Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1911, p. 8

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I DWTRICT NEW$ BRIOOKLIN. The two Brookîbi pupils who wrote nith lie mcut eperimentli examin. aLloua weio succussitl. Mn. Geocae A. Johneton obtained boin Part i and l'art Il o1 the vntrasce bub'auw- ty outiEducation oîauiion, and bitsIlettie A. 'v ipoiid pa.ssed lii entrauce lu N ormial Seools xaumtn- atlon. We ccumgraLulate Lieus %wu btudents on tblir i aUccees. The Canadian Nortmura RnLtway; lirookîmu section, 1me tinîsbed, andi la nuw in ubargu ui a i egular gang ot îrackmen~r. ir-Ake>, Intel>' wlLfl lb C.I>.it aL Buîbetoti and Uueipm Jum- iun, ime i i hmaîî, and hbé, moved intu the new fiwubc bfl.uatd near the wawcr ank. 'lle ullîci tniemberu o1 ir. Akey t ganig aictausa tieuSj Ali. Ti. Il. %%l an amas hkunît over LIhe week enid. li e iil buey -witb his îu'di.iu ulîstuîbumau in Pirnce LdNald ounLy. Mis ..ahitan ad (aughbLt are awa:.fli a ilioluubl a mii twmth a e- Lub .ai Ualieiius Miss 1,I>a lilamnai. I'ueon oi day tit! muiiake an etideti v1màL amuti îeiat.iveâ 1iüg im MiaLtoba and 'Saskatticwaiî Slîe i>liL> bc way tilt tuwaids thc end (4- iie>eai. Mius.N. W LlilMaaL.i uoidou LoiwilI aîîd MNiss I.aîîa J"uwîlè ieu- 'ais wlice Oitht spcmîl a hîappy woek m thie naial Ip1à> ga und lu 1b Douw a fUill îeuth silice Iho portiieu, of îif1uaIak itiat ai e tu be ieplaced b) cvurmurm ar e ra up. lt là acknouaiedged t1iait thee bas boun borne delay i gel! îig îemi.nt *buL Lie iiai> a 1wlias e bu îî inconvenienced hevp unaon ideî ig a hy ihere maboula bc Lbi îeond hlîlîl 1, tiii ingeacbyeiu pluî ie m l d1iiîg île' mi-wA, Nlksi. Nus 1i*tlîlihI ucý i piincîpul f 0 thild cai aîmn u ' becin Sambi- LUI mnÀ bas iug 1! luit minbei o1 pu- pile soGt by lb efothe eniianueo m ainimation coi . titorugl wiLb fiyln.g celuii.s This i , a i ecord that s»At be very grathl\ 11-g tO Mis lmeson. Mr. T'. A. Lt' kwclIl bai lat.ely put intu comiissi i a haudso>miu ew ,waKon foi-t lie(I l'i verv O f the. jpq- ducte (il lits vi Mr niid Mise 1buras 1'tutioy, wl)! recenly eft hefoi s visit w ý& friend amid relatives in tic SOU441 of MilY- England, sailed tram Ilotteal ta Biri*to, sud yll lkeiy Spend at loasi two sanonlhuLan the Id m"n. This in their ai retura le Esgland ius lin» came ta Canada, snealy (ilty yeans ago. LMiss Edna Hillioi, ai Uxhige, vtllmd her couuim, Miss i>oroihy RaIo- llday, fur n weei. ar. Frank Banne r i. Charnes Col- wiul sud iss Dora l2olwlli have buen .oms (rom Tronte epundlug their iuliayî wltb iheir parents. Mrn. Arthur Jihnto» ndniis aen Mr. Ueorge Joinstan, are on M tai al- er aide ci the Atlantic for a tew weeka. Thsy iook thia passage [nom liontreal t0uiuaigow. Mmm. Robent Fowsicr, ai Davisviliu, bas returmed home alter ipending two weeks wiih ber parents Mr. and Mlis. N. Burton. The BulWao mcii, tie housu-kuup- et's terror, bas been someliing for thme women o! 1i.rocklin lo e raiabout until t"i yenr, wben ihey are iaviiig a puniomal uxperlence tint iiey cen- taiuily do net enjoy. ln ail parts of il). village carpets une bemng litîsi, store reums opeued