'r 1- d wîJ vio f< n .t W e Tf let appear from time ta timne i n der the, above headfng a wiI ~ie a picture of thi gret C~uaian west fr'o tii standpoint of a yu rtio mnal going out ther to make his way. Tiiese Jet re should be fui) of inte o, • every Ontario father.] No. 6. Mr Dea nad:ancouver. sept. 21st, 1911. lier. I amn ai the end of my bourney .though not as far west a-s I tinn to g before returinui oirt. it lu only fou and a half heure by boat from here t victoria. the capital of the Province.s i shall try and get there for a day o> luiamd too me risht up o their hm avecouin viero there. of cours sud ly have been goodj to me. ad dhey hern given me the best bedroom lin the hou- wit anouloolover the city to the I dî n t heanting of the Frae Vtat)e ning er. as we passed through thea nlgh. Iamn told that it le one of teset parts of the trip, so i shall ar.- ang o go home by the Toronto Ex- press, which leaves th.- C P Rl. station ere at "ine o dlock ini the morning anid goes throu h the valley by daylight. By takinîg thi train T shall have seen aIl the mntiaswht I ha e mseon this train shall have scen coming outi of!t The business portion of the town la well paved and ha. some in-e. solid buildIns. It has more prosperous stores for its size than any place I have been lun. and they have the art of making their windows attractive downi to the * nd steep stret lu 1aeh. down-tcrsn mec tion, but for the most part it is level. rtk an cuarge o to ea whlcbreachea ind for over two miles. At high tide Lhere la tWelve feet of water in the rek which is crossed by thre long rdes. AI low lide there Is pracîicall obre. ae eposed. wlth eniy anddthes wm e hore and there. lThe first ie I saw St, Atboed qulte like a barber, for there, sere ornai> beats with rafts of logs 1y. S tng close to the sawmiill, which line the. fi banks of Faise Creek. The mills ail have b their pie. of lumber characterlsticof ca chia lumber country, mand ail have great P f urna~ces.' as blg mu houses. where lb. p< wastevtorn the mills ls burned. Flamea are conistantly leaplng oui et Ibm opsn top. of these furnaes. which are ted e fromn a mort off epout whichb projectu over Jl them. Thers lu a constant .treamn et spliters and ilth-Ilike pleces ef wood faf-i llung from lb. spoultl to fed lb. sames. Av To the meuth ef Vancouver on gall a hiji are lb. residentli district. know is og ranv e, Firvewandshaugbnessy o a magnisfcent view ali over Vancouver, s and beyond Burrard Inlet,. the harber. to North Vancouver muid the mounitains'. bitwent you gel to Vancouver. sheren puaton e 10,0 Chnamnen re ber g> liget numabers They re employed co when going through a goed residential fia dit . i ave seen a (hnaman cerne ne oui f tie k lt-hn door oni toe Lss on Vernah. >usy on some domestie duity. re The-y go ab.out. some of them,. au char. pa meîn-do in th>e East, and they get Si ve a day f--r such work They are liked ah better than the Japanear. au they seem Ab to le bei i workers The. Jap boy knows Le the o n. ork h- can do and libe ald Thi <'hme6 j -~ nun U*lvi -down town that nlIght I completely for- Tat.CPI.wl ul oe ngocat epo ,.eea h. br A new zinc plant it to be buit i ge oktee ic.J Nelson, B. C.) . Near Cranbrook the hay crop i t o fR r e a r ,urn ito A TOtabytRESndId. ONJ There are 582 telephones ln Ne] il? lflhl ~son and 12,626 in Yancouver,. Bui SH ~UULThe assessed value of real estat --. in Leth bridge is $11,336,000. BIUT MR 8. H EFF F0OU ND A establshedi Fernie B.C ( LiRE IN DO0D D'S MI D NEY H. F. McKinn on is putting up i o PILLS. 