AUDLElY. )p. X. Obapumanla on 1he tarin Walter Morcer la nov os bis throah- lusg rouIb' with everythtug in ruanlag Mir. Tbeo. Mi.Gilivray bu complet- 54 building a -Serent silo on bis laue. larut. T. Shortrldge, of Columxbus,1 did the work. Thb. Ionda of Herb. Irelsud were pieased to have hlm cali reculhY sud relate soin. of his expenienco aince ieaviug ihese Parts. Aflter speudtag some urne wlth the North- West Mounted Police la the Yukon and peints west, he went to South Allics wlth eso! Canadian contin- gents, ai the trne of the Boer van and aeconipanied the lantous Badea- Powell Scouts-, sud wua also a mcm- ber o! the Imperial Ltght Horse. Hie was chosen ln Southt Africa te go t.o London, sud after taking partinu te CoronsLion cerernenies, came back by way of Canada te see bis fatheer sud friends. I-e had only a short turne to say and le!t for Vancouver te risit bis brother, and sali by way et Aus- traita for South Africa, vbene b. holdo a goed position, betng aise cou- uected with thcernining industry. W. wish hlm evcry success. Wtt the nexi week fine, most of the present crop will have been galb- \ered in. Tiaking ail srouud the crops are spoken o! as being behind the av- \ ZEMA AND SORE EYES. -' Èaugh Loi suffened froi i lam- - h>da and eczcrna u ber bcad," e;3çLL ý"Mrs. I. W. Lear, of Port uitr :à ifd, Ntld. --The cbiid was lu a bad state snd suffered gneatly. The dec t-or alud te holp ber, and on recomrnudatIieu e!a fnieud, 1 used Dr. Chasu's Oitrueut, whlch made a complete cure. WIth s grateful henni 1 wtitc you t.dleltter. MYRTLE STATION. Miss Clans Chisholm, o! Oshawa, spent at week vith ber parents tee. Mise Pean) Ostertog, of Toronto, vlslted ast week ai the Bini. House. Mr. and Mrs. George Houston, o!f Toronto, ai Mn. J.E. Beaceekas. Mn. sud Mrs. B. Greuweod, of Wiiby, ai Mr. J.E. Buaocek's ou Sunday. î .------ lý@ItaiE.Masoda, o! of a=to1ut lils V Wht.hv sd X. George Whtel.a", !W4tb, et M&"TitO.. Msudruou aon Suudsy. Our villagehp bu very busy lute. 17 asthe ...aemkg gra tmprov.menta 10 the Stalion plat- torm sud palntin.thelb elevalor, mov- à &g the vater cmansd lthe toaid-- Thu uurveyora ver. here aga uou Friday taklug tbe lut survuy for thbe over head bridge over lb. -C.P.8. vhicli they expect le comamce -lut- medlstely. Basebaît match here on Thuradsy aveulug, Augusi 3rd, tat a pin. Rag- lan vs. Myntle. The Black Facod Comiediaus met ont Mouday eveutng luasd re-ongan- lzed. A large compsuy vas preseRt, sud they are going to prepare for lb. comtug concerts whlch they have al- ready bes lnvited te give Ibis fait sud vinter. Mn.. Reesor sud Hazel sud Manjonle Birnie, aIl o! Whiievale, speut a 1ev days last week ai the 81Bir Houa.. Mir. Roy Brîtton speut Sunday at home. Mr . B. H. Beacock vas ou the sick liai hast week. Threshiug hacommeuoed arouud ber. lu fui) biasai.Soin. tighi grain reported. Mr. L. Vanesi sud childrun visited in Sohina ou Sunday hast. Several attended the Eugltsh churcb ganden party lu Breokhtu on Tues- day last. Mr. John Bearnish uuloaded a grand now threshing separator ber. où' Monday lant. How la it ihat the Brookli girls bave learned ihat sacned song, "No thunk you ; cal) around earlen." We are very pleased to sece Robi.' Chisholin back hure agatu as section foremn.. A WEAK CHESTED BOY.. "My boy Frank seemed wq»k-chest- ed and took a very uevere cold," wrltes lira. -6 Stevens, Niaga, Ma. "<The many tuedicine. uaed dtd nul seoin to benefit blm, unti w. trted Dr. Chase's Syrup of Ltnsed aud Turpeuttue, and fauud it to ho exact- Iy what wua wâuted to cure Mim.09 No treatment is no thorough and ef- fective as a cure for croup aud brou- chltis. A MASS MEIETING 7 LIBERALS-OF THE-4 LIBEALS0F Se ONTARIO vili b. heid in the M4ASONIC HALL, BROOKLIN -ON- Saturday, Âug. i 2th ..