Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 6

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-i a i h d ~ J2 O umtA 8ciiu %ttýib$ bi e #ot -oî4!8P, té1EJthel * .,Àý4ovoy wili write for 0WJUL, the place o!,Chârt. .àtl 'àe fletflable Bamarsè ire, et. They W111 CUIIIGUS cottETSIIIPS. A tew ye-arq, go Father Bernard 4r tr'êhiitJie t ig uti- 'ua ~aîs~iai ~ ~ ¶Vaughan preeh.d & couras e ' e0 th.above oîhdi a. nd at toon thlimne v1ajnbridge whio ga ngvD aaaupN ght or a Tof. w ath e ,d im sal r t o iety. A s a a pieLiro u' thematter-ut tant,,bridge ha nly one o! Soea eustome prevaiiing in cer- ,the. ny termis ofgambng i&i <'atod In îvst fQt-tain parts oft he Sudan have heen li - $nrdp>it f a yonng described by Artin Pailia, who ' whI"à[-tte up-Io4aI. I socle-I 10 1URn gotng Quit thore Ceiitliy mades a journey up.the Blue ty wutuan indul 8. f~r field of' Ite bie Way. T1103o0istý.. sd the White Nule. rhe _,ontle- > oraon,;hio eso-,the-Stock lEx.. nol b tllor n 1[141ins àlu iiter oft Mucation niChange andteil'Imif, as Weil as the ould tuliuf ut e.03tEgypt and i n hie letters te hM wife rdi lb nt h alsa 041-îtario Itlo gave an aOcount of his xPermenceaMî Cresd ipe wbieb in now publîsbed tu a bock MOW THEY SPEND A DAY. called "Englanti in the Soudan." Re came acros certain -trilles The foiiowing is a fair sample of k Winnipeg, Âug.SOt. .1911. where the wumeri hoe sys, "aeem holw &amember ot the g"imart" te have passed the limita o! eve gambiing set «pende ber day. Ln tols., ay front home nov. But iAmericari women, " and ho naively the morning, atter a careful peru- *$cb alh cho It the u ddt that but for the distance t rom oui o! the sportirig newe in the duily sudsîmsi he siili,5(n Caira andi the wildnese cf the coun- aer ho helephones to her book- ý7 r*oVerai the corners, Mes uJeon try ho "lwould willin&ly Pau e 5 makeir backing wbat aime considers th~rfe yeurs nec. sud ho iii oral menthe in the mîdet of these thet Iikely wnners for the day. This 12 Uone et the beet uîreets gooti folk in order to leara .the fnseeoehe estrubt 6*' lvs aen automobile. Ho Meaning et virtue in both the ni ber atuckbroker or ce. motore an- 'up e he he.. A dinarent nd he mdem sonu ef tot the city for a pereonal interview OUt ail the tolise round word. with him. Nowadays, many euciety' IYlneaset usi chter. He il a av smay wumen have a very shrewd busi- k ~ ~ ~ o ortng Bar from seven to fiteen woers, who ris ntint. t was thie great g éeof Lake superior. court andi flirt with ber for a wbole ladies ut Mayfair anti Beigravia s ueIt gel dark. we year in the 8igimt et ber parents. who were tho firet te reap a profit à 8 'a tt*k. n os u. The They net only visit ber in the day froma the rubber boom ut lat year. Immene obslîng place tinie. but romain at nigh near her Atter luneh, our fair gamblo'r ber tuneaide berfard cub, wbro eh wýWe e Wredwelling to)mount guard outéide hertunino ecadlbwr le î »o *1rle e e rou1 00, ging so far ven sa to keep ill play bridge, or ite latent dev- êr, t 0 1> wutch within ber room in order to oopmnt-auction brîdge-till clin- *04 wîlMt geu be ut ber service