Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 5

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A Great Annual Summer Sale for 60 jDavýs $6,000.00 worth of Boots -anid Shoes to he sold at SOHOOL will mooni Ceinience again. Whal about huaI founij pen jour parenté porhp, prouiieed you. t4y* tala 4 ý prýdbt M v.&, W~ 8~i~ WIIIbê atItha U-i-tRe ROê Tea <4wl e ýttecftm1,ë Wer- 8pâmWd* k bîowji body#, ?aiua.da>~-wugiWhite'e haireifr ait4 W S, bt. Ilv a je ay aillis Ir and , hd oû1iàîa f ed r 01 1ae ai l-,ayugfo- ,ctI ptoclty~i. mat j rgot iMent. A#pply _lite.E.W rte* 80pieboy's animigiriluboots and li o a, p o o o ...Jmsu h phorieula76ca .1. Coaui .5Anhiiae Old brooch pin. Owner prie , 7 e. a M. W. C lli~ f r 8 m of e ' "s m Oe by prov ng proper- tY aMd payingfor tLisi.advt'. Apply IT WILL PAY IQU ta cali nd KJU o !ai Gazette c~eb.-i0. * eo our lne cfet ores andI zange. W. Ihave gareat value andI everyo*e gîar- HIE SRY hardware at lowest prices. uiidersigned, lot Si, con. 2. Whtby. a f yearling helfer. Owner May have ÎII for sorne weeks wlth -appendicîis, eXPenmes-WM. I.LBBRADLEY.-Il was takren to a Toronto HospitLal'iSTorED Wedîesday morning, where an oper- atio wil beperorjed. romthepremises of Thon. Porter, ato lI .prfrnd.NY0MCI N V ot 80, test of th iiconcssion, Whltby SALEOF OMEMAD COOINGi I PIOsPred n -e ud sard about Juiy SisI, a large white so SALE0Fe home fMADE T.OG.KING. ly ropee U leul sa.) s. reglaler tag In mitdle of 1.11 ear. At Stuai homero M roi . ta D Ever il uhfurther euccess willJ(!j ibtl':,.s at- Seen lest Borth of Kiusale. Finder o-n.SAmyurd atenoon f ro Mistend ~hlm inthe new p' .î . please communicate wihiMr. Thos. Devereil wili b.il.d. #PLC TO~~AS1SR Porter, Brookli, P.O. Itlal reported that the old Perry Applications wUll be recevgd at tae Casile property bas been sold. Mr. Town Clerk's officeUp ta Saturday, REAL ESTATE. D. W. Megaffin negotialed th a. 2nd SeptenWber, 1911, for the position ________________ M.TG.Devereli was the. purchaser 0 Assessor for the. Town of Whltby Mh r T. eiG. ,oo orh er ,1.FARM TO RENT. ..B y order, Oie huàdred acres, belng conhlusetI M.George A. Ross, of Whitby, is JOSE PlHWIIITE, 01 the soullihait of lot No. :3îl i ât £now Presîdent o! the South Ontario Town Clerk. ccOSEli nof taie townslp o!f 4hit>Y. Liberal soitoscedn r Good buildings. Apply to 0Tickets good goig Sept. st, 2nd, Whitby ..-. TED UHTBOE. 3rd and 4tb, and good to returi thl dATDT PUCAE ~Ater about six weeks without rain, or [rom ail stalions in Canada. AISO A emnaîl house or cottage and finm Sa heavy downpour on Sunday andI special rate tickets to Toronto Exhi- quarter t. bhana acre o! laid, wlth £Monday came as a great relie!, Fruit biLlon. Good tilI end Sept. 12tb to orchard aid garden. Must be in good Iwas Pasture and root crops, Nature return. Try and get aIL those tickets location lu WbWtbt.* Apply to C. A. was Pasture and root crops. Nature aI Stephensonis office, opposite taie Goodfellow.I looks imuch refresbed sine. Monday. Standard Bank, Whtby, at your hels-FA SFO RET * ure and avoid rush at railw.ay sta- Itaie Townshiip o! Whutby Apply BOA RD 0F HEA LTH 0F 1884. t ions. Stephenson refunde for bis uni- the Toronto General Trusts Corpor- The minute book kept by Lb. ecre used tickets wbeî prevented golng. ation, Yonge SI., Toronto. t arY of the Whi tby Board of Healh Stephenson tickets b aid from any- dates back t. the year 1884 . At that where. Choie. ahi Rallway, Boat aid FARMS WANTED. j ime thie Board was composed o! Dr. Ooeaii Limes. Se. bis 'othor advt. i 50 acres wfth geod buildings ; 150 Bogart, Mayor, Thos. Hueson, Secre- tais paper. acres dalry fanm; 50 acres oirchard ~tarY ;J-as. Rutledge, cbair-man, aid laid, wanled by real estalo company,_ £Meus. Chas. N ourse and Welington HEYDENSHORE PARK NOTES. Who have àoldp everal farms ou King- SAdams. Taie usual Tucsday Qvenlîg dame ston RoadtI is year. %ed partýicu- -.6 was hedldut Iweek. Arnoîg tiôe lars ta P. j. Diii. Myrthe. 