Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1911, p. 6

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roc MA: E E MII u1 WJE OMJis INEW 1101V TOI USE TREM. bue I'remrptiou sWhkeàm lj b. Fiun a Qe.Pbeiamit t-o Ta-ko. Thero ma-y b. bot-h value and nov- %hty intrt-e ideu e! eating barn, elickouî wingtoi, hio acind butter &nd figb înât-ead of svallQwing na-st-y amedicine whon soui are feeling out -of sorti Vi'e ides cornes frin mPro- fesser F. X. (louraud, fonmerly Chue! cA flue li îo f t-he medi- ci a-ofuiilty - ' -,ri,%-ho ha-s bem nsskirig a inost int-cesfîng gt-dy o! t-be rnedir-,niu valite ofi arivns an- ticle-, of eter%-day fecid. buppose,[for toîtanvio %Ill arr t>iuiuied witi h art dise-ais-eor rheui- »tuSLmor immefthing us thoemalt-en vît-h t-ho cnculîtory systen, t-he kuLrre3-, ier or nervousa systeiT, Voir. (Gaurauid s-5v 3on isbonhd net at butclei- a-rt-, b rt 011ca-n et. bairn lecanse it , ('mier anîd short-- or in fibre, hainu r easîer t-o digest- t-hn bîtcil - sinea-t . 'e are t-old, t-r. ,t lurt- luiro h-rnis a i aluabie ftu4l ri<loin i a-eos of dvi.pep- ai a lie u rg-ruî rrail t-luise W-ho isuffer f rni d, si-c-- a i oid t ho )u c rd i-rf> - r 1tir 11411 hasd onul- r ua ni, rý- - f w r-llrua-ted on tuili cd ia-i ii itea-d i o-r iubnirpusîratienteand.- in bt. -fi-r c-i urbudy a-Itoutedecii n u lIme t4iglie-t degnee by lisrîg troîub- Wa, tliiiinmibsintsepecue eg , part;ularnly t-ho yoikn, net ta-sa f-',but asas- niedicine. H. ba-'viI hat flic volk of a fnresb eg kwot a dig-ti l'eterrent effect- on time gi.tif thbe tubencie bacîlli lia tlIQhumai) FI ' t-cm six eggu per 43JlisConsî-dered amnploet-eserve aim BOTH l-(X)l)ANI) MEDJIIE- For t-be rnîaud whli ma-yot- cane bit fresh egg, serIoed in t-he ondin- i-y w a N iliat Ili, boiled, pom-hoed or i-a-w t-he ollowsng nocespt la ie- Boat- up 'ýbc vrlks of t-vo eggs w-t-hone colrie- o! peu-dencd sugar unmt-ml t-be mixtur e a-iteuF ;a-dd a- glaPss ofbot msa-fer. stî r hnîkiy, and Min adIrle or t v. tea-spoonfuls o!g(4îud brtaurdl%. Drink s5 hot s-s Vurr ieoîulo (I!rheuinuatuutendon- us nosft huîcdeggs -rt-tu bre-ad a-ad hitt-c-r are re-orîmrded as ma-kui riip abouut nu sit b o! t-he ave-rage cisil3- allow-ance cf foc-cl iburici -i uii lk Nitt hem- silts The adidit-rin o!fbot butter iiu ;r:-paiug frited oeggs,. scraml.ied -ggî maid but< t-d eggs, le con- doi-rnrul--lJ licaiusot-he butter dotracts trcui t tiv dugestibilit-y of the eggs. 1Dr (ura failod t-o find a-uy aýi iiia-I ia I ut-iut-le fa-uc- ornue- let, le Pa Nbs la-t uirleis .,oui baie weorr %string digesotive rîrgahîr vou vilI t-u w ie tir ai uid iria-f and ba- Min u melet and t-ho - omelet an The ruse thle digest-uýn ian ma-ko cf eggr drpend' Iargeiy* vruntresr met-h- asi of t-repanstior The rau egg ue nuit ri<îiihing. t-iý ui t eOr-- eNbodN caritma-t rau t-gg's lierf. we are inforine4l.has an iiodem-\t-JN.riyhigb nupute ah foo *It bs.) ri r-rt frorri the alimniirt- ri-%% i% i iint. r--ui-s 1r Gourausd, . rai . n I-u il lt. r la-t if -u pîe wr- una sonii- unnij'asn a comparatie ljo lairge a-nsoint- rit mrilable ni- Itruogo ru - it ha- a,îuurie'd anr exaggerat--d mri.tanr-e 4,11 t lu" taille (ob t-le 'aealt-hu %H119a% vineat- est-cr, at fin-t gujeienuce a rensutinn(rf comfont-, but- n ii eg iri Ifi-ete neity and is îeeficuii lii fit%-iena-go mn- i rIltiiîti c<-u;îget- aluurmgUc-t-fr (Xiu î i ii;e uîmrý .lî urt-uismîent pla% mnly a- ms-Il pirt-. A-tot pout-mt-y, t-he t-erdeasoy o (aiti' 1oun'ia-ýs t-o glie pi-ct-r r-ueo t- r t-Ln'rod ov-r t-he whit- a.zi t--î. 