in cî1ýhl ngetase aime ahouitno time. Afteý,< dinner, more bcables awake. bridge or balécarut, usually athobe f *anp c#m ars "If s asks for water, as many0Fuatred bs. wék h a Il«îy calabashee ef water are offereti to CARD INSTINCT.t 4the care cors tuwî her us there are lever8 in attendunce Wa ekiw etm cr n X., e Lb the tt -4Shoulti ehe desire te pay culle s on it em h emreurnl w*eteyor# 5U"O ber friends, the whole ot ber loversdehopdiwomen thun in 'men.a cbt . offer to carry ber palanquin, andevbto hi ' »oye a édog un whleh ceai dard A n ae h rfcec t- u> .tt ôb. ftued. Thoe es" ure & gain it le the aspirants te, ler lant taidae iepoiinya *e ýsi t e the snglu«or et h wlîo undertake to anoint lier witli liritg e ot many prosiinent ladieîa c i ri 1 lte lonrg ton hrough pluam butter every morning. The perioci t of eyj soneig t h rs rlim,-Cmdli, Mt otanabe. 1 o!curtsbip ast8 for a yeur, at ont moment time best bridge pla:;er t 4Isr ~ W lévn ukl~ ,passed round the ent ot whicb pemioti the beauty knonsGdo steu. ie o lady ism eoit r.oierkable Lers$se. cher. the Muet make ber eboice. Xhen aell nw ur-mn hsld l raeà leepod r*ghu round'tli bar' on a dues su the uneuccosetul wooers go generully aupposedti t make '$6,500 p au.built 'op a long cci' abois the oft een h, efomnewt a year ut bri4ge, andti Iis resuit is f( &tlr Wbao. gont ,ýrob hee an1offtoe g hir. fomane w t ue entireby te eskill. h t*e ni Our Ir&in fronib Mr cls*ow. At Theae maidens are black endtinA curiot8eatr c ite gumb-t] ra 1 thought - a engin. belonen god neminally st icet Mohammedane ns pmti1scihetewy4 iothex train,. but in the matter et righs anti lib brige tournamentsa have taken the 0! VitL niglit 1 wmltd abouteue ooclooki orties timey have littie to learri. Thme Place et bazaura. At these tourna- ë md found ltait te train caés tanding Shillukaetftimo White Nile, oniw mente time entranois money andia&e( 111. 1 ralsed thbe bIsd aut my wlndow ethar hanti, are as far as poptiq ~porcontage ofthlie etakea ha tenoted 't t aI oue adrantage eor havisg a~rmbiMbmeane 1yotthiho soeacharitable ubject. A funti m et To tn bjdý# fa rywomen have aimilar privîleges: oraieiythLrd aorbso , lO oweredup igt'o #dsM Wn- Witb the Shilluks it la the wo. spring largely profiteti by une et à )w Ad 1 tte gnti tse àa t once.front mon that ule the houseioit, the teetunmns Muresath -t ui e aor tFr un emn teele ht Most gamblers are auperstitious, b htt. Art.>' re tmbîudous buld. cixoose ýheir huabantis andti iatlaiseecays.ThIeiacr-' ~ aidtIiê' eala4i e rot h.once m&rmîed, assume the peut tanofntes ell-knowu i11 the ili rithes that I1 coul&ee» cily acuinsi commsné. The strongeat snd mont bidige worid, 'wbo bas a metbud o! It ,ý huight à cf etthe p>Iltur" ef Notre h br owu for tsing ber iuek before'i~ ~ ecuieralla *4r.l. ur ers t badei ma tire et ei hanti. Every memning, aftor break- 1 =tYu't b. katehiUgh t tsgmussheppr ite, for lio ceulti ho booketi dowri s$1de Ose et theti elevutors. They &roi upon immediately anti coulti le un- fat seeplay@ a couple ut game.s w St*eu. 