A e*aihfrom Mneal aayu ting .m.InogttIese yeuIsgr element né,Auiture of the aunual report of thse City especially. Sixlpe July et'thlec$uperite4dentof4 P»Iioo for last, the pOIice, of,.-,Montretl Ibsyiar ~ ~ mande Qvâ* l5Garrcts on cIarg etf uain# 4r Ãilng te d4 b niao 'ubI s~ O#i dalkignumber iind tsiij i'nti tht iît$, theIM-M . 01etc0cairse tien o! the' aùttIÙf1ties jadt,z,,te e l Mcntrçal - Chie! CansPeatu*as Iis laet particularly. Oftelicea are IfII$JIW the 1A ILI repâtt o4oi à a -this 'la <à , 1t t ai et, th OPOrïteis o! the police do- cility witb which one cou - rÃ"cxîre ~ ~Il~lycau~9L,1Ithiok ti old and lth. brà zeduil as ti lt MY'dt apeakoef the iet-cas- tiiose avio solt tthis,8 9 i- tig ue o! cocaine which is spread- - Juet. - SEW OY5 IL 'ABOUJT JeuxY BU-L AXI11BISPEOPLE. < 0 'neoeg lheb LadThai IZ esSpremo la tho Com. RBi En 1'ÂVEO STREhS:iý Noiseof t(hoë BrihI4 Meropolis May End. - London will be bett-er worth liv ing in when rubber paved 8treets have made it a City of sileiioe. In- agine, if possible, what the English metropoli% will be like when the roll of wheelg and the trotting of' herses no longer rnake a lasting din g aerclal iTorid. and the nojajest o! motet- buses Mrs.Ftaeer Saunera inake no more than a pasaiîîg ruin- killd b a ail frei a cliff near Rîîbber-makers think tbis para- ~rieLiJ.dise o! quietude sooner or later AiîîyM141 ta w-oollnweas'cr will be rerulize. The initial outtlay 'Wus née identalti- k1ield ln a Hiad- for pavicg roadwaym witit rubber derë'ici rmii. composition will oustI uly a littie Tiie Lmrd Mayor of London crie- met-e than thte system aI preqent je 'bratec thse coronat"o use and wilI hie more Ilium compen- 'i:s watc ii 'econd.by iusing ssted for hy the prolouged hfe0-o! 1 .40çh n, ilecrop.the rubber. l1 ' Pc-fut]3 Were injured ini a During mnany vear* ruhber puy- lboar btt% ccident whicit occurred ing bas been- uscd withà -atsfactory, RvKn~lliec, London. remulîs ut some o! the r',ailway sta- .11One $pltn ,wa,, killed IÀwhile elË-en tion% in London. Fut-the1r, rubber * ore îtnjure in s accident ut paviug blocks arc revet-sible. '1111il-8r. Lox!',rd'a Shîpyard, Sun- The opinion is now confidctntly derlauîd, -recetndl,. xpres.%ed thal lthe new pt-ad tct ine While otamiîring a oJe re - bound te cupersede the old style of ,volveir smeienda i t-aail. roadway and pavicg. If ils mît-o- withc$*rsut le rir inducetion' ineans the econstant t-car it*ag r thur oLle-, a Greenand din ci!thie traflie 13 te disap- Arturettlraged 13, m ruft- peur, then Londoners will gladly wclcome il. Tite REt-1 of [)ucie hue rcuigned ,<heorad Licutenancy ef Gleuice, OD FWSYM te reiire, ,whicit h,.-has k-Id snecmvSOFWSDM T-- r carlisleclghty-fouir yea-m Evcry bov ehoulci bç given a -ald. chance tu be what bs ' funcy dic- .Th 4rlcêhi h~woocomLg n~tates; hoe would seldoin make a dury'4, Badfrdand dist.