Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 4

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<il'- j SOCIAL 19VIÉRIX8AT- gPWUVWflt LUAGUIC. A& mo~t .noyabl. oalw ng wu5 hld ilat thie Taberliioli Sabath Sciool on Tuuida> evmtnsa, Aiagust lot, under thie aupimof tAi Epwod tLague. Ti*c'»W ps#tor, Rev Kr. set.SXaWtSI, oompld tii. chair, sud miser a few suiaSisru- marks, the foliowling propau .was given :-Inatrument*l,' Robin Nichoir son;- readJ&g, Miss Sleep; instrtiiOl- tai, ML«a Q. Soldon ; vocal solo, M.Isa fi 'Ionstrumîental, Edgar Saxainith, solo, W. C. Buttait; rmdiang, Ilms A. Newprt - Instrumental duett, Misse Diryden At lte- Conclusion * ! the nrogucm 1ce areain and cake were MI, anti âMas %Nra. Swsaa andi nom~s, re 'i'raat Jt a isltatagâ .apL lat>st k The Epworth League meaeta erery Mwii. trsld Ut uts spat has wes Tuesday evening, te which aii are cer- Ma'. Itaîjpia ,No>Let I IrL fi bbe %ei dialiy tnvited le attend. oan Yaa1day, iabL _'ee Richalliafn and Richardson's missý L.eana Moia ai 11ard filait, ut imuportant annotucement in titis paper Toruaitu,, titi taiuaraau.n _____________ Masses 1-,ièia -i.ad l'uali dnaidialli WANTED. wure tan 1 î.raotir ict aiil B>' Septetuber, buard in private Huladay Iarias<t loi L %NLt» lamai>lut fo hady witb two ebildren N. r'.aag'a alk ýIaianlsa al 1Ma goang tu tachuta RepI>' te P O Box N. ü .,.LS(l aid tlliliwl, u 1 495 ,,J Ii. Sua i lai . i A «L n .111( Let II ar U il rWiaîtoe, ti ilu wd Li tii 'aii d' t> a i iFR SA L'. keaabeag . Al t.. unu îa.i orai t ai Ilià ()le of tbe fiaenat oountry homes in -hluit, 'Air. taci natiI1 aagw it Ma1 'Sola tia tntarlu witb beautîtui Wuai. ti'oltlîr g, M i .t i î>a. ii uat grrrusd<a, liedgaea, ties lu village ot vAli M. ti 1 àu n Lia g < tari ýIla n)kià Lai ge solid brick residence, -~ . >rtrata .atMaý .i.i bttek %éaraage houate, framie barn with AI -;.aa . i â- i lau.r>, 1' a tr rtie cilansd root house, other M'ai 1 i n-t., Ma i Stt.irc, 'buikdwgrî Wood urclard, neyer !ailLng n. nnnn... -i>ut LIt va.t niai ') 2Sa(e good land Cau ha 'aii<r>~~~ NIaI r 6i . ui a ltuuac l uit a twra pair'is Appty on preml- \ta- u j 1) 1>>>>>>bit tarim1 Mas !listas tie Rl('-tÀb-tt MOORE l'il 1 li Il é l a aa:dé acd ,> ii (.rr LrIla 1 jiî l , s i r i1 Ili t'ias î.apit M it1. iiiiI E n À Jn tiil M, ni r i l t. iin nnni~ Eczema on Face and Hands Gave up work--Cotuld riot shava-R. "ai end Cure obtaln.d trmm DR. OHASE'S OINTMENT. b.d eiczeunn nearly ail ovow thea .'writes Mfr. Johan Gordon pbeU,. foreman Holland Groe bar Go.. Sudlbury. Ont.. Ii. ..nd wrfwte svere bliotered and .11 wt II. I eould flnd ab*olkte. tio cure until 1 obt.ained Dr. cigOlntanent. A.ter using tht. tmoflt 1 was Filmost..-nsantly r-é «d a.nd soen oompl"r.y otired.» '9o bad wtt. the octoma that I ;te e- , u p work. Could noS ahave. tas 80 bed that thoy htd to tdke ý, otlut 0 a.mp ln a wafon aud rnd for a nQw forernan. 1 mnnot tomxnend thib olntmont too highiy.