'Ther-rptrar digi-'rt-îliility- r it-ry us rt-ý chie! advsutage oser zýt-1hc's mnent - A cîîîî ut-c- It- or s neirniu miù ut-fa-ictl!eLled sitonaîci) mc-at -n t- iltucht ar c4metc rtf' 'n Unît lu-3i ru I-tt-be stîg Of a <hi(-k g-a ulînîra- 4r 11l -- tmk ird uvzit-. oni t-heo r t-liuLiit-. iiini-?' -5-u Ih li.t t cl - rt-nitrê--re trouý F Dî r. Conraud -t-on'y ne exipinuk r, aî m rrnut-emdifod for li-ný av-i ttnrimm, iii it pFis thti sa-e ri't.!.tW asrua-at-. ashow the ne uiî'uizat--i of itfarces l»y ILbbclaori, tti port mess, t-le SOÎ 4set, u%-wcd ansb:,'t-bu'se olest Fivti-it- is net- suffiüient-ly aiimu- USVi tit-o t-be diçestve trat- lin par-'- ticilr or t-o t-ne lYsteflins gener INTURNATIOSAL LESSO-N, sI. The second great- deteet of whit-e AUGUST'27. brca-d, ho aya, is t-ha-t- tis poorlY minorniized a-nd is insufficient-ly pbosphorat-ed. This is largely due t-o modern methods of milline, &Il lt;o.uIX.-Jdah Carried Ca-ptire thse covenings o! t-be berry being to Ba-bylon, Jer. 39. Golden kiscarded t-o obtain w-bit-c flouir. "The bran whicb vo se ingen- Text-, Nm. 32.23. iously separate from t-be tkrur car- Verse 1. The- nint.b yenr cdf Ze- ries off w:tb it three bourt-bs o t-be delcali-This3 veî-lse ern-phat-ically mineraI eonstituents of the grain, mar-ks t-be beg--,iniing of t-be aiego. i. e., pliesphor-u., magnesîumi,In another placee Jerernia na-mes etc" t-be exact- day as -'the- t<-itki day o! GREEN VEGETABLES, t-be mont'b," whilc Ezek'Ielliyce while ùf loy inutriment, are es- More FtresS uoen t-be tineofo!t-be s-ntial foe4dqt-utTa for our daîly dict cotrr.ireneinent- o! t-be sipge, (Eze-. otn accritit of thein abundant, sup 24- 2). hItvas a date neNer t-o ho iii> uf rmlncml saIt-s. One fiftlr of forgotten among thbe Je-vs. I ci 'm- f n f lresh îcgc-tahîer . The nirntb day -o! t-emonth-- coVirI 'flricf nutnî%ert-te ho de-othe laving waste of thbe rity t-ook ri\*Cd frn cofffee, and t-ca 1Svery IJa-ce e-xatly eightetn monit-b, low indecd. theey are tisef ul as lw-iig one day, afer t-li siego êtimulýantq. an4l vili aF,-i-t t-ho body i4x'gan. For arn aceoiînt (À a-Il t-bat inirariri out. strenluts physical ocrrcd during t-bat tinoc, rcJcr- excerci«-s nce mlist- be madmD t-o i-arions por- This lýower of ancr.eaigod pro<iuc- tionS cf Jeremniah, 'eel 2 lion, "îrr, is only <btained by Jxng-'i., and esperially to Jcse'phus, a temptrar-y abu-e -f tir ph3-r'îcal who lrad a ;na experience tin forces. anrd is followed b ' extra t-h-c- icgo under Tit-us 650 -cars bodilv fatigues and enrar4 x- lat-er. ptimdit oirer, of nere foroe,. whicb 3. AI] t-be princea uf t-heking- r-it bhomrepensaâteci for by a (o- T-h-oultgh there areapparently isix resp-onding amotint cof r-cit. and cd tliesc