60 pairs on bargai table. Ladies' present Wbre Musers. Sipp, Willllgr *Minses and Boys $ 1,1$2 and $3 gooda Gregory, Chas. Gregory, Chandier P9 AE t. b. sold for 89c. M. W. Colline'. aid Wilson,' aIl o! Kew Beach, To- Aaihumiy s roomu onaaiebareat, --4- r~~~onto. WitY Mo-)t ,hr " A CORRECTION. Misse Olive Thompeon aid Mandla soIt water. App1yt. ýMILS. JANIET In ltLb publisbed report o! the Ub- ROse were tii. guests of Mies Alleu THOMSON, Whiby. oral nomination meeting aI 'Irook- Toi tfor a few daye meat week. FOR SA LE. lin iL was stated therein,'tiaI the Ma- Mesurs. Hugai JOhuston and Fra.nk One o! theOue-st- Country bomnes la #omie Hall was owned by Mr. het- Hoover,, of Northi Tonawnnda, N.y., Souh Ontuao wlh beautifu chen. This was incorrect. The liall have been camping a the. iSki. gr~ounds, hedges, trees. In llab f ln owned by Lb. Masonle bretairen Alter the dance Tuesdayevtngqý, 1BrOokil. Large aslid brick rldeace, Mt. Zion Lodge, itlai said. the young people o! the 4lke 4aiyed btICk-à*rtlap' bons., tram barji ittai acen-toaàt, lu hornor of lie-Hi tn ehradro osjoie ADDING TO THEIR FACTORIES. ry' Jure, upon their returu Item bl4us oi rlrheo alm Thie Martin Mfg. Co. aid S. Trees cao n.erqn{5 ac(ea good laid....C=-bai Sou are oth eiduinQ tdoi lac.4o par"i. Apply os 'pre4kp tons are ibî h ea hrIa ~(R~~s PO~INT 'r S<19ID. isut. Io CA)0iMOORE. toris l Whtby Tae ftti.t T hei.ruinorthuat waa ourent-ab~out erectlug a large brick building, SO1I* town hast week liat corbett/spoi&1 FI)1R AILlE OR BALi arate (rom lbhe ouiers, aid the latter a ben soit I. soïne ,Anuricaun, .Owhg $o itumes t tfheiowner, ome are ereting ai extension te the bWld-waonyaure.Tippe bso Ostlr ulaiprtSl. t a& constructed recnt.ly. Ealild erzt a. d i ng wil mean increased facilities t bftaed hy the owMnrstto ony tii. ooumty lu0acres of!"rAclaImmy grapple with expandlng trade. rpotwhikh tound Its Way mo bloaly a"M c oupl - !Miles (rom Boiya RIsse Lino West coremodence hast tt*abf-O~n thie Whulby-Lliday t Men's -ând Boys' Lacross Oxford3,Ypecial SOC. Shoe Poulish, tan or black, -special Uc~ Trunka- and Valises A large stock oùu hand oaf the best made trunks, suit cases and clu2b bags to, - b~ old at wýhqlesaie priees- and leas to clear tbem out. black, 75lchs B Loor 300 Pairs o! the Classic shoe in childr,îs patent olt, vii kid, guin metal and box -cal!;, in. Bl-uches, strap lippers and oxfords, tani or black, to b. od at less than the vaileale pnice- te dlean them eut. bit busysg fr6.,m use Se wi ttssales Vou van, save --i and bardaîn tables fo kSMi S Tio Doors Southc StandardBan.k, -Wh i? 20 Pairs doigola1kidld sud box cal! - anrpie î.5sd $ s.ç,,l $1,050 will boy witlu us a guaranteed article, guaranteed absolute. ly. W. havo others at 01.25. $2.50, $8.00. $8 500 and $5.00. $4.00 BUY A BAS SBTT Fountain Pen and you wilI gel a satisfac- tory pon. We do net soul poor one and do not fonget wo do 8, a dandy ut $150 6A88L TT es, Mil Jowolo ptîcia: WHITBY W. C.T. U. A SUCCESSFUL TEMPEILANCI HOTEL. The regular meeting of the New maiket Hotel Company wus Iild a, thie King George Hotel on Frkday cv .nlng, 101h Match, when the vartou accolants for th&e prevîous montuaver orulerd to be paid. Notwitt&taaii the beavy ofpens for beaiing ai lighting, thie busine s howed quit. handsome profit [or thie short mont of February.. The director oftht company tound it necessary to mak provision for an independent suppl o! ice, and have bult an ice bout and put [ai over 600 blockis of th beautiful *prlng water tee (rom k garttovu. It will &Bford thie pubil muca pessure to know that Mr. an, Mrs. Brown, wbo have coaducted t Managenent 0! thie hotel so succeU Iully, and have miade b may (riend for Local Option, have beau .agag for another ynr.