Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1911, p. 7

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ýTe r r àle Wroo the lh a!y -A desmatoh fNx Rlh e ,. - The -end ci the. firast da&y coaýh tha-t »*Ys *.- Bpeediai eastward be- went ovr istruck the. cut ezribanlk- 1Iiind ,timeï-Lehigh Valley passonger ment of molid maïonry and, with the. train No. 4 rani into a spread rail other slxty-foot cars behind it, both shot aga.inst the. wall with terrIfie on a trèstie near here on Frlday f orce. and 'two day Coaches f rom the niid. Both cars were filled witb hunman- moction -of thbe train piunged down- ity as the plunge wus madle, and iu ward forty feet, striking the. cast- a few minutes the cars lay, à mass 6m,ýanknient liko a pair of project- Iof <,rumble-d wbod, metal and glass, ÃŽles. In the awful plunge and crash uncler which a hundred men, women at ieaat thirey-seven per6uns arc' and chiidren, many of whora were believed to havo becix killed an-d killed instantly, were buried. The. more, than ,ixty in;ured. Thec in- mostO destruction occarred in the Juries of geveral are go serious that day coach No. 237, and a dozon per- it is feared they n ill die. Theo sons mwere later t.aken dead frein the wreck Was the worst in the lcistory second day coach, which, havirig fol- -of the Lehigh, Valley line Ir, thi,ý 1Iowed the first over the trestie, st-ite and ion- of the mosl, dis:t sitapped its rear coupling an.d thus OU& ever recorded on the sys t e m. avc'd the rest of the train from be- Crowded with paBsengers, mnan v (if ina dragged ov'er. WIIOM were war %eterans and ex-orr This second day coach struck on sionists from the Grand '£rm.y (J the tl<i bottom and stood up, the rear Uoeptblc ecncnnipxnent at llortiestrr. end projecting a fe-w feet above the train No. 4, maede up o)f fcirt-ccn top oif the tres-tie. A Il of tlhe pas- cari;, drnwn lw two big niogul en 'songers in this car were piled in a ginep, wcis forty minttes lâte mwhcn 1tangled mass of broken seats at the it re-aed( Iloch"ftor Junct ion. ancd bottom -of the car. from there, sprd eastward to rnskle Indescrable pandemoninin folow- up tirne before reacling Genci-a cd. The Pullmnan car, Emelyn, T energine and tmo day coaclles m-hich remained on the. bridge, with ha4i jccst pas,%<I tho rentre c4 a ono end projecting over the gulch, four-hiindre<l foot, trestle ('er (an- and several cars behind lt. derailed, andàigcxa octleft, 1MO ya rds ea-st 44 and n imniedorate danger of going t-he Blation at Manchopter, at 12 35 oý or -on the mass of wreckage below, o'clock, wi-hon the Pullmian car AUR- were soon ernptied of ail their pas- tin, the third c-ar of a long train, senugers, an4these, aided by gangs lift the, rails. It. draggcd the din- of railroad eruploye-s from t.he big Ing var with it and two day coache freight yardî at Ma.ncheFter, rush- and tao Pulmuîns, in this order, fol- fe1 to ai'd. As the «roans of the ini- lowed. 