20,000 building in Revelstoke. rILLIt1 is compulsory to dly the Unioî o -- Jack over the Reveletoke schools. o he snifered from Rheumaîism, The streets of Ladysmith are be. r Neuralgia and other symptoms o! 876,mcaa1zdata0epns Pie18e maRidnee strong alney A complte watr syrtm for V P~cveril Vaudreuil Co., Que., in Abera thia yea a tange han Oc.2 (Special>-One more of the eveor before,. ti, pain-wrecked women o! Can- The city o! Vancouver mailed last aa lias founid relief and new lite Weey 35,000 tax notices. The post- ln Dodd's Kidn>ey Pills. She age cost $350 Mrs. Jos. C'heff, of this place, and An attemnpt is being made to êtart ehe neier tires of t-elling ber neigh- , home for young women in the city bors of her wonderful cure or sing. o! Vancouver. ing the praises of the good old re - It is reported that the C. P. R. medy that brought it about. w.ill build a steel steamer for cer- 'I suffered from> Iheumatism, vice on Okanagan lake. Neuralgia, Violent Headaches and The governmnt has ordered the Palpitation of the Heart,' Mrs. city of Chilliwack not Vo dump its (hef! states. "Mv back ached. raw sewage in the Fraser river. was always tired and nervous anduJ s uoe that 6,000 Douk- I had weak spells. My doctor told hobeors wil settle on Anarchist me t jut rst bt tat a imountain, a few miles west of! meate culnt estu that reai ju Greenwood. thet cueI oothers edo, t tir igo The most extensive irrigation tho durs ofidneri]s ldm ety work lu B. C. ls now in progreass From' thdey firs.oetehle near Kelowna in the Okanagan val- me.m Ih soonet dmy be andltard ley. e. to donlt myriay hbedwodtr- At an elevation of 4,000 feet, per- "I te omodin ar twevewor[ fect strawberrlea are raised on the IDoo Kine aIl twd bxes of mountamn west o! Greenwood, B.C. healt isexcellent Ircmed ewstrhave boub fhrui ansd women"rw>fl rone near esadyemitca' fering w om en. It is ehar ed a Pr n e R p t .e that the law prohibitory of gambi- A FLAMIN M NAI. ng nabig systematically violatedi Was Set on Fir by Llghtuing mil a g ra are0 ponsipof Early in AUgRat. from the. Zgg Ban Oraro p.ed The Simmenfluh a mountain near Sarda to V'aaoouver.r t îpiez, in Switzer and, was set oi ol up> womnen are the lat. lu re by Iightning on August go napeg. Two colored Om ne as been buruing ever uince. Tlu iity attacere a mans on t tre < aming mountain, or rather iange, aD rOlieved hlm of $20 resent.sea extraordinary ans Two trapper.aeul ~ rivd a earance that people comne fromn ail (iden front~ the ~rJ iecountry ron to eieun largo 1bear e&isu dtota 10te ytime the. Doutain a umberr of other val44 > <ID oDo side of~ i, the ginet 2~. ~ *içjoooare overhung with a thlek pal!.  bu.1 ight the. mountain looka just C 3 the dleg! *suvi#s do.. Ãn fuli erupticpWn 0 sud begh. vcsuhea of lire eau b. seen mes swlftly dceending thse Coul- A oo ofI ttesn rs, while hugo fgory boulden r * *O. neendVy 's ln equently rattle dowu, of course ISé 14>k of pelloans, a bird rare , îtting uoomething freush slgttiii eouutrgr Thsey disd noV get heee thyeetJ. One tbn illt u ht hich has ted the fitmes extraordi.aCE~< hear receutj yii. iele s, ad leave, lus of pl aae freuratr 0IO OI mi t uno ohn th rnountdep ! ~ nhre pundng uer sutn ~ r urbeigl acmusible. • dain rAugus bowed ts .fud metes, must havea bna faoriter overf thertoare h etemn dred thchis whavch to ted ~ iiattlo l~ùh u1- fuge on atain l mountain e. ~dl sture) not very far away, but >' SON SLEEP ry much lower downs than 'these Ca, Eai!3 b end. 1l y animal. generally care to comne ti îout a hundlred of them ma now> "Up b en g, en, p. ust asi thywee8 ma n bo I es~ habit of uaing . nervos at.