snd the contents apeati out, aud n generni hunt la au lor be destructive insecs. A.nd Lu Mout cases t.iey are touni Lu nuniberi thi make the visitation a suriou one. Various preveunaivu meneuses are belng used with the hope liai lie mot.b may bu extemminted. lu the meanu ime tbere are moditions la sonie bouses Ibat wouid give warrant Lu the suppouitionm lAat ipmiug gbue cleaning bai beceme a weekly event. There was ne service iu tie Baptijt cbuxch lasi Suaday, tie paster beig away on bis holinays. Cubesud brulses may bu ienled lu about ene-iiri the lime nequlred by 4ie usuali reatment b>' applylng Chamberlain'@ Liniment. Itlal an an- 61beptic aud causes sucb injuries to beai wlthout maturation. This lini- inieut "lo relieves semenes cf the muscles and rmiuumatic pains. For maie by ail dealers.-9. "Fly co' pretects aIl animais from filcm, bille nil vurmin iltouches. ô0rc tinsaut W. A. Holllday's, Mr sud Mns. W. A. Holiîday, se- ctempnnied by their chiliren, Miss Dorotby and Master Douglas, luit ou Tuesda-y for Montreal, going by Sîr. t'Belleville" o!flthe R. and 0. Une .A..T2~D F MLStore. A. il. Ailla, dnugglal. te o'vct a Liberai Candidte fer the coming election ta the BASE LNE WEST. DOMINION HOUSE. MinMaryHatdiinoaSpe aua- Thic selection lias beon lied for September 21e1, so tba day vitiIdMs.la Story. Mr. Mutan 8lw7y, atmitervs làl ItiLis de8irable that each munîcipality Le veil rqeeuenlod. lâl sps.qft &"Y » VIiii pn.P& Adiresscs, in whicb reciprouity viii b. fuit> disouaaed, vifi zo le,& be(1w UiV,1blOIb: a» vit1bumi»Xib«r ta=te 0 M'r. F. L. Fowke, M.P., PUnI la Toroto mat oodSp Hon. Senatoir Uerbyshirc, si £i i"lmUytbei*P.a William Ross, Ex-M.P., R. R. Mowbray, Liberai candidate lot the umuin baveau mli emgua local house, Outib"sV«14 mai vti SAoUea And Others. Wilu* jego" ué - vw 7m Thete wîiI ho an executivu *meetiner mm@<> ly aber the ass lMeeting. vola No tem MWl.*s mativuW.leu= ha»laMai.10 A FULL ATTENDANCE 18 DESIRED. aiuicu ia etgs WILLIAM PURVES, C. D. CONANT, akn. m oX ste. à»ema êhs Iommatua 6 M .asv ma.0&o Auut26th. TORMOT . p ~ & LA II#wp~ CORONATINYM EDSTIMM a ------- ------ Amr suaveS. Mod rsou b ittIU -,*s inh t vshoit àu*tsV nhoumel. Ameostm Th geo tuoUlU5 tV ak s plae.a o s osl Wt muecaet. Tbei tea. YwiOdli eneiature ouvs la catO mrelarco men food alue.odore serveth MOI Oui othe raIcn talket gr rat'.wlm nsd laQuarker OteaLThe reietl b*6 taels pgi.lac. pnd u bàià bu frntà eel. Te remit ryws a 0d iE- sue l aetthe oe-a ifferucla utrlchseel senupe fod valu. -,, ev l.com Madin erCheada.plpetstiP used l Quor ot.They are sle ate Ther from beauTervestu the i luv W.l l. amiaelemste-he puUuolus- apromn aTort o They wUI be BWB uthere wlbarbrasheriesfo alu 11 Prsbth aLera rch nauieipo undutabi busiess W. M.1Hatg, lb. pasor, ut spendia sot oidyaiL1nv MiiA .OIVeouctafliing elO teM[. W. ).Uuriuas, et nhet çi- met hoe a are fo ure (orIslands. Te st mn yea r i ponse4 otis trains 10an.dliii. k>at1wersu l LiearC. N.hU. bobposessibonelut ondrcoay. Une w M.dMis § . U . rlambsily, hof I- teMs. .. morr, aoroospu- the wesdwam sher çop8IUOin trinds u he aiwybid