1jcreýl and dying were heard belov, Ail btinped ()ver the t 1e,% a sho rt ail possi1ble speed was madle, but it distance whcn the coupling between wa.s several minuitei; before anybody -day eoýarh No 237 and the rear end reached t-he cars at the bçottom of the d 1 er broke. The forward eifect rescuie. -~end of théc train draggzed the der.b- It was necessary t-o chop through ed Pullman rar Austin and the din- 'the sides and bottoin and the- work er oN-fr isafely, after Nvhich both of remoi-ing the î-ict.ims mnovrd with pltinged down the sthemnbank- painful alowvness. Death Lîad corne ment and rlIo ov-er. The free end swiftly to Inany, a large nurober of of the ill-fated Lehigh Valley day the, dead having had their skulle oacii, %0bore inost of the slaughter crushed in when they were thrown ccvcrod. shovéd< euit o'-er the guif with terrible velocif.y a.gainst t-he end, foilowed hy a Grand Trun k ca-r eeats and projections. The day c'oach, istripped the rear guard mortality mwas high amoe'g the oider nff tho souti siele of the trestle passengers. mont of whom were bat- ei<il plccngod to the t4lallow river bed< te-scarred veterans of the Civili more than fýor1y feet below. War andi their wives. LOSS 0F $2,500,000. Extraordinary EtTect of the Strike on Blritish LUnes. A despatch from London eays- 13rîtishi raiiways lost conisiderabuy inoro than £500,N00 as a -result of the two daye' strike iast week. Thle traflc ret-urne publishedFridayj c night show an aggregate deciceaà', cf £465,000, whoreas under normalj conditionis an increase cf £60,oO mnight have heen lookeci for. On the London and North-Western the falling off was £101,000, on t-he Great Western £91 ,o0o, on t-he Mid- land Lin. £54,0SO, and on the Loti- cashire and Yorkshire, and North- E'aistern about £50,W00 in eack case. 0f course, somne cf the traffic, on the. big trad6 lines espeoi.lly, is merely delayed, andc ther, ought to bo unusually good returne for the next week or- two, but much of the. * revenue in ir'rettievably lest. &NDi BTILL TUBY CoQRE. Immigration Returns for -iu1y Sbow Marked inereaiqe., A despatch f rom Ottawa, sys- During the month et JuIy, 29,681- immigr antn arrived in Canada, 18,- 609 at ocean ports and 11,012 <rom the United States. As compared - with Juiy of iast year, the increase in 17 per cent. For July last year the figures were 16,019 at ocean ports and 0,188-Americans. For the, four montha cf the current fiscal year arrivaIs at ocean ports nuni- bered 127,M2 and f rom. the United States 54,814, making a total ini- miiration from April to July in- c-maive of 182,739. The correspond- Ing montha Ilst ycar gave 100,372 ut ocoan ports and 54,669 Arnericans, making a total of 155,571. ELECTION TO COST 1175OtO. Esotimnute of Expense*-PoIIs Nîhuber Over 11,000. Vilil A deapat-cb <rom Ottawa aays, It in estimated that the expennes 01 et îiDominion gone-ai'Ciection yull total close te 0730SOO. Tlh. nuuu-bet of poila, hi. nov aetated, 'wlil hbO upw*rdI ef 34,009, aé t-h vote-hou unoneameti much lieuvi.r thasi expeoteti, in tfie West eiipei- OPERATION ON P'RINCE IAINE Expetcd ltat Soie 0f Al1fonso WiiI be Perenanentiy Cured. A des.patch from Fribourg, Swit- zeriand, aaye: An operation was performed on Wednesday at t-be Laryngolegical Clinie by Drs. Rey- momd andi Grinda on Prince Jaime, tbe second son et King Alfonso and Qucen Victoia of Bp&i, 'for the reief cf a nos. and throàt af- fection, frein whivh t-he Prinioç bals been uffering aince.birth. Il vas stated thst the. operation -pýovced' very succenatli, andi it is believ.d t-bat