-s suddenily lapon l zuble saoees. la ot do miy wog~ th s-cen mi bore of them are horses muid aîany.who eas ung ouie a IRIs just a Ubiin.e coolie chant (blue. Une- bhnt yea r SI- , pl ace w a . advantage be worth a Anothier a formed by doo. Thi they are - lurbani. pink. uoum bow- I dont sa. The the troney Uinster y at home i lng away way back the differe fent cao' the most Tery~ owa r black-bea CToming saw momnet symteth ~etrees holas-bolu spot ther --- largo it h ---Aaled on * mi en aure one nlght, Tne eba1 was bumos.. The Iames in a solid sheet lb greilnheud Ib wle dm o Good.bye for the. present, P. 5- have opened this to eiain that Z have carrled this letter around is m, pohet for a weeb. You see. I wrcote I, °n eleot°o day. and ID lbe excltement s i I WIIAT TW W21TE1U PEOGPLE P'rogress ofa Fie Great West Told la egg Pome The. population of Duncan is 7aI. A bank la Vo be opened iu savona. -Peanuts are now grown in Lillo- y aIeep Jlif g gbts lu resdeg. fWld with th futre. aîed that pog,- W ht abte Sigyl 'as aisn absogt. Sgoosd lortigg 5 year I b*g* a day and nO- a bions at n iI 1- eetrat nnr atla oteheln Ã¥tne eluments. 9 aetnbeenimae a 6-ouncebo and ib ls rady for use. under nd waill s<inmehom lui the U. S. and Canada than ay othe o o u bre r. T o gem ine isguaran ee - tunded. Certifcaet on ormo~ ey bas Fluz orwl CHILD CAN LIGHT IT WITBO UT DANGER. Invention Whioh Will Panalyze 01l1 Trade-Mlade From Any Minerai 011. A.London Express representative, sittiug in the drawing-room of a Southi London villa was suddenly startled by tho cailm statement of! hi bost, "I ain going to knock this lamp over," kAn ordinary cheap lamp, of the kudthat may be safely guaranteed Siteen Osaoee of the 4s$.w.g b Coiagh Re.medy for 60e g a w etd sef LPas eenn cong in ay. ,wjkh omemade 'enmiga jes gv. yu1 Ounies-a family suppy-t tu ynei ,cogh remedy that iflney could buy, at a ofe114.wln so P ryeay toipm pare, ?inez ,oolie, n M s 1h nlae membrane with remnarkable.h inn^dty I s t m u a s . eb , a p t a s g î l a z a . plse, 81 and a theo -o Idensr "pm lu~n bes. fo ru il 'r Il y if w d y- LU a il a ah number of newspapers. In tact, thrn were aill. rhenaterals for a orough going domestio fire B t he u t o I p va s up s o t ai ran fo ard ca , gn conac ti e a p , n g hte d a I n i b le e u tise fane. BURNS WITH STEADY LIGHT Tise lamp ws uot filed withs ordiary parfi, but with pri do ail ela. that paralin shsould do,. [t looks lik. pa.radin. I> urmells lk. a, though the.-scent ,is nlot so roug. IV hurns with a -steadhly, ilar light. But~ culdcan ight a esucerful rdinar dangerous .11isqus, T UR P E N E y j rjQ On. oays however, a friend om- ented os bise feb tisat tise muni- markale. likenes. ta Vtapenthl, w as tested, mnd found taoperform 1 t s e f u ct oa o ! t r p e utin e. babance. ni by-produCtcan be put os tie arket at les.sbisan half tise puc turpentlue, whichis La su o pe . ve materis!, sud oven tises it ave oodusa 'of proV. h e iuveDator to pizêtidsslt 1 t _a il-tt gggg. JSIS butitofb disi uo vepalatable, lunhen t wrkthoa who coarry outg buyt bo Nit *fo~ Y ., t. There is ix rook. a lu et lran breno itt o. 