Box cal! and Dongola kid Bluchers, 15 regular $2.25, on sale at .-...- 15 Dongol: lid Blucherboots, a 1.20 Se Pairs patent, tan sud do>ioalido -rsandi strap ipper, regular price $t.Se10 "0 ePairs o!fusthe sicshoe, iafresitê in ,atent colt, vicl lkid, guLi moisiand box. cal! l 'Bluchers, oxfords qad sttap- s ppos, tn 'blacla, ici . old akt wholesie prices. anstilo tookar tîbsn. ut- Ailotiier'linés. o! girlals4 boson sale ai bargain prices. 50 Pairs- boots and sÙrap--idippers, tanL er-blacl1" -ae ip 20> Pairs'dengois laid dbok.cal!- Bluclber On -saeat-.... ..---- Menls and Boys' Lacro is xfbrdg,,sp- The F<>ý LADIES So Pairs iv . .hersoiia patent colt, gun metalan -tan calf Bluchor oxfords, regular ptice $3. z5, to clear st ...- $ . Dongola kid oxfords, regular price 1 0 $2.25, taie price ..... ...... Dongola kid Oxfords, regular price $175 sale prices----------- # MoPhersons patent colt puxups, reg- ular price $3.25e sale pries... . .. 22 McPherson'a tan cal! Blucher boots regular.prict $375,to clear st... Dongola lid Blucher boots, rogular 16 puice $2.25, sale prico ob McPhorson's vici kid Blucher boots, cusl@uo regular price $3.25, 1 Sale price ...... 10 Pairs patent colt pumps, a -great 15 bargainat-------------.... Dongola kid sîap elippeus, l To çlear at--------------. v AU other linmo o adies' shoos at bargiwin c. Patent colt Bluchera, Goodyear welis, regular price $3.5op- sale pric ... Tan cal! Bluciiers, regular price $2.95i,Mdae price ............. Box cal ati dongola kid Binchen, reutrprice $2.25, On sal ai.............. 25 -PalisbOys- dongola anti box cal! sues Il te-13# A eeau brgain aut......... éi ther linos O!flusys!b"~ - - ,-, t -ave 2.Oê slid= o hue .bei iIaPriCea. I The. basebal! gains.playm en es.u, .W . ~~-~~, 12-10 la !aver et . K4 *a Jkii 2-<'-t . (oa. Itu i 4o P.. Cu nsvw{- id 4 M.P ar a of: n4 s y, *m -f.big.

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