- Aa mesans oif sonthing rau, flaming, ,rItaît slcIn uo treatmart cean b., a)n p ared to Dr. Chaae's Ointm.nl. tofon hea.s Iii Fi single night. You myn teei frr Sanîae ech day th. tnrd lt lit dIni SELmnpl. box t.ge. k> etàe. a b-x nt aU1 dmere or Ed- î<nmonacn fat*'s in- <o.. ToronSi. !liir r 1\ t 1 ný 1H t l> r, tilt I(-pnf Il , 1 1> nti' fi '11 ti I t. i i i c .i t i,80, j rr i r s S titr \iî s \ ra In 1alata îll~i-t ren rmag 28%th in 'u rYrou I rL ru part Kt 1 '.- lr t .ur trrn ar< flACVW'IAL UNOERTrAK<ERS Charge* btoderaim. Jboue» Il0LD 'imu CASTOR lA For Infants and Chidr.u Tho Kind You Have Mway Dsugbt Is tirs the S~ignaurer ut i*'iaNSftRLNOTES. Il Lliat'baiks ats.ued more stase and tr-aan uisthtrer wuuld be more biiar% cf b-t tb> itrai Lerib itl Lkattte Lad brtaa kw lemont. taad L .a. 'tia>ee.ning they wuald nt-(i.tuàLaIy Ibt tbetta hadet i ound It winàý, t u in, ( )Utheway -D.iJn ltnt.St hi- NiMiia gaact 1r, una Fniday everu -A nriitaii rrtaaag lady gets "Mad" r.aii athe '( t-ies airtelcosed eariy. [Idat t tukunw ,aa'nStub"-( bed) hri i t iud bua ted hini white shoes Ouî rif te paak girls bas frarsaed Niî'.,t-b Au,%'r Ru.s%, M Uold anad 1t4 ilt 1n '(rdigtt.rr a %waWt.iielon fred .,at tai iir iidaa eeltg 1 i t i arai liai> , et Bow- il .I>tr, 'p-atSuaaaiay ait .< ouid- a v<t c M ii (Ii tuas l«r n d lnaead spent tan tnnnanian a uththe uta laaer'ra par- t-tu ltli.>nb.tK IDN iYS. 1%ad ia,,4 bbatataitsare sc) iaghdlully r rnaaaarra bt-ratnac bLbe kadnt.yrîare sut q-à>r> i.St a by uveir-work or excesses ru trataiag aud dtaaakiag. Cure Is et- ru ,r ffiri L y wbipping them ou te re-. i>tr.d o<<rt, hait by awakening te .rn t>ura t te laver and boweils by the as' tf ri l('thase's K adey Laver Pills. tiL <arr,4ts<lthe Lkiducys andd mkesi tharir wuilb Hadach,. and urîuaary dis- nt4tbit'u dasapprvar. 'I(A>N LINE ITEMS. *îaulieaaam i eulpUiorne, 0t Saua- L.rrafi îtad iai lhrg vasi.to»hat.par- t-ta s li wu". le reporte busines i.it.iaiIla ltht %WruLi i'b Iliel6aue Litee hldai a cial evti- iaag laart 'lntsday. Prograrai constat- ed r..l uuntc, auciLatÂoaas, etc. Escit aittirtts reprrnaeauted a Bibl. character by teliiug àaauuething about btm- et. a.44jotertî could guesa<Am L.ight .rétiteuuimt. were rerved dur- &ng aatcilnaasiosa. Ail aaaaoyed a pro!- attabie- tntat, àMias lIabrl Maickey as apending ber %aiatton wlLl bter mother Nitis Ii tlruwn, 'Torontor i bhi- du)lng wfth her parent. lias. mall owe s-as home evex Suas&ay Ma L)Dewait ('arrutheràs liastakes a Utap out West. N11" UPIth Scott, 0t Odhawa, la aaitaig bu effusin, Muss May' Ding- Mirfil Aile&, 0.1 Helena, Ark , vis- ted hi. tauâlii, Mr Wm Oke last Mr Wilber 'hiîgmas ta taWiag ot reavt hti artu aud takiag a posi- tion tuaiNew 1'ork. Ht wl lbu peatly- irlasir.d lan is Viciait), - W " thliai Ocl~y suueew.s Mi ai ad Mrs. Kempttorits acSuon- pst> ed tutu son ta tih. Watt laut ,weck to tspesil iwo moiti Mià;!, Juste Wilson, who toirtât Pau few weeks bas bSusvùaltag relal.ius, bas retuineil home to Sto"lhhie. IlusiiEd