a permanent cure wiii b4 cf- fected alter funthen treatmerit lait- ing ev-oral weeka. Queep Viîtoria brought Prince Jaime hon. in 'July, andi thlen prooee4s>l t* E'njjUe It ie expeoted tlat ah. vil) oQ1ie te Switteuland te take lier mon back te Madtid. A despatchofrmnLisleon' "Y$ Tiîat t-be (lvçraa>eezt las aekser- tained t.hat King Manuol i. Iidebt, ed te tthe count-ry in -the awsuai e sio,ooo,o and amcr4lngly Irll witldraw ïkanuel'a monthly *remit- tante, as his property is va1ltýed at o-nly $S,00,WO. l la âsaW ithati the Geverument bas akd King Victor Eminanel ofItaly 1tý net- ile the debtu et t-he lut. Queca Maria Pia, which amoont t-o41,- Ms,000, andti ibt the. King has r.. fumed. ST0R Il SWEEI'S ITALV. Manly Villages Destr.yed iand Forty FersmsDrtswed, A desat-ch from Roume e5575 A hurericane ivept Over tli4 luk soetcn on Weodneaday aftexnoon. Thé storm vw. aceopani*d by#a terrifie dovanpeur oi rain. Vtn in thbe noighbonheod ci Lakeet gem-o Lugano >andi Yaltellin, vwerë al-, most testîroyeti, There vas f <ts danuaedouat Oua. and Utbe. ne. Thse rmers are flooed4, il roaesus uletiout, e-psre n *u4 t-legrapb sMd bolsphQ»Q ilawe'4eut1. It ià rspoent tiio<ut41»r- se9» ver, rvei ati ver oa nt. _Datents,#.3M te $3.4«, XSt- rosi frelglit. Mafteba flour-.t at- onta, 85-30t second Pat.ene.a,4.60 » tensl bakere, *4.6e, on ta'ack. 2jriio Manitoba wheat-No. 1IçNortihor, 1g.- 041-2, IJay ports; No. 2 a $103 1-91 and No. a at $1.01 1. Ontario wi4et-New No. 8 ai osc, eut- aide, and old at 83 to 84o. eute& Peau-&47ta 8e, Lob, cars, outalde. Oatt---Ontarlo grades. 40o outâide, for No. t, and 4,3c, on track, Toronto. Ne0w No. &a ai 37c, outoide. No. 2 W. C. oes et 42 1-2e. and No. 3 et 411-2c, Bay' porte. Cern-No. 2 Âmericati yellow. 66 1-2c, Bay porte, and 71c. Toronto. Rye-There la ne offering, and Drices are nominal. Iluckweat-Nothing offering. £-ran-Manitobaq et $22, in baga. To- ronto, and shorts M2, in bage, Torouc. Ontario bran. $22, in bags, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beane-Sninr> iota, $2.20 te $2.6 lion ey-Extracted, in tins. 21 to Sic per lb. Combe, $2 te $2.60. Baled hay-No. 1 at $13 te 614, on track. and Noe. 2 at $11 ta $14. Baled, etraw-$6 te *$6.50, on track, To- ronto. , Potatoee- New, in barrais. $4.50, and Per bush, 61.25 teO $1.50. Pouitry-Ducks, ive, Il to 12e; bons, alive, Il ta 13; chicke, Itive, 1à to 15e. BUTT'ER AND ZOOS. Butt.er-Dairy printa. 20 te 21c; infer- ber. 1à te l1c. Crpamer>' 26 tae oparlb. for roles and 23 to 24e for solide. Eggs-Strictly hiêw-lid, 22 te 23c, and rreeh at 10 te 19c per dosen. in case lote. 1100 PRODUCTS. Bacon-Long ciear, i113-4e per lb., in case iots. Pork, short eut, $2,3; do., mess 821. Hame-Medlum to light, 17 to 18c; de.,q boas-y, 151.2 te 16c: tolh. 111.2 te le; breakf ast bacon, 17 te 18u; back, 191-2 te 2Me. Lard-Tierces, 10 1-2e,0 tube, 10 3-4e;# pails, B17SINESS AT MOIiTREAL. Nentreal, Aug. 29.- Oate. - C. W. No. t. 4.3 34 to 44c. car lots. ex-store; extra No. J feed, 43 1-4 to 43 1.2e; No. 3 C. W»., 4234 -te 4&3. Fiour-Mdanitobe Sprlng wheat patents, Ors., $5.40; sec.- onds. *4.90, sinter wheat patente, 04.