na-med, in resit-y tisere rteep. weîe but four. Rabh-saris [a t-he M'bile coffoe is heîng iised per- titi of Sarsecbtir, and moans chue! lisp, to4, fneely tbroughout thbe civ-oftetiiem cbîaisas tlîzed world. the stea-dy nrease in a t-fornuche. abep-cerag i i tea drînkiiîg. IDr. (ouraud tlîtîksattl ortb an receigi- arts fr fic eneal elfre ! he an<l sýý-nifrcs chie! cf the rnagi-t-he pes ore. nrlwlfr ftefirs.t- Ientic>n in t-ie Bi'b4> o! t-le Afternoon congt-tut-es a iuseful r"91gi Y t-bis t-itje- Trhes-e general:; repsst-, s-s it offers a- veicoîne gtimn- bad been conduciting t-he siege- niant n t-be fatigue o! t-ho daiiy They e nt-cred tbrough a breach in routrne. If a emaîl pst o! butter or t-he Walism, and sat d-ewn in s9tade t-he yolk -of an egg ho added it be In the middle gale of t-ho, temnple. cornes a nt-riment-. 4. The king cf Juda-h - . sa-w ('oc<-a and chocolat-e, beiides be- then-t w-as ahbeut midigiit, but ing i-a-Ina-he stimulant-s. Posse,%isa-at sîcb a -ii notbing wouid lx real nuîtrie value. The feeling apt -- esc-ape t-lic wat-cb!ul king, of onrfort produccd by a csmp of es5peicalî3 m lia-t took p)]ace at the cocoa or-bcic is explained as gate of thbe cîtadel cLd Zion- we ' 'a nerv<uis effect pro'voked by t-becanoîcoetrra-totbexai flavon of cca-, mustained hy lie îa-tilonn -ieçt-vo wa-ailsthen ea- t-osic 1influsence o! theobrorni n and-imd-d. ut t-ho garden vas doubticar cmpletcd hîy-t-be nutritive element o tosip c!t-e u, n*tî o! t-ho food."'ntesoec h il n h _______ w-y of t-be plain indicauts t-bat he ______+ hoped t-o ros-clit-he fsrtber ha-nk CUTTING MAROCIÂNT. of! t-he Jordan. 5. Ribla-h in thc ],and of Ha-matI Tbe Trocs Are Found in t-be Jung- -He're, Iire nonthR aft.er t-he lex o! the Ameriran Tropica. derfeat o! Josiah. in t-ho battle of In Mexico, Honduras and Central MegidcI, Pha-raub-necbci entrapped Ameriea t-be -ont-raectr gîves five J.obz ad tlr- i n- dollars for a mabogany tree. This c-haînà (2 Kings 2-3. 23). 1-t- wa-si- soems i-heap. but- it- [s t-hoexpense tuat-ed'on t-ho banks o! à at-reain cf gett-ig it ont, gays a wnIî r in in thb midst- o! a fertile plain, and t-ho Nem Orle-ans 1Times-Democrat, 0v th igra unîgbtv-- t-bat makes mahogany a-n expensî'.e Puîiostine and Ba.b2Icn. Nelbu- bomuber. The tre, stand deep in clisdneza-ar found it a suita-hi the fores-t n the midst- of an alxost place for headxquarterz. impenet-ra-ble jungle. There are '7. He put- eut Zedokio.-'s eyea'- no groves; t-ho trees arno sca-tteed, About-t-be la-st -thing the un'fortu- perbaps noV more tha-n t-vo to an na-te king sav vas tho siaught- -acre ; nnd it- may be t-bat t-liet'is !Ono! b is own sons. This met-bcd oi watenourse st band on vbiih te puinishnent [s stilI, a-nd always baf Irg-an be fcated t-o port.,uen<<mnui ieEs. T -Tise tree lia-s te be found bv t-he otiungen Cyrus infiicted it frequentr -ltrît-er, vbose business it i's Wo~ ~fh5caldatnint r osmn t-hougb t-be forest- in searelch ju m-nen un wlui tte,ent i -o! maho any-trees andt-o bla-ze an emrie ortit-l hosilig prful -w a-y t-o t-hein, Bo t-bat- t-oy ma-y b. found agalin. Thon t-ho vorknmen phecies: -Thine eyes sYmll