-cî îîn wrong choice., ended, tite cîcî haviîîg decîdcd te Experience is tie thread op which .trn île wot-k unthe old coud' -w-e string the beads e! eut- keow- nlatingi.b ci oedge.gossip And don'l repeat '1liere waxnta snlebdah- gossip, and yen wîll neve' make Yarrnuth fish knat-ket for a rat-g, nmis ~èficei Nrweianniskerl cl,~ h A fqirly lîealthy mancvan worry h ad boot divet-ted fi-uni Hull 0w- biilif inte ail' ianue'r, et -coln- $cltu the otrike there. plaints b.N imagining their symp-1 4 The f Ln<g'e BSounty has been toma. -,..4*rAnted te btse wife of Thomas 'Enthusiaim bas ordýr to gel the i lakhao, of But-cham ( Bueks),, bit between iii teeth andi boit, andt iear Msld'enhead, who gave birth lit beeoemes cxceedingiy daugeroua. '* triplets, ait girls, on Corons-I We have te forgiveoiî4acgre t-est- j #ionDAY. vyase mueh ast wed'yýouÃÃŽh; bothC 'A Preston weman of!92, wbo niake terrible mistakes. 1ýalkôd as; a echlolar i a prve- lHe ies aiso, man--or a cynule, or Mion durinq the C(or1nation vole- pet-haps'bolh-who madie the stale- '~rajon o!Wiiiiýým IV., bas just ment that a fee] was bot-n aiet-y -*oceived Uer- !'u rt li erQahion nmoment; andi mo8t c<! tlem lived. modtai. t__ After beîiug reprin-andeti hy hi, à KIN G MAI VISIT C'ANADA. F*ther for geîing 11P late in thel inorning, Horkert Wnrd, a bey of Blrntdnghatu 1'st Revives 1hUnier oîxten, uî îiid h;ngirig in a fVtshwsIraliDiid, ~sble g(tiuîv.ntxr I er-.» Apsýiy -hie :î,an èoîl$taei4forThe 1]Birmingham Pestsys the King voý2r .ar lire luui worked 0o11-y onwili «.ouî;bly t-ait Canada duzing *sank H4olîda',-s--aiid - c-en then the Duke of Cg.pnaught3, tiprm. 9-1 ;onIy ut picking np Nuasepaper oenr t*l~he'rn4itr4 Accordiuîg lu a t-eport Iisued thia tUaI the £'anariI Jrt1 'va«aut-- *t~ek ther- were l0t.1 boier ercplo- thc.rized te denv the rimors et tie ftéitreeltisig in fourte-en Pet- visitl core limue11go. Aller the ûedýnthe 1tnited nd6nIat 1Psîe I1 t D1'iorderly %ee'es toçîk place At F?.es4ffi du ring: (oronat jou festî- yll4e ?lts rowd, bloievlsg thé, gWî,ýbait wag. paii out ef public Ue tei" d4.n ts &'~i set fit-o Vo thein anti broke thse winduwti in tUe izdyor's bouise , IJocayeti potatues caiteeeti Ãfie 'death o! three sailors -on board thel poictmeîst of! Mr. William q4lynnce Caate, te o e eMaesty's Lieut- a rkii prObably at«rfiDýOD t ~tOur o! tho Emupre. Ily takeaoùot s paient for a piste!, for ýproducing apparent <luth for a lfriif inie. It is loadeti with:a bul-l letiý matie ofcheisicai compositions, te whivlî lu addtetienough powder' te at-ouIit. The, hullot .t*le&z I- , sbelieved that the new pil yu l b.'o! imortane forpoli mon, as'they nîay be ale o' t ,tit apr nu. in the kit oà anthrlacite V!ontre.al loahio men 8êeuse, pIî, '-and 'saïftary precautiona ar U*id'ýto ho badly' neglected. i The Canadian- Northern ' .-as 4-aken out a Permit fer a new4sta- lion at Belleville to cost $22,0wl. Lewiis Pion ' was rshot by 1pleâ Pleuti-cieinaà juarrel at st. l10- cure, Que. The defendant pkad.s béf-dfne. Over $90,ooo,o oWorth of miner- ais were prodnced in Ontario lst Year, wbich i3 40 per cent. of'-the .production of the whole Domi4n. 109. tCapt. lVeller's boat, the 1XoM-an- la-, on which he 1tarted te cros ithe occan te Queenstown, was wreclc- eci at Chebogue Point, N. 8,. Mr- W. 1). Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, hoPes te supply the labor dem ancis of the west with ëOllortations frin Eur-ope. The contract has been signed with the Canadian Viekers, Limited, for the construction of a three-rnillion- dollar drydoc-k at Montrea]. A family Dameac Lemieux lay dlaim to Anticosti Island, and are talk- ing o! taking legal proceedi ugs against M. Menier, the îuresemt e wner. Lruis Desautels and his wifeý ,Were senteneed te ten years' ini- prisonment at Montreal for shQck- ing cruelty te the woman's ceh- year-old daughter. The appointinont -of Mr. D. V Cameron o!flî nnipeg to be Liëin- t.enant-Governor of Manitoba, "in succession te Sir Daniel MeMilla. ha been p11t, through by order Jn Council. GREAT BRITAIN. The ruxnored ilineas of the King is contradicted. The visit of the British Atlanftic fleet te Norway was postponed. ', UNITED STATES. An effort te diefranchiâe aIl n e- grecs in Geargia à s bçing made.i The gcallug' treaty was fingIiy, pauseti by the Beneeee ut Washing-' ton. Mr. FEdward M. Shepard, a prom- mnent.Ž'ew York lawyer anti Dense- cratic leader, is desad. Thse International Harvestêr Company is 7 allegeti t-e hve violat- cd the anti-trust law, Thirty-aeven of thse siieged' - trust" mec pleaded guiîty a-td were fineti in New York. The reciprocity bilLi. a'igned oae puip aud piper are now admittéd ft-ce intOie Unitedi Statesa frtô'n 1indi tîipon 'ýWhîbietire eno ex- port-rurciea 0 nERA L. a ai Rdssiaare t leý hèýdmovër titi seizitre e! a Japaf*- es sesling 'tisu. - in CoaÀstntieopie. 1 A FLPLI V E 0F !RATS. Mo t 4it 4iulegPtûca' of , r4tf.ad,. te4-stro4e bpx a ç enmQ» serius, 01Mi-the smiipal iuutiil<1îsisvo, boeèh air4d ite t4. a hani. Thi. trouible ù, teIt .q"eCi- aIl bY owisr4 of W&-lous &longa if I.- .aý& 1A & ai Mia of Auli - 8itotl~. & iubô: -6 Jamea'~ itre~' A gfren bi~'th 'Vo t?1~bIe ,"' Ch*e - BflPfI-Ott*i' ~i.w, ana utl-ong ba 41,095 ~1iea1-~No 1 24cr durîit#g Jtne aive'%s o"à 47, ?4ô.cY1; îo2À971-4t, aîh teu.Tielyeoutpt 2v.ss1sicnj4-,bet.N No. 2 51 Itf5-4 4 toni e btut Vwo S I 8fb utfiiue. - nrecord for the mnîti. T r he îà tket a dcl lisgood. atA Qnta riogradçsý, 39 te 35 A plumb er, callpd ii te deal wîth Toro . 9 W. ù ate~ ad*.&et 3 1-40, Bar ports. -' a lecdwater-pipe a.t Pr.tlochy Corn-No., 2 Amati-an elw Ledmille, found that the step- -BayrPorts, and 70 1-2 te IoTe page was dup tg asi 0pounci ccl 3 P lu dnominal feet threc inéties, in longtlî, hav inrigaRYP-Tbere lu none offeriug,1 hëcalme fixed leà the pipe. re nnckhai. eht1.ofri *An order for , s ice-breakinag ban-Mankitob&as8#W, n bagn steaer or auiianowers an d shorts 822. , n-b«g. Oui steaer or anýan oner ha MM Inb&rs. Toi-onte. bee placec with Meoirs. Napier & * ille-, Oid Kîipiiricek. The ves- COUNTRY PRODUCE. tsel %vill be about 1,60 tons and einsSrnU ei ots 81,8 te $1. Reuy-Ec-afr&la- tins, il about 1164 feet in'length. lb.Comewb, 82 ta 8t.60, Rei-ibg !rm the w'a.shhOtS'e, andhNo.2 t0102teesi . bMra.' ?att.erson, wife o! a fitter's B&Ied ut2-aw--$6 te $6.50, ou helper'residing at 10 East Snaw roae. l a-rl,8 i trelet, Oreez;eçk, found her .,in- ôt*'o>. einbaelen $4A fant son iifimes. The ehiid. Was b oJioî~;trcel itaken te the infirmù.ary, but suc-13t14;ukes18i cutnbed to its ijries. BUTTER AND EGOII, The lighth-ouse keeper on the Butter-Datry printn. 