Atâia»an bas bSu m oshei sick list Wo are gw a teport at tàe tint ut writlag liaM a m Mi"raEvelyn MeOregorAs ta IW e ber. aint, Mmm.Agéermom, oidPari Tht Y.L B.C. gave man4M oW te YM BC. iMt rld.y «IR< Bm the. home 0etun.sSantiord Breva, A ver>' pleamb ê eteagvu i'n pia, mus, etc. Mr. C.D. Gr do - gave « su t'tla*8ta 'lb ver>' aile cintma. lo mnu 4 sud Asmé oemre - htWf~flhIAV. A.flIU<84L Ifi. IaÙ~ I - - - wgibé-te action cf Mi tiowels by esriy use cf chm 'ys Pis FELL IN A FAINT. Mrs Edward Martin, Ayer's Clifi. Que, writes : Before using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was in a ter- rible condition. Ulzzy spella wouid corne over me and I wouid failt bo the foot 1 could flot sweep without faintang Dr Chese's Nerve Food hais se huaIt Up Mv SyStem that i catu wash and do 'My 'ousework. Your niedicine cureil me wben doctors had f auild- FRUIT TREES. Our Nurseries are openta biapec- Uoi at sy Uie, Thome interested in the. subWtret 0 fruit growlng wiii do well to Sspect our tmmense blocks of growing Peach, Apple, Plum and Cherry trees, amatI fruits, orsanen- tal trmesand sbruba. Il our local agent bas aot called upoa you, write un. Catalogues or ternis to agents ment on applicato. BROWN BitOS., Brovus' Nurseries, Welad County, Ontarto. A well knowu De& Moines woman ai 1er suffering niaerably for two daya f rom bovol conipilat., was cure4 b>' u 'dcof tChainheriains Colle, ChoIera and Diarrhoea Reniedy. For sale b>' ail deaers. Harold Archer, of Port Perry, bus bes presentd with a bronze medal, b>' the Royal Humane Association, for rescing D. Purd>' and A. Whte- way (rom drowntng l in Àe Scugog ia Deoember, 1900. Woodrufl Powell, of Pickering, b" bis ari badi>' eut by som shoot If cm whlie worklag &round bis thtesh- SEALM >T£»£»ERS add1116, the uniur4aîed, A"d oedotsede 4Uý et for Psf.lo ue endu& l zhri, on taub," Vin bereold at " h" 00 natil p-l. mosa MsY, AaPst 5 vin., fortieas «00"of uta PUh Plmm, m.tctlnm form m0 U"« I*obatéat IisDpst»M$, laumg, caÏ1 ai cf arelilsidu tmslw Ivom mm,..oYale 8U , ?or.mhWL Ott et ispont euo e M aI toM t ue . -15.- CVRu dsfWE*W4zv > - - -- _-1-8____- --_ Couaci met Ibis day. Recta oi(t. tord it hicucir. Communications were rted tromi Mesans. Bowmu »md Connor, D. Bol- ida>', F. W. fobson, 0.0. 'Connt, tie Rsiway Vonissioners, -J. E. Frewell sud W.Q. Gibson. Minutes rad snd adopted. Ur. Stocks, seeonded b>' Mr. Mc-1 Lean, moved ltat thta propose plana of Mr. Q. D. conat, for the new Street» -la Cedaraasie, ais fileil wth the. Clerk, ha approved and accepteil b>' tAis Council. Oarrled. Moved b>' Mr. J. McKeanzieSecond- ed b>' Mr. W. McLean, tht the fol- lowiag be pald bonuse. on wire fences erected: E.A. Giford, 40 roda 4 25c. a rod, $10; John Pogson, 82 roda at Zbc. a rod, $20.50; Jas. Mofftt, 10 roda at 25c. a rod, $2.50-11 T. Hinkson, 62 rodsaBt 25c. a rod, $15.50; E. Me- Eachern, 10 roduata 15c. a red, $1.50 Carried. Ur. Stocks givea notice that he wili at te next meeting e! titis Counchl move to introduce a by-iaw to appelit a collecter o! taxes for titis mniacipality for the year 1911. Carried. Moved by Ur. Mceozie, seconded by Mn. StQcks, that Mr. w. G. Gib- sou's tender fot cenient arcla bridge, 20! t roadway aand 20f t aliito bridge lut $2,290 and ;>370 lie accepted. Car- ritil. 