&T 2.30 e- Mà :- to eleet a Liberal Candidate for the coming election to the DOMINION BOUSE. The selection bas been frxed for September 21et, so ltat it is desirable Ihal eccbmuaiicipalty b. eli Hrepreaefled. Addresses,, in hicb reciprocily viii be falit7dsaouss.d, vili be delivered by: Mir. F. L. Fowke, M.P., lion. Scnator UCIbyshire, William Ross, Ex-M. P.., R. R. Mowbiray, Liberai candiate for the local house, And Others. There vihlb. an ezoecui, meeting aitar themumas meeting. À PULL ATTENDÂNCE 18 DESIRBD. WILLIAM PURVES, Preuident. CD.CONANT, Quakw Osta la 1h. o r ,. les«U ma edodlilo Tolt dste ItoqU51, 1 *0~ Mot tg y= ltbut une-b uet wr'di M" Caada. iÎ AN OFFER TkLhT INVOINES NO R13K rPOit TîiO6h wkio Au- We are »u poultUve our -remedy viii complebeiy ruiieve Vuustipaliuu, bu mat&cr buw csirosc it May go# thal, Wb ocer tW fura Iahl Ire et ail Mts Uousupatiou la caued b7 voabses' 01 the nerses su"d hcesouthetac LUg lutaca or ae4oenamg c"lo. 110 expe C M creyou muait herelore toue up sudd streinu ime orgau a n restore them tObwehet rAcUliiti. We vaut yen ta Lry lIermi Uizde- nlu oOur Osuarante. '1ey aru cit- en l1k. candy, sud are partitcuxy, 14mai fer da . They a.ct dlreoll on sb. serves à " d mis eQoi1. boy- oi.Thoçy bave a- WMt<ral actin ou *IcoMier otaaaa-,r laud. !ri eo A" purte u»r C ' & aay"iaeu"vdaiomo 001Do <*toi r ho*tugdV comtipulion sU& IUnmyriade 01 asaoclti or do- PodMt chronle ai "ir. Trylui Ordrlis aourZMIe, Two sil« eic. »Q8~. Bold o'ly stou ir4h J. Clrk, w». ivgou £Mas -et. esI.,amaetW.t n. Lihidà iý VOof'lt.e nnrhavée>tslie lu o~n 10b. ery. oth(&ùn o! thd id ty 'and su lra. Semmori, ad smn, of Ottawa, and lMr . 11. Hôasare Yis. Ittug Mri.sud lira. Win. Hoar. Judg4 by the, velocity, o! soins of,»e m"sY autos that are ou oun hlgwayà ,lte ratepayers sud road <*U4ottarlr have- Do rlght to the public, road. Xisa Lelah Jobnsto u sboeenvis- itng Irieuda lu Toronto. JUSa. -8. Biack and oblidreu, of To- rOUto, cailed ou tniends lh. carlier part o uthle wek. 1%s my f rieuds, w-i11b. pieasedt.lo IesM tbat Mr. D.A. llubbell who leil, for White River a couple o! weeks ago bas secured a good position lu IbaL place. Mir. bas our best wishes for success lu bis uew voca- BROOKLIN. 1 Mr. Fred Woodward sud MisseMay and MasterPretos, o! Torouto, speul, luat Week With frienda lu Brooklil. Mr' W. ,B. Robson bas been vtsltiwg fricuda la Hamilton. ia Ed.Ith Scoiî la vtsitlng tnieuds la Torouto. Culs sud bruis may hob. aeled lu about one-third Lb. ime requlred by the usuali reaimeni by appling Cbamlberlai'a Liniment. It la su an- tiseptosund causes suchit njuries to huai without maturation. This liai- meut aise releves soreness of Ibm muscles sud rhcutuittc pains. For sale by ail dealers.-9. OSHAWA. H. Slggina, su auto body hutîdex, ai lieLaugilus, bus been offercd 11,400 te go wlth Louis Stnang, the raclug driver. Someone, evldenily well acqualnted vith tihe bouse, robbed lira. Wm. Dl. Dua, corner Williain sud Chuncit uts. e! $30O, bank book, lusunance pollcy sud six Lilver spoons. 'rhiê vas on 4buuday mumang about1 1.30> o'clovk. Wheu sIte retired abs put ber purs. contislnug lte money under imre clolihea in another bed 7lu the saine ooxu, sud sIte as awaeu- cd by heang lte ruulliag of ber dress. At vas pitch dark, sud seue caiied th. boanies, sud one o!ftem noîîfled the LChie! CuSstabte vboin bu f ouad patroî-ting Simcoe si. uonîh. It bunglar bad lotI traces cf bis preseuce is a broxea peuch Ire., a c-ut-otieoes clothes line and 'the kwt cItes steve lifterluate bednoom viticb he robbed, but no clue whicbt vould Iead to bis