18 te 20 Lees Scout Lighthousc, Silloth r'o1los, m"-t cW ea er o elidsj -Harbor, who was rccently dis- Eti uStit lw laid, 21 te charge.d freni his position, hae been (esuLat 8 e M1er mdztwn. I arregecd. charged with setting firelb t4. the lightheusse, which was cern- Ha--OU pleteiy destroyod..;ROIPRD e8 NuseTyle, fRoeharylaeon-Long cer ~12 Nure Ttie, r. eseeaa,7' oselot.Pork, short eut,$2. neir Fraserbuî-gh, died at the OHame-Sedium te light. 17t gî do., heaVY, 14 1-2 t i1 1-2e- r£ ltc>ydl Irfir-iary, Aberdeen4ý age~ te lu; breakfast baceu, 17 teo Wh. She was a -veritable ininster- 19 1-2e te 20c. icg. angel je the community, do- 10 3 T4C. s 014;tb.1 ing cluty as a. local "dent-or," there being ne rersident medicali mac in BUSINESS AT IIONTLEj bu rgh. , 1 Mentreal, Aug. I.--Oats--CanaÈ In Mmv 8,988 people left the lyde ,, o.2, 42 1.2 te 43e, car lots, exta N. I fod,42 te As 1-30;b for places eut of, Europe, ef aihein .41 L12 to.42o; Xo.,t1oca1 white 2,790 aent tol the uniteci Statea, i1»Jý;a kpriù _h 6,178 te Rritish North Ainrica , 5fis.s W e d. e00L 8, te Australk *nsdn16 ootiier plao4W eavi-Êiené ti' 84,7; s The total for the five monhiend'ý ià >1bi3ie 8. . inig -Mà y 31: l11-vas 2,72. - C -c-bari **î0.75 b4y-f 907wî Anw alarming epideinit ot SMinali-fed-»ran, OntÃsie. 8M1>te 812; pokýichsbroken out inthe wcst sd dhli#8, Caolu-ho ai ?S,,isleyi, lanfive Patient, -have EI 1 .. 1te. 8'2e; SteI been sdnMtted te Gèbla" oà epi-. o 12 2-4e;a S.eruIl,1-2 te 12c. tai suffiigfroethe ýdi*eâse- TI.(heicest, 22 3-4 U 2-4-40 percn a~éVo, hrê~oina-ndl UNITED STATES MARI" two Wen,, por ëe enpoyed 1ù' a large Kîneapolle, Aar, i-Wheaiý puhiluwer'k n- tht-town,140- toiember, 96 5S~)cm eralBoad cfLuncy fr; ebtlnd 1j-1.Ne. S *Lïm;ew 1.4 lte 94 exelsiv of he *8"0 3914e, Ne. t P0tSroDïs intailsed -*b- home yý t>I.I~o e0.C theirl gitaidianî,-heéer t *W.japaers 4 M h'a4ân o fffficiai:ýl .- The Oommîtte*n Beatth of _ Fidbi-bsuglSOchooI Boar1*4 Wd lr talisi*ithin lthe- gmondok -,t the îe 0 béiNtî¶ fe1~ Royal Victoria Hosptalt'O C6, k 2c, ri-at. 4 1- juniptives at Cioxtely-.Baak; Min-- a oto t e4.1-4o-e lburgh-, a uchool f te W - - id*r.O» ing fi-cm pulmtouary tubereulesig, Its'. Sier eald et esirteoU, and by a majoritYý',*Ppu"Ved of the »-' t.- M to ýWà y.Tbeldmindfor. priaei~e ~of' estandshlog sch a Aas wI achool, i - i4- .<h4 Cta"'*. ~ t' . -. Toronto Asst. L-Steer an& lt l goil * s d 44, NrIA~t- ' a ulld at-oed lum* t A~oi $5,60tlitfreneKo-, c iy-asys Late ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae&y stie..~ievd o 4xt -îto ad 'Ànr mioti ottftu~y, ~ '- tet oS Cîaî tx. lerw ng codiÂegamigtIs Mtlt, ý$eýf t ë Rosi ljtined ut L tia reoi~t rasazu4 A d#stockh rom Wiuiady ait largo5 .M ino.tIy Fs h a a alals,18 clit dian& B.pplieis a-t. e i e l.aUe*hgrhbiyj Late, Sudiceg-, li i oi r . #L1 Plu*idr OIs 'e AR de4iutetix0 rent ueo! qiu uttiIclyli n womiÈa 3rpio Deetho s C imU o tun$e j; J 'i '0F PLU liture on One: ,i t'e-Mof, M et stution-ii &nda-" A 'despatel f rom Ottawa says: States eompany having mIa~f The forestry branch of the Depart- Canada. -Of th(e total- U r*o ment of the Interior has collecte.d tesproae.pô0pe r Ihewn tics. The o9y n! O statistice with rega-d tu the croist, species wîieh hue fl frly j1 tie consumption in Canada for 1910. sawn tics was oak. Saw» Lies c 99b- There were 9,213,962 cruss-tiesi pur- on the average 36ë Per tie av4 l h*a chased in 1910 by the steam and ties cost 