w on~cie Wfith WkO Whftby -gué-,-n Vt49 -140, 19 S B CONSERVATIVi9S IN SOUTH L.Tb BARCLAY Bêrrtr oit Law 'tiettocto totary Public, Spectai Euar. lIIrT crf #h HIhîï Cous& of 1 J &stce. %uccesur t Meusar. Dow & Mctiillivra) Brock Stret, Whltby. A. E. CHRISTIAN "irrister, Soitiot, lotari i>ublk etc.. 011e. brut door west of PI't OBOS moay t L.omm. JOHN E. FAREWELL, KUC., Bar- ONTARIO. Thse liberai Conservative, Conven- tion heli on Thursday iast lu thse Whitby muuic hall was not as mueis uof a love !east as bbe convention o! June 2o last, wùen Wm. Smith was ftise hearty and unanimnous choie of tise party. In the past Cisarlie Calier has becs just aa great a faverite for tise Pro- vincial Legisiature as was William -Smith in thse federai arena. But tinies have changed. To-day there 18, a big section of the eonstltuency who think that a mas troin tise town rinter, County Crown AttorneCy ana wouid lie o! nmore service tisan ose County Slilcitor. Offie South w ing from the farm. of Court House, Whitby. lle eLieprograis of the conven- - -- tion was flot a love feast ot harmony J AMES RUTLEDO E, Barrister, and satistactios. etc. Money to lban on easy ternis DrKasrcuethtobl. i Odine. mmediately Southb 01 Royal Dr. Kaise caae dthetrobe. is sald isai. th dounh.ydoctor has Hotel Whlby. nt. j bmseif aspirations arter Parliaimess- tar) or legislative honors, thougis 0. YOUNG SMITII, 1, 1, B . Bar- he snodestly dlsciaimed desire to step rister, etc. Money to Loan lss>u(r '01 in front of his friend L'harlie. But, usarriage Icenses. utbe- îuth's whether intersUonaaiy or otherwise, h5n-k. neit Lu Market, Whev. 1wPut the fat in Ute ire whesi DENTAL W. A AMSDentist, Office, Dus- ha 8reot RaidencO No.. theb VercByron St., Whltby. l>honle 4>0. lis. ÂUOrIoNEILMU AUCTIONEERI jas. Blshop, Oshawa. Lice'shed Auc- joncer. Siaccessor to L. Ãgdlrbalà kb l'o ternisand dates apPiy te self Or te' 3.Robb, Whitby. LICUNSED AUC IIONERU A94D VALJATrOR. a Ail kinus o1 sae» promptly at nded go. ArrangCIflCSts an lbc made for %ales at the Gazette office. Terme reassonabie. Beoll TelePhoise. WIITBV. ONI. OOeTSAO L0O8 J.eI1CWELL JAMS Carpenter, 1u.ider and Contractor. Plans drawu and estimâtes fisrnisbed. Repairs, Alterattonsansd Jobtng. Oppust te Iphenson"$ Box467 WItIToY Phone 849 Marriago Lic.nse. lumoioarrI<01'ae V'ru*t drsq sétore, whlhv litE DOMINION- BANK B. . otM P.1,PN.ld.Bt. W. 0 Mattb.wa,VloeUPruSSISt C. A fSog0 B I Maarnz.. CaPtal,$4t,oO,OO0. Rsre$.O,0 Total Assets, .6a,500,ooo A Branch of tht. Rank bas beecati>- ltshed lai London, England, ai .73 CORNItILL, B. C This Branch ill imtae Letters of Credt and Draits on ail importantl pointstsa Canada, segottats Bille sent for collec- titou.make .tegraphic tmoefets, md, trz.asacteyry orlptlon of bankleig bue tassa îs(omatio'v 0*11 b. Iurntubed on ail Camdk t Uems A spWoll depsrmeni wtll be provsd. for the.ego of, vislte# *ad bWatrm of out-Lettmr of Credit. WIIITBY BRANCM. 'ho o nt a for.ým S bu" 1 lirpio"14lthe ot1w he upset Uhc deliberately pi gramn of the Executive Cosi The Comnsittee had plat thse procedure o! thse lasti whîch worked ouf. sat sbould bu toi-lowed. Tis was that al nomin.ation dates should be by ballot aIl names su prcsented sis< fore tise convention and be on. Thse nomination ufthei receiving a snalorfty of the would b. then mnade unsal Dr. James Mooïe ontrat o executive rut. when Prestu Bright aaked forta motion, thse procedure sugated.,,f words pasd between tii.