- 60 te 64.75, atrong bakere, 64.70,; suaight rollers, 84 te $4.10; ln bate. *1.85 to 62. RoUed oas-Per barrel, $4&75, bas oi 90 Ibn., $2.25. Corn-Amoricau, No. il yeliow, 70C. ,Milufed-Eran, Ontario,*22 Zta 6en; Manioba,' 821 ta 622; iniddlinge. Ontarie, aà. te *26; alort». Manitoba. l*4;mou- Ille., *26 te6OU. Begg--Seleeted. 22 te' 24c; ftPeah, 171-2 te 1go; No, Istock, 181-2 te Me. Cheee-Westerne. '123-4 te -13140; Eaiterne, 121-2 te 1254é. BUtter--Ohel- cet 241-4 te 24 1-4c seconde, 23 te 24e.ý DuCae, Ag. 2.-Sping Wheato.I white, 90*. Coru-No*. 3 yene, 5U1-4c; No. 4 7110W. 661-Roi 140- 3 sern, 461-4OÏ &Ul on traek, tbmruh blilseO.. teo-N.. 2 wlalte. 430; No. 3 White.434-1 X9le~44 *bit%, 411.4e. Esrley-Naltlng, i$U4 te 41.5.7 1 Mti-sel, àug. -0.A ti>'actite îIle" trsde -sadon. - ih su*" of eho". c ~è s-sai 61-4.egood ut 1 4M f' aiwt go"d st1-4 ta 61-la, ft a_"45341 leý , sud o eea e 141-b per 99054. om1r fs-ou 4 to 5 14cansd balla at treim,4 41-2. 1»r poU u e .te q»Uat3e.têt*% to «94d at de sa" aiaeP Mt 40 P« b ouu"> Tb*e dmn&" for «dm esvas #e4 suad s"les ver - sdi .1pricosra"ut I r=u "50 te M$18 i4,4ste mie sud q05lity. A sabe o! sltw bop vie M a Imm 4MWa MA.50 u sed ad 'boss-ylobts feusI ai 86 te IS per cvt. wvultrme tg"- s. - ' wu ,aFaU g *t#Mt!*s,- ~TAiyU7s6sWinni1peg Policeman Sot. and nte S- Tare«, ifor a 'isiIade.- ~1 ~ I V I 1i5 I4I ~ ~ I h ai ~ i- duu y' i'a io A espa ch f ro m W innipeg -says : tîen ôà j1y one 'aanm e ur i t n ~S~ t~Ii ~tW0fti -o, iig,'Liia t) noTuh"*bne Kii onutàkbt* Trainer was shet in the bit], cutti4g à hole in 't1W. Jet- 'f out1M'u~t dit or<! g1n tort" b"40 iit Wil'Vrmttu, *sIitlflobis trousore. 'With anetothe, ccfico axu4**Ie)btUelIn tawîiherait i tM la a tm i1rtj., and probabiy, grfl*ri. uns and (osal -Bonwsho succeedled in ooriering thP t '- ii.1~b~a<*-~opî1 cbru Jfired at 15 fimes, but net bit, bv Euldtetaewbekfv- Etrb tu ée sad tobe ýill t'Out' dOI4," aa t- . uBta-v Spiller, tbree houae-breakers whom the :)f- the segregated area. T1he final Irb~ttaaremud o b elely herg1 î e"at sWth fat the nficers were trying te arrest in capture of the desperaklies -as obonat' ta tii Midlands and North, promiont or F tmeEe i Oti 4m -otac Whére ïbtùne Vaunt aPurions degrees ejtes have hoavis tiIt are very clmîîar ot iapgo u eth rsnec ud aa $Md give certltlcatea Which are actual- ,neeitlal teàturem. à man o et n Wodnesday afternoon. Trameýr ie courage cf a yotrthful cvi iîa ly amepteid by regist*ara of death,_ pountrY Who ha. toreed himasîf Intsi a serieus condition. Two men Tho fugitives h-eld iip -' . olle'y TJhey "aerieuuiy dlmlnish the chances. emnu. ltu ai» iphore eoflfe, la are now in the celle. Theiie car on Euclid Avenue, but the~ ci- of cure, loïd to a great amount of bound to rofembl m-enof ethor Ooufl. were nutifieci that house-break-srs vilian, hearing the polio. thistle, unnocesbary vain and sutferlig and trien Who are lna almilar pestions. Thist. preatuo dat," nd av cosei 'heuld ho shown slearly by the o -were a-t work about 3 o'cieck, and ancl seqing t-h. fugitives urgfing the the upi-ead of amall-pox ana *terIn tralts, and they sheuld &as show tht C'onstable Train er, on bis rnotcr- niotorinan te hasten, pulled off thà" feioùs diseases by Ignorant diagne- Peliticu produces oe nniverual type,: Cycle, started for Elmnweed, un- trolley. The men t-hem backad (ut is and mistaken