Lebol' inuit cnt their aboious va-y to t-ho thie ces o! t-be km-7g o! Babylois' troc.r ting for tire purpose t-he <c-J r. 34. I lI11bring him t roachrete, which is bot-h a-n aie and Bab,-hylco; 'et sdia-il e 1not sce it, t-he w-apen o! t-be Amen-ran trop- t.h<iigh lie ýshaI1 die there-" (Ezoit -o chean p<it-bdnie. t Thr>-e i g* are pled on the 12. LQ'J weI t-o iim---ebuc!,ad di beach t-< ua)t for s a sl.W licn îcza Lut at -sieaq-5 'n it cornes tîheyare rnolled baci-b Iris) z -t-r Mut-bhsa-gve a-id e cuan ou t-bew-t-or ami rn qf, u puaiOd<f t-be prophet, by whieh ho sougl eut- t-owt-be ea-me î id. fur the la- t-o hr.ig bis people te t-be point- a taerir- ,iîrr-rtkrsugh. fr-le'n ount-a.ny st-souissi-un 1-o thoir on' t-or n -ieuî*y og ae tie es Jermsiab 'ams not- cumpIle t tIîttu u, as ~ - to poüec-<îas furatta ilais, bu In ioth oi feli i hk iet-put- ftu 'aar s ce-lfr<in hi. eha-iî à n Ir on<e 1, n~rn. asud lourie-d t- lt li-î.-amrî1<leur mile* dus-tamn itt-nucb li filuhîy uif, t-le hIîuld frc-Ms vu-aIsi Ten ilibn 'fe-t s >ecit onte junta-' 3, oubn>,Bssas5-T -New Orleaisu. andl are partlytniu- differore bt-veirsit-b;.ivesab -faetured t-hor".Tise asvs intie -r errc e t' i*-a differeaice-of dias r mmalssga>'-sîl' c Âlîminna- rîtn Tis va na ntIi<%liter,o01 th~e ai fia-v and niglit lu t-li' *inter. lDur- rivaîml cfN4-i-rdss Ie " riig the ,'erty-four hc--îra suaty uru't-or eoin1nI»-dOet a livil tlir."usa nd (et -f luinher anrc iut- burw-i.a--t-b t-i;e va-sNeîua - i-osn 'Ithe- Milit 14t.OoIIh-lîps-rrb i ir T 1% ' a o %<weh îlinaîsu brIng-l« ei 'afmi3 moý - e ting tht' lqnrin kalnrât. 'l'by crn-Iio< %k»- O-41 t "" A - hîp -t-r -al--i. -Jfr Au, 6. ai-d Qeî- R iiiiWuîr t-le * fa roiiï abts ut <verot-y casrt-% -ý f ~ 11~<a Ca vear -A greal memnY ihtp> aFeu-e o u. j t '4 fo M-tIjWa3,1 oa liq]4 nVa ga-ge<i li t-le cntnrr4beis. ;mKn 4S-- i* t'. b I # I Ina hee<.fke Im er cfté ue usw VAIXE (OF GIIAIE JrICEF. ~ - ti. n1~ ie~ 5n4tobtnouitabina <ifdrn. t'il<rrtse*< c k&sided. mand lstVthke gsvferre4 toI2 ieIs .Stum ~ l-s ~*a th A 01:A.NTARY LIFF. i~ts a>' ~ ~ aw - "K#ot-hinp cao expin tbh.pm- antIin <uses of -Zna~. <Grapo agilest t-mu art-icl*etof( tMIljuirfeu ae at b8iV oMMb Pi"- e &uh il, a-tteet-i o stimulttiuig in t-ng t-be iripe t-4nw#d <~n lsi quelît-y nOmighatbut- gOotImmU«Miol toatUq>t*taIt r a otif ~ttnrteot-bsessitcwY * M & 't-W' iii41*C ýr"llbecau:.îtlanotl al , "'fytii@vr't-, anbiusA3a > h'ff4 -Se--A- IMM terest.." whiob. as yl l e pointed -eis m fet 1ai eaough Vo cau#e anyt-hing t-o grow. out later, is quit-e a dillerent miat-- L igtoms et ary During the imont-h 0cf Jno youpg t- t-or. huri4 »Ilpîfin t-ho e ti», cf bilds. woeofrose, t-e,<lesth la theirýý h1' (3) 'Conv-ertiblity Into ca-ah" Vthe bicye. 1 t2ITOw DM7Il upc» neso, An4"o giest- va-atheîr d«ý itMeans t-h. readiness vit-h which one lt-, a-ad' to- fie *ifmeV F -'a stinoin h. t es rrthuo tua-y sel]and t-bus 1"cish ini" on bris 4 o i eiUitY 4alo -eveft years alt-er very 1lew bîrdo viit-d ~~~~ oresiarg mIy feet- ti»ué.te ipedals t-he colder part-. of t-he nortiiern td -litndl radt- tu¶ier for deàr t-at-es. 1¶se veda _«d fe' 3ut's- (4) -Prospet M appweciâting in lite.. n.vsyutat e 4 ee4dsite erien ms at ) .