3c. Imotew, OSt~r~I electrie roads of Canada at a cuet ways used 95 per cent. Of aIti ýhe of 83,53ô, 228. This is a decrease tire,ý, and these ties costr them-on of 35 per cent. f rom the number the average w8. The electric r4il- purchased ini 1909. The average ways used W02,540 ties-an inceremeo cost of these ties at the point of o! 183 per cent. rer 199 Tu pntrchias0 was 38e per tie. Three paid for thcir tics 41c. each. 1 kinds ci wood, cedar, jackpine and though on the averag- they 0is hernlock, furnished 77 per cent..)o! smaller tics, this eicess of 3c in-the al] the ties purchaaed. L'edar it- çost i4 ddue not on]y to the disà c4- self supplied 40 per cent. o! the vantageî incid ent tu contractse fpî, total consumpticn, and its use is smaller (luafitities o! materiiiIt increasing yearly in proportion to but also ta the faet tIhatfIëe >1 other species. Omît, which makeB tric r-oads are more likcely tu p4ý' an expensive tic, costing 74c each, clhas-- tic at points where the pricfcy was used principally by an UJnited includes traneportation charges., d 76 te 78c. eith prit-es te at 40 3-4c. w, 66 1-2c, rtth pites and prices cs. Toi-ento. tario brun. .90. 1to 120 Der A. on track. tracEr. Te- .50, and in te n3e Der to 19C. r;Inferiret, per lb fer io M2, and n caae lota. .13 1-4c per ,e!r lb, - i te Il 1-2c; eil, Il 1-2 lac;' baehu, 1-2e; palle. EAL. dtian West- A. ex store; No. 3 C.W, white »V9e t pateiti, 80; Wluiter lie fiste- $mantoba25, 824 te *23t O. Butter- LETS. 1,lqithern, u, 94 14 t 4.ce rn laUi--No. 3à .4Q te $4.6L; Md det-gJ 86t. No. 2 67c; Wo. 4 14e ail on whit2à ;4lte, 3-4e, falrly -2 te 43-4c. ou' EXPLOSION 1H Saskatoon ln Darknetîlk Water Supply Cut Off, Throe Mon Injured A despatch froin Sa3katcoa, Sait., says: Three mec were 14- jured, ta'o seriotis1y, and the city leî in darknesindefinitelv 9A, tié resuIt o! a boiler explosi'on at the city p,'wer plant earlY on Thursday afternou:r. The holler, had beela leaking ail morning, 'and power waei shut off pendicg rep*rs, tit the leak gel wor"e, -andi the fireý wcre ordeî-ed te bc drawin. Whil'sý being druwn a boller tube explod- ed, clotais )f '.ca1ding wttcr and stipeî-hcated steam liummdiately en- ve!1ophîrig the whole houler room. 1. Stillivan. a coaI wheeler, received theî fîrst blast, being hlown ove-r a coal pile, but luckily escaped with bruises and a scratced hanci.è Immedinteiy after came - a diH,ý charge with the combined force the tht-e-e boilers, whielh wei'e coe n(C-ted, the~ centre being thc oîepS of the trouble, the wlaole frce agî gregating 450 horse-power. Andrew G. Sangster, auperinten'; dent ef power; .ifarry,,Jubpson., chie! engineer, and Jiok.Kempi wvere the three men involved,- tIsê firaI and second-ntwmed being bc~ ly ,acald all oveti b.- body, 3ohné son had MSaeh scaldied almeat ofÈ, both ar-ma an'd banda,. ae4 -8ae ster aiaals terribly ,,sèildid. As th apernt»~ id~ï'- nisertwh e l i'jnred in-ejI sul>ordinatça lefI tg h*nud1e Oie- trouble,, it la imPoss7ibl4d; tostt when the plant avilI operate again, as the onlX means adopted fer re.