treatment. potence anether, muulo another, and se armed. Re was informed t.hat the of the car, covering the paccaca- The North la Bise the ehesen grounâ on. Recognition of this ahéuîd tend min had gens te the aegrega-tcd gers andi crew, and comma-ndeered ofthe bonesettor ,and ln parts eft o unIversai understandlng and triend- district, and locatcd theïn at a a horse and buggy driving by. Th. Wales belle! ln theomon la said te hp _______ house où Rachael street. Ho was saie youtbful civilian grabbed 0ý6 h r sourîcesot.ngr elt' hr0!uVQ d lruisbioii, and orn going wto hrse's hbcadand ducked a fusils-d* Oher surcifes cfdager denaslt N wtt N L LND Nthe r-ear dc-r wan shot î ibe hip of hu4lets froin the two dt3pcsra- "Institutes" and the 1ke, who ,sacrl.i ULJSVcUl'LVLl V1 and laid out. Constable 13-.-,wi1. doos, this deiaying t-hemn tiil the fiee on an enormous scale heaithy who hac eben sent t bis asq .;t- police arrivec and effect.ed th;-'. teeth," asuppiy 11-ftttng teeth, and Beautiful Feathered Creaturea From ance, set off after the men>, as ther capture. Twe of the mean rrre-it- 'poison with anaesthetlcs ef whIch they Ail Over the Worid on Show lit the hoeuse, and ail . f îhc3m d gave their nmres as Harry KCelly- have ne knowledge; unqualified epti- 1 opened fire on him ia the street, and Frank Joues, both of Miaaea- cius who write al) sorts ef letters after their naines, and inJai-e eyeelght, The king among the mors thon 2,000 an.d cf 15 abots sent -,- lls cire'.- polis. wlth wortblegs glaoses; and quacks ýIrd on view at the Lendon Cage ___ ______ Who se11 nostruma at sheps or street BIrd Associatten'. annuai show at thae ffWl lfI te kl a enfudn coerners te cure cancer, coeuxuptIon, R oyiHrticultural Hall, oWestmins- asi fi DAD Arieu snd other grave diseuses, whIch tend 11EI1Wst IIIIUsR lSimapson Lakce, in the northern part te the spread et dIsise and death. ter, la a handsome specimen of the TENZ I .AARP of Deloro. This victim tried t)> es- ereater bird ef Paradhse ln full plum- cape the laines in a swamp. THOSE FINGER PRINTS age. It belenga te Mr. R. Pauwels, a ljp'I gameus Balalan amateur collecter. and '13 L VE ld.ntlfylrîg c $7,600. Trscig Criinsb Mr. Pauwela bas brgught the bird te Engianil ln cempany wlth ether vals piable rarttieâ eapeoially'*fer the pre-j The ecience et tinger-printa las cein-ent show. Hima xhibits ineludo a- paratlvely young. Though B9cetland 'lc.apdiraCbnwo- ard posseases smre tans of thons Docker, a pair of white mynaho, and Ipt records, It was onln la 1901 tat the »l tsyb~ ugrgrme -$yste et 'ù ' ' taUon i ngei' *Whieh are new bîrda ta the EnglieU. -prit wa effelmly sopte, aOW beach. Tho greater bird et Parai -But In that short time- the authori- dlse deminstes them ail, however, aud tien have proed that their- ystem la It la probable tbat ne etber apecimen: ,lmoat Infallibîs. It has enabied tiom ofet isbted l Iib. aen for many,. ta mû. ne les. tha o ty-tour thou- yeara at an exhibition ln tii!. wunt isand Identifications, and that wltheut ewlng te the decree wblch Came ntq urrer, se far as la kn j tefrce on July 1 laat proèhlbtting the '1"h bube e th fînerset bmanexpert et birda ef Paradisa trom Duttehl ilsingbuare ofiarked wlth aofnumno -Guinea, the hem. et the