ouMr. aandbeenrils, uste Kong-fl stn Ro. .U.e nay iendr hre <on avuanouthawere il ovud ouip M. Rihad More .W là;oimibis oUTo roi, nt eBec bUad. . nwore 0eek enwighhbr and ulin itota iad, c maiu ont(ie d breo PutOu aitaio aoumi 0tuspaest. Mi. Rard uocrei la offemgsai -91 Home Tte sal uednduP VOU hav a re.stmuethealp and baro c stopwlug fhai and curln baldusaus for3 it on evry instaces whure usudaordne ig 10 directins (o t4a tuasnte ln h0Mte.Ta Fmey isueho a Tnogaemupeti aftt uea le adw mas 110h,ag»u. Ro ola shoetud dou It u .i dom hav veut o baldusm u the scalp ma MYILUI M ?MdN 9%,' Lo i ai ofei T o iroanto, out Bsin» aid Manda» aitheb Mins an"s'Cbl" "l, o01Oslawa, miii MI» % 0 4 iiaiToronto, spent the boUda» i bain. Mu. liAd Min. OmoBouston ne- tUnuei basset Toronato on Tuesdny last. $Ooeoaithbmbuildings 0ai hie village ban bem au intei latll>, whtch im- proves lthe appeaance very mumt. Amoig hem Mti. Jas. Smltma's rosi- dunce, C.P.1I. elevator and Mr. J.W. »hsney's livery stables. The Bell Tuephone Co. are buildiug n.wlie lu ib is vlolbily at proeut. The overhusd bridge ovon lie Ç. p>. JR. lasto bW commenved thie week. Mi., L. Vanesl and <amily spent Swmslay wit.h <stand. #I Bincksloi. Mis. Jçhn 9#4nn'o inder, lMi. Clouflon, 0$1I{pclmster, N.Y., le spending a tew days tuounr village. Un. John Smin'as sister and ui- band, of Toronto, spusit Sunday lu ont village. Miss Elilo Wilson la vlslhlng iu ont Village. W. wure allnld ta sue Mr . Wm. Smnith> back tresu the 014 Country saiy. Mn. Wm. Dawsonm spulit Bunday tu Sunderland. Sort>' ta report that Mr. Jack Roi- liday t l IIat present. lir. A. Mandenson spent Sunday at lir. Thou. Manderson'. Reumesuber lbe ganden pamty at C. J. Sleveuaon's is evening, August 10tb. Good prognam sind a pieu. aml limfon ail. Cornu along and un- Joy, lb. trust of lhe seaon. Iiitamid hure tint the slding south of C. J . Stuvunsou's corner, just ad- JoWsg. ,W. DMcliteu's pneperty, i. an assuned lblng now, as'the Ce. bas alnuady pledged theIr word for tie same. This wyul bu a great boon le lie (armure. Tii. Harlocks, irom lie clty, sevun af themn, alter spendtng morne coutld- Cnabie lime ai Mr. Tics. Richard- $*,&', returncd hou>uWand on Mosiday lait. Mn. Pengelly, aur smlthy, humsus- cured the services ef a good man, vmd! he wtll bu touai an duty An lbhe hop sa nob aiiever>' day. The Benlley tamily are graduatlng Ibis iasid vilIl oin aur <armons ti lhe profession ai Iarmlug, ipaing leUed tie <atm now occupled by Sam. StepbMOIAi ou witcb the chUncb le eilaatd.'Wut wlsb theinm qccesa. Tihe trustees aiaur chunci have c- cured the services of Hamnilton Bras., ni Broughm, who are now bumly cei- gaged building a cernent lauidallon fon lie nuw lowubhail. The dimen- ions are28 1 Se, wblcb Wwllmaie a fime stucture. Mr. Louis Rogers bas been vlsiing at bis aid bomne bre of late. .Law lacis wet!. Mis. "Ie Rogers bau relursaed lion alter a proloniged rIsit smong Taroto r elative#, liu. J"oeb Tripp tg going l'pasa- ICiSl laim ne clructlon of lie aew hall. Jo. la a willamg orier. Buit I o. Nov in lb. lime 1 bu» a baIlle of Cbasubernin' 001,1 Choieranad