'Thorieycre the first thlng te able t fit sa second wite to suc- et patience. It the carde come out da utîd Me that ce WeVo grettlug pre-tti' coeeti is fimet. No uulsienary effort coul, aime regarde it as; a gout ur the *est and 1. lt'emt choat fiIde. eflecte the Shilluk comenl, 1h je omen, andi gees tothue bridge club A1 you ntsy h. sure I cas pretty la p ract.icaIly i mpossible to -couverti early.l thue carde are preverse, 'salbd. 1 Juti ged at thom il II e ber either to Chriatianity or te I he .accepte lime warning~, anti ab- rted off aetu. chieh Wallnet long aan rde ht .WC dili las 1c~ saw et lôrt william wa. Ieflamism, for she is the grtuardian tnsbigth dy Srft blath ruged bill standing ou and depository et the Sbîilluk tradi - "PATIENCE" GAMBLLNG. ' !in rtuat thée ky cith lo ictrie iights tiont%, religion and i blte rical eus- Patience, by lime way, is otten *n nkliug !a be tows bqnoath it. 1 amn toms. matie a medium fur big gambirg, in d that îbt l ouSiain was tltuugbt 'epcalyttttm e Lkor eg lb. -ndices u__be- sle.ping1*'a iecs Frti ganmibling, anti 1 lowYg as timey wiu, JD kl the. catches et cestbound travel. purpose I have sandwiches wrap- it -erecrer tter c hn r uest ail be put back as heur. It pet in white paper."pi ocneno her o hmga ho nearclit tltlng <o living vour lite Site timon tolt ii detail ot the- their Wirninga corne, or to whorn Mas ,agnin <but cu wt intted. 1 Mecnus whicb k hearant orechtheir bease« go, fer thete e i 4 ratimer Pot lîve it ovor aeg ut d in the we iig thfoilrent .Mn teaum alernt 1 eae, a"d 1I dd dnet te watt. LIo ne, week u mn g bceblreotmiit. ri-c afasIîem gabe ut itl. h nty own breakfast out et the n eulrbtihOiandti ier hav- mu ekoafuir;luwt ther --put up lu thie telescope iitg bite cumbinatiorre troini hicit hartily an eXception, they are inost I b Unemeotional players. tht-y miglît ebîoose, sucit as ginger. '1lrh# enugetrirfneliattc ed ut Konora eh michuedte j bred, oranges or poeuts, 19rub oe cie ee botne rtaf k<at Portage. lunto morilîugi. 'arn a theroug tivoat t eortmbe he u Uvn"Ms. rta 1 6 to 1mait c large brick lunchîesfer telldren turing the fore- "è ,it bas lse rick Ri urno,"tsait M'sTorrey, e"simd fird - i s~o .~tliat in thmechildren under My o h-. e tî~<lr aislot otfriuds~..~incressei tboir, healthflaer- Aldy!wo a h *b. 1IT teeaeproity houtes. 'onthrin ut . A-bSf0f0.nn owell d'e kgtb tl,<ee. Àa cimoel tesà. "As the lunch roonla sprACti(ealîýy muserd icn rlnGeFiy wb as le sur car saYs t Ief-Sipprliug 411of lb. ehikJreo eeion Win 4Udeyàoh tw âl eê ~.og re1~)mîn er nisad r~gîten taika to do, asncb as eut. tO er41t* eO Inidianaon ibis lakeIthe iL.lox tîî< breg, prepuîg &suîIr 1a -*I se In 1736. Att czplorlng pafl.y 'dis- iUmffi.t -- Pd the oo hof.. etYîctms -lu asiwaimug im ishes, Anti I And t loîmî thîiuket ldascd otigthsat îhy love te UG1,40d chat t 1*1 Utb -h ou look ut th#e prelli', qui@ et ab tte orrah hoe t te dep ot th: er mtmoties irt ho. kileh.turge Vo> j wes: 4 I' 1 bý gw theehopo.tîî Goersimegitaetr m 8mtaagi asj et kt rriAUàOn*, ut six ailes o« cd skunmed M~ID. 1*a1adc~ 7 * 0 ern w"siate t'.o. 