'Mr. McKenzle gives notice that st te nexi, meeting o! itis couneil he wall introduce a by-iaw te assess thuls township foi <"~unty, Townshtip and ]Police Village, aud Educatiettal pur- posek and support of the pour. Car- ried. o,> Mr. Stocks, secoit4d by Mr. Mc- Kenzie, moveil tW the i foliowiaag an- counta on Reads sud Bridges be paid: W-0. Gibson, $1,009 290 Wm. Drink- le, $5, Jus. ira>' 86.50, John Beck- ett, $6.50;- Rd. Flintof, $l14 Jas Jenkîns, $4, Jos. Groeetree, $15- J. H. Sharp, $3, Geo. Allun, $7.60, 'Jas. Trvail, $15.20, Titos Brawn, $6.45; Levi Ward, $14 - John Hamilton, 82.50, A. Bell, 82,- W. H. Thomas, $20.90. W Q. Gîbson,.84 10. Oshtawa H-ospital, indigents, $52.10. C'arried. Mr. Stocks, secondeil b>'Mm. Mc- Lean, maoveil that thîs Counsil do nuw adjoumu until August 28th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Carrrd. Columbus, August 7tb, 191. WM. PURVES, Township Clerk. Oâit Trsday evenjlnutes1 hile ln an Intlcated. condltloh, Olver ?ao- cos drove bis hbors. on to thie qtde' walk in front of Mr. G. M. Rlce'a store, and -the shatte ortthe buggy wént through ti plate glass wlndow and simasbed 1l to *plece, oly a fmmiii plece remalned. Mr. Pascoe tben drove home. Mr. Rice laid a coin- plaint to the- Chiet, Who went dut on brought him to town, whete he piead- çd. gullty.- Mr. Rice had the wlndow lnsured. Mr. Pascoe wiii have to pay the damages- to the GuaTaiteC Co. BIRTHS. WILSON-At Whitby, on Friday, August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, a son. SOUJTH ONTARIO LBIL 8OISERITIVE JIEETIN Saturday, Âug. l2th 2 O'clock p.m. A meeting of the Liberal Conservative Party of South Ontario is calied for-the above date at the Music Hall, Whitby -TO MEET- MR. WILLIAM SMITII and hear his decision in regard to the Conservative candidatuie for the House of Commons ini the forth- coming election. Every friend of the Gonservative Party is earnestly requested to be present and give Mr Smith a rousing receptiori. A number of local and out-side speakers will be present to address the meeting. BE PROMPT! Chair will be taken at 2 o'clock sharp. A. W. JACKSON, Secretar>'. ]NO. BRIGH-T, President. ANNUAL Midswmimer of the most modern and up-to-date sale Boots and Shoos now going on at PeeI's. W'e have many lines, perfect goods, which we wish to clear out, and these will be sold away down low ini- price. Corne early and secure firat choice. P-EEL SHOýE & LEO*OcDu kock Strete. SeL. WLi t,iOatio STANDK O F CANADA For Mmeu $50 ouw Bnk Moy Ordoesam cowointnd nxme. Foý6r m mutwe jwue Drafià or Bl, tEiehang. Money sent at n tomm mkigpow lt kilMdoppi o i Ba ch C 44L.aag.s 9= Midsummel Sellers HOT PRICE 2 Watches both