ÃŽ men. Then Dr. Kaiser «M Plausible speechthSt tiseý uhould be offered to Chas.i a yen assd nay ballot. Tb save nisacistins., a"tdW'aso Mir. Calder, wio -bai been ard bearer ofthtie larty for madie a motion that liser be offered tu Mr.' adr Mr. A. W. Jackson repli, Kaiser, uhowing tie Weaknu fairnesa -of thse suggestion M~ visen the motion W"a put tO lssg it vas Carred-. The ballot wu Ilion taise restat tisat th, -vote ,tuodA 92 agai, ntsd two spoUie Another notiqa W 'maus Ination unAnftnoita aowed1 Pouiion tû 1fr. Calder ecria Ouhawa dshslumtts, vitis gateà front Eut Whltby. a Port Perry, would not comn Caldet's selection. 'l'bere t.Jktnc, msny ititerruptosi deckdedir hostileima iidix lns the meeting. Mr. Wm. Smth vas cati mpeak. ler.ee d ec a ot o dinlelo.exo ianks o1 tise pe.ty. lia pi hartmsY, ad tearedt taI vas belng iaJured by tooi =»a. Il they stood togetia wus theira; I t! fviddOd" thffl. Dr. Kaiser wua set W &Wt h. iauuehue « Plu tise cause of IM . &w& to Mr. Calder. Tbva u thast the tows s ý M coaslderatioa If rnq*tefd f roin lse tov a vsIod I ed la ad"ocUas t l. atero urbaa oomamles. 11"Ias Point out t tbte 0 a * thse Province of Ontadtobot monto MW usd ùtosi, wilh tMon 01 4 0W.t Ibuam iy deait vItisby »Y oc WW osveet to Wladso ,;ý.j coSs»40 s*iua*,t.9 %,' 1p bydroe.cde vumsot aw Ilse seaera flottuae t tia Kime ~are4, ««w eà *t was mmore uu w eb l otia thne -iowramt -' v ise cabia., vsitb "ptW If Mr. C*u! vouli ugaN bb ml»* t* un " Md e hei w Ianned pro- uittie. mnd that convention, tistact.orily, s procedure à ut candi- ttt 5 o'clock. p.,n. Twerity per oen*t t, and that i~ o e n a l-J ould .go Wle s >îes on M ) t r lg h sub-Town lialiLooks Fine. coneatonThse soutis watl ofthtie town hall Moushabureceived another coat uf paint éSOUS. , û i ti n . f ê and. now looks, quite respectable. 1fr. soripohtion.s after, ainerstates tsat Somaxt at nj'd(-a-iy. .paint;':mandt::t:It wimpssbe o Rptd bacuat. Hoe had adviSed tlio Property aocat 0Q'ile, Caherbyshouli lira hbave beens a.pled to- the. 'rirs but M avle #a tt M l 0u - nly ët our~è f four years il thée party BUP-.. d,-Tise second çéat <pitwhi M y ii. s tn porte i h l ni r? A 5La k ee Y' makinr ise i oof c ati t, o ily yeare Re fr. Calier replIed tisat this was anu ito made a, odcfi inwrovonient, l tise Domination unfair and usmp.niy question. Ths aaed. aýiabmne of tise buildiPg. -hZveh, tis -Party sisoûld bu allowed to say viso chimnieà on tIerofhave beau paint-. Lcd to Dr. Its candidaté shuld bu. Ail hu could Publisisers and printers reprextlng ed, Tiseý tom liaI ha becsri-ïeat.Iy ues ansd uA say la rePly to tise- nomnationuff0ereti newspapcra 01 tise ake shor4 toWns lnproVed by tise pa iîtlng b aiste>.- sii;bthlm -by. tise vote of thse ieeting iras j roniPcenn n 1eire o o1IeIf& iî.ya. tb.à howasin iseisada < ilsjbourg cil the eUt, met iw tise tous1 of uaoai [<BoPWMsainVl»I i lus l-Id&y t VlT1 !S -o ôf4 I s.a<rtui>W.i1eî T~W2d4lt Ls$bore ý.egA~a~s4 otle î à dloted ltaI Ii ouli taiSe a'siarp "ela4a. Ibe aolluwlng goitl6olitog vP9_ e be. no. revem"et' brn&-to -bring, the party vere préseDt_: 'M. A. -janme BO ted. The. Mesur. Cuvah aid ,ýPediar, cf PI; c.Jit>* O O$ZM ;mot, *Md cf r. Cailderea canddature, and ad- joëý- éà rý4o eP4 d glh lnt-t t. ircalg ie nonination 'o0-,,a m'ina4V184tdlUn'ttJIeP u pat 4 rVi~ vasff imci vie vtil hae tie Iteresa cftise CQbourtL ,WtI rld Wis, C< -an asa a towu more aI heart: If Mn. Calder bourg sent5~t ~wk-. Jw*tsOn>ttaga 1 4 t. A1 1 at t iI92 vm bd attitude vwu tse caddate cisoéen tlsey ould Q5llWt& VtIIlcpt<ur ý - ba. mul~iyeiap t.rtfot&s92 es0 support hlm, isovever. Mn. Pediar de- Oku Eofotasr ; OC. oodiet l- ed Upi o bcd tisa*"visite tise olde menwcl w.Oi, Wb tby- OuetWcChrouiele, -Johnt ~ 0*i 880sgY *ist StaUd by tish ile of the convention, *ttkatr. PieWag, News,; Samueitl $01 *We la lis.