speclea, ex-j -very flue ridges runing tu certaincatfrcltfopuesI WidrectIena, and arrangedIn lapatterns, iThe3e are classed under four prijnary TH T UE SS YP types-arches, loepa, whorls, and ce HT SLSS H P EN >osltes. andit hhan been prevoil that thoea patterns peredet ln ail thelr de lafll througheut the. whoie ,venled of Someons wlth Love for Figures Proves hnmoan lit,. StI la Criminael Wast. As a consequence, the pellce offlcals - whenevar axroo etvalae aÂlthoU$hthe eratndcyl c cae ef crime, search tiret for 11inger. do away wlthuneasy marks 0 priais, and thesoe, cmnmuaily b. founilPCuttlte!"e e 'tl e Wiien au arrest la mzail., finger-Dnlnta s é-aln I.byhx .atlT are tken fom te prienerg hanl t ini "-ay," -"te.-ptght,.' aàd 1'. sud - tey taiy lthee tûoeri hin mornow, That the -retaining oeth4b' 'adI teytalywhthe rie tcii. . O , hyphen -lxithiee ordsIq. net onlÃŽ use-i' arogeàt pi os etf evIdence t a alema but -absolutely cnhahmialle a caily lu t o ta athere againut phi= demonmtrated by a bit et simplemanatheJ leTefngrpitcollection of iet. 1r1 The4t0 -lel4pab :lnd Yard ia now a huge eu, sud ea 1,8i92rnlihaek *oach megattiiterecorda- WIU fr* IIg»>ii, »> ,wrd5 ito-d5ay, t Quently'enable thm te dîscover whe nlght.1t sud -'1toqiàerqw" are togetheit ino--cuiprit et ,g miseed happons to b, isad ferty-lght. tines dally- by evern' 80 ha îuge-»istsare net oiily &aivetf tiies-belzit wrlttenc tenu. atI dentitiatioa, but a va,4ibmo out lni long hand. Thn 'ile' dally outý lbolp la traclng oniinInals, -Put of, >yiibeni lnithee re Sc tthu Natrah, hes ~uge'prsst~mpr, $lc182< <0. lave g 'tk.m t~ Wor-. %d hs' alary would 8im to Baked Se«enty l'p. lTme--W.lbhed »about 14 Nunýde-I2 l e.t Long '" 1tîî»0 Ug Th*, jarvat t f bread1 la t wos-Il -a. baked- ise othee--a i as& THE GLOJIE IN A N UTSUELL. Canada, the Empire mnd thée Worid in GencraiI letore Veur CANADA. GAVE AWAY MILLIONS. C. H. Pearson, Philanthropiato la Alulest Penahlesa. A despati linoisi, aya t-be philant] Sugar was advaunced by ten cents benefirences per hundred peunds. gî L ne ga, Mn. Nathan yverholt wae kijIc bia neaidii by a train at Grimsby Beach. groiînd,- val Mns. Allen Karn diedci t London theen&te froxu injuries receivcd in jumping Voundbrsyte, off a moving Street car. lelbay Canal trafic shows a falling -off Dr. Peu-rue: for July, cheifly on account of theo 0é'-tii. c decline in ore sbippngwealth for The agreement by which te-C. P y. n t er , R. obta~in an interest, in t-he Quebeo Pearson wl Central has -bec» vomnpleted, and lats À avaita the ratification of tii. afuu-r->-b.bh ±y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Wotir e -te xnierral.ye Bid fo ti-econstruction 'ifthte. new navy are 1 stili being conù-der ed - at Ottavwa, and it la ýnot-.Iikeiy LBRI -that, thé, coâtnact will be awvarded for Seme tlmb%\RIIB IRate 4 REATI ERITAIN. 'Adsa - 'The- British Heuse -osf Comtmons LbnuO ~djour.d. *peurance 9 I-The. Duke -o! Suthenlaf<i ird i~ iii ~ ~ ~ ~ l d't.Xo*u -~y-et ~~b-s £h f rom HEinadale' sDr. 0. H. FeuI bhropist, Who has- fortune of -$7ý,0OPÃ" >s, bas mande bis ve the town, et fin be ma5if art galle a5i n a ce»,Ii, 1-m 'thébnj4M ith Ufil#tw h ~aoei~Çt 15 0W4N8 BlJBhIDhl COQKIIG~ À

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