IRICES 0F FARI PROMUIS LLIIORTS P111 MTIE LIE-à DING TRADE CENTRES 0£ Ail LIICI. bashekong River st 1.30 o'clock i river. It wae suggestmviz ue Thursday morninig by Captain j umped off the brig verVieh- Brock Patten of Port Arthur. bashekong River, but Vier. iE no brother-in-law o! tise deceà sed. curirenti to carry the body midtway, after he had dragged tise little river between thse bridges. 961e' for some tîme. CapVain Batten norýMr. BeatVtex- Thougb the mystery as Vo the amined the body to find any marks fate cf thle missing teacher has o! foul play or any note of expiana- beea solved, the mystery as te how ViôiL. forcesauinmoned the town te pur- render. The Turkish authorities retused, and thse Admirai theu $ave thein until 6 o'ciock on the mpru- Youlig Folks ing of the 9th te make up ir minds. The Turks paid no at ten- tion Vo tlii&e and wheri the time limit expired witbout any 'iyord about capitulation f romn the Turks THE S191NY PENNY ¶thse Admiral ordered Vhe warships Pennies wcme vcry wonderful to bombard the fortifications. The hings to six-year-old Sandy Bar- sbclling by the sbips lasted onl's a ton. Sometimes the v were brigbtl short time, and then tise rop8 and 8hiny, sonietinnes tbey were duli ' were landed. Tise moment tbey and row, bt awav thy wuld disembarked thse Turks made a fur- bu.y a stick o! eandy or a currant lous attack, but were reputaed, bun. But one day hie father bougit: and 4,000 Italians were grad"I~ly bim aà bank, a fat, good-natéuredi landed on Guileania Beach,! al- fr'og, w-houe wide moutb atc up though the resistance of the TS!rke, peniesfaser hanSany hd eerwho were aided by the Arabs,con- f apennit ter .ha a.y a v t tnued to be active. "Now, my son," eaid Mr. Barbon. - LDEER FIb DAD "your snoney goes too fast. Feed 0 - DRR O"%DD4D thse pennies Vo froggy, an-d they'll grow and grow, until you have The Lighthouse Reeper Kilird on somno money for Chirîtmas." rie Island. &o the f rog was fed almost daily, A despatch from Sault ýSte. and fecding bini grew so interesting Marie. Ont., says: A party of Vo tandy that bo ran on crrands, hunters, wbo arrivedcl ere on iFr- and becamne a moet obliging child. day aft.eroon f rom the nortis Wben thse bank was almest f ull, and shore. tell a strange story cof ivisat frçggy could noV eat much moreI la belicved to bu Vhe murder o! Bandy found a bright, nùew, &lilY Robert Forbes, a lighthousekeeper penny on-.p.i6 front doorsteps. Now on pie sland, t'wenty-five miles it . sa, ays the mule tha.t Sandy from Fort Williami. Forbes' body sisould ishow hie . fourd" pennies wa.s found in i&i station on th» Isi- o Mr. or Mrs. Barton, but thîù and witb tise bead be.tered in. 'Tisom timne Sandjy just popped the penny subsequent finding of the bodies o! en into the bank, and soon forgot. ail two Indians, who had died lifter about iV. .P drinkiniz wood alcohol, is belipived ~ That. evening, when Mme. Barton Vo explain the murder. It bas came home, se looked very grave. been determined thaVt the alq'ohol "L'u afraid'I bave lest that five- was taken f rom the lightbouse,: and dollar gold piece yen gave me," se Vhe police believe Vise Lndiazns kili- m said te Mr. Barbon. "0 dear, and ed Forbes Vo geV aVtishe liqtuor, i's herder te buy Chisitmas pre- wisich Vhey hougist wa-s gno4 t0 sente than ever thie year 1" But drink. Thse Indianse evid¶DVl1y tse' asidnothing about sornething drained P. gallon cask o! thei poi- whicb treuÃŽ%Icd ler more-the maxi- sonous liquid. Bloth 'were found ner In Wbuch iî. lest it. lying aide by side. with the eilmpty w Tiý se aa (u'.