îdent"lctson. lic goL lu ai the back door. r4j J aptluthe end. auoae- bmca etorsn ias te l*0 =l. - wu@ m ms30%PMreWlute Zinc Paint Tho ,too%,tbMMrut04 U AtAH?2A Etbyiet t MhoMI4 air. 77 Je MCINTYRE, Whltby. KINSALE. Rernember the garden psniy ai C. J. Steveuae's ou August loth. Au excellent prognant wilib. given sud a good urne provided fun ail. Wbithy Orchestra sud Miss Newport, sud Myrtlu Male Quartette viii nender an excellent inca!, te ail wbc eau corne. Au oanary case et diarrboea eau, as a rule, bu cuned by a single ' qse o! Cbambcrlain's Collte Choiera and Dlarbeea iexnedy. This renuedy bas ne superien for bowet cemplaints. For sale by adl dealers.-9. dealers. Local option la te b. tried for ai Uxbridge ai Utcemidi Municipal dele- tien.- .Over iweuiy Port Hopura bave ucea aick Incin pternaine polsoulng, causcd by cating jellied veal. Mr. Charles Massie, vile sud daugbter, lira. Gaudnie, Mn. sud Mss. Jos. Baulcb sud three oidrun, Mn. sud Mrs. leu-. ry Reynolds, two sous, daugbter sud alec., Mamie Hoveon, Mr. &nd Mmii. Neil McNaughîen, Mir. sud Mss. Çhas. Conntbwaiie, lira. Wrn. MoIst sud lira. Evans venu taken iIsU d buffer- cd sevenely. The disease la very sun- 11sf tg cholea-vcmiting, purglng sud higit lever b.tng ibm symtolrn. AIt bave under lbe Dr. 'a cane pretty veli recovcncd ecepi lins, Gaudrie, -ho la stii quite 111. Reserve Augusi jOUi for Kinsale Gardes Party ai Mn, C.J, Stevcu- scn's. -Wiriaermer,, July 25..-An accideut. occurred bere Ibis alternoon lu viicit' Ibm infant ses oflMr. J. J. Wihkatumbn ai OoUwaa,- vas drovned. lit, sud Ms. Wilkluson, slà ong -tit Ivo olb.r, ladies, 'were rowing fronI their col. tuge to catch lb. boat galug le Muai-ý koka Wharf ontbem returu boute viben, their boat upset about torty o fifti yards Item the shore lu 1h. etrong vmud wvhb vas -blowing at the lime, lI-he uirugglu whlch fol-ý lowud lIthe baby traslost, D"sfflau Îà ot b. C*r.d a useful, independent meniber of so- cletY. At the Convention of the Aili- enican Association of Workers for tl.c Blind in Philadeiphia in J une, one (,( the delegates rcad a paper on Iltune Teachlug of the Aduit Blind, Mr. Gardiner, Principal of the Ontario in- stitution for the Education of the Blind, Brantford, in discussing the paper, pointed out that in a countzv of inagniticent distances like (Canatla or the United States, it was not al- ways practicable to, send a speciai teacher to the home of the biind adult H. descnibed a device ofl his own, bv whlch suy sighted reader of ordinary type cau, without study or prepara- tion, teach a blind person to, read the rasaed characters kuown as New York Poitt; and on his returu home he mailed to such of the delegaies aq had ssked for themn sets of thec point carda sud iek-type keys. He will b. pleased to, aupply the same, free of charge,' tu suyone iu Canada who may require thein. lu the case o! blind ehidren, or youths o! elther sex under twenty- oue year of age, residents of Ontario it .19 butter that the teaching should ho done at the sohool maintined by the Goverument at Brantford. There su ordtuary Public School educalion eau be obtainied, with -ihe addition o! knittug, sewing, domestic science, basket aud hanunock makialg, the use o! carpenter's tools, music eand piano- tunlng for those qualtfied to, succeed la auy of these Unes. The test for adflimion ia such defectivo slght, as reniers the applcant unable to read ordtusr type, sud thene ta no charge for- board, tulilon or bocks. Any Ireader of lthe Gazette who kuows o! a cWldwhosc utght is thus de! ective Will conter a favor by seudiug lthe ame o!te chtld sud th. Rama sund *bddreas o! ita parent te II.F. Gard- tuer, Principal 0. 