<h en -a--<pasunder lvay t bu"IS lMab4fruit .twh as ti nth*rry dped on t-be ,ecurity in questio «n gosu i- mû. isfirit fa MjMY drectionu. gnd -rotted on t-hotreeb îl, t-hofor- efeeksisag in value as t-o lacrealo the e 2ot Ieap ortbe iger b rougI* t, est,# hrds to c" a-mount of capital invOtOd. hîmt- o vit-hia abo>ut six yard* ut t t» ~ O» $ta-hll of cimairksst-prie" W ' w>sAek whee1 std aIt-hus*h 1 mi , Clr<op t-ba t- e~irelwrntWlk $drele#nt»the <feteatoi'e sesuoaecui- gtins as floti a# a 6f#4da&Sa hkydcorn<, p .aivfit-» ttt St-les pemsesasof out fsfli«ng in piS cou ti-avel, a- S141I Iap 1 -almon and - 1 bre cami them Î là%a w vison t-he Market [s deeliss Ini brotibt be ckvm Mft-he. unster pîae gtýSe1d qflaypo Mna-y eeuu a littj. IisMht-o ua se, ithum xtrikIzj14*tbace of loy Wba* ted 4 au Thei-Prd: but t-hi e»t)5maS y eUVJe mar4 .w 0-PI t evr peate4 hopet0 s a a-0Y severe ded»"itn t-ho marist ipmet-si>' ehange in thfe wat-kv a.t-t-W4> n e- are fM 4bgeneral vile s<,Un Ix os." 4JI#I4 ilt-Ji momen j %4wIn inoàlo4despe.r 1veo# iir vhhare o"tUS4. l u 1-f.foutc m iUt4O 4If4rO4 Ua46 la A-L T~ a-afouintb P8MS#- XcSI*I My et. l f 4- ,<l etfused vit-h aaft-y i» principe, "7 die ncpher't %Y nnt-,but seldSil. ud*oMt- i 1 ' e ~pat-Vb n'one inv* w~~u~ ~ r nirr (SigÀlArnnul A littie fariher along 1 looked- 10K1INSU~IN3I EtÎTlg s o'wuuî?LIJCKANO UR1ýIn 3round, but the tiger was nowbere to be seen ; le had given up -t'ha chase. 1IEQUALMfES TO BE CON- 'RACE FOR LIFE BETWEEN CY- "Thon another felarful thought- FIVE struck me. Evidently 1 had lost mY S1DERED IN CHUOOSINO AN ÇIST AND TRAVELLER. way altogether, and 1 reflected INVESTHENT. hopclessly upon my condition in t.he event of my being benighted, situ- A FrnehTraellr lld aNere- ted as I then was, in thiat tiger-in- fested wilderness. What Points for Study in Makiug rheking Adventure In "But, luckily, just when 1 ha.d Ve Investments Aceordinir to Re- Indla. almnost given up ail hope of finding qitireients-An Examrdfe 0fleyarquieanm r my way, a Hindu woman appenred Of lte ear qu-te nuber-ofon the road before me and, in ans- i of What lIcnorane Dd attempts have beon inade to walk wer to my inquiries, i«ndicated thc round the world. In thbe majority right road."-London Tit-Bits. For a lidow's of cases he task has been underta.k -______ oaial n with a view t-o winning a wager, RDGOM ,BIE . Caia.and the intrepid pedestrians have aRDGOM9- RD 5 in the firet of this serles it was told many stories regarding the anteOletClw shown that 'distributiýon of risk" perils of their journeys af oot MarriageofteOdsClw in 3 ils an important principle of invest,- through foreign lands. It is doubt- Eiigland. pa mer't. It is a very simple one, fui, however, if any of these globe- Ago and youth were iinited at "ý however, invoîving 'no very con- trotters experionced such t-hrilling Brighton recently, when James W. fulSed ideas. There 'sanother adventures as those whic-h hefel M. Doughty, ageid 912, the ù](Inst clownl principle to be borne in"mind when Henri Gilbert, who started from in England, married