> .sçêvv asak between thins. neyer hurry before s"trabut_______ one momning Mr. Barton eaid, "IIVs time Vo buy tise preeenta. GeV your GREECE'MÂY DECLÂRE IVÂR. bank, Bandy sou." i Thse littie,.fellow trotted off, and iIoblliziitIon o! Turkleh Troope a came back witis Vie bank in bis menace. han the crew w aken eut et A deepateis frein Athens, *ays : lits bânk, -sud thse aides f el &part ove reeks are beooming eziited i- tw -pieces, a little ehower of! rtise mebization of Turkish ponulet lingled eut, and tisere, g1ît- troops -ou the froutier. Mr. !Gry- tering in thse midat o! themnail, Pari>i, eMinuter of Forelve Af- ,day tis birgistest coin you ever faira, in ekin about this 1at- sa«. tsiy en er on F ~Y, "id if BUClI Iork "Thre" myý ainypenv. a- continues Vt". Qreek Govermmert0 tisr 1 shute Sndy <'sn' utVii be !orced Vo abandon î sat- - r.4 IK £OUfl ~ ~4h. titude o! reserve, but wiii 4wai = 1 tond t e tb trc Lbtheopening of parjiUMent eor Mrs. Blarbon had bout over and taking any deciai»vo Mearea picked iL up. I "IVa' my fivedollar gold plec," ENNPAI6BO . se "u, alowiy. "I must have BE NPR8BO9 'idropped if. *à I stood en thse stops W. are Most sasuredly to Vi wth the. paper boy; aud because tse alun,. clinging draperies !thse1 1 questioned hunso ibard, ho neyer firet empire.a came agaa." Lun the taller ade walss' (b. "Bmndy," mid his fatiser, stera- trlmming isasevere aud 0c8siual 81.14ta Si.. LIVE STOCK MARKETS- Montre&,l. Oct. 24.-A tew choice North* West steers sold at .$5.65 te $5.75, but the bulk of thse trading doue in top grades was at $5.50 ta $5 60, gaed at $5 ta $à 526, medium at $4.60 to $4.75, and common at $3 to $4 per cwt. Goad butcheaa eews brought tram 84.25ta 84.50 and medium 82 Vo $4 per cwt. Thea donand for milch cows i. very good at $55 ta $75 Ver head for gaod te chaice milkers and at $25 ta $55 for common anid medium. Sheep, ewes. sold at 3 i-Z ta à 33-4c, a.nd bueha and culle aRt 2 1.2 Vo 3 1.40 er lb. Lambe, weighing tram 80 ta 85 Ibs.,.braught 5 Vo 5 12c Ver lb. -Chaice heavy calves 815 tu 820 eaeh, sud the commoner ones ai fram $3 ta $10 each. Sales af seleted hags were niade at 86.25 ti,$6.50, sud heavy lots at $5.75 te $6 per ewt., weighed off cars- Taronta, Oct. 24.-The butcher cat.tle aold at trom $5.50 to 85.75, but there were not mapsr ut that level. Goad stock went trom>.75 to 85.25. with common as law s 5 * ood ta choicescows old fr a¶5tu $5. and common to medium at e3 HeaRvy Leeders are stili wanted at trm~ 50 t as higli as U520 for smre- thing af exceptionel qeality. Cannera brou4st tram 81L50 to 82.00. Thse market for c aLies is stronger. Tise rangeofo prices la b-om $5 ta 88.7à each. There in littIe inquiry for po: stock. Sheep qre ateady. Bous. *5.90 Lo.b. ansd 8&15 ta 86.35 ted and watered. CHARGE MAYV BE MURDER. Fatal Termlnatlon to Drunken Orgy at Moutreal. A despateis frein Montreal, says: Her face blue, ho: body sweiien, blood stains on ber clothis, sud (- the. b.d covers-tsie a. Vise con tien in which Vise polio. fouud Mr WS. Dooit, as se lay dead on tI bed lu qa lnéidlittle roum -is, (brd fioot at 72 tnspect Street on W.dnesday moranng.IH 0705 bleai4', hie broatis eavy, mca .ed ln the midet of vb.ukey -,ar heer bi e, -eaddrunk-4hîs ,W 4 tise condtio6à n aW"sics ey loua ber husband, viso sprswled onue footr at lise foot o! tise bcd. Th mmitbs bemu lokod up pouding a rnvlsVgatlo, a (brewas »«Vt wound ou the'm ieac APPIL&niNU 130GEORGE. Uire" Cim .ShIPe4Fr>m Quebe Adesp"ti f ýmXen*utra, asy -LAsM wëek X.L . WShepherd, o Oo8notba" sippedthre Cames0 f*moos ppl. o Englsud On -.» it fo« KingGorge, s»Othe lii oord vith Ur. Shepherd'- "slm we unmm lm. wbsn th' lo. U . Madl 048 ic'*o .o ! tissu er., luR IIILET 811T1'8 BOBI I Pate of thi e iingrDÃŽUons Port -Sohà 1ol Teaoher lade Plain., A despatch f rom Party Sound her lifo w&3 cnded Iayt b aya: The body of Mis Violet cleared up. Thougl sicdhm mthof Toronlto, the ; ieteen. media.tely suggestS it8elf as à à 'é'- year-old achool tea<ber at Dillons planationl, it is undeiitîOOd;t1ha ý parb, who disappeared f rom the trucks leading Vo the place oËPp home of Mr. Peter Ramisay, whcrej the spot in the river whero 4h.O Çhe vas boaMing, on the mornin% body vas discovered werOdîscýru- o! October 9, at 7.30 o'clock, was ibie. There is then solDe uncertnftY brouuht te the surface o! the She- as to how Miss Smith got into1 the ýriceso!o Cattle. G raIn. Cheese I and Otiser l'roduce al Hom 1 sipd Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Taranto. Oct. 24.