'with him. Hie care Dogai toawork boîtte to keep 1V hot and probahîy never heard of a fireless cooker, for he is only a hod carrier, but he'hias devi'sed a means by which his colki ooffee is rapidly heated Vo the boi1' ing point. Ae boon as the whistle blows to quit work at noon this inventive son Ef s nIal goes to the street sand. In the centr'°e h il oft h flask with the screw top loosened aufficiently to let the steam e - cape. Abou-t It ho places to r three pieces of un&Pe limwo orn which ao llewater ispured T which ia packed closely aod b bottle.-yaonth Within a few momnents the water begins Vo take action on the imr and it is nlot mnany more minutes before the cof[ee begins Vo steam. Ten isowner rmove et ip nh lim au adf, n burned hlm, he argued iV hbautl be Free Sample of Cuticura Olntment Cured Baby's Skm i m That- the Cuticura treatment lsa tho most succestful and economical for torturmng, disfiguring affections of thie skin and scalp could receive no more striking proof thtan the re- markable statement made by Wil- lham Whyle, 325 Tudor road, Lei. cester, England. "A cample of Cuticura Ointmnent cured mny baby's face. She ha h moasles whien on. year old, aud it left ber with a very scurfy forehead and face. It was very irritating aud would bIeed when she scratched herself. I took hon Vo thse doctorn and he gave ber somne ointment. I tried it and iV did no good. One lb.osend fo a apeoCui cura cintment' I i so, used it Aithougi Cutieura Soa an Ointment are sold throughout tbc world, those wiuhiug Vtnfr raelaes, itchiugg, burga, eclni snd crustinlgs, f rom 3itaney to mgo may send to the. Patter Drug auj Ciiascà Corp, Dep 9W, Bostong U... for a lier. trial o! eaeh, its2-page Outicura B&skr an au: thority on akin and scalp afectliong. Safe investmenpts hiing broad mar<efa re valailable for a jaggdiygjudl desir- ous of placing surplus furrds 1o oblain, a satisfactory return af itsf-4!/ per cent. to 6 per cent. There is every advaniag in buyn standard bond urvhich are readily mar- kefable and on n'hich income is regu-. larly received Thi company oters Bonds of such character. The prospective inv'estor may be thoroughly informedadmp personal3 irnvesergate these securifies by haiin ou Satistial Deparment sub- mitth tsuo for spea prpsesa fursh. p CORPOPJIOmm-MTE OUTRAGE VTUJ A Ia.wyer muade a hard fight for '? -' U. a clieut who was charged with 'C stealing 816.50 from the cash draw- er of a saloon. andi succded in having hlm acquitted. "Now," he said, "how are you going Vo raiese some mnoney for me fon getting you out of this?" Thse defendant grin- - ued in Vise -bland manner o! the in- .- nocenb. "I've etill got that six- CNAAB8N8COLG teen-fifty," he gaid. "You infer- CANAAM NMs o.L nal scoundrel," exclaimed Mn. ONE OF AEIAN.GETs Johnson, "I thought you were in- Over 2,000 he. Essltln0BOsl a nocent. Haud it right over." FOW eé uselps Som othdean j stiîed;. . BHANN, fro TRY MVRINS EYE REMEDV Meos Jaw. aesten. FRa< IMITIl. tt,, ton Red, Weak, Weary, Wateory Eyes Bkkr. wihel ltmitia Oc.. RotapoSsu andorarnulatedyefds.MrineDoesn't ont Ftosica annanson»~ s5°n.ut aamBpr Aptie Tubes, 26e, 11.00. Eye Books lh saais t bme h ovr Wo perlnnum f WAY BE SAW IT. ,<i yo1u sei your vote 1" erN casne.I liked for that fel.- "B'ut I understand h. gave you $xo0 'taine noa mor'n atural to like hhIs, Ig h-t" Comtort for the Dyppg I. ut, afime ara £Aml PAngs FOR saLg OR AuNr 5* wa'ars0s b armOsua me. bte um a f arm,, consuai you wom e et &m.Cus era *' e,*rt amui wIbowuq -, te, je liii tonus "$ure. quakJ removed by Bau WNTEREdEDOU. too ~1#1 b.d use. 5531