'Ther an remedou* _*b acnpff ocu nwi, I ic or irthiU ýMom S b. « àabit, tesla ~uiw s bas cm h . esgraham eraekers, or if th.y tire Id lsd tb.#., We «Oti. b Whîlpet . II*'. at d atesalmoud, t omi J &(ter Poon, The ts auher iW Suai ut riu nupttss e * let th» fg J the, hot liumumer n-ioiths far x- s-that ut aïy othêy. îeatopaa etfher uouach* sud: bowel coft:-j paue Ilbege cotie on r-o quickl> and with such littie warning that o ftén baby is beyond help beforê the riothes' reailizes ho is ill. fDur- tier muet be oonstantly on Iiàr ingr t e t ummor monthe telu are working regularly ant i hi lit- Jtic astomacir ha kept asceet and pure. à byc OnTublets ebouM-&aIwàyt. >~ kept hi lthe hume as-they are'lte rnother'e -greatest trient. A donc, now andth ien will prevent Virose troubles, or if timey do aorne on sud- ,denly timey ciii bis quickly banisit- et by time Tablets. The Tablete are soit by medicirie deaiers or by mail ah 25 cents a box from ,Te Dr. Williamsz' MedicineoC., Brock- ville) Ont. PROTECTION FROM CHOLERA. Pief. metehnlkoff Sayq It i. atd dmg wnen huntîing the coolies The poseibiiîy et un outbreak ot wimo coré endeavoring te make Iheir choiera in France ha led irof. escape, anti lthe taet Ihat Ibis Abors Metchmnikoffifet he Pasteur Inutîtute have toge maices iL osen more noces- in Paris te expresis hie opinion on sary that thme Britisht force sitoulti the subjech. Amung other timings empey them, too. ho .8uye: "Otur scoîîhing dogs, citit theaut- "Choi-era lainet dangereus. It le tacking force, wiii be able te givo Leasy te proheot oressît heom i.1h.Iwamning et the presence et the bave lived *n coutamiriatet areas eery betoro their doge on the de- anti neyer fait the bee.st feur. Thme teneive knew ut our approacm." niessurea taker by the. Guverument are excellent, but I mue coufose I Fresb Supplies in Dem.-î-d. - have oniy a moderato confidence in Wherever Dr. Timomas' - ttric tem. Tite only measurea te b-6 Oi lias beer initrotucet crerisedi takon are individual meusures. supplies bave been ordemeti, show- "The strictestiygiene muet ho ing taL wherevem il goos Ibis ex- observeti; one muet wash often, but cibent Oul impreses ils power on abeve ail aIl dminking cater muet the people. No matter jr chat la- ito' boileti anti ail fruit ecaltiet. titude it may be founti iLs potenicy People wimo eay that mac fruit je is nover impaired. it je put up ini Iangereua make a very great miis- moet portable shape in botties anti take. Let peo ple euh timeir melons car ho currieti cithout four et witbout tour ; they run no7 risk. ThO breakage. only essentiel precautior is e l plunge, the melons in boiiug caler Dignity ie chat some people stand for a minute, for the mmnd Maly ou cheri tbey are short. mave fragmentsef ea.rlb on it con- tainin#g the germa citicit prepagate Minard'aLinimeîOCurse% Carget In Cees. thelemu. Titese germa will due at onice. Thme ae is trme of ail fruit. ADVICE TO TOWN FOLK. Cholera andi typmoiti lever cari only Ativice te limose who live in towns aonîaminute Éti>- one b>- moufleef Wheme goesip nover eaees: bie digestive organe. The hunts Be cureful how ho pick your trient.e, mtust themetore be kept porfect>- Anti