Mis4 Alive Un- ni mraking invesbmen-ts wlhichi is of no Paris. in 1893 on a walking tour; derwluod, a prett.v girl of twcnty- W, less importance, but it is, îiome-rer, round thie world with a view Vo five summers. a consid-era.bly lesq obvious to those achieving a record. In China ho Romantie circumnstance-, led up I ,hi)se inve&tinnt experience is was vety nearly killed by a mob. t4- the wedding. Early in thec Year sh 0mal-miov-ut mn it was while passing hrough 'Mr. Doughty's first' wife dird, ue should nd erst.nd ts actiwos India that ho met with bis most leaving him quite alone in thbeha shul ndrsad tsatinsýnerve-racking adventure. world. thoroughly. TJis is th-, prineiple H rio tapae aldNgt e e-k g ewsa ag of invest.ment "in aceordance wiaébb earvda lc aldNg e ek g ewsa a-g a> ulrqirmnts"aoafin poor, and explored some of the, sur- t twhc Miss; Underm<c<I was i actua reqiremeta."rounding country in company theetan one of the gie-ts thcre About twenty yearà goafin a scientist who was engaged in re- chafflngly told bim he ouglt to get wl of the writer-a widow w.ho had se.arch work there. During t-he day marrie~d again. amrple ca.pital t-o ret-urn her a fair- they came to a small village, at "Pooh 1" sald Mr. Dolglîty, Il ly subst-an Liai income-had a num- which an English party had also get married again i Why, nei one P ber o! bonds which she held re- arrived, one of t-he members Of would ba-.oano<lmaaik m dec'red, i. e., paid at maturity. which had a bicycle with him. Gil- Misa Underwood smiled at irm ndm of She w"a anxious to re-invest- this bort asked permission of the owner blushod. "You're wrung,"' she Pl money, and -went t-o a friend Vo get to go for an hour or two's ride, 1said; "I would!-o h13 eaIvice as to a proper medium it being over twlo years since ho The sequel to this pretty inci- Pi in which Vo place t-bis money. Alter had mounted a machine. This wa dent took place ait Princeton Street investigating, ho divided t-he risk givon, and in spite of t-be warnings rogistry office, Brighton, when tr n-arefully-amording to hit; lights- of the scientist, who had heard that Miss Alice Underwoo.d becamne Mrs. a and bouglrt ehare.s in a bank in t-b- there wero many tigors in t-he dis- D)oughty, t-o thbe accompaniment ofa- then-territory of Montana, several trict, Gilbert sarted off. numerous good wishes fro)m ber and mortgage.s on property in the 'ten- AN WKEIGSO . her husband's friends and aequaint- a * drloin" district of New York, A WXEIGSHC. anses and t-be cheers of a bigcrowd p tshares in a patent- medicine coip- After riding a fow miles ho lay which assembled outside thbe of- i pany, and a partne-risip in a borse down in an open glado t-o rest, plac- fice.