-Flor--in.*er w eat. 0 per cent, patents. $3.55 ta #J-60. Mont- ,al treight. Mlanitoba ftars-F'rst pot- bts. 85.40; second patents. 84.90; and rang bakers', *4.70. an track. Tarante. Mauitoba Wbeat-New No. i Nartiseru, 1.08. Bar ports; No. 2 Northern. $1.06 1-2; nmd No. 3, $1.04, Bay parts. Ontario wheat-Na. 2 white, red and iixied. new, 86 Vo 87c, autaide. Peas-Goed milling peas, 92 te 95c. -ont. fide. Out-Ontaria Na. 2 at 43 te 44c, ont- 14de, and No- 3 at 42e;, car lots ef Na. 2, -n traeh isere. 47c. Na. 2 Western Can- ada.- 48c. alad Na. 3, 47c. Bà y ports. Barley-Ne. 3 extra, 87 to U88e. atide; and No. 2 at 90r- autslde. Corn-Na. 2 amerivan rcllow. 75c, Bay porte. Rye-Car lots, outaide. 77 te 80o for No. Buckwbeat-No. 2 at 55 te 57c, outoide. Bran-Ilanitoba bran, S23.-tus baga, To- ronto freigisi. Shorts. «25. COUNTRY PEODVCE. Âpplea-Winter stock, $3 ta $4 per barrel. Beans-sinaU lota f ai to "280p«ebushel. in tins. 10 laticMper [b. ta «»ub.*8 to P.7 Esied Uay-<o. i at $15 to $16. ost track. 5.led strW-#.5 to $1, on tract, Té- IeSto. Peiatoei-(aw lot*. in bat0i me te $1. pultry-bleoss, Ili o pv lb bas Ul to 1fr; dueke, IU t. ho; trksys. Mk Live pouItU7about te Iowr lb-as ,Dm, "! oa rsitao Itoi ILE ITUE GLOBE 11 A M. R. M. THES DUI F OONNAUamiT Ontario Succession IDuties Over a Milhior -T. & N O. Barninga Larger. A despatch from Toronto says: million, but in each ycar excep- With the close of the financial year. I tionally large estates were probat- stili two weeks away, succession ed. duties païd to the Provincial Treas- Another revenue increase is ex- urer have already p&esed the hop- pected to corne from the Temiskam ed-for million mark. The total ing & Northern Ontario Railway. amount received up to Thursday Hon. Mr. Mat.heson bas noV receiv- was $1,027,081, which ineans tha t ed--the figures, but he is lookinr. over $75,000 has been paid in sinco 'for the earnings of the Government 'the first of the mouth. Two of the line to corne up to the estimato. largest payments this month came Last year the estimate was $625,- from the estate of the late Andrew 0O0, whîle receipts were but $420,- Gunn, which returned the Treas- 000. For this year the Provincial ury $16,678, and that of the late Treasurer put the estimate at F. J. Phillips, which paid in $18,- $500,00, which.sum, it is -expected, 539. Ln two previons the will be turned over to the Pro- total o! succession duties was ove: vince. '«ii Apply for Anthority te Pierce Mount Royal. I-ETH A deepateisf!rom Toronto says: At tise forthcoming session o! the ~ - Dominion Parliament . Vise Cau- adian Northern Tunnel and Ter- OVERSTUDY. minai Company wili apply for au- Complaint is often- made o! tisority Vo construct and operate a scisools, especielly tise publie raiiway tunnel under Mount acheols that tise courses o! study Royal, Montreal. Tise cost o! Vhe are tee hard; Visat they tax tise un- undertaking ie conservatively cati- developcd brain of tise growing cild mated at *25,000,000, and in adldi-. at tise expense of! bis body, cven at ion tise -Cana-dian Nortisern Rauil-1tise expense of thse brain itself. We way is likely te spend a large suntbar o! t-he sasd case o! tise ambi- in improvement work arolaujd¶tious child, cairer- ' Canda <. Ey~reand -CANADAà (htIeri The new Parliament will meet cWu ~ovember 15. Five -persons 4re under treato -ant in Toronto for rabies. PBogue $4 bills are in cfrculatiOu Aonîthe Niagara border. Mr. Audrew Hewson has beé'n' :,ppainted postmaster at CobourAi-. Dr. Sproule, M.P., has, boen ;hoserk as Spêaker o! the House- cf ýranited a licefle Vo, do business bt.. ha Governuiepnt. - Montreal ehows a gross properW ssessb=nent of $499,926,049, wiVb ieiptions of $119,228.41'T. t is reported at Ottawa that Six. oras Tait ià likely o enter thI Mrvice o! theý Dominion as railwa., tdviser or ini sorne siiilar capacity*?