th- n d 16 Siue for M'ae, Ont-, $5.00 The other, p5 e%&el>. $6000 in a Solud Nickel Case. In a Good Guaranteed GoId Fal1ed Case, $4.00 Extra These are Extra Value. BUY NOWI BASSE TT'S IJowolcr & Optician 'Sft Richardson and Richat dsoi important annuunoernent in this paî Try ns for New Perfection Oit Stoi and Gasoline Stoves. Everything Hardware. Geo. M. Rice. The Band will not give the weel open gir concer t on Satua day eveni et this week. Dr. Adams wil be out of town fri Fniay, August llth to l6th, b( days included. Rn*. Mr. Cocicbsn, of Toron: prOCh.4 in St. Andrew's clîurch b lait Sumday in Dr. Abrahaan's1 &vti1 Canadian Pacifie engle arrd in town last week, and bel *Ã"* la completing the survey of te tsLow being projected tlirot tho ahpfrot towns. - ettil We want rery, word of this WESTIERN4 ii11 ,- , 1 -1 1- I Farm Laborers' MIE EIXCURSI-ONS $IO'800 k> Winipeg and Certain Points ln Western Canada lncluding points on Grand Tiunk Pacific Ry. via Chicago, D)uluth and Fort Francis. $1 8.00 Addltlonal Retunnlng AUG. î2th -From al[ stations north of but flot including main lii e Tor- onto to Sarnia tunnel via Stratford to and including the line fromn Toronto to North Bay and West in Ontario. A U G j6th - From Toronto and stations East in Ontario, aise East of Or- illia and Scouia junction in Ontario. AUG. 23rd-Fromn ail stations Toronto, North Bay and West in Ontario AUG. 25th-From ail stations Toronto and East of Orillia and Scotia Jct. in Canada. Canadian National Exhibition, To-ronto S iN LE fAIR August 26th to September gth inclusive Iromn ail stations in Canada west of Cornwall and Ottawa. Special iow raoes and train service on certain dates. Pull partîcuars frtont any Grand Trunk Agent or addreu .. g. Diatrict Pas- senget Agent. Toronto, Ont., ad espectally freai STEMENSON Twn Agent for Express, Ticket an d Tele- lia irPla grapb Office, opp. Standard Bank. Whlîby. Chiaadeu 2Northma Ralway 50000 BAR VESERS WANTEO EXCURSIONS Eiaern Canada $10 0 t Wlaipeclug ordestnation wI t b ttereail4 sudlO"M a tianspatati4i f r ta WintgWeât ta R.gIsa, Saaktoa. Wann.bSI trr aZnd l.rarwe points. Noibilas rates ta ail tair poiata on Lbe On rebuts joumrey. ticetis et ,lie. rodlal au 3o da Powoek. willad e b o g elm ua$Utag pointe aushsows ou <obag tk*t. DATES OF SAOL AM1. j t fae. tu Ostarlo o otb 09 G.T.L. Tortmte Bya . gr= «"kamia t b. P4wts0V alQuboe. je0 aNI fTeno4asle rtalcdU tega ie d t heati. Na.Ior., Usa. Ry. £110 sPointa s etera ontada. R a,.s Pot..Wuo litet u*r Aue. asAl£1poéae t f Tntmllaoutatioa" Qusis tu *MW#W M mw isn d»io &&tho k . t.' lUvol b"uy »0j dt»t Mgn*M mroa rAit -To mck Casu4lsa laottere potate %l wtIlb. aoeua.y te6tisel by po u intePiolet Bf aty te taIiP# tu amg O.« 301 wo Mftlstwey, ceus c, b y .Adgiud S toiot Wt%4W»n *-04 i t Qu4de. "ub$gs o&«» u.aalt h e bMUW. .O.I5I u »*.U, WOLumP a&A# $c* .x« 4 Ter>Uto. 0V4.~ laid Bvnywbue. I. bisa ii& ii nFa tirý1 1,010, WilllB%.

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