1. -B., Brantford, Outario. St.Jeome's nimde 1 WHITSY -C$tk Mis . >Ue- Dteu. t,-dan 161,~iIU. iu. &0 an.-lesi8, I&s8 ls. deuilwhii-Jaat. A# . 18ut.-S, 110J 1@11L A.U-S,~.S DOS. 8 405.axS, 1*1j.*u le iliI6J(lAi-lesOe8b, (uees,» Uravoo189191.a 8 tcs, 4 iiWi lEIIR-Clsk# du. e" Ut, il Ferry-Jaâsac, M l, May 6, Jtw, is. 6a Jas. no ASii. 0 CJIANIDu-C k,l'jJ Uxbrldgeâ-Js. la, SiB 1Ja. A , 01S. BEANNiNUN-Clerk, jMI 0May 1, JIy e, set. se#81, 15, Jan. 10, 1912. 7 BEAERRON..-.Chek ames M. Gonrd, ABeveto-Ja. le, Mermb a', 'Myy le, July 25, Sept. les Nov. 14, Jan. 1, 1912. Leonurd thrlu-a,Ns B . orE. AREL J. E. fARbeWELL at lurk , o! lb. Poses -se a- Whtb-- Nov.""aI-Uî a AM, >F.,^ Miss Lulu Dovney, o! Tornto, &Peut Suuday vitit tnienda bure. A beavy vtnd stonin passed over ibis vlcinity ounlionduy, wbich did couslderable damage te the apple cnop. On Saturday about noon, while oe o! our nuikinen vas returniug berne, he inet a herse sud nig wlthout a driver about a tule seuth o!fithe vil- lage. He caugbh suad teck h back a short distance wheu be discovered lte driver lying lu the- dltcb lu a druaker stupor. The. ritkman baving lte Good Sazuanitan spirit sucured comfortable quartera for the herse sud tb. youug man rernnined lu the ditCb aui tour o'clock when n driv- ing tain caine up snd roused bitu, su thate b. as sensible enough te gui up, sud alten beiug diructed te wbene bis herse vas, bu at once set off for Raglan, vbenu Mn. (lmmbleti, o! Wit- by, Who owued the herse captured Mim. A gardun party, uniler the auspices o! the Presbyluntan churcb lu soutit Myni-le, vil ho betd at the bhome o! à ln. Frankt Bntggs. Runiember the date,#Frtday,tbe 111h. Conte eue, come alt sud enjoy a firsi-cas tes sud concert. lira. Cîarey, e! Edmonton, ia vis- ttiüg ber parents, 11ev, Mr. sud lins. Johnsou. W. wish teo ongratulate our teacb- or, Miss Fitcheti, upon the splendid sucouas0o!ber pupfils ai tbe Entrance eXamination. Four'pupils went up te Wbltby tu write, sud al have ince recelved certificatus. W. are sorry te Imaruias FitcheLi bas rcsignud, but v.t uudexsiaUd that she Intende ut- tmding Normal College tbis fail. W.- hope ithat ber successor vill bu ahi. te, tshe up ihe vonk sud continue ft' writre ah. bas 1.11 h. Word bas beenrecuived lu Ibis burg that Parliament. bas been pronogued su& dissolved sud thal our Dominion elcti(t ttibe beld on Sept. 2ai Nomlaailbnrl îbu held u te 141h 01 Soplembe 8OMé 09o! or"Brooklin frenda ver. vtaitiâg %Vi* tus os Sunday. .Our RPaglan frieuda lutend holding Ibeir auaiýgardes p7arty, on Lue 17.. Lpok Oui for Patlcu.later.' liM. George Davidsou ta visittg, mxder lte pbreutal roc!vilt Ur. sud lire. Heur. - Somo o! oOtnyoVUngpeople mak- lu4 prpatatifons-for.IbthexcMruot let mmmgusou -,wdesy-Abi À m la lezpeched ~sierCha.Tor4iff ,*,Vbtltin bis prauprents lu BrookiI U Musrpr.1 Laaglor4left on r1 day -for Mushoka tritre -site-,wl spos a ionth wltb bieraiSter. ' I ',Ift. Jas. --entta sbusy ltee days days takigt ordere for Ceai. -Donot <ergot lb. garde» Ip:ito, bm halA 4a the Smm.wm.tawn -id Mr l f- CAM'- I - Canâdia NtiSONE Augut 2tL.TORONO "0 cORONATilON l maA I Pelas la* lcblaue tta st ue la to LY.*. i~ -I m R Oaci LM=n nd n?::k .1<1 fý ---Rmmmp-- -camp- Write for a copy of ATaIk on Business Education' Es W. EVA NS Pump Manufactuârer e Stop ýnd "teuldouco, Duada. Stres W. au repirod t. matai om 11. pumps o« omn asi lm.' Apsi for Io m iarleW MONUMETS. ofla hî%aIgud Iaulept Il, Sm Il Winl psy you hote iis, s 'workan sudInpet for yonumof Doe%'t o aed W by agaïM. .. not mplo>y ilm,coapmlyv s ani do alhow the agon'. commlaslOs, la p t s I w h lch y u w I e i M~ oave by purchaulng roin Wu' A Caii Souci' d. m 1 Dated