$ A coroer's jury at Guelph- re- ýommended that men under V# t employed as raiiway b rak4 ion because tbey are too reckless. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Lloyd George has rernoe4 Lh objections o! frendly societÇeB Lo bis national insutance blill. In officiai cireles in London denl4 is given to the report circulated-où he Berlin Bourse that the arnnexa. tion o! Egypt by Englani wa- GENERAL. Serlous choiera riots broke out at Segni near Rome. The prospect of a speedy te ruination of the Turco-Italian wa is not favorable. The feeling at Pekin le that revolution will ho crushed à nd-.1 forms carried. Tripoli is being f ortified pre1ia'r tory te departure o! Italian wý, for Vhe interior. A CGENTLE REMP.ND ER. Sentries Prevent Publie Frontm U teriog Halifax Park.' A despatch f rom Halifax, N. -S. says: A remembrance of- Vhse ho the Imperial War Department~ on the property in Halifax CoRXI in an officiai notice to the Ma",~ that Tbursday the road entranu Vo, Point Pleasant -Park would,.- closed o the p:bJWio Èm-. à o' dock Friday night. The compauy lias been. notified not- ru-n their trams beyound Vhe outrancé o he park du ring the time srnifi Sentries and barriers wiUAe er ed at he entrances. Ocea yea 1 the Imperial autiorities cause dé rs to bo issued raking prov.i similar o the ûbovpýTéUtîng 'ý ail Imperial propert4r.or lansds owb cd or leascd by thé-I'mperiw alati Qrties. The walçÀ on the' Citade ,will aiso be siSfirly guarded. 1FACTORYAtLOWI< TO PIECEI Four ,euWero I]Wed Ne ar X -éa d Qobe took Of '» pie 1 says: Four zmen 've"r0 blcswWI z Y u- mVeins &ftVbeOuxtI* &Harve N*"W - XPlosives Factoryî four, miles f rein here, Mtno uTwagy The * ixing building;vent up 'elish a, terrific detonation a lew' Mýinutes - before noon f rom a cause 'as yet, unknown. Tise dead, aIL -younip- married mc, are: NaPoleOit G&stonguay, Wilfrid MallttO, d ward Segitin and Adeland Chevrier.. The enly signs o!fVise vitirAï* bodies found go far are an arn. oe efinger sud a baud. Thse build- ings rudioining tise mixer 'eBre bud-, ly siaken auud ail glass wais brokei. Tise propei'ty loss Vill ho coxusidc' able. OTTAWA CLIIS EURIJ pIsputes CemFigures.. A despatlh frein Ottava, SYs' That tisepeutOi o! Otawap asrepord bly iOeDomin --ncO»cr-' sum4&kCsr lfar .,.,..w*tise real: ~poput)ülOD o01the ciyl t'ho don- cvis StewartV, Tise nuÃnber givilfj the cenouazçturni s, 86e30.' 'Lut ~year *tIse *wtè m xadg- b"', xqmtmei't o en h at. uA-I Vn eenu a vis1oN - TlýE DUCHF-99 0F'ONNAUGNT - FOLL Queen Mary of I of (iermany, Worki Never bafore isuch a set o! se thrones of Euri brows seem to b the pale cast o0 most courts t<>-< preferred to fu being the case, now tu be soug past, in the ndý and the fraldty tent on alletia' ies, but ini the heads intenit on ferîngs of rnanh the modern wa3 justify lis existt public opinion. ltight In 4the throp:c endeai beth of Belgiun agro contracted price of!liem deç among the pool blonde bair h~ con.sequence of ourîs she wear, cover the deSi fashion in BeILI coiff ure . A ii( designed by K~ helpcd to bide Lt conisists ol mnonds f rom work of brillia forîning aceni f jeçwels f allil every BeIgian cop1ed the fas * QUEEN How cioselY gians cornes il of ber poorE the f ollowing aUme he a ren to the se trives to see i children bers ln looking - bh of BeIg over ber sisl a physician, phyaician. J of oBavaria, Two Philanl *s pends a gre QuSi U&nPtIV -As shfî ftuUr-laLryobolms la wrapam fn tel %c; do a.. ualun pd... 1l to De. (b-tam «e7 quoW at 0* o Us V«r M. f« oURLa sud a le SnoM oItU" B"eA-IUtti saslaid . aits ai, 24per 6%ua.s asie cbus.-I.rgs liUnar»b, UNad Is i Uaes I*bun. t, 1* II4aper -lb.6 mt>it iJêumo *Mùmeni#0 t o Il Ati de.1 * 1 » " I s.b W2MA& sas0olt t M1 la *4 tu W&~ mus mu*