-c raneh in Colorado. This was over ing his bicycle against a bush. UI- The young bride and the ageda -twen ty years ago, ao that t-be ab- timately, ho feIl asleep, from which' hridegrolom entertainer drove up to- f -solut-ely speculativ-e character of ho was awakened ny a curious noise gether in a four.wbeeler, and after i tt-e so-called investments was ev-en in t-ho bed of a small wat.orcourso the words t-bat madle t-hem man and -more palpaible thaunkit- would bc to- which was direct-ly ini front of him. wife hadc been said, <lroc back t-op day. This ad-viser failed altogether The story Inay be t-old in Gilbert.'s. their ivy-covered ciottage in Middleb to invest-in acoordanco with s.ctual lown words: "I lifted my head Street. e requirements. He tooâc bighly drowsily," ho says, 'and looking The brie! wedding ceremlony was kspeculative risdci which ho calcu- towards the spot, my gaze rested a merry one, and when sorne one lated -would resuit in increaaing bis upon thne flerce and wicked head chaffed t-be bridegroom about bis i fiens cpitl, ulie oerlokiigand long, lit-ho, striped body of an ago ho gave practical clemonstra- h thie fc- ta e capital wasvelokn immense tiger. I should judge t-bat tion that ho a-t any rat-e, is only as f lithe anditat fier cadito washo was about t-hirty yards from me. old as ha feels.t J pied ondora liliboo she h oud- "Whether ho detect-ed my pro- "I may be 92," hoe said, " but Ir d haedon r investmentshin w'fricb - sece I cannot- Saybut ho romain- showed t-hem that I'm not done for - tbe .aet~ o!t-o pincpa an t-o d motionless for smre time. It- yet. I ran up and down t-be corni- i- tertanty of tbe incipalerano the Eeeind absolutely impossible for 'dor at the office several times. n biettci-athema b incot- eret-e me to think of esca-ping by means "I feol quit-e and young and fit d inghetc note i paing ha- cf t1he of the bicycle, for it was at Ieast- for anything, and on my ninoty- - ums- inve..e nott-n per ctatoftet wenty yards f rom me; an.d how t-ird iPirt-hday (August 28), I mean i-aum o eve reood r o. could1 possibly roach it- and make to'give a new entertainment, with e wa evr reaveed.my way to t-ho bigli road wit-hout my performing logs on the West M hf-is man had even t-bought- f attract-îng thie noti ce of t-be terrible Pier bore. - t-ho principal of invest-ing in alc- animal, who in t-wo or t-broc bounds "My wife, wbo is very fond of - cordance witb aectual requireinents would be upon m,- 1 dogs, is going t-o help me train ýr he would at. lest have sa-yod him- them. Wreha-ve got tbreo at pro- l Af self mucb humiliation and thbe -w- DISCOVERED. 'sent, and hope t-o get one or twot s dow much of ber capital. "Prcsently I saw hlm drop h is more soon. 1 trained one of myt oe There are five important points head and begin to la-p t-ho wat-er. dogs, a black pug, t-o walk on bisM t,- o ho considere'd in t-be endeavor As ho raised bis boad la-gain I knew hind legs and t-urn somersaults in ,o t-o inve-st- our capit-al in aocordance t-bat one single false movoment on 't-be air in a week. 1-wit-b actual requirements, which my part must- inevit-ably attract bis "No, we are not going away for a -t-be hero o! this 11Vtle t.ale no doubt notice. Following every movement hone3lnoon." d regretLed deeply t-bat -ho bad nover cf t-be bugo monster wit-h terrible Mr. Dougbty bas been a public 71 earned. The first is, briefly, "The anxiet-y, 1 was at length relieved ent-ertamner for seventy-flve years.