- lieviug the tension thus . ar bias been the valing. juto requîsitqib. the servives of 6e forty,-hisre- powver çity traeVon engine, -,idîÇtbl' The city is deveid 'of: water aup., ply, and business in al 84ops operý aied hy eity powver is ut an aà bre lute standati1l. SLEets 18; A G00#INACV - ÃT1#Oe# 1f,, y.owwant t» obtali ae a T ' ) ,P.U IZING L flesarreyor Was River la Sierra There is ne ore ce S of mec than thoîea pic Ization who, taku.îg t their he.n<s, penetn oenntries in f ht Int- M8erce,. ta, survey and S land. Th~se-w rrice o ate lMr. Cei l Yhc'des, S by the ga.llant exploit Wi]fred Jioweil. (f th( VornerArti] tr\, left Englaiîd fi r teV Afr' a to rnake-a sur Cofl5tructicr i f a new Londoxp-T(f-Bits, Threg mr s later EerriÀ.rne. and fo amnong' e Kwa; pea nei rhood o!' country. At t.lat ticr were ah' %%in g s 4 and long k-fore Boi their territory;- lie halé edrot ta cntiýr. But. by a few naîi-.e boys ghite man, Lt earles nrth hus sursel Nigi he .wa.s attacked Lv r.: natives, or ~rby continued t.,th lii*s WOI loue to finih it if pu, hnvng te appiy for in One day. hoveve; rebcoolmaster rashed HowelI's camp anid Dly for hie life. 11. a only a few Ihou rp Ameriean missieflftfl murdered at a villa miles didt .t. n z els we 6à haD oit > rage were thon hat Bowelle camp. A FERILOUS Pl H&stily concealing bis theodolites andi Instruments, %the cal~ -îeached Jtrot AýnChe4 Âs l's aISandhaven, Aber- déýenshirs - bias huan eaîleil <Tise muars sautd Neais. hbi&ss y41 jtêt4 U w, I t ou l1k. te de,! Tommny (alter a oetsreQletioti)--.'I thunk1 mlas. thut Si-e out or a xPeupee solerfIme -hou-t. tripubl' brou&*,.&MUU trnu's4 the mity-"habily iklg ton yeop lre,, *ko ltufeë iao eyesa <s - te ieompla*ui habit et 114n mliig tê Ir. Ca poRe LIMER lUT 8UKENR OCK The Empreso of China 19 Strandedon théeCost otfiapan A despalch f rom Tokio sava: The Britishi steamer Enipres ni C'bina on Thtrrsday struck a eunk-1 en rock off the Province o! Bushul lier passe n gers Nvcrc landed safciy - Lt' le expected the ve3ecl willUH t-efloated. The accident occurrcd near tire scene o! the wreck of the Cireat Norubern steamship Dakota in the Spring o! 190Ã". Suibmerged rocks extend about a mile f rom the coaa, which is riwept by danger- oua cnt-tenta. As soon as word of the. accident was received heî-e Vice-Admnirai Sato, the Minister o! 'Marine, de- Spà dt4shed the einisers Aie andi Soya, ôf, the. Japanese tr-aining equadron, ter the assistance o! the eIiîslreeised Rhip. The cruisers took off the mails and baggage of' tie Emupress andi aided i n removing the 185 psas- sengers te.tise mainlanti. The pas- 8engers aere temporat-ily hoitseti in temples and a school building, andi later proceeded by train Vo Ihuis city. 1The ehip'e bottom waas badl7 damagedý, andi if the cu-aftis lave-d it avili t*ke -tht-ce menthe Vo repaît- her. A SELE-MIADE MAN. GesrlNozi TeIL4 etof fis'Early Men are not "self-matie" in Canada albne. Do not these i-e- mi niséences ut Oeuvrai Nogi, thse fainmieJpneeuîderea tie Plùck, determination andti idu3try wîhà hve-raised mâre thaîî one pour boy of car own landtu to m- -"ytliher cotli dnet gîTe Me the, édit stion othèr.bays in Oié *eê re evig" h aiit's lit- Niluin iBsnn Iha-oty bôLhÈme. e Bt t cisday 1tsâxld -tu rnyslIf,, Como wabt ay, I1 muit' boniavhilêI as yung. Lîfe' 13 Dot Wbrtli' the'i iving.' toe & dorîtéry knuwn& _h h obbom *hieh 1IwaaF 1 1