-Newmarket Et&a lie I for thie verylowest Primes boula, eo. ait pumps aI P~8'. Wb.itby Public Scool&a ne-fai Laie [aIl term, Tu.sty, Sept. atai. Rev. Dr. gray, ef Tornto, o pied (hoe pulpît o! St. Amirai churcai lasi Sundsy. Voumillor J. E. Duusey oobrt his &iIblrtladay on Thuilay ofitu week. Mmy Ihappy nel«ur. -4- ~peclaI baguas t'a aRt foolvear aI Pool'.. k"si S0 Peirs boos and sitap elippens, tan on fegislar prive $1 -oo aid b1. 25 al b@chreo M.A MRois' UM ifuuebsmany customon Mr ~aak~ fnid t hlm heiroom Us ubsi. LMen i tw. ep aAaoilo ~*trcL oui stad uantIng clothung le order c eemc«t Mga iaqua As. e aaoaterbut "k go*d lattyw psuaa1 Item em-resdy spocial order simples test Satk, alai s as ldqadmasL frffl îbba4, .auidea1 q.e. Ion (nom Mn. A .7. Rlop' large sto*support«e 1 b. RM#t M leMoui of woolena, and have sua eor ove>. WilfrALaurwier, a ~A= balhj» la Cosasmnaitde t eir mossre heasmm bs proouetaopwt uot "s lit m.aie aim-uta ,oulo a m .tlm r oitlw,h&4atrC*, .u 41ga l soi-va veCommitte. roomu, Wbiby, to Cau"e&s"si t af Um le- BS Thursitay siglal o!f as ea bMM' asson laeai eeua a 3,ë ,~ for proclty. i---o"a",Ad -k fo% QUICK WORX. t #U40&O O-n0 Mouaity.:Autout 8 soi ï W- nspeuas,toe~r bu so». et~ b»a.oeMMs * alt S pro .tmt b*»M SaMY s lua% t fflipem et. j.haai, Trust ttee t bmo- ** Ul ïM adl ¶w aO»Ce" f« là, mm" t~ylul bo tls* Ci.Oucl pt asP 1P~W~ liq M' t o. isel U.9- Siugte AND iess Lflan the wholesale price. We Have Bargains for Everybody Cali and sec usi- We wilI be plea- -d to show you our goods. following are a few of the many bargains w ,ave to offer you. FOR MEN - 75 Pains the McPherson Sho., the best made in Canada, in patent colt, gui mretal, vici kid, veloun val! andI tan caîf, Bluchers, Goodyear wl te, regulan prive $5 -oo, $9 Sale Prive ................. $39 3o Pains men's <un metal, tan caîf and patent colt oxfords, %IcPherson's Goodyear welts, regulan price $4p5, 52 To lean at ............ ...... 3 5 5o Pairs men's patent colt Bluchens and velour calf Bluchens, Goodyear welts, negular prie $4.oo and $4.5~o Men's dongola kid and box cal! BRcher, regular prive $2 75, Sen'P*rie..................n Maen onisalbot .,.B.u..e.s.and Ail otheen lues o! men's boots at wholesale prices. Patent colt Biochers, reguiar prive $2.50, s&le price....... .. .... Box cal! and Dongola kid Bluchers, negular $2.25, on sale at ........ Dongola kld Blucher boots, a great Sa Pairs patent, tan aid dongola kld oxfords aid strap- ilippers, regular prive $t.5o Il aid $1- 759 t. dleat at-----------.. VV10 200 Pairs oftaie Classe e, ies i i te 2, in patent colt,vici kld, guin metal aid box cal! in Bluchens, oxfords and strap elippens, tan on blac,- to e iod at wholesale prives and Rose to clean them eut. AUl otlier linos of girls' shoes ou sale ai bargain prices. 1.75 1.00 $1*65 1050 ]FOR LADIES 5o Pairs I'a herson's patent colt, gun metalan tan cal! Blucher oxfords, regular p rice $ 3 2 5 , t o cean lt .... ... . Dongola kid oxfords, egulan prive $2.25, sale price...... ......... .11 Dongola kid oxfords, reguhar pric- $1.75, sale price...... .......... 12 McPherson's patent colt pumps, reg2 ular prive $325, sale pi-ce ...... McPherson's tan calf Blucher boots, ' MÉ I regular price $3 75, to dean a t. . . . ' -Zis'LV Dongola kid Blucher boots, negular price $225 sale pnice .6 M c Person's %ici k id BIlucher lioots, cushion stt f, regular price $3.25, 22 Sale p ice . ............... *. - 20 Pairs patent colt pumps, a great f bargain at ................. 4 Donolaki stapslipI Patent colt Bluchers, -Goodyear welts, regular price $3.5Lu* sale price... -$I5 Tan cal! Bluchers, regular prive $2.95, sale priv.e.............. Box val! and dongola kid Bluchiies, negulan prive 84 25, On sale at....... .......... 25 Pairs boys' doigols sud.,box Ccl! oàihe-4 sizes 11 te 13, A great bangain at ... ... See our boys' patent Bluchers, Ali othen linos of boys' boots at bangain prives. v. Mn. Wm. Smilla ~iil be ai I aervar. oo.mullee Tbutidsy miglal cf SMs wuk » t4sada ast opposeals M*- m'lNS,à WHj IIII 111 ili .. aITBY FOR eHILDREN, t The 1 1 SHO Es

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