& o0 safot-y o! principal a-nd interest." t-o see bim a-ppa-rent-ly about- Vo ro-- -ii Tba't is thbe assurance of gotting turu into t-be jungle whence ho hacl EAR W1TROUTASM ER o., no s money, bot-h principal and in- corne; but, alas! somne lit-tle bird t-bat mh1uc-doos net-éim "4»1el viose am'e hon beueh eJ, ort-hst - vWw~ uk.d about t-he if the: ModierzAnau,n.-t-iAit asho.re on thle, cwsit, 6t ica-'; thte GOIv4 -4d aswint4î orth a djln a rîrt in ÏEI rOEt FpiqE ý' Loi.ATIO.» TO OPERATi ~t AI of 1f ollinger Hua-e ocTratwÉI, Ont» Eytonsioli PropeitY-Itail w.1y EgxtenmssinWilli Eable Wor< to be Douc ChC&pty-llJ'ight prospects. There, appeared in our laist issue ýn advertisclnent Of thbe Iollirîger Jxtensien Mine, Lt- 111S coin- >any will opreratie a- property un- o.ediat-ely adjoining tlie now farn- MS Hollinger Mine on t-be north. It wili ho remenibered t-bat about mie ment-bs ago Ilolli-nger stci- as effered Vo- t--hoPublic at *3.50 Ssîtare, the par value being $ b.0O. 'he stock sold up t-o $16.40 Per ha.re, and is now around $H-00, 4cr share, tbe d.evelopmeit work., aving proved lt-be property to con- ýain vcry large bo.dies o! bîigt rade ore. In short, t-be Ho!liigel s t-be forem.cst mine lu t-be ca-mp, The Hoilinger 1ExteuFion Mine, xhich conta-ina a-t ieastoe Jorthse RolIlinger veinB, is offered t-o t-he îitblîe by W. Murray Alexanader ând Ussher, Sts-athy & Co., bot-h Af Toronto, art $3.00 per share, t-he >ar value beîng $5.00, and only 30,- M0 sbares are heing issued &atVh4 presenV price. The capital is $1,- 00,000, vît-h $500,OW lbf in th# reasury to develop t-ho proport3 and act-ive work will bo oommeYlcO4 art once. The réocent fire bas, quite natur- aIl y, caused a recesaion in t-be price of aIl Porcupine aha-res, but' it is agreed by overyone t-ha-t t-be' -amp viii Le napidly rebuilt on a much more substantial La-ais. In' f act t-ho vork of rebuulding ia b.- ing rushed rapidly. Mucli surface vwonk, bovover, ha-s been ae - ' plisbhed by t-be ire, wbich ha-s laidi barde t-be veins in Manly places.e' igeveral veli poat.ed Men Wioe have revcently ret-urned f rom t-he camp have given iV a- t-hein opin-'b io)n t-batthbe Pearn & Giies La-k. District--wbore the Reollinger Ex,- tension Mine is situated-bas aj. readY doemonstrateoi t-ha-t t-be gold i-s t-bore in large payirig qua-uaties@ anmd t-ho securities based ou pro.. port-ies lying in t-batdistrict huld approciate in piie-a-s as $)resent selling moi În S ii Oma out. From t-ho asPect -10t-hào ma-rk du ring the paat, veek tbho 13 fully expect t4 h.-stoc e a substantial upvard reaction in 4" near ftutre, a-wli -* -rl dict-ed by those be«t-1j f t-e Lest clasof WtocIcksit, their loweet prises mn t-bis raol'o- ment-. Tise Hollinger Extension-4à » first stock offerecl Vo t-be publiehs- ing a- prrpei'ty immendiat-oly adioin- ing t-be ]ollinger, and is 'expecti- ecI to become a- ma-rked favrié and Vo sell a-t- appreeiably co-vevti imsue price. 01 coùrze, t-he tactd it-bat iV adjoins t-he Hollinger doei- -not ma-ko it- a iin, butt-ber. evey pospct-t-h-tIltjh e iz a e-er, long yonr1< liera-ett, st- itiIl ber1 ,with thi w6rd, Voi ýl_W hlde a-I Tor~ alid s had ther

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