don't picWheem te pmecea. bleau andi ail foots carefull>- eteri- "Anthe mitakn ie& s tat orRed, Weak, Weary, Wutery Eyes )oued caLer ineasily conlaminated, and Granulated Byel»de. Murine Deesu't bhah is no-t se. Boileti cuLer keepas itIart-otouesE> Pain. Drugglstsi te properties for a very lung lime. 13ell Mur"*uee R 1ernedy, Llquid, 25c, [t ha quit.erinough ho keep it jr a Sec-1-00- Murinee Salve lai eptia Tubes, 26c, $1.00. EUyeBooks properly cevered jar. Peraonaiy> sian El>. dvice $*tee br Mail. [preparo my aupp>- -of bellot Murnus ye RemedY COs.,oChlcago. vater iu sufficient quartit- for Ico-- 1!ÂtSê #èIt thé De"g Jtxingles if &sa»mm. inp uorder te stti, êlItwtl4 MWt ter- e4dStxûg i>etween h su.Ïl"&d, th Aber8et ~EBaf3, . he hbit a wil ~nd mointaiong taèt ofl~n ~ Wn hin and india, iwheeNoe WllliamsOn and hià Party w-or( muûrdett4,'n Mireh a() lait. ,- Lor&" Crewe ba's sanotioned a puiiitivé expedition agw'aintthem, and, &ý Ghoorka reginlént wiIl march into the tlâktcwï, taking. with theni theÀiredile doge especayodrd f rom- Mai. Richardbon by thefindia ofice'tO act"'as sentries and scoutr, in the dens!e jungle. $This is the firt tirne in the miii- tSrY hitor-y of the--Btitiâh.etmpilre thzt the emPloyrnnt of war dcqgs bas béen cfficially recognized,", said Maj,ý Richardson. "The Airedales -are as riear the ideal war dog as it is possible to get. They are hardy andi strong and pos- MSea good noses and keeri ears. One of the doge that bave been choseri to 'go, while training in the country the other day, 'winded'- that ie, acented-,a tramp at a dis- tance of 950 yards. «'In the description of the mas- sacre of Williarneon'e party it wae ui5'çi'pAZ ' Ti Mme. Jones-Mrs. Brown anti ber DATES BACK TO CHLARLES ILIriexIt our neigmbor, Mme. Greeni, Foc women are acure imaI Ibis do s'It speak uny more. rord "«mies," as îndicating an un- Mme. Smih-Tmat'a guet; lte sarmied wornan, dai rom ttis ment oft he reigmbore ciii noc bo imeof halesILJohn Evelyn, bleW take a ap in the uter- ihie fanions "diamy," cuites u Of I oung girls a mss a s «tey*ho- i la a act b"yni dispute ISaL in bu be callet." Until limaI uktc iso' FyP 14rývna ornaitgirl cua %ad- l Pd regnè asn"ities"lk e h il da buehel of bouse flion, 0550d a e s is more than coult pffssilIy.be ,other. Lt cas hourd, ho-cever, 1in- caugbt onr mrehurtre sheeto )nvenjent to use su 11111e, distjinc tcy.Pae.- rgasi r- on belceen a girl art a wornan, "d G»aer AlDugll, ie td se the word "misîs" cas ini'ent- (cesanti Gaerai &tue.a'se" '.- 1as a diminutive of "mi-stres," son's F> Pada. lBe sure you gel lime ~vaIs etanin Lme ltiIon o!genuino Wilson' s. reuns.- eaùn h l oâ'f "<I bave hati a gréât de4i of plen- sure frein anticipatipg the trip." "More plsasure, pi'obably, titan you'11 get frtt thé. tnp ilseit." "îThiaa chat 1 think. Sa I've died ostear>'at h6ome aud save If every -mari bovet bis neigtior lie loves biniseif hie Satanie Mu- t> ceulti suon have b'O huirh an- her -job. ' ie o!flime comnioneet cemptaits inlfants is comme, andtihie muet iele -application for themu 'hî )ther Graves' Worm Extermina. lecar, of1lthe Mau