*misere Mer 20young coflVatfl ituuscrmr, Part Pl>rry star.Ã" u -ýI_îo l MME< for OMMva .is oud not bho brougi' Ti e tling Wuas b.nthe a tti el T thse party klut iseto support 1Mr. Cahier, aazd ikuowma êspt.udldly ccnducted . p'.t,,- mwsc s ues If b. remalned ta tise f i» b dektat petaibue bUl . Wj4 1) ll or, « vlloy aspredlct.d. 1fr, KL . AJaieso appotated ~ laIN14 aat Dr. Ka«*isebppea *teW b. Oshava <,lstrna and lMt.C. .A. Go sheow, 4 xyfroe'o$ol deleatio u at ilabo lia. on tg thi U<7 0 Is ~ r* > st~ eIed o, ooum",#Aid meved agalniaI it m Aftler dctiflhjo *a rs dd I âallons 09 esntonb mi s.smu. efeaOIut or»Udtouo, 'he obecla 0<1 On% .IM~~iw~ cer oe Me i o efuasmode uppttse se-tibro<~ ÃŽyaMa14 l~ dM«tai fomermtoy, Il nuieain have lieusi s.lierit bçasa moylzd .1 tiserailw Tiie 1 1 7,1*1lu Cop bl NW<e mmk (ed.Wh «dtiare bcbg2 ,1 porin».esa- lot ê.r mâ. -bueb% »Ad et a aî weiton wMt. vêt Mre.e e M 0as. Ueiai*) V $tu- NOVEMJ1~ 2,Ç911-OA. 'GooDPILow, Edl2o Ihllowe'a aty. Nothc! The- first voting periodi nt hl Votiîog A M st rignal andenoyable Ha- ' Young Peuple s Asbociationt in the *schoî-rom utAil ainvsý. Mrs. Verry was a charming Migtress of Ceremon- les, and licv. Mr. Barr filhed the ruie ut Master in his inimitable styIe,.x There were several simple games, tduring which everybody got acquaint- Jed and feit at hume. Then thse [un centered about an immiense grab-bag, filleul wsth saw-dust, way into the depth o! wisich ecUsof thse youn& people tremblingly tbrust her hhnd and drew out a smali souvenir, -which predicted what ose's future was to be. We ail know & thimAble meana thse independent 111e of a "bachelor girl,"' and a ring a "live-bhappy-evcr-.of!ter" future, with added "wealth" tu thse lucky one who drcw thse shinlng nick- el. Thse boys took tura nitis too, 'because they aiso have futures-Duoo tur, Lawyer, Imulan Chier, Risk Mail, KPour Man, Beggarman-no thief there. There was aiso popping of curn and tufiy pulling. Who cuuld bu bashhul ani formai ?-and every- one enthus- iastically votLII the Hallowc'en party of lte Young People's Society a great 1succesis, and anxious for a sequel. IThe A.Y.P.A. comprises ail tise young people of the. .towna, irrespective ut denosuifatlon, ami mets every two ,.weeks ;nexi meeting la to be uf a- literary nature, W be beld on Tues- day, Nvmber 14i.oi 011010E AT LAWLECRB' Now is the time to buy Hyacinths, Tulips and other-flowering bulbs for outdoor and indoor planting. As usual, we have a good assortment of bulbis of first çlass quality. Hyaolnths, single or double Colora, Red, White, Yellow, Pink and Blue, 5c each, 5cc doz. Tulips, asingle:- Culots, Red, White, Tulipe, double .Colors, Red', Whbite, lfixed LCrocus CbInese Saored LilleS Lllum Candldum Yel!ow and Pink, 2oc doz., $1.25 per 100. YeIlow and Pink, 2oc doz., $1 35 per 100. ioc doz., 6oc per îoo. Large buibs, loc each, 3 for 25C. $1oo pur doz., $5 oo per i oo. A.Te LAWLER WHITBY ONT. PhoLe 47. Prompt delivery M 1twm To- ,a pqpw ;Ow.mo ta «*' oer to *wpoe- Notingitiertitan à a ew pote" of beau tiful frntf <wrs th hvie dNrHing iuer mothe, 0*ýî Apa'Itbe ltie e0o Eloctiofi Grand Contest Closes Sà ttjrd&y, Nov. 'liL (rom or"o by * dis- irte ing. 3fld * ten in - ry, vas t 5 z j e kiLs!! .4 -13ULBS