DianniceRmedy. Itlta MeINT YRE, Whltby. I M (3oo d Tools Mean (]ood Work auJ Good Crops The différ'ence betweeu a bard day cf beavy back- breakiug labor snd a long day of efficient toil in mostly due te the tools used. Us. Samon Braud Fan. Toole They are strougi» made, cornectly built and last a lifetime. The demaud for Samsoni Brand goode 18 eteadily growing, which shows butter tisa muything ulse tha satisfaction of the usera. ~~ Tu> tihe toots. You'l kuow thon what ram --, effieieacy i. WAsk your demes to show- yau just viat Samson Bran muas. N. L. UWLaI,- Un etUMS i- Samn Rad LUKischeaper swoinge. rate, conditions, opuclal train ser- vice, -etc., luom Torantoansd poit la Ontmrio an write R.L. Thompuon, D.P.A., C.P.1L., Toronto.1, SEEMED TO GIVE HlM A N19W STOMARII "aterai luteasolystaer uaîlng, ad aie medcine on IreatinSil î.,lte eveinsita do a» goadïl"wrtea H.ý Î. 'Yowmnpet Editor ofi tM Suai, Loba VIev, Cti..,MWTlua lt fewv doofaiCbantbrla'a Stomnaa%& Liver Tabletu g ave mm urpxlshag te. 11< aidts usecond bottle se.ued ta boiiclth," l' or amie, b>' aiuim Roof- s.C'. Q. Frazer of Toronto, lu vlsîtlng ber aliter, lirs. C.A. Good- felaow. purm lIboitSa 1 wIU W Ope"eno igniUb OOUMTY Or OJTAmSiO 1 WHITBy-oIj nkiI .L LMia" GIdoiks Whlb-JINm. Ifs ybl.45 JUIF j# MeP6.i. 18,um .# . f.# Aile 2 ia 1ne19lem ukiAWA-iât&4 Mas E.L - 9 domeilWhtby-Jma. il$, Fe 60 "mm os Apia te ALI et imèO& jwq do, ot 4»& S.BN Ov. B Anec. 8o Jas.6,logtutS4 te Jul 69 &Pt.lis, Nov. te Jae& 119 lois. à PORT PERRY-Cintei.. mm- isua, Pont Penn-Jas. AD, mt*a le May 6, Jul @, SePt. n'O, Nove Su 4UXMRIDQEý-Oie M . J. Mes.., Ulbidpe-Ja.ne 18, Mint à«Na ls JUIF as, sept. ne, NOV.i.1, Jan. l8, 1912. SCdNNINGIONq-CIenb, G». mt Cangton-.Ja. 12, mm*cI 1 MaY 17, JUIF 27, S04t. 219 14«., 14# Jan. 110 1918. 6 BEAVERTON-CIerk, Jiama &L Gordon, Beverc-Jia. 11, Mini 80, Mal la, JUIFytir, sept. so,<xV. lot Ja. 10, 1913. - 7 UPEROROVE - Clae i aDU Leamard, Athmley-Jma. le, ma&c 81, May le, JUIF 15. s.;t. le, NIf« 14, Jan. S, 1911. B» osier, J. E. PAREWILL, Clerk o et i o Dated mi Wlmllby. Nov. list. lois. Write for n copy 0( ATaIk on Business Education' En W. EVANS Pum)p anulactur., Me$ dom v eut ci Whby i SUSnom W. aré preffl.i teimitài vem w attend t. aul Éi"icdino &§Mit fer tbe Ontaio vind MaI also gasollue englues and lie squart Gearud Magamet Cruain Separalor. Pion., No. 50 resldeuce. MONUMENTS ofialAmani IatoelKepi ltU Lt viii»pJyy«n4te n emi S Dem't ha mlIei b» apats. W. i0 iolmmploy tIent, cum tly w. oua Md do Ml"v lbe agentt oommislom, le gicMt, Wb" lyoe vmii utumil Baç by Purcbaelag hm as. A CUM 8oIicrA. foi imlih ami 'ont. Makis -C1. 8trn n th S"be Greateot hoaoncoude.- cuti SealPrisesr ci $800 mc.IMM"aie Pris«s I&.ul clssas Ad-cm.. ~ Ems' ~Nh - Caaada4ui Usitai vms. wq toe..11.Cor. blfMuéai1f osbnm la Um 155 m pefemeo a aEr~pa CO. LIBERALS 0F S. ONTARTO wiIl be beid ilu the MA SON/C HALL, BROOKLIN -ON- Saturday, Aug. i 2th 'r1he paint e!.itlb luate.Aud the guaratea.- OPM bSNAgAM.H damum oir g aeson every eu. so mlasdàm, htludins bWak aid white. 7 je 1 m

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