chose 40# cis tarder lime bous. beuils ýsen entera ie ae nié VXCAT1OX. Di 'u bave, much o!f au ititis. yeartVe" 'Thirty-Avo doQIars venr."P, 01 euhirely vegetable SubataDee9ý kulov ho bave a revivifyiumg toinit 1 us1ir~y effet~ upu» tihe digestive. Organ1, have tireugit yeara of lune allained su .mùr*uit a position limaI, lthe>' ank as a stànd-ird 1nodicine. Thire ailing ahoûit remembei trhi*-. ,Wéatern Catpetate>' Clalaets t. ave - lriero av" been,; roin ltime le- rnue mny celi-direchet oefforts eo diboveredt he "ieanet man on eéathl -buwt, se far, ùo one bais pull- 'fin. A capenter iu a westeirî town, itoever, boldi>- daims that 1 le as locatedthlie meanert ceman j livin, "Sbe's uctul !" ho, says, jr dis- ussing the mater. "I tell you just thoc mean andi sharp-tongued sie is: 1 iat doe nverai piec-es of cwork for ber, ant i fnaîîy she gave ine the job et addirg another stor>- to ber lieuse. She cas'so mean, andi aticorrnet me se uc, h4t I built al ofthIat atdiional tor, mootet 1h, anti plasteret iL betore I uL the staircay eading tiect te the rest o!fLie ouse. I arrauged everyhimng se Iat I coulti escape as soon as; I ha-t htit he stiar- ay. In this manner she bat re Some comen spend haift tieir lives beore the glass jan-t some. men sponti haIft Vieirs behinti i." There are many imit.ations ut Wilsons FIy Pde. D-jnul e de- ceivet by ufsatisactory imitatiOT13. "Wat are yeni crying bout, Freddyl" "I got liked twice o- day.' "Hec as thal' ' Teacli- or caned ie, a' I toit da, au' dati ent up to thmash te teachcr, an' the becher licked ad, an' at came homo au' caliopet mc." REST AND NEALTII 10 MOTHER AND CHILI) ItaS.iLWîsLoc*g 5eoTra ~cSvaUP hug tbn uftd for over IXTYV IAItS by MIMI4o f MOTIERSt for tiieir CHILURE.N WIIIL74 TIltTnN, wlth pyEiuc1r sitcits&;. m PÀOTEMS te citu. TNithe0Ume, ALAYS al PAIN; CURES WIN D COLIC. ud ie the btsî rexnedy for U)IARRHcY.A. IL la nb. solutelY hatrnieus. lie sure sud axk for -M?&. Wiuslow's soothing Svrup.* and taoke neuaLther kled. TweutY-five cents a bottie- À vvise man doesrm't know as much as the fool thnks ho knows. Minardse Liniment Cures O Iphthorta. Miss Rockecy -"But, papa, George je a hard-working yoiung mari." Oit Ikcksey-"Thut's it exactly. The man 1 wish you to w it uut work îrg. - ,C'. L C a., 228 Albert $t., Ottawa.-- .- CANCEIL, TUMOUIS. LUMYFS. etc. lu. ernal and eternl, cured wthoul Thera are many sticky dvices on pinc by ur. home saetient, WrIte us te market lîtat kili sorte flics, but voo 0Ot, It. oîmnCueg ousekeepers who have tet-d tlîcmi know that Wilson's Fly Pada kilt 6 TON CALE GUÂRLANTEMD Wilson'u many timon more, antd o nt dam- Scale Worka. 9 Eslaneoroto ugo arpts ntituimituo bke l PECIALISTS ADVICE FIEZ. Consul$ k s in regard to soy i'dsesse. Loweug sticky fi>- catchers. 1 glee len dura e t mii lds. rses flLteethi' mail. Sed measama' met, slsseas td b a. W rît*-te-dai Duiti cdas il, art hie rient for muhlth1na, sld lufi1t-ciage drus, Donald took a botte ot whisky toe torp te Dr._îIman. Col gcood. Ont bum. Donald gave the irvaliti orne R E D E glu s, and a i :- «Y e'bI get 45 fh hc wj lalm uE auIN anitiher yin in the mnornin'." Aboltt srîteh Ame#-ioan Dyoinu Co* five minutes elapeed, anti thon Du.-5Off ariums pm an wius auorui.,gs galti suddeniy exciaimet - 'Yo'di Udremss Sose.IS, otr«L b tter let me buet h ie liber nru, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Donul', ye heur o' sue moîîy sutten è AN AR PO deata neutiss."$15 TO $3b A DAY I Il amdlluig thie proposition. Our agents I 8Smali- but Petent.-Parmelee' elsewhore are doing iL. You ran. Au..I Vegetubbe Publs are eniali, but they thentie reterences requi,-ed. Thàie11 are effective in action. Their fine 1< 15tVa ncuve .i n c.A de, q u a i t ie : a s a c r r e c t o r -A s t o n a c14 , hu o j. 1 .c anti tiey are in constant ema:mdA everywhere by those' who "know ' ' , i v ý ruba, and you have à splendid finish that lasts andt stands the heat. The best PteParation for polish. ing stoves, -pipes, grates and -Ironwork. Xifrom r der do"n not CM"r I"Black ICuaght"l Stove Poliah in stock, Miud us his nante and icie, and we wlll ad à full s&À. tin by istarn n*i. M IFV. y, DAMTC», gUNIU 'wn flUUm 4 U . s po83 FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON NE KNOWS. FYeu want te seh a farm, consul% FYeu want te buy a farm, consult IHAVE somne of tbhe best Fruit, stock. Grain or Dairy Farcis in Ontarlo, and prices right. H W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne 1..Street. Toronto. AGENHTS WANTED. C A.V,4AP.qg.4wAMUKxD %eekky BI, paidl.---Alred Tyler, Lonion, O ntario. A GENTS WANTED ]&VlKRYWBEKE.- À'ýRigh claos business wlt.h best People. Calert & Dwyer Co., Limted, Torontoh ACENTS WÂNTED.-A atudy of Othe? AL Aencypropoultionu convlsoà us Lui5t non»ecas eqaial Ours& YOD wtli ai. V.Bys regret It il Yeu don't appll Lot particular. te -1'ravelleru DePt..2U5 Albert St.. Ottawa. AGEFNTS ON SALARY OR< COMMISSION- A1 Tbe greaeest affenti' seller ever produred; every user of pen and iu% buya it on elght, 200 to 500 per cent profit', uno agent's sales amnounted to $620 in sim day,.; another $32 in two hours. &Monre Mtu. Co. X., 468. La Crosse, Wl'. MI SCELLA N EOU S. H AY and FARM SC A L ES. Wilson'$ H Seule Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. A GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR Aevery home. Write us for oi.r ehnîco let of agent$ suppliesi. W., have the they are. 'rhey need no introduc- tion to those acquaited with themn lut to these who may not know then they are presenrted as the best preparation on the market for dis- orders of the stoinach. TOC) READY MEMORY. Elizabeth-My maimza sgays she J can remember whon yotr mamumaj kept a grocer'a shop. Owendo!ine-Indeedt My nmam- Ima &&y,, she cari remember how mucb vour manima owed ber for, St., Isidore. P. Q..Aue. M8 1504 i 4lisu>nî Ce, IîiiUt4d. 1 I t f i L b av e - fre4 u e rilli' U sed 1 WN IIIIT *4aise tnprostribû, sudemt. cm1 50*140'i L î -rOIÏ*i Linimet, iextMsu<. ro urs tr u1 y ', - PIL p . Â J . a g ' Collet* id bris wo çaa sogihli'. ui'guluww Lv# YQI~ I Vif AI! ~tban& asaît